The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 337

"I can't bear it! Chuangzhen, you fellow must cooperate with me to start the action!" Seiichiro shouted, carrying Chuangzhen's collar.

Chuang Zhen also squeezed Seiichiro's head with anger and shouted, "Dad! Your cooking process is completely different from the recipe!"

"It's so noisy, you are helping the kitchen! You have to help me well!"

"It's hard for you to be like this!"


Seeing this scene, everyone in the kitchen had a lot of sweat on their foreheads, and a few people's mouth twitched slightly.

There was a huge disagreement in the Caibo team-is there really no problem with this team?

As the referee, Yixunuo was speechless and came to Xingping and his son to remind them: "I said you two...Be careful to be out of the game early, the Alliance can't speak... let alone disputes, otherwise they will be immediately disqualified. Lose the game!"

Xingping and his son finally calmed down temporarily, and at the same time let go of the other party, bending over and apologizing to Yixunuo: "Yes... I'm sorry!"

"...No, it's okay, you should hurry up and cook. After all, the cooking time is only half an hour this time!" Yi Xiunuo reminded again.

"But having said that, we didn't have cooking tools after the operation, and we were far away from the cooking table, which means that this is not cooking at all~ so it's not a violation of the rules!" Seiichiro looked mentally retarded. Explained to Yixunuo.

There was another drop of sweat on the back of Yixunuo's head: "That kind of myth doesn't make sense at all! It's true... There will be no next time, and it won't be a special training at all!"

Seeing such a scene, Man Samu even clenched fists with black lines. If it had been him just now... he would have gone up to fight Seiichiro!Fortunately, this time the referee is Yixuno who has absolute patience... But even so, he can't stand this superb father and son.

Although Xingping and his son did not continue to quarrel, they still couldn't convince each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Wait...Wait for Mr. Xingping and Master Caibo!"

Erina came quietly to the two of them and whispered: "This is not the time for infighting. Also, Master Bo is the leader of the team. We must help him... If we don't work hard, we won't be the island master. Their opponents of the cook!"

Feisha also came here, and in a single sentence, Chuang Zhen was completely calm and restored to his normal appearance: "Continue like this... We will never be able to surpass Xing Yaojun, they are cooking seriously! And We are still in a mess..."

Feisha's words completely awakened Chuang Zhen, and turned around to look at the cooking table and said, "But why did my dad disrupt the cooking process without authorization..."

Indeed, both Erina and Scarlett noticed this.This dish of mashed potatoes and ground meat...the protagonist is undoubtedly potatoes and minced meat!Roast the ground beef and vegetables together for a rich aroma, add red wine and broth to make it fresh and mellow... This is the most time-consuming process in the entire dish!But Seiichiro put aside this process and set about other things!

Why not follow the prescribed process like Chef Dojima?As soon as Erina and others thought about this, they realized that the flavor of Dojima's silver cuisine had changed, and saw that he picked up anchovies...

AnchoviesCommonly known as "Phoenix coccinea" and scientific name "Phoenix coccinea", it is a valuable economic fish. It is called because its tail is fork-shaped like a phoenix's tail, short and red, with a narrow and long pointed tip, like an phoenix tail.Anchovies are small migratory fishes that usually live in the open sea, mainly in Guyana, the East China Sea and the South China Sea.Because the meat is tender and delicious, it is often used in canned products in Western food, commonly known as "whitebait fillet"!

And the silver fish fillet tin used by Dojima Silver is right now!But seeing Dojima Gin pick up this ingredient, most of the people present were puzzled.

And the ingredients that go with the whitebait fillet are Basil!

Basilis a medicinal and edible aromatic plant, with a taste like fennel, the whole plant is small, the leaf color is emerald green, the flower color is bright, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Ryoko Sakura was slightly puzzled: "Weird...? It's weird, anchovies and basil? I remember this dish (mashed potatoes baked with ground meat) shouldn't use these ingredients, right? And how did the utensils work? thing……"

In French households, mashed potatoes and ground meat are generally served in heat-resistant utensils containing gratin...but Dojima Gin's dishes are only served on ordinary plates...This means that Dojima Gin is cooking ...Is the practice of a formal restaurant, adhering to the gourmet route of original mashed potatoes baked with ground meat!?

It was only then that Erina and others discovered that whether it was Seiichiro or Dojima Gin, the baked ground pork with mashed potatoes seemed to be different from the traditional ones!At this time, they are testing Liu Xingyao as assistant, and Chuang Zhen and others!

As the strongest among these people, Liu Xingyao guessed what he wanted to do when he saw Dojima Gin take out the canned basil and anchovies...

