The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 197

"Yes, haven't the Nangui lobsters been caught?" Tian Suohui wondered.

Liu Xingyao also found it very strange. It is reasonable to say that this kind of food should be available at the seafood market at any time when the Nangui lobster is in season, but I haven't seen any of them after shopping for so long.

After some doubts, Liu Xingyao decided to ask again.

"Excuse me... Boss, do you have Nangui lobster here?" Liu Xingyao asked casually the owner of a fish shop.

"Huh? You said the lobster from the guys are a bit late!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xingyao, Tian Suohui, and Feisha were all startled.

"What... what do you mean?"

The fish shop owner explained: "At 090 this morning, a group of strange people arrived at less than 6 o'clock, and then bought the whole Nangui lobster on the fish river bank in one go!"

"Bought the entire Nangui lobster on the bank of Yuhe River?" The three were surprised again.

After some guessing, Feisha guessed: "Hey? Buying so many Nangui lobsters, is it a wholesale supplier of ingredients? Is it because you want to monopolize the southern lobsters in this area and make a lot of money?"

"It shouldn't be a wholesale supplier of ingredients... I heard from other fish shop owners that those weird guys bought all the Nangui lobsters here without asking for the price when they bought Nangui lobsters!" said the fish shop owner.

Liu Xingyao was very puzzled and weird, but at this moment the lobsters returned from the south were all bought.Who is the "mysterious man" that the fish shop owner said?

"Could it be..." Liu Xingyao's mind appeared as a person.

"Although it is the season of Nangui lobster, the catch of Nangui lobster is also very rare due to the recent weather. I think the Nangui lobster here will be out of stock in the past one or two weeks~" the fish shop owner side He sighed like this while busy with the work.

The 273rd chapter is strange again and again

When the fish shop owner said this, Tian Suohui and Hisako became worried first.

"Two...two weeks, the lobsters from the south will be out of stock? Xing Yaojun's game will start in a few days..." Tian Suohui said in surprise.

"If there is no high-quality Nangui lobster, it will have a major impact on the game... and until now, even an ordinary Nangui lobster has not been bought." Feisha also has a solemn expression.

Liu Xingyao frowned slightly. He was not very worried that he would not be able to get the Nangui lobster, which would affect the game. The big deal would be to change the place to buy the Nangui lobster. Of course, he did not rule out the possibility that other places would also be bought by "mysterious people".

"Could it be that Xi Yangxi and the neo group bought all the lobsters here?" Liu Xingyao guessed in his heart.

The fish shop owner looked at Liu Xingyao and the other three and said, "You should be students, right? Are you also Yuanyue's students?"

Liu Xingyao nodded and said without concealing: "Yes, we are Yuanyue students. This time I came to Yuhe Bank to buy the ingredients needed for the cooking competition in a few days-Nangui lobster!"

"Speaking like this... the white-haired boy just now is also Yuanyue's student!"

"? The white-haired boy?"

The fish shop owner pointed his finger up and explained: "Yes, that handsome brown-skinned boy also said that he was here to buy Nangui lobster for the game in a few days."

Brown skin and white hair.Except for the guy Ye Shanliang who can have such characteristics, no one asked anyone else!In other words, this guy came to Yuhe Bank earlier than Liu Xingyao!

"Hey, the brown-skinned and white-haired boy...should it be Mr. Yeshan?" Tian Suohui also guessed.

"It should be him, brown skin and white hair... and he also needs a lobster from the south. It should be Mr. Ye Shan who made the final like Xing Yao!" Fei Shao said.

"But that little handsome guy really has some tricks... He actually got the lobster from Yoshida!" The fish shop owner said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xingyao and the others were shocked again.

Tian Suohui also immediately said, "Huh? Uncle, didn't you just say that the lobsters were bought by a group of mysterious people? What happened to the lobsters that Ye Shanjun took? And who was Yoshida? "

Similarly, Liu Xingyao and Feisha also cast their doubts on the fish shop owner.

"Oh, it seems you are here for the first time! Yoshida is a famous seafood tycoon of ours, and also a strange person... He collects many good Nangui lobsters every year, and then waits until autumn. At the end of the day, they all returned to the sea." The fish shop owner said.

