The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 332

Nagiri Senzaemon's gaze fell on Seiichiro, and slowly said, "Did you be swallowed by...storm...?"

"From the time of the trials, I had a bad feeling! The huge talents will eventually confront me... Seiichiro Hasami, leave this country for the time being, and stay away from cooking and dishes. This is for you now. It is very necessary!" Nakiri Senzaemon said to Seiichiro.

Just like that... Seiichiro, known as a genius, left Totsuki first, as if he had missed an appointment... He left with a hearty smile.A genius disappeared from the stage!

This is the story of Saiba Seiichiro...

But this story does not end there!A few days after Seiichiro left, Ji Xing Liao and Yuan Yue both returned to normal.Without Seiichiro, the earth would still rise and fall, and everyone's life would continue as usual.It’s just that for Ji Xing Liao, without Seiichiro, you lose the excitement of the past...

Since Seiichiro left, thistle has become more gloomy... It turned out that Seiichiro was still behind Ji Xingliao, he would also take the initiative to ask Seiichiro or Dojima Gin about cooking issues, and now he daily He would never say a word to anyone in Jixingliao.

Everyone knew that Seiichiro's departure was a big blow to Nakamura Thistle, who thought he would get better after a while.But when everyone in Jixingliao didn't expect it, Nakamura Thistle moved out of Jixingliao before long.

The gate of Jixingliao

After packing up, Nakamura Thistle walked out of the gate of Jixingliao, and a black car had been waiting for him for a long time.

", do you really want to move out of Pole Stars?" Dojima Gin asked, looking at Thistle Nakamura with his back facing him.

Thistle Nakamura stopped, turned around and looked at Dojima Gin and Mansamu and others behind him, and said gloomily: "Totsuki's system... buried a genius chef. The so-called competition system is just for use. It's nothing more than a means to restrain others. Senior Caibo was forced away by... the Yuanyue decadent system!"

After saying these things to Dojima Gin and the others, Thistle Nakamura turned and left.

Dojima Gin did not know how to answer Nakamura Thistle's question for a while, but stopped him and said, "Nakamura!"

Nakamura stopped when he heard Dojima Gin's shout, but did not look back this time.

"It's not the problem of Totsuki's's us. I didn't realize that Seiichiro had been fighting alone. If he could find out earlier, he would not walk alone in the storm to protect us from the wind and rain." Dojima Gin Slightly lowered his head and said.

"Yuan Yue does not need this system... I swear by Nakamura Thistle, I will use my own strength to change everything in this Yuan Yue!" After Nakamura said this, he never looked back, and since then he has never returned to Polar Star. Laos.

With Seiichiro and Thistle Nakamura leaving one after another, only Dojima Gin and Mansamu were left in the top ten in Pole Stars at this time.The golden age of Jixingliao was only a flash in the pan.

However, when Dojima Gin and Mansamu didn't expect it, Nakamura said that they wanted to change Tomotsuki and change the competition system. It was not just talking!Moreover, Nakamura's "retaliation" came very quickly.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is time for the third-year students such as Dojima Gin and Mansamu to graduate. The first year of high school Thistle Nakamura and others have also won the moment to enter the second year of high school.

The visit of a group of mysterious people in black robes broke this quiet graduation season.

After 11 o'clock in the evening, Dojima Gin returned to Ji Xingliao until this point because of his graduation and Shijie's work.When he passed the forest of Jixingliao, he was stopped by several black-robed men who suddenly appeared.

From the costumes of these people, Dojima Gin had already smelled the bad breath of those who came, not to mention that this point appeared to block his way.

"Who are you... what are you going to do to block my way?" Dojima Gin asked in a low voice.

The headed black-robed man stood up and said in a more polite and polite language: "We are members of igo, you are the first Dojima Gin of Tomotsu today, right?"

Igo!?This is the first time Dojima Gin has heard of the name of this organization.

"Igo is the abbreviation of International Food Organization The, international, food, agency! Haha, you don't have to know too much, anyway, you know that we are a large food organization. We are interested in your talents and you are interested in following Shall we go and have a cup of tea and chat for a while?" After the headed man in black robes said, the two men in black who stood behind Dojima Gin walked a few steps towards him.

11 o'clock in the evening... Chat and drink tea?Dojima Gin's brows frowned...but now that this situation is no longer acceptable.

"Okay...but my time is precious. The point is that I have to deal with a lot of things tomorrow when I go back and rest." Dojima Gin said with his eyes closed.

"OK, no problem at all!" The headed man in black cast his eyes at the two men in black standing behind Dojima Gin.

Two men in black met, one left and the other caught Dojima Gin.

Chapter 463 Tonys College

Two black-robed men, one from the left and the other, clamped Dojima Gin's hands from behind.At this time, Dojima Gin would be just an 18-year-old high school student. Where did he come into contact with igo, a group of guys exuding cold air.

