The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 199

Yoshida didn't expect Liu Xingyao to be so fast. He was slightly surprised and said, "Oh, it took only half the time to complete it. Boy, you are very quick!"

"Then, please taste it!" Liu Xingyao said.

Yoshida nodded, and then the lid was lifted, but when he saw the unshelled Nangui lobster, his expression was also surprised.

"I thought you would make Western-style lobster dishes... Unexpectedly, you cooked it like this! Hahaha, it's really unexpected, I can actually see this kind of lobster dishes without shelling." Yoshida shook his head inexplicably and smiled.

Liu Xingyao, Tian Suohui, and Feisha who stood on the side all looked puzzled, not knowing what Yoshida was thinking.

At this time, Yoshida's gaze fell on the dish in front of him. He did not rush down the chopsticks, but closed his eyes and sniffed.

"This scent is... Is it beer? The scents of beer and lobster are blended together, plus the scent of green onion. I haven't eaten this kind of cuisine for a long time!"

Yoshida only used chopsticks to pick up a Nangui lobster after talking to himself, but because the Nangui lobster was not shelled, it was really impossible to use chopsticks.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but smile and said, "Old man Yoshida, you don't actually need chopsticks! Just hold it with both hands and eat it. This is not Western cuisine and you don't need to worry so much."

"Oh haha!" Yoshida couldn't help laughing after hearing Liu Xingyao's words, then said: "Okay, then I don't need chopsticks!"

Yoshida put down his chopsticks and held a Nangui lobster in both hands. After removing the shell, he put it to his mouth.

"After removing the shrimp shell, the scent of the prawn meat stimulates my sense of smell... the prawn meat is mixed with a little beer smell, this scent really makes me miss!"

Yoshida Jai ​​couldn't help but gently bit down the shrimp meat, and the moment he bit down, he froze in place.

"Swishwish" Yoshida only felt that a powerful mysterious force was sweeping his body. At this moment, there were only 2 words in his mind-delicious!

"The tender shrimp meat is jumping in my mouth... The simple cooking technique shows crude and delicious taste, it is amazing!" Yoshida's face is full of intoxication at the moment.

Yoshida couldn't help taking a second bite again, and said, "Puff", this time the gravy of the lobster from the southern lobster overflowed his mouth.

"The mouth is full of prawns. The feeling of fullness and thickness is really great... This, this is much more delicious than those lobsters made with Western cooking methods..." Yoshida said with eyes full of eyes. We shed tears of happiness, because he remembered what happened when he was young.

This is a lobster dish full of youth and memories!

Chapter 276 The Story of the Lobster Returned from the South

"Can you accompany me to eat together?" Yoshida suddenly said to Liu Xingyao, Feisha and Suohui standing nearby.

The three of them were a little "flattered." The impression that Yu Ji gave them just now was still fierce. After eating the lobster made by Liu Xingyao, they changed completely.

"Hey! this appropriate?" Tian Suohui asked in surprise.

Feisha also looked at Yu Ji with a confused expression.

Yu Ji smiled kindly and said, "Come on, let's taste this fragrant Nangui lobster with the old man, it's really great!"

"In that case, we are welcome!" Liu Xingyao took the lead to sit down.

Seeing that Liu Xingyao had done it, Tian Suohui and Feisha also quickly sat down. The four of them just made up one.

"Then, I will also taste this wine-flavored lobster made by Xing Yaojun..." Tian Suohui said expectantly.

Feishao and Tian Suohui picked up the lobster that had been returning from the south and tasted it slowly. After the two girls ate it, they were naturally surprised.

"With the slight sweetness and the aroma of beer, I didn't expect Nangui lobster made with such a simple preparation method would be so delicious! It's amazing!" Tian Suohui surprised.

With a look of surprise on Feisha's face, she nodded and said, "Yes, and the shrimp shells are also preserved, so the nutrients are also extremely high!"

Yoshida seemed very happy, and later brought out a very precious bottle of red wine to entertain Liu Xingyao and the others.While drinking red wine and eating Nangui lobster, Liu Xingyao and the three of them were so happy to eat, and the three of them temporarily forgot the purpose of coming here.

After a while, each of the four ate two or three Nangui lobsters, and only the shells of the wine-spicy Nangui lobsters had been eaten on this plate.

"I don't even know that this is the old Nangui lobster that hasn't been cooked in this way.... Since she left..." Yoshida's face suddenly had inexplicable sadness.

