The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 180

"Although I really want to go, I'm so busy here... However, I really didn't expect that the chief chef of Tomotsu Resort would be accepted as a judge in the trial... Could it be that Dojima was unexpectedly idle?" The mysterious man was smiling on the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Kojiro Shimiya said a little uncomfortable: "He is self-inflicted. The younger generation he has cultivated invites him out. This is a matter of course. Who calls him a sad [Yuyue hired chef]!"

"You are not afraid of this being heard by Dojima-senpai... Shimiya."

"Cut, what do you hear? And, help me say hello to Suwon and Hyugako!"


The day of the decisive battle is coming soon, the second round of the autumn trial... a life and death battle for the finals!

Today is Tuesday, which is supposed to be the day that Totsuki is going to class as usual, but because today is a special day for the second round of the autumn trials, the school commander Nagiri Senzaemon gave special permission to suspend classes for one day, so that everyone in Totsuki will witness This final final.

Time, 8:45 in the morning, in the sky of the month

There are only the last 15 minutes left until the first game of the second round of the autumn trials, but at the moment there are no players.However, compared with the first round, the number of people in the audience was much higher.Most of the people who came to watch the first round of finals were first-year students.

But today is different. Not only the first-year students, but also most of the students in the second and third high school have come to witness the finals.Of course, everyone can take the time to come here so much, and it has a lot to do with the school commander's intention to suspend classes for a day off.

In addition to most of the students from Totsuki's headquarters, there are many foreign guests in the auditorium. These people are either famous gourmets or figures with a certain prestige and reputation in the culinary industry.For example, the sisters of the hub company Qianbiao, and the famous Japanese seafood tycoon-Takanori Mido, and so on.

Auditorium, Pole Star Liao Main Unit

"A lot of people came to watch the game today...More people than the first round of the final!" Sakura Ryoko looked around and exclaimed slightly.

Yoshino raised his hands on his hips and said proudly: "That's natural. After all, three of us at Jixingliao have entered the second round of finals. Everyone has come to witness this miracle!"

With a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead, Dago Aoki couldn't help but whispered: "I think it was because the commander had suspended classes for one day."

Yoshino who was proud of the spring breeze suddenly had a few black lines on his forehead, turned around and shouted at Aoki Dago: "Big idiot, how can someone dismantle the stage? Shut me up!"

"But having said that... the first round was the civil war of our Jixingliao, which is really unexpected!" Sakura Ryoko said.

Hearing Sakura Ryoko's words, everyone in Ji Xing Liao turned their eyes to the cooking hall, where the contestants appeared at the gate.

At the entrance of the players

At this time, the two figures were walking side by side towards the cooking hall, both of them carrying a cooking box.Aren't these two people Liu Xingyao and Chuang Zhen who are about to fight? Who else?

"If I remember correctly, plus this is our third duel, right? Xing Yaojun..." Chuang Zhen looked at Liu Xingyao who was asking him beside him.

Liu Xingyao also looked straight at the road ahead and smiled: "Yes, but I won't let you advance because you lose to me twice! Nor will I be merciful because you and I are friends. , Chuangzhen..."

Chuang Zhen also stopped after hearing this, turned around and said loudly to Liu Xingyao: "It's just what I want, Xing Yaojun will let us both show our strengths in this autumn trial. Have fun on the stage!"

Liu Xingyao also stopped, staring at Chuang Zhen with 150 gazes, and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, the two men raised their right hands and gave a palm in the air.


When Liu Xingyao and Chuang Zhen opened the door of the moon heaven players and walked into the venue.The crowd on both sides of the audience cheered and welcomed.

"Oh oh oh, the contestants have finally come out! It's Liu Xingyao and Xingping Chuangzhen!"

"Hey? I remember these two people are good friends, right? And they are both the guys in the star dormitory, what is the name, this is a chaos!"

Under the exclamation of countless people in the audience, Liu Xingyao and Chuang Zhen have come to their respective cooking stations and have made preparations before cooking. The second round of the autumn trials-the semi-finals is about to begin.

Here at the judging platform

Seeing that the two contestants had already entered, Dojima Gin also picked up the microphone and walked to the middle of the cooking venue and announced loudly: "The second round of the autumn trials, the judges will be five of us!"

The appearance of Dojima Gin was also aroused by the exclamation of many people in the audience. They did not expect that one of the judges this time would actually have Dojima Gin, the chief chef of Togetsu Resort.

Chapter 249 Special Review

The appearance of Dojima Silver naturally aroused the exclamation of everyone present, but the next few judges who appeared on the stage were constantly amazed by everyone.

"Wow, look at it... those judges are..."

