The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 335

Time to return to about 15 minutes before Erina and Scarlett chat in the lobby.In the temporary conference hall on the third floor of Jixingliao...

At this time, Liu Xingyao, Chuangzhen, Seiichiro, Dojima Gin, Yixunuo, Tian Suohui, Mansam and others gathered in the hall.

"I lost again, I lost again...really, this is the 491th time I lost to my father!" Chuang Zhen was chattering in Liu Xingyao's ear like an eight-woman.

With a drop of sweat hanging on Liu Xingyao's forehead, he looked at Chuang Zhen Dao with an idiot's eyes: "I still look happy after losing? have been chanting these words repeatedly from the beginning, please, my ears It sounds like a cocoon."

"Don't you know... The cooking technique I used in the confrontation with my father just now was learned from Xing Yaojun... In the end, I actually lost! It's really annoying!" He was very angry, but his face was always excited.

As expected, he has a halo...Even after losing 491 times, he still has the spirit and passion to face Seiichiro and cooking, and his passion for cooking continues unabated.He is really a Xiaoqiang who can't die.

"I guess Nagiri Erina and Nito Hisako have already rested...Then I will tell you a few of you about the content of the special training tomorrow." Dojima Gin faced Liu Xingyao and Sojin before him. , Tian Suohui said three people.

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but be puzzled, and said: "Suddenly we called us here... I remember that tomorrow I will start the practice of eating righteousness with Brother Yixiu? Is there any temporary change now?"

Yixunuo nodded and explained: "Because considering that Shiyi takes a long time, and you don’t have much time left, so I gave up the plan of Shiyi cultivation and went directly to the Shiji Alliance~ Special Training stage."


Liu Xingyao pondered for a while and closed his eyes slightly and said, "Okay...I don't care, do I have to start now-?"


Dojima Gin nodded a little and started studying for the Alliance Food Halberd and began to explain, saying: "The Alliance Food Halberd and the usual halberd showdown are obviously different. That is... [Teamwork] will greatly influence the outcome of the victory. !"


Liu Xingyao frowned slightly when he heard this. In his understanding, couldn't the Alliance Food Halberd drive all the teams alone?Didn't Seiichiro defeat nearly 50 opponents with one person...

"But, fight alone behind the enemy? Although it is a group VS group, in the final analysis, it is still a competition that will rely on the power of [individual] to compete?" Liu Xingyao said in his heart doubt.

Seiichiro on the side spoke at this time: "A team of people in the halberd can help cooking from the side!"


The dishes they make are confronted by the enemy one by one, and if necessary, they should also help their companions complete the dishes...Improve the completion of the entire team's dishes...In other words, all the team members are the assistants as the chefs. Roles!

"That's right, even if the individual's strength cannot be better than the opponent, but as long as you cooperate with your companions, even if the opponent is the world, you will have a chance to win! For this, you must have the ability to cooperate above the opponent. K, the special purpose of the next step is this!" Dojima Gin explained.

After listening to Dojima Gin's words, Liu Xingyao nodded.This is somewhat similar to an event he participated in in his previous life... Remember that the name of the event was [Team Food Contest], which was a food event that Liu Xingyao participated in after he owned a restaurant, and was selected from dozens of star-rated restaurants The most representative restaurants are not allowed to compete in a food-themed food showdown...

The selected restaurant must send a team of chefs with more than 4 people and less than 8 people to compete. It is also equivalent to a team’s halberd competition, but the interesting thing is that a team must make 16 dishes during the competition, and the final winning conditions are also reviewed. The total score of the cuisine.This means that everyone must cook more than 2 dishes...

Such rules also lead to a slightly more powerful chef who can assist a slightly less powerful chef after finishing the two prescribed dishes, or a slightly weaker chef to assist a more powerful chef to complete the required 15 dishes. .

No matter how powerful your cooking methods are by yourself, it is impossible for you to complete 15 dishes in the specified time alone, right?Therefore, this kind of team competition should reflect the relationship of mutual cooperation, and there is an essential gap between the single-person cooking showdown.

"Such as... If I'm with everyone, I'm a little bit courageous~" Sister Tian Suohui seemed to be relieved.

On the other hand, Chuang Zhen's face showed a mental retardation, and said, "Are you working as a team? Actually, I really want to face off against my opponents single-handedly-hahaha!"