"She?" Liu Xingyao, Tian Suohui, and Feisha were all puzzled.

Yoshida showed a gentle expression on his face, and said: "Where is my wife..."

Did Liu Xingyao and the others know that Yoshida's wife had left him first?

Tian Suohui was not stupid either, she immediately changed the subject when she saw this sad topic.

"By the way, Mr. Yoshida used to be a chef, right?" Tian Suohui asked.

As soon as Yoshida heard this, he immediately recovered from the sadness of missing his wife, and said: "Yes, I was also a student of Yuan Yue. But how do you know that I am a chef?"

In fact, Tian Suohui also guessed in order to change the subject, but she didn't expect it to be true!

"This...this..." Tian Suohui was obviously unable to answer.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao immediately laughed and said, "Because Mr. Yoshida is very good at tasting food. In this case, it is not a chef or a gourmet!"

"Haha, you're right! I was a student of Yuanyue like you back then... But unfortunately, because of my poor cooking skills, I was eliminated in the second year of high school. It didn't take long for me to leave Yuanyue. Under the arrangement of the family, I started to enter the seafood business, and I met my wife within a few years!" Yoshida's face was a bit of yearning.

After all, have you talked about this topic?Yoshida, really missed his dead wife all the time...

"Old man Yoshida, I heard them say that you release a lot of Nangui lobsters every year, this...why is this?" Feisha asked directly.

After Yoshida took a sip of red wine from the wine glass, he looked sad and paused for a while before he started talking.

"My family has been very poor since I was a child. It was a lot of effort to enter Yuanyue that year. My parents were also worried about how much their hair was white! But it is a pity...I let them down. I was just 18 years old when I left Yuanyue. , And then it didn’t take long to use the only savings in the family to make a living. This time I secretly vowed that I must not let the family down! Although I did more and earn less... but I survived , This has been for several years! Then I met my wife... She is the only person who will not think I am poor and ugly!"

"After meeting my fat wife, my business finally started, so I was busy with work all day, and there was almost no time to worry about my fat wife. The fat wife knew that I was busy for my career and didn't say much. ...But when the old man recovers, my wife has already got an incurable disease... old man, I finished my work and returned to the home where I hadn't returned for a long time.

When Yoshida said this, tears were already in his eyes. Seeing this scene, Tian Suohui and Hishisa also started to cry quietly.

"The old man is unforgettable so far... That was what the wife said reluctantly... [Compared with the inexhaustible money you sent, even if it is one more time, I want to eat with you.]" Yoshida said. The eyes could no longer contain the tears and wept bitterly.

"What did the old man do!" Yoshida burst into tears, remembering what he did when he was young, and he was really sad and regretful.

What is the use of making more money?In the end, even your favorite people can't be taken care of. This is completely meaningless!Like Liu Xingyao now, although he is not a billionaire, at least he is not short of money.So don't make money blindly and ignore your relatives and friends, it will be too late when you find out!

"Jing cares about making money... The old man is really... really terrible! Looking back and thinking about the food she likes to send his wife, it is shameful that the old man remembers only one, and that is Nangui lobster. She eats very much every time she makes a wife. Happy, one of my favorite cooking methods is the one we ate just now, Nangui lobster with wine. She said that the simplest 0.3 cooking method can make the lobster more delicious, and the complexity of cooking will lose the taste of the lobster itself... Yoshida sighed.

"Before my wife died, I asked me to bury her ashes in the sea... She said that she can be with her favorite ingredients even when she is dead, and it is dead without regret! Therefore, I release a lot of Nangui lobster every year. It's just to let the wives in another world eat Nangui lobster!"

After Yoshida finished speaking, Hishita and Sorui had also cried into tears.Naturally, Liu Xingyao was deeply moved by this story. He didn't expect this old man Yoshida to have such a past!

"Master Yoshida, please be sorry...We are sorry to bring up your sad thing again!" Liu Xingyao apologized.

Chapter 277 Dark Shadow

"That's it... Siyu fish shop. Old man Yoshida, the meaning of Siyu restaurant should be to miss your old man's wife, right?" Liu Xingyao guessed.

"Yeah! Actually, the name of my fish shop was not called this at first... After my wife left, I changed it to what it is now! My wife’s name had a [] character in it." Yoshida wiped away the tears on his face and said.

Tian Suohui and Scarlett also wiped the tears on their faces with a towel, and returned to their normal colors a little.

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