The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 183

After Dojima Gin finished speaking, Sojin's venison-themed western-style cuisine was placed in front of the five judges including Kadozaki Taki.

It was a Western-style dish made with venison leg. The venison had pre-cut grid-like cuts, and there was venison overflowing with charcoal grilled gravy.Next to the venison, there is also sweet chestnuts bought from the supermarket as a decoration, and there is a rich and juicy soup at the bottom of the plate. This is a beautifully-scented dish that makes you appetite.

"Um... the aroma of charcoal fire makes this charcoal grilled venison dish more rich. The unique aroma of this charcoal grill is also unstoppable..."

Kikuchi Yuanguo looked at the exquisite and delicious venison dishes in front of him with joy and began to chatter: "Barbecuing is divided into direct roasting and indirect roasting. Direct roasting is also divided into open fire and dark fire, indirect roasting. The cooking is also divided into iron plate, stone plate, copper plate and so on. The requirement of 0.3 for charcoal ground is also different...Of course, his cooking must use an open flame in direct baking, otherwise it will not There is such an attractive fragrance!"

This is the "old problem" of Kikuji Yuanguo, as long as she sees the dishes she likes, she will talk about it like this.But whenever Kazaki Taki heard her chattering like this, he was very impatient.

Kakunozaki Taki had a few black lines on his forehead, his eyes turned white, and he kicked directly on the bench where Kikuchiyuanguo was sitting, and shouted, "Shut up, don't show off your knowledge there, eat quickly. "

Dojima Gin looked at the food in front of him, with a look of surprise and expectation, and secretly said: This dish adds sweet chestnuts as a side dish...

(To be continued, to be continued~~)

Chapter 253 Char-grilled venison-chestnut sauce

Dojima Gin looked at the dishes made by Chuang Zhen with a surprised look, only to see that this charcoal-roasted venison can be matched with sweet chestnuts!

Charcoal fire, sweet chestnut...what realm can these ingredients be brought into play with Western cooking?

Only then did the judges such as Dojima Gin and Kikuchiengu pick up the knife and fork, cut a piece of venison and slowly put it in their mouths.The moment Kujiuzhi Yuanguo couldn't help but groaned "Hmm" the moment he ate it.

"This...this is~~~This smell makes people want to stop!" Mujiu Zhiyuanguo said with a blurry color on his face, closing his eyes.

Dojima Gin also opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and said, "It's really surprising... I didn't expect chestnuts to be so matched with game venison! Although venison and chestnuts are in Western dishes China is also a common combination..."


Kakurazaki Taki put a small piece of venison in his mouth again, his face was also intoxicated by 5 points: "The unique soft and sweet flavor of sweet chestnut, and the elastic and soft taste of 03... It is full of joy, and the roasted venison is full of charcoal fire, which makes the meat more mellow and juicy! This rich flavor makes me cry intoxicated!"

Suwon Dongmi used a fork to put a piece of venison in front of her eyes, and said: "It is impossible to cook this feeling with ordinary chestnuts... This kind of deliciousness can only be achieved with sweet chestnuts!"

"And this sauce is also added with chopped sweet chestnuts, and the slight sweetness successfully penetrates the whole piece of venison, which is really great!" Gan Hyugako said with joy on his face.

At this time, Chuang Zhen also had a smile on his face, and he spread his right hand and smiled at Ping Judao: “Yes, this is Xing Ping Liu’s Western-style charcoal-roasted venison. The sauce is stewed with cowboy meat. , Chopped cinnamon and sweet chestnut with orange peel, add it and simmer together."

"But why is this... It is extremely difficult to incorporate the unique bitterness like charcoal fire into a Western-style dish, but this dish succeeded in doing it, right? There are other secrets hidden in it? "Kadozaki Taki cast a somewhat puzzled look on Chuang Zhen.

Before the creator could answer Kakusaki Taki's words, Dojima Gin's face smiled slightly and said, "...Is it coffee?"

When hearing Dojima Gin's words, the audience around the auditorium was surprised.

"Huh!? Coffee?"

"What? The charcoal grilled venison is actually added this kind of stuff?"

The other four reviewers have realized something in succession.

"Senior Dojima is right... This is a trick I learned during the summer vacation. Game and cocoa beans are a very good combination, but to be honest, I have never used cocoa beans for cooking... So I use [Instant Coffee] in this dish!" Chuangzhen Tao.

[Instant coffee] is a dried coffee extract obtained by evaporating water in a coffee extract.Instant coffee can quickly melt in hot water, and it occupies a smaller space and volume during storage and transportation, and is more resistant to storage.Different from the more complicated traditional coffee brewing methods, it has gained widespread popularity.