"You... what are you doing?" Dojima Gin asked in a flustered heart.

The headed black-robed man smiled with a hoarse voice: "Don't worry, just take you to our igo branch. Because the place is quite special, in case you know this place, you have to put your eyes on it. Cover it. Don't worry, we won't do anything to you, and we will arrive soon..."

After the headed black-robed man finished speaking, the third black-robed man came up and covered his eyes with a cover step.Dojima Gin's suddenly entered the darkness, so he was sandwiched by two men in black and walked towards the branch of igo.

Although Dojima Gin's eyes were covered, his ears could hear very clearly... He could feel that the place he went was not far from the forest of Ji Xingliao.Going through the downward stone stairs, Dojima Gin knew that the place was still in a place similar to a basement.

About 20 minutes later, Dojima Gin was removed from the cover.After rubbing his numb eyes, Dojima Gin was only looking at his surroundings.

This is a gloomy stone room with a huge candle hanging on the wall.In front of me is a tall stone step, with huge torches on the left and right sides of the step, and sitting on the stone seat on the stone step is the current bOSS of igo.

The dark room and the weird atmosphere made Dojima Gin's forehead, who was only 18 years old, unable to resist a drop of sweat.

"Welcome to the igo branch... Yuanyue underground stone room. Are you Dojima Gin?" Igo's boss on the stone seat also spoke in a calm and powerful voice.

It’s not the first time Dojima Gin has spoken to an older person, but it’s the first time he heard this kind of voice...The voice of the person on this stone seat is very peculiar. I don’t know if it’s because of the echo in the stone room or because This is what this man said, and the sentence he said just now remained in Dojima Gin's mind for a long time.

And since this person exudes an aura that makes people have to surrender... Is this an illusion?


Dojima Gin quickly recovered and shook his head vigorously before he woke up.

"Oh... I woke up from my [voice] so soon? Ha ha, it's the first seat of Yuan Yue!" The black robe man on the stone seat smiled faintly.

This time, the voice of the black-robed man seemed to have returned to normal, and Dojima Gin did not feel a little dizzy after hearing it just now.

"Yes... did you bring me here? What do you want to do! What kind of organization is Igo?" Dojima Gin issued a series of doubts to the igo boss in front of him.

The black man sitting on the stone seat could not help but laughed a lot before standing up and saying: "Haha, it's really interesting. As expected of the student trained by that old guy. I can do it in the face. So... if it were other ordinary people, I would have been too scared to speak. Child, are you interested in igo?"

"Igo? Is it the organization your group of people belong to? Why... why are you interested in this group of people! If my guess is correct, this should be somewhere in Yuanyue? You actually built a branch here. !?" Dojima Gin's forehead still has sweat...

Hearing what Dojima Gin said, the chief boss of igo didn't feel surprised. This did indeed correspond to the question raised by an 18-year-old.

"Igo has the hottest chef group in the world. Not only that, our members have also been involved in other industries and achieved good results. So you join us, there is no harm to you! After you graduate, I can I directly recommend you to Tonis Academy." The boss of igo sent an invitation to Dojima Gin to enter igo.

Dojima Gin was stunned when he heard this.Tonys College, the concentration camp of the best chefs in the world, is a place where outstanding chefs all over the world yearn for.

[Tonis Academy] This is another place that high school chefs enter after graduation, which is equivalent to a chef college in disguise.Like Yuanyue, it is the world's two best high school campuses and university colleges.Although there are more than 4.0 people who want to visit this place every year, only a few thousand people can be counted.

However, Dojima Gin was only briefly surprised and then recovered because this condition did not interest him. It was only a matter of time before he entered Tonys Academy as the first seat of Yuan Yue.

The black-robed man above seemed to see Dojima Gin’s thoughts and smiled: “I know that it’s okay to enter Tonys Academy with your current strength... but it’s not necessarily true if you have other partners in Pole Starryo. I'm able to enter this place. For example, I just left Jixingliao not long ago... Seiichiro Bo!"

Chapter 464: The Reason for the Year

"I can let you and your friends enter the Tonys Academy... For example, the talented chef Seiichiro Ha, who has just left Totsuki!" The black-robed man stood on the stone steps facing the Dojima Gindo under the stage .

When Dojima Gin heard this, he was stunned.Yes...I can enter Tonys Academy, but what about Seiichiro who couldn't even finish graduation?What should he do...

"You, as a student of Yuanyue, should know better than anyone else. It would be nothing if you can leave Yuanyue without graduation. Even if you survive, you can only be a chef in an unknown restaurant! With you These students who can enter the Tonys Academy are completely incomparable... even if they are geniuses, they will end up in an embarrassed escape from being unable to defeat themselves in the end!" Igo's boss spread his hands and said loudly, as he spoke loudly behind him The flames burned higher and higher, seeming to set off his powerful aura.

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