Seafood tycoon releases Nangui lobster?This is an interesting thing.

"Hey? Obviously a seafood tycoon, why do you want to release the lobster again? It's strange..." Tian Suohui said.

The fish shop owner shrugged, and said, "Who knows, so he is a weird person~~ But he only releases a large number of Nangui lobsters every year. This is not the case for other fish or seafood. He is also a stingy seafood vendor! Even if all of us here don’t have Nangui lobsters, Yoshida’s fish shop must have a lot of Nangui lobsters, because he will never sell one Nangui lobster... so you guys You can go to their fish shop to try like that handsome brown-skinned guy just now, maybe you can get some southern lobsters!"

Almost all the Nangui lobsters on the Yuhebank have been bought, which is a strange thing...and now there are seafood tycoons who release a large number of Nangui lobsters every year...

Strange people, strange things... Are these signs a precursor to a storm?And is there a connection between these strange signs?

Now the fish bank where Liu Xingyao and the three are located is the largest and best fish bank around this area. Most of the seafood products are gathered here. Although other fish banks are, it is not always possible to buy high-quality Nangui lobster.So Liu Xingyao and the others decided to go to the seafood tycoon fish shop called Yoshida...

Besides, Ye Shanliang can get Nangui lobster from that place, why can't he?Liu Xingyao thought to himself in his heart.

So Liu Xingyao and the other three finally came to the door of the shop called Yoshida Seafood Tycoon.

"Siyu Seafood Shop..."

Tian Suohui looked at the sign hanging in the fish shop in front of her, and said in surprise: "What a weird name... It doesn't feel good to say it!"

"It should contain a certain meaning in it," Feisha guessed.

Liu Xingyao also glanced at this strange sign and walked into the fish shop with the two girls. After entering the shop, a thin and thin old man of about 40-50 appeared in front of the three.

"Welcome... Three guests, what fish or seafood do you want to buy?" The thin old man asked very enthusiastically.

"Hello, we are students of Yuanyue, please...Do you have Nangui lobster here?" Tian Suohui learned to be smart this time, knowing that most of the fish shops around here have deals with Yuanyue, so she said directly It is the identity of Yuanyue student.

But when the thin old man heard Tian Suohui's words, his enthusiastic and smiling face instantly became gloomy.

"Ah? Are you here to buy Nangui lobster? That's it, you are here for the first time at my fish river bank..." The thin old man said with a gloomy expression.

"Wow... well, so terrible..." Tian Suohui was scared by the horrible expression of the thin old man and hid behind Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao was not afraid, looking at the thin old man who was one head shorter than himself, and said: "Hello, old man, we are in urgent need of some good Nangui lobsters to participate in the autumn trials in a few days! Other fish shops in Yuhe Bank today The Nangui lobsters are all sold out, but I heard that you still have them here, so I came here specially. Please excuse me if I interrupt you..."

Yoshida looked at Liu Xingyao for a while before saying: "It seems that you are the same as the kid named Ye Shan just now...Huh, Yuanyue Autumn Trials, right? I didn't see that your kid is actually capable of reaching the finals! I am indeed here. There are good Nangui lobsters, it’s not impossible to sell them to you, but..."

One, however, said that Yoshida would not sell the Nangui lobster to Liu Xingyao so easily. There must be conditions.

(PS: The code came out of enduring the back pain... the old problem is committed again!)

Chapter 274 Yoshida's Request

"But you must make a dish that satisfies me!" Yoshida's skinny face showed a somewhat sinister smile.

"Do... make a dish?"

Tian Suohui and Feishao were both slightly surprised when they heard this. They didn't expect Yoshida to request this!

Liu Xingyao smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Oh, of course this is fine. But I don't know what kind of food you want to eat?"

"Of course it is a cuisine with Nangui lobster as the theme ingredient! It seems that you have confidence in yourself and promised so refreshingly, but I have to remind you that if you can't make decent dishes, I will not only give you half of Nangui Returning to the lobster will scold you!" Yoshida said in a bad tone.

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