The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 178

Hearing this, Daigo Aoki couldn't help feeling the back of his head suspiciously and said: "Hey? It looks like they are obviously similar mooncakes, why is the taste so different?"

"This is also the most confusing place! Why are moon cakes made of the same material, but why is the difference between me and her so big?" Takumi asked in confusion.

"She?" Everyone was puzzled.

Tian Suohui said: "Takmi, you are talking about classmate Xi Yangxi, right?"

Takumi finally nodded and slowly said: "After that game, I was very puzzled. It was obviously just a moon cake. Those judges could have such a reaction and expression after eating, and then I took two pieces made by Xi Yangxi. After returning the moon cakes, she analyzed all the ingredients used in her moon cakes, and used her ingredients to make exactly the same moon cakes."

"The moon cake Aoki ate for the first time was based on Xi Yangxi's mooncakes. The moon cakes that Ryoko and Chuangzhen ate for the second time were taken from Xi Yangxi's cooking station." Takumi said. .

"Also... In other words, what we ate just now was the moon cake made by Xi Yangxi?" Ryoko Sakura exclaimed slightly.

Takumi nodded and continued: "The mooncakes made with the same material and the same technique are so different in taste! I have been thinking about it for a long time and this is why!"

After listening to Takmi, others also found it strange.Not only this place made everyone feel strange, but Xi Yangxi and Tacmi were full of weirdness throughout the game.

"Also... Maybe it was Xi Yangxi that she used any special spices, just like Xing Yaojun used spices to maximize the deliciousness of the rice bowl!" Yoshino guessed.

Takumi quickly rejected Yoshino’s guess and said, “It’s impossible. Catfish, beef liver, lamb tripe, and small red beans are originally four incommunicable ingredients... I checked it myself and found someone to authenticate it. Catfish Paired with beef liver, lamb tripe and small red beans, the dishes cooked with these two groups of ingredients are not only unpalatable and unpalatable, but the most important combination of them is poisonous!"

Everyone except Liu Xingyao was shocked.

"Yes... poisonous!!"

Then Takmi explained [Poison] in detail.

"The so-called poison is not the kind of lethal [poison] that can be called poison! Anything that is harmful to the body can be called poison. According to health and medicine, the general combination is heat + heat. That is, the yang + yang model. Excessive heat, the human body cannot adapt to it, so it is "poison". For example, when we eat fish fillets and white wine at the same time, this will form a big heat and the anger will rise. This is also called "poison" ]!"

"There are other combinations of cold + cold, that is, yin + yin mode. Excessive cold causes the body to contract rapidly, causing vomiting and uncomfortable problems. For example, ice cola plus roast chicken, popcorn and beer, this is a terrible combination. Eating these four kinds of foods will continuously produce a lot of chills, and in severe cases, it will cause paralysis...

After listening to Takumi's explanation, everyone began to understand something.

"Beef liver, lamb tripe, these are all [yang] ingredients, while the small red beans and catfish are neutral and mild ingredients." Takumi looked down at the moon cake in front of him and said: "Although these four ingredients It is not very toxic and does not pose much threat to the human body. At most, it is only diarrhea. But the combination of these ingredients is indeed a harmful combination of ingredients..."

"Wait...wait!" Yoshino was a little confused by this explanation, and asked: "I have no problem with you saying that these ingredients are toxic, but you just said catfish, beef liver, lamb tripe, small red beans It’s hard to eat something cooked with these four ingredients..."

"Even guys like Aoki would vomit things out when they ate them, how did those judges eat them? And if I remember correctly at the time, they shouted it was delicious! What's the matter?" Yoshino said on his head. Several question marks.

Chapter 246 The Mystery of Xi Yangxi

"How did the judges eat such a terrible moon cake?" Yoshino exclaimed.

The more they listened, the more confused they became, and the more weird they looked at the mooncakes in front of them.

"No... it's just the moon cakes I made. On the contrary, the moon cakes made by Xi Yangxi are not difficult to eat, but also have a special [magic power] in it! Don’t believe me, you can compare my moon cakes with hers. Eat and see!" Takumi said.

Except for Chuangzhen and Sakura Ryoko who had just eaten, everyone else in the house tried the mooncakes made by Takumi and the mooncakes by Xi Yangxi.Without exception, the mooncakes made with ingredients such as catfish, beef liver, lamb tripe and small red beans were unpalatable and spit out after eating tacomi, and when eating Xiyangxi mooncakes, they were all straightforward. After eating it, it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

"This...what's going on! Why are mooncakes made of the same material so different in taste?" Tian Suohui exclaimed.

