The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 339

At this time, whether it was Liu Xingyao or Scarlett Sands and others, they all cast a faint smile toward the Erina cooking table.

Regardless of whether this special training is effective or not, at least let Erina slowly and truly begin her research and unique cooking field.This is her huge improvement...

Of course the most surprised of these people was Scarlett, and she was also the one who was very happy.

"Master Erina...this, this is really great. I can finally study cooking with everyone!" Scarlett's face showed the most beautiful smile.

Looking back, Yuanyue Commander's special villa.

After returning from the underground branch of igo, Nakamura thought that what would happen next was also unable to sleep. He was holding a map of Starwind Island in his hand, and in front of him was a schematic diagram of a flying plane.

"Thank you, please wirelessly contact the Lunar Shadow 4 where the seniors of the Caibo school took them. Their path of travel coincides with this place." ι

Thistle Nakamura pointed to a meeting point on the map, and said: "We will specify the details of the outcome and..."

Thistle Nakamura did not finish, but added in his heart: And the bet to unlock the important key to the legendary kitchen utensils!

After arranging everything, Nakamura Thistle lay on the sofa and looked outside with a smile at the corner of his mouth and said: out and be happy... It's time for me to listen to what you want to say to me.


When I came back to Jixingliao, the cooking time for both sides was almost over.But in the last time, although everyone had sweat on their cheeks, no matter who it was, they had smiles of joy!The same is true for Erina, her face is filled with happiness that has never appeared in cooking!

For the people of Erina and Fei Fei Sha, the joy and passion of cooking in this special training, I don’t know how long it has not been!

"That's it, please both parties immediately serve the finished dishes!"

With a roar of Mansamu, this first special training cooking phase finally ended!The next thing to be done is the two teams' "mashed potatoes and ground meat", try them separately.

At this time, in front of Yixunuo were two very special mashed potatoes and ground meat.The first is the grinded meat with mashed potatoes made by the Dojima team—the shape of a cylinder, with green water-like decorations and heavy meat sauce on the top, and an attractive fragrance that makes the inner appetite rise. ... There is no doubt that this is a beautifully-looking dish that can more arouse the appetite of diners.

Let’s take a look at the mashed potatoes made by the Caibo team...Although the appearance is somewhat unsatisfactory compared with the Dojima team, a closer look makes people think that they just use crepes and small white fish. It’s just a dish of steaks...

But these are not the main points. The main thing about the good and bad dishes is the taste!

Yixunuo picked up the knife and fork and came to the different mashed potatoes grinded meat: "Then let me try it..."

But after Yixunuo finished speaking, he didn't see that he didn't try to eat it. After a while, he saw a smile on his mouth, and then put down the knife and fork in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xingyao, Erina, and others were all stunned, with some question marks on their heads.How many situations are these?

"...Although I really want to try your cooking, the six of you will decide the victory or defeat, so you can taste the dishes of the two teams with each other. This is the final stage of the red and white battle." Nuo said to Liu Xingyao and others.

Although I don’t really understand what Ishino’s words mean, but...everyone understands that all you have to do is to taste your opponent’s cooking.

Chuang Zhen, who moved extremely fast, took the knife and lightly scratched the ground meat with mashed potatoes made by the Dojima team, and just touched it lightly to cut it open!

It looks relatively sturdy, but it can be cut with the weight of the knife itself?

"The mashed potatoes look very silky...For example, it seems like... There is a feeling of [using magic 2.3 magic] to make incredible cotton candy!!" Chuang Zhen touched his chin and looked at the appearance in front of him. The beautiful Dojima team's mashed potato gratin.

Erina was also attracted by this dish. Instead of eagerly trying it out, he looked up and said: "The beautiful layering produced by mashed potatoes and meat sauce... This layering is really wonderful!"

Scarlett also said with excuses: "Well... and the bright appearance formed by the green sauce also aroused great interest-how exactly did it do it?"

Seeing the three people standing in front of the cooking, just commenting and not starting, they could not help but remind them: "Okay, what are you still looking at... Hurry up and try it, otherwise the taste will change when it gets cold. Come and taste the right dishes!?"

Chapter 474 Transformation

Man Samu looked at Liu Xingyao of the Dojima team who hadn't moved yet and said, "What are you waiting for? Come here and start tasting the food!"