"The graduates who have appeared together!!"

The five judges who served as the second round of the finals this time are the 80th second seat Kan Hyugako (Japanese restaurant [Giriya]), the 79th second seat Suwon Fuyumi (Italian restaurant [ristorantef]), 69 Dojima Silver first seat (Chief Chef of Tomotsu Resort), 88 second seat Kakuzaki Taki (Spanish restaurant [Amarillo]), 89 first seat Kikuchi Gardeno (Western specialty restaurant [Chunguotei]) !

Four of the five judges are women, and they are all good-looking. Two of them have appeared in the boarding house. Many students in the first grade have met.

The most compelling one is that Kikuji Garden Fruit, although only 19 years old, its breast development can be said to be more than the number of people of the same age.The size of the breast, at least E cup or F cup, really "good breast"!

The judges and the players from both sides have arrived, and the time for the game is just 8:59. Seeing this, Dojima Gin picked up the microphone and announced in a loud voice: "The first matchup of the second round of the autumn trials, Liu Xingyao VS Kopei Chuangzhen, the theme of the cooking is [a western main dish], and the cooking time is 2 hours! I announce the start of cooking."

After Dojima Gin's order, Liu Xingyao and Chuang Zhen both acted together in front of the cooking table, accompanied by the shouts from both sides of the audience.

On both sides of the auditorium, the Pole Star Liao camp

Seeing that this review was actually Dojima Gin and the others, everyone in Ji Xing Liao also followed the others in excitement and exclaim.

"Wow, it's Dojima-senpai!" Yoshino said excitedly.

"Chef Go...even Chef Suwon is here." Toshi Sasaya stood up and shouted excitedly.

Ryoko Sakaya was startled when he heard Sasaya Toshi's words, and looked at Sasaya Toshi suspiciously and asked: "Weird...Sasaya, you didn't participate in the boarding and you shouldn't know the chefs? Did you meet them before?"

Sasaya Toshih secretly yelled badly, and almost went to help.

"Ah... I've heard Senior Xingyao talk about staying together, and then I read about them in the Yuanyue Newspaper in the past. It was great to finally see me today!" Sai Zaojun still excited.

"Oh, that's it!" Sakura Ryoko nodded and then turned his gaze to the cooking venue.

Suwon Fuyumi and Hyuga Mitsukoshi were known and known by everyone in the high school because they had been leading teachers in the dormitory.However, the other two female reviewers are the 88th and 89th periods, and they are even more ambiguous objects for these 92nd, 91st and 90th periods!

"Ah, that's Chef Kakuzaki Taki and Chef Kikuji...Both of them..." Marui helped his eyes on the bridge of his nose and looked at Kakuzaki Taki and Kakuchi in the distance without blinking. Knowing the garden fruit, at the same time there is a little bit of shyness on his face.

Kakuzaki Taki and Kikuchi Gardeno, both of them are special cases. They became independent and established their own castle within two years of graduation... Monster students who can be equal to those professional celebrity chefs at a young age !

Although it is only about 3 years older than the 92 students, the aura is not comparable to the 92 students!Among the five judges, Kakuzaki Taki is considered the most "ferocious" because he is not only very strict with himself in terms of cooking, but also very strict with his own chefs. Before coming here, he was also very strict with this autumn trial. Has a certain understanding of things.

Here at the judging platform

"Huh!" Kadozaki Taki looked at Liu Xingyao, who was beginning to process all kinds of ingredients in front of the cooking table, slightly disdainful: "That guy is the student who broke the historical record of breakfast in the room and got full marks in the qualifiers? What, this China The kid doesn’t seem to be anything special..."

"But having said that, does this guy's body look so weak? As a boy and a professional chef, with such a small body, working in the kitchen for a few hours will definitely get tired...Really, This guy definitely doesn't exercise on weekdays!"

Kakuzaki Taki watched Liu Xingyao start chattering endlessly: "Hmph, if this kind of small body fell on my hand, I would have given him my special training... and tied him with a five-kilogram shot. On his feet, and then put on 2 kg iron shackles, I would run a few laps around Yuanyue at 5 o'clock every day... After running, I can’t rest and continue doing push-ups! Then at night I practice arm strength and throw a thousand pots. Times...hehe, his body will be as strong as a cow in a month!"

Kakuzaki Taki said, and smiled grimly. Kikuji Yuanguo, who was sitting next to her, listened to what she had just said to herself.

Kikuchi Yuanka immediately said to Tsunozaki Taki anxiously: "Taki...Taki-senpai, you are corporal punishment! Now the education system does not allow corporal punishment of students. Although it used to be domineering in the kitchen, it is not in this era. It's the same..."

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