The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 318

Chapter 444: The Lamp of Hope

"Letter... I wrote so many letters!"

Alice looked at Erina in front of her with a rather complicated expression, "As a result, you didn't reply to me!"

Erina heard this hurriedly and explained: "That...that's because..."

"I know... Uncle Thistle did all this. Grandpa has already told me. He tore up dozens of letters and threw them into the trash can."

Alice’s cute little mouth murmured again, and hummed: “’s so bad, run away from home! In this case, young girls in society will choose to run away from home. Let Uncle Thistle do whatever he wants."


Erina felt so strange when she heard these four words. Facing thistle, she had never had such a thought in her mind...

"But...but if you defy his father..." Erina thought of this and lowered her head in fear.

When Alice heard Erina's words, a mentally retarded face immediately appeared on her face and said: "Don't say such a dumb thing, let him see your spine, Erina!"

"Although I decided to leave the 30th house... but where do you want to go?" Kurokiba Ryo's words directly made Alice quiet for a while.

After a while, Alice said, "By the way...Isn’t it all right to go to the new family’s mansion? You can go to your little secretary!"

"Hai Shao She..."

Erina felt sad again when he thought of Hishizawa. "There is no way...Nagiri people often go in and out of Hishizawa's house, so there is no way."

"Ms. Alice, it seems that my room is also in the Nakiri's mansion~" said Kurokiba without a turban lazily.

"Hey...Is there no one taking in Erina?"

At this moment, Alice was guilty of mental retardation again, and she raised her fingers and began to mutter to herself: "According to the video (movie) data, people who usually run away from home will find an open space nearby and then live in~~"

"Miss~The ones who ran away from home in the video are all boys! What if Miss Erina wants to take a bath~" Kurokiba once again broke Alice's plan as unfeasible.

"It's better to find a hotel nearby~" Kurokiba Ryo suggested.

Alice's mouth shut up again when she heard this: "It will definitely not work to let Erina, who doesn't understand the world, stay in a hotel, absolutely not!"

"..." Erina couldn't smile at this.

But at this moment a voice came from a distance, and smiled: "Sure enough... Alice knows Erina better."

Alice, Erina, and Kurokiba immediately turned around when they heard the voices that followed, and they saw that the person was not Liu Xingyao and who else?

"Liu Xingyao!!" Alice and Kurokiba Ryo exclaimed.

Behind Liu Xingyao are Hishasha, Tian Suohui, Sakura Ryoko and others.

"Master Erina!"


The moment Scarlett saw Erina hurriedly came to her and looked at it, "Master Erina, are you all right! Then... Did that person do anything to you?"


Erina raised her head, barely squeezed a smile on her face and looked at Liu Xingyao, "Master...Brother, good evening!"

"good evening……"

When Erina showed a smile, Alice was stunned.Although it's just a barely smile... but Erina did smile just now. Alice hasn't seen her smile in many years...

Just because this man appeared in front of him, made Erina laugh?What kind of past did this man leave in Erina's heart?Alice thought so surprised in her heart.

"Erina, are you tired? Come with me, I have cooked for you and waiting for you. You two, come together." After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, he turned and walked in the direction of Jixingliao.

Alice was stunned for a while, when she saw Liu Xingyao's attitude toward her, her mouth was almost uplifted.

"Um...what? What? Talk to me in that tone, bastard Liu Xingyao!" Alice stomped her feet severely and quickly followed.

When Liu Xingyao walked in front of him, Scarlett was supporting Erina and walking forward.

"What about you... I also heard about it. Let's live with us in Pole Star Lao. Erina, whenever I and Feisha are your place to rely on... Of course there is the one ahead-Pole Star Laos!"

After Liu Xingyao finished speaking, everyone had already crossed the forest and arrived in front of the Jixingliao dormitory.Because it has been expanded, not only the addition of buildings but also the huge changes in decoration compared with before.Even at night, the entire Pole Star Liao was flickering, as if during the day.

"This is... the last piece of pure land in Yuanyue, and it is also the light of hope for everyone." Liu Xingyao raised his head and looked at the flashing neon lights in front of Ji Xing Liao slowly.


At this time Igo’s villa (Nagai thistle temporary residence villa)

"Ms. Nagin... The two guards, Miss Erina, were knocked out, and Miss Erina was taken out. It seems that Ms. Alice did it..." An igo member reported to Nagiri Thisihui.

"It's Alice, it's fast! I think about it... Then send someone to find a place to stay for Erina!" Nakiri Thistle said with a smile on his face.

"Ms. Erina will go to try it tomorrow...for this..."

Naginari Thistle continued to look at the information in his hand and said: "At this stage, I will respect Erina's wishes for the time being, and cancel all work before she returns."

"Yes, Lord Thistle!"

"Boom Rumble" The sky was covered with dark clouds, and when Liu Xingyao took Erinai and others into Pole Star Liao, it rained heavily.

Tomorrow will usher in Yuanyue...the biggest change.

Polar Star

"Hu" Erina took a hot bath and then came to the cafeteria with her clothes.But before she walked in, she saw everyone in Jixingliao crying and staring at her.

"Nagiri classmate!"

"It's the guy called Thistle? It's so hot...Unforgivable!"

"He is not worthy of being a father at all. He is really a beast."

Yoshino ran directly towards Erina and said excitedly: "Although stay in Pole Stars, Xiao Erina!"

"Little Erina? Are you calling me?"

The sudden mental retardation caught Urina off guard.

"Okay, pay attention to it a little bit. Today is the first time for Erina to come to Jixingliao to put your virtues away." Liu Xingyao smiled.

Chapter 445: A New Member of Jixingliao

The people in Pole Xingliao expressed their sympathy for Erina's past. They did not wait for her to take a bath before the people in Pole Xingliao brought their cooking to her.

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