The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 349

"Well...I know my brother!"

Before the age of 6 it was because of the poker issue that Isami was the elder brother, and Tacmi looked like his younger brother.

Then the Aldini brothers slowly began to take over the cooking... Tacmi’s amazing talent quickly showed, and it greatly surpassed Isami!

For this reason, when the two brothers were 10 years old, they began to help the family restaurant with cooking and receiving guests.

"Today's main course...I want to eat the dishes made by little brother Takumi, do you think it is okay?"

Almost every customer who comes to the restaurant will order dishes made by Takumi, because the dishes he cooks are indeed very delicious, not like dishes made by a 10-year-old child at all!

Naturally, Isami was not reconciled... and wanted to let the guests taste the dishes he made, so he also learned the innovative dishes like Tacmi.but……

"Isami! Why do you want to process your own dishes without authorization!? You have messed up the taste of the entire dish. Do you want to lose the trust of the guests?" Isami's father sternly faced the young Yi Sami roared.

From that moment on...Isami knew how far he was from Tacmi.

After the failure, Isami could only hide in the corner and cry secretly... But this time Takmi came to him.

"Brother...I'm sorry...I!"

The young Issami cried even more sadly when he saw Takmi's arrival: "I ruined the dishes that my brother made...uuuuuu!"

Isami just wanted to prove that he could actually do well because he didn't want to be a burden to Tacmi.

"Mezzaluna, the kitchen knife with the name of half a month, don't you think it is suitable for the two of us? When two things that are lacking are merged into one, a complete individual will be produced! Aldini... must It is complete if both of us are guarding at the same time! Isami!" The young Takmi said to Isami.

[No matter how much you grow, I will not lose to you and move on, so that... our shop will one day become the best restaurant in Italy!]

……(The memory is over, go back to the present)

At this time, Isami, who was in another place in Yuanyue, was also holding the same photo as Takumi, remembering...

"Usually, I'm just a funny person who is fooling around, but once I put on the chef's clothes, I will be ashamed of two people... I couldn't catch up in the autumn trials. But I don't want to be a burden to my brother, this time the team Eat halberd...can't lose! I want to share the pressure for my brother!" Isami looked at the photo of him and Takmi in front of him and said very firmly.

The bond between the two brothers... just not to cause trouble to each other!

At this time, Erina is almost like Takumi... Is the worried person actually growing?

Grow...grow?Shiyi's practice is still long and hard!

The fourth day of Shiyi training (three days before boarding the island of star wind), but today is also Alice, Kurokiba Ryo, Isami, Hojo Miyoko, Mito Yumei, and the eighth seat of Horio Shiji. The day of the team.

The start of eating halberd is at 10 o'clock in the morning...

With special approval from Ikino, Yoshino, Daigo Aoki, Shoji Sato, Marui, Itake Tsuki, and Sasaya Toshi went to the scene where Mito Ikumi Isami and others cheered.

"Everyone, keep on going. It takes 40 minutes to reach the top of the mountain today! It is not far from the day 2.0 when Shiyi is completed..." Yixunuo trot at the front of the crowd reminded.

Behind Yi Xiu Nuo are the people of Ji Xing Liao, and their daily physical training is always indispensable.The cultivation of all kinds of Shiyi has also come to an end!

At 7:30 in the morning, we departed from Jixingliao on time and started a morning run on the top of the mountain. When everyone returned to Jixingliao, it was already 9 o'clock.The back and forth time plus the rest time, the time spent on this morning jog was less than one and a half hours, which was much better than the first day.This also shows that the human body has increased significantly!

9 o'clock exactly... there is less than an hour left before Isami, Alice and others can eat the halberd!

"Well, let's have a special training this morning." Yixunuo said to everyone in front of him.

Chapter 489: Three Lobsters Fight for Hegemony

Time AM9:08—In the backyard of Jixingliao (located in the large open ground between Jixingliao Building 1 and Building 2)

There are cooking counters and stoves in the backyard.These were built in the backyard for the convenience of Itake Tsuki or Yoshino to make smoke or game dishes.Especially Itake Jun is to make smoked dishes, like before, making it inside Jixingliao will make the room full of smoke every time, so I built this place on the suggestion of Mrs. Wen Xu and Quan Jixingliao. !

In short, this is an open-air cooking kitchen!

"Let's do a special training today." Yixunuo smiled mysteriously at Liu Xingyao and others.

Looking at the mysterious appearance of Yixunuo, he looked at where he was now.Chuang Zhen's face was still mentally retarded, and guessed: "Senior Brother Yixiu, are you going to let us play the Red and White battle of the Jiji Alliance again?"

"Ah...Ah? Now?" Scarlett said that 30 of them were not ready.

Today is the fourth day of Shiyi's study. So far, the Red and White Shiji Alliance duel has been held once on the first night, so it is very reasonable for Yixunuo to propose at this time.

But Yixunuo smiled and said, "It's a red-and-white battle. It can also be said to be a special training for food righteousness-[3 Lobster Hegemony]!"

"Dragon... Three lobsters contend for hegemony!?"

The group, including Liu Xingyao, heard Yixunuo say this, with several question marks on their heads.

Lobster three fight for hegemony?What is this... new food righteous training!?

I don't know when Seiichiro, Dojima Gin, and Mansamo also came to the courtyard.

Mansamu followed Xiunuo’s words to explain to everyone, saying: “The so-called three lobster hegemony is simply divided into three stages to make three dishes. The combination of red and white matches, three wins and two games. Team Eater..."

Then Mansamu briefly explained to everyone the simple rules of the three lobster hegemony-the red and white team's halberd battle.

"Like the previous Alliance Food Halberd, you must remain silent during the cooking process. But at the same time, you must abide by the rules of the three lobster hegemony...Then let me explain what the three dishes of the lobster three hegemony are." Man Samuel began to explain.

Lobster three fight for hegemony, fight one: compare knife skills-make a plate of lobster sashimi while blindfolded, the fastest and most complete team wins.

Hegemony 2: Comparing the speed-the attachment conditions are used to "fry" the lobster. When either party finishes the work, the other person will stop.Then try each other's dishes.

Struggle for hegemony three: It is also the finale and the most difficult link in the final three battles for hegemony.The cooking method adopts "yaki", which is the so-called casserole dish.

In cooking terminology, "burning" refers to the pre-cooked raw materials that are fried or boiled and added to the appropriate amount of soup and seasonings, first boil over a high fire, and then slowly heat it to a small medium heat until the color is about to be mature. Cooking method.

There are no restrictions in the final three duel (still a series of principles such as the food halberd alliance can’t speak). Just use lobster to make casserole dishes. Simply say who can use lobster to make the best casserole dishes. win.

After listening to Mansamu explaining the "three lobster hegemony", most of the people present were directly stunned.The food halberd team can't speak, it doesn't matter, this three lobster hegemony actually comes with such harsh conditions.For example, in the first round of the knife competition, you actually have to blindfold it?I think it's impossible!

Sakura Ryoko felt a little unacceptable when she heard it, and a drop of sweat hung on her forehead and looked at Mansamu and said, "Man...Chef Mansamu, you...are you kidding? Doing lobster