The eyes of other people are also incredible and doubtful, but the only thing that can be determined is that Xi Yangxi must be different in approach.

Takumi couldn't help but sighed: "Now you finally understand why I was so annoyed, it was so unclear to lose! I don't understand what special technique she used when making mooncakes. Let the two groups of ingredients that didn't blend together become so delicious!"

Sakura Ryoko suddenly thought of something at this moment, and said: "Yes... By the way, do you still remember that strange movement Xi Yangxi did before making mooncakes?"

"Are you talking about her doing Tai Chi before cooking?" Tian Suohui said.

Sakaki Ryoko and Tian Sorui reminded everyone that this was very suspicious.

"I don't think this is anything. Everyone will get used to it before cooking. Isn't it normal?" Aoki Taigo's eyes fell on Liu Xingyao and said: "Xingyao-kun will put his hands together and pray before cooking. Movement, this should be understandable, right?"


After hearing Dago Aoki's words, the others were startled again!

"It seems... there is a little reason, then where is the problem with this moon cake? It's really anxious!" The impatient Yoshino said loudly.

When Liu Xingyao heard this, he finally spoke, "Every time I pray before cooking, it has nothing to do with the next cooking. And the series of actions Xi Yangxi does is not Tai Chi. , That series of [actions] is exactly what caused the mooncake in front of me to use the same ingredients to make different tastes..."

"That's not Tai Chi? Then what is she doing?"

Liu Xingyao's eyes flashed a little bit harshly, and said: "She is practicing Qi!!"

"Practicing... Qi training?"

The words are divided into two ends, inside the mansion

"A person who can practice qi? And still a student of this class?" Mansamo couldn't help being surprised after listening to Nageri Senzaemon's words to Nishi Yang Xi.

"Master, there was only one person who would practice Qi to change the ingredients of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements." After a moment of contemplation, Mansam exclaimed, "Could it be that this student is the descendant of that guy?"

Nagiri Senzaemon nodded and said, "In all likelihood, he can't be wrong. It seems that he did not violate the agreement of the year, but let his disciple come to Yuanyue. Not only Xiyangxi alone, but also There are a lot of people with special abilities...Although they don't know which side they are, they have to worry about it!"

The solar eclipse is close at hand, and it will appear within half a year at the latest one year later!With the appearance of the solar eclipse, the secrets buried in the far moon will be slowly revealed.

"Master, isn't this a good thing? At least the little guy I like, he might be able to stop those people!" Man Sam said with a smile on his face.

"Are you talking about Xiaozhen's apprentice, that Chinese boy named Liu Xingyao?" Nagiri Senzaemon said.

"Yes, it is him! And he is not the only heir to Shiyi, but also your granddaughter... The natural god tongue Nakiri Erina! I think they are the strongest two in the 92 period, right? !" Mansam said.

One is a natural tongue of God, and the other is a freak who acquires abilities quickly.At present, Liu Xingyao's growth rate has far exceeded Mansamu's expectations.

"According to that kid's growth rate, at least those people can be stopped when the lunar eclipse is coming!" Mansam said.

Nagiri Senzaemon also stood up and looked at the shining starry sky and slowly said, "It's not just Erina and Liu Xingyao. The 92nd period is the Jade Age. They are the ones who can save Totsuki... "



Liu Xingyao first explained the Chinese [Five Elements] to everyone, and then told everyone in the house all the secrets of Xi Yang Xi's cooking.

When everyone in the room finished listening, they all came back to their senses for a few seconds.

"Practice... Qi? Then change the attributes of the five elements inside the food?"

"Let the originally unpalatable and poisonous food become so delicious?"

Yoshino and Ryoko Sakura couldn't help but glance at each other after you said and I said, they were all puzzled!

Dago Aoki directly stood up and shouted loudly: "What are you doing, Qi training, isn't it the same as those martial arts masters who use internal force in the novel? Use internal force to destroy others' bodies..."

Seeing Taigo Aoki so excited, a drop of sweat hung on her forehead and said, " are so excited, she just changed the five elements inside the food, and did not destroy the bodies of the judges!"

"The five elements of the ingredients that were originally intended to be restrained are changed, but the toxicity is still there. Not only that, the poison is even stronger! Just now Takumi also said that the combination of different ingredients causes different harm to the human body, and catfish cattle The two groups of ingredients, liver, lamb tripe and small red beans, after the five elements are changed in [qi], and then let people eat it, it will make the consumer's head go blank and lose himself." Liu Xingyao added.

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