"Hehe... that's the case. Then let me help you! Hmm...wait!"

Just as Liu Xingyao was preparing to do it, he suddenly thought of the main purpose of this special training-the power of the team!

Now Liu Xingyao is undoubtedly very strong and very strong... But if he does what he will do next, isn't this showdown between Liu Xingyao and Dojima Silver?What's the point of this!?

Liu Xingyao had stretched his right hand towards the cooking table and stopped immediately, then turned around to look at the two of Tian Suohui and Tacmi behind him!

In the distance, Yixunuo and Man Samu noticed Liu Xingyao's series of looks and actions.

"Haha... It seems that it is really right to arrange him in the silver team. Now he also gradually understands that this crisis is not only something he can solve alone?" Mansamo muttered to himself.

However, Tian Suohui and his Takmi were also a little dazed at this time, not knowing what to do!Because they didn't have Liu Xingyao's quick show, Dojima Gin's intention.

The 471st chapter fighting spirit

Before coming here...Tacomi also did hard training, and he has never worked so hard so far!Because the people around him are stronger than him, and they are not just a little bit stronger.

"Not reconciled...I am not reconciled! There has never been such a reconciliation...Why can everyone be better than me!?" Takumi once uttered such doubts and shouted unwillingly.

With the self so far, it absolutely doesn't work!Takumi knew the gap between him and Chuangzhen, and there were also many gaps between him and Liu Xingyao.

If I want to break through myself, I must personally destroy the [Aldini’s dishes] that has been built in my heart so far...I must personally destroy the self that I have so far!This is the realization from Aldini...

So here today, he showed his improved self.A powerful aura slowly rose on Aldini, and then his face firmly walked towards the cooking table step by step.

When he came to the cooking table, he put a series of prepared ingredients on the table.Liu Xingyao saw in his eyes, he didn't start and didn't speak.837

"Huh? vinegar and...olive oil? Stir them together...what the hell is this?" Dawu Aoki and the others said they couldn't understand what Tacmi was doing.

However, after Liu Xingyao scanned for a moment, he smiled and secretly said: So that's it... the combination of ingredients.If served on a plate, the sauce is indispensable!What Chef Dojima the fish paste with anchovies and basil as the main characters...

And... the dish he cooked next was a lot of oil to stir-fry onions, garlic, green peppers and red peppers... Then what he made was [Onion Garlic Chili Sauce].This is a commonly used sauce in Italian dishes-stir-fry the spices and vegetables with olive oil to maximize the deliciousness of the sauce!Similar to French dishes, onion, robb, and celery are used as main plant spices.If it's an Italian sauce with green pepper and red hot sauce...the sauce can match the dishes properly, and it will make the dishes more luscious and mellow!

"Hey...but you can't use Italian sauce in ordinary mashed potatoes..."

"Wait a minute...Tacomy he actually?"

At this moment, most of the audience realized that Tacmi couldn't help but help Dojima Gin complete his improvisation, and he also mentored and discipled how delicious the improvised dishes were?

At this moment, an unprecedented aura erupted from Aldini... Chuang Zhen was immediately shocked by this aura, because of this aura he had learned in the cooking showdown with Liu Xingyao!


"Aldini...this momentum is really surprising!"

Yixunuo nodded slightly and said, "This is a growth!"

I have never felt it in him so far... such a [simply elegant] obsession, and now standing in front of Liu Xingyao and others is a completely new Aldini.

After Takumi finished cooking the dishes, his lips opened slightly to say something to Chuang Zhen.Only at the moment of Chuangzhen, who is very close to him, can he hear his mosquito-like voice...Of course, Liu Xingyao, who has super hearing ability, can also hear clearly.

What are you rubbing against?Xingping... Our goal is to save Yuanyue, but are you spending time here?And... Whether it's for a special red-and-white duel, it's a supporting role... This is the kitchen!This is the place to win!

Aldini looked at Chuang Zhen with the flames of war burning in his eyes!

Chuang Zhen smiled at the corner of his mouth after listening to Takumi's words.He tied the turban that was originally wrapped around his hand to his head!The fighting spirit that suddenly burned, let Cai Bo Duo start to attack!

That's right, Takumi... Even if it's a red-and-white battle, a duel is a duel!I will not lose to you...nor Xing Yaojun.Wait... Chuang Zhen secretly made up his mind in his heart, and at the same time cheered up.

And Liu Xingyao saw all this in his eyes and listened to his ears, then turned around and began to make unknown dishes on the cooking table.

"However, Master Zaipa and Chef Dojima are testing us...Then we should only do one thing now!" Erina secretly said with her hands on her chest, but she didn't mean to do it.

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