Coffee has the same bitterness as cocoa beans. Whether it is used for cooking game or grilled on charcoal, it matches well!The rich astringency is also suitable for Western-style dishes, so in order to make the taste transition, Chuang Zhen uses it as a hidden blindness and adds it to the sauce.

"This is my original and brand-new Western-style dish-Xing Ping Liu [Charcoal Grilled Venison Leg Meat-Chestnut Sauce]!" Chuang Zhen said the name of his dish.

Around the auditorium

After hearing the comments of the five judges on Chuangzhen's cuisine, everyone who had made fun of Chuangzhen before taking out the sweet chestnut closed their mouths, not only that, at this moment, the audience was full of surprises at Chuangzhen.

"He... that the student who joined the class said it was an original dish? He actually... actually brought out a dish of his own invention in the autumn trial finals?"

"Charcoal-roasted venison...the addition of sweet chestnuts that people unexpectedly bought from the supermarket, and the addition of coffee in a way that others did not expect, this is indeed a new and original dish!"

"This...this transfer student is so amazing. Even Dojima-senpai and those graduates are full of praise. It's hard to tell the outcome of this game..."

Judging Desk


Liu Xingyao also looked at Chuangzhen Cuisine from a distance, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It is like the [Wanchan] of [Bowl Stew] in Japanese dishes...that is, the three-dimensional feeling formed by the combination of [clear soup] and [side dishes].The main course of western dishes is formed by the combination of [staple], [sauce] and [side dishes], which is a three-dimensional chord!

"Chuang Zhen has combined his expertise, the Xingpingliu market, and the characteristics of Western dishes. With his strength... let the two things that are not compatible with each other, and bring them together. The novelty and deliciousness are not inferior to other Western dishes! Chuangzhen...You are really good! And, in this way..."

Liu Xingyao's mouth evoked a thick smile, looking down at the food that he had prepared on the cooking table, and muttered: "In this case, your dishes will be about 073 with my creativity."

"Then, next is contestant Liu Xingyao's dishes, please bring the prepared dishes to the judging station!" Dojima Gin said with the microphone.

Liu Xingyao smiled slightly, and sent the five dishes to the five judges.

"Come on, have a taste! I made...Western-style-[Seafood Continental Europe]" Liu Xingyao smiled.

"Seafood...European map?"

When Dojima Gin and other five judges saw the shape of the dishes before them, they were completely stunned!

"What...what! The shape of this seafood platter is... actually a map of Europe!" Kakuzaki Taki cried out.

Although the plate is small, it exquisitely depicts the shape of a map of Europe that represents the four countries in the cuisine-Germany, Britain, France, and Italy.

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo was also shocked: “It’s’s unbelievable that the shapes of the four European countries are depicted on one plate. The four countries of Germany, Britain, France, and Italy use the eight major seafoods respectively. In other countries, side dishes are simply used instead. Even [Ocean] is also depicted with broccoli. What an exquisite knife skill is needed to complete all this!"

Chapter 254 Seafood European Continent Map

Hearing the exclamation of the judges, everyone in the audience was also shocked.

"Unexpectedly... the four countries in Europe were portrayed with a seafood platter. Unbelievable, it was the first time I saw someone carve the shape of a country with food!"

"Sure enough, Liu Xingyao belongs to a perverted level chef. He actually presented something that no one else could think of so boldly!"

Special guest seats

A special guest was surprised to see the dishes presented by Liu Xingyao for a moment, and said: "I thought the first student used charcoal fire and sweet chestnuts to make a brand-new Western-style dish is already very remarkable. A student came out with dishes that surprised me even more! I am indeed a student of Yuan Yue..."

Sister Qianbiao was also sitting in the special guest's seat, and she couldn't help the triumphant expression on her face when she heard others comment on Liu Xingyao's cooking.

"My brother, you really did not disappoint me!"

Judging Desk

"The eight major seafoods, after superb knife work and special cooking, have become the appearance of the map of Europe. And it is so clearly displayed that the eight major seafoods have been specially processed. Regardless of the taste of this dish, just To complete the shape of this platter also requires superb knife skills! Even if I were to cook this dish, I would never have his level of completion!" After a brief surprise, Gan Hyugako dropped a pair of squinted eyes. Liu Xingyao's body.

When we were staying together, the deliciousness of the two flavors of wild pheasant steak brought out by the boy Liu Xingyao still left a deep impression on my mind and taste buds. Today I was fortunate to taste his cuisine on the stage of the autumn trial finals... Every time before enjoying his cooking, there is a special sense of anticipation, because this cooking will definitely hide something surprising in it!

After Dojima Gin waited for the judges to be surprised, some eagerly picked up the knife and fork to review and enjoy the food that surprised them.

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