Dojima Gin directly ignored Chuangzhen’s mental retardation, and continued: “So starting tomorrow...for a 2V2 or 3V3 duel, it’s the so-called [Red and White Battle]! Then, first identify the adaptability of the few of you. Group..."

When Dojima Gin was not finished, Seiichiro, the mentally retarded, stood up with a lottery in his hand and said, "Oh, then let's draw lots to decide..."

A drop of sweat hung on Dojima Gin's forehead, and a black line appeared on his forehead: "How can you group so casually..."

"Anyway, there must be many battles! What does this have to do with..."

Seiichiro directly ignored Dojima Gin, who was already on the verge of rampage, and came to Liu Xingyao and Tian Suohui, still using the mentally retarded color, and said: "Okay, the one who is familiar must accept punishment! Then what should I play~~ ~"

"No... this form of special training is not competing against each other. It's just a simulated battle..." Dojima Gin's forehead was already black.

Seiichiro continued to ignore: "Okay, how about this? How about punishing eating my newly invented vulgar dishes?"

"Huh..." Dojima Gin took a deep breath, and the small universe finally burst out at this moment.

The corner of Liu Xingyao's mouth twitched slightly (facing Dojima Gin), and seeing Dojima Gin's face approaching here, he pointed behind Seiichiro (with his back to Dojima Gin).

"That's what, Senpai... Senpai Dojima seems to have something to do with you, so let's solve it first and then talk about this punishment game." Liu Xingyao said with shame.

Chapter 468 Special Training (2)

Hearing Liu Xingyao's words, the mentally retarded Seiichiro looked back...Sure enough, Dojima Gin was exploded and came to him, so he could not wait to crush Seiichiro!

"The way you look reminds me of many bad guys sit down honestly for me and let us settle the old accounts!!"

Dojima Gin's eyes turned white completely, and his fists clenched "creaking" to Seiichiro, who was still mentally retarded and said, "Why are you always dealing with this kind of problem that requires attention to detail? You are so casual! You called me a long time after you came back to Japan, right?"

Seiichiro had the mentally retarded expression facing Dojima Gin, who was almost irrational and unable to calm down. He didn't put his anger in his eyes and said, "Oh... Then I am amazing, at least I called you. ?"

"You are so embarrassed to speak!? You don't even tell me where you live... When I hurriedly took out my notebook to write it down, you guy unilaterally hung up the phone! You bastard..."

Dojima Gin finally uttered an swear word in front of so many people: "You brainless guy...Are you an adult? You don't even know the basics of newspaper, union, and talk..."

"...Oh, the phone just ran out of power at that time~~"

"You shameless bastard, who would believe this?"

"It's so noisy...Silver-how about pouring everything you want to say in the dishes to decide the outcome?"

"It's just what I want, I must teach and correct your bastard character! Ah, no, let's start now!!"


This is why it is so late, Dojima Gin wants everyone to give special training suddenly.In fact, it was because he couldn't stand Seiichiro's mental retardation and wanted to teach him immediately...

Turning around, go back to the hall of Pole Star Liao (where Erina and Scarlett were chatting just now)

After Hisasha and Erina knew the reason for the sudden special training, there was a drop of sweat on their foreheads.

"It's actually quarreling because of this kind of thing... and it's the first time I saw Master Zaibo look like that." Erina said inwardly with a drop of sweat hanging on her forehead.

Everyone, including Liu Xingyao (except Chuangzhen), found it incredible.

"It's such a talent... I can make the Dojima residence, who is usually so calm and so emotional, almost never start a fight," Liu Xingyao muttered.

Only Shuangzhen thought the two of them were funny. He pointed to Dojima Gin and Seiichiro and laughed loudly: "Is this the so-called serious quarrel among adults? Oh, it's so funny."

Mansam couldn't bear to stop Dojima Ginwa Seiichiro, and came to the crowd and announced loudly: "Okay, let's arrange it like this... This red-and-white showdown will be supported by I and Ikyu! Grouping like this... Seiichiro's team-headed by Seiichiro, Chuangzhen, Erina, Hisasha! Dojima Gin's team-Dojima Gin, Liu Xingyao, Tian Suohui... and then..."

When it comes to this, Mansam is embarrassed to find that there is a missing person in Temeow?

"Uh... it looks like there are seven people, and they can't be divided evenly."

With a drop of sweat hung on his forehead, Mansam touched his bald head and said, "What should I do, let Yixiu or I go in and get a head?"


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