Liu Xingyao, Takmi, and Tian Suohui also came to the table, divided it into three parts, and slowly tasted it.

"Uh huh!?"

After Liu Xingyao tasted the mashed potatoes baked by Caibo's team, his expression was a bit surprised.

"This fast-shaped meat inside! Is Erina's steak? So that's it..."

Liu Xingyao nodded and said with a smile: "The crepes made by Senior Caibo are for these steaks, mashed potatoes...and those dried white fish rolled up and grilled. The temperature inside looks like the soup. "

Tian Suohui's small face was also slightly excited, and her appetite for looking at the delicious food in front of her also increased: "But...but it would be a shame to let it cool down before eating..."

"That's right...30 This hot thing can't be left without eating, eat it while it's hot, this is the correct way to eat mashed potatoes!" Takumi also said.

Ever since, the Dojima team and the 6 people from Caibo picked up the tableware and started to try each other's dishes.At the moment they ate, all five of them were shocked by the deliciousness of the food!As if the huge power bursting from the cooking, everyone felt an unprecedented shock.

"Oh oh oh... this, this tastes like this!!"

"Too...too unbelievable!"

Seeing this corner of his mouth, Yixunuo smiled again, and then the middle of the two teams asked: "Well, which side will the winning team be? Please also point out the side that you think will win..."

After pondering for a moment, six people raised their hands almost at the same time---pointing at their opponents.

Chuangzhen pointed to Takumi, and Takumi's hand also pointed to Chuangzhen. The same goes for Erina and Sohui here, as are Liu Xingyao and Feisha.

Others Liu Xingyao didn't know the reason, and the reason he pointed to the opposite was because it tasted unprecedented taste from the baked ground meat with mashed potatoes made by Caibo...To be precise, it was the steak grilled by Erina.It is said that the cooking can reflect the chef's mood, and Liu Xingyao ate the "special taste" from Erina from this steak.

It is because it is not the first time to eat the dishes made by Erina, so Liu Xingyao sighs so much!What he thought was delicious was actually because Erina made a huge change in his previous style.

"Erina...this cooking style is what you need most right now." Liu Xingyao closed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

Although Liu Xingyao felt a lot of emotions in his heart, everyone who watched the battle in Jixingliao was surprised to see this situation now.All point to each other!?

"Hey...what, what's the matter?"

"Also... Did both teams admit defeat?"

Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato were the first to say so surprised.

And Ryoko Sakura looked at Erina and was very surprised at the same time: "And... and Master Erina, who has [God’s Tongue], also pointed at him... Even Xingyao-kun is the same!?"

Liu Xingyao's strength has been deeply imprinted among the people in Jixingliao.Just like Seiichiro who was in Jixingliao back then, as long as Liu Xingyao participates in the cooking showdown, everyone will naturally think that the winner must be him!But now Liu Xingyao points to his opponent and says his cooking is delicious?

"Difficult... Could it be that Xing Yaojun didn't adapt to the alliance's halberd and played abnormally?" Yoshino thought.

But no matter what they think, they don't know that Liu Xingyao actually "gave up" because of the change in Erina's cooking style, and that this time Liu Xingyao gave the opportunity to Takumi and Tian Suohui.

At this time, Erina was still pointing to the mashed potatoes baked with ground meat from the Choi Po team, and said: "Speaking of the meat sauce used in high-end is [ground beef sauce]! They use this as a good dish in their cooking. It is the basis of the taste. The onion garlic chili sauce made by Aldini brings a deeper sweetness to the ground beef! The onion garlic chili sauce also helps in making brown sauce... This should be Classmate Tiansuo came up with it improvisationally. This is really good. Basil and anchovy are the prominent points in the protagonist's basil anchovy sauce!"

[Anchovy] is a small fish that lives in the upper middle of the temperate ocean and is one of the common fish on the Japanese table.

"And in the end, it is presented in the state of water droplets, which brings a three-dimensional effect to the flavor and forms a shocking visual effect. If you give an example, it feels like-the stable order and coordination in the improvisation shines The joy of the captain playing and beating! It's like listening to a top jazz band's concert!"

When talking about this, Erina bowed her head slightly and said: "The cooking I chose... failed to reach the completion of this dish, even if there is still a little time limit... But at least if I can taste the taste calmly All right."

As soon as Erina finished saying this, Takumi stood up and said, "I don't agree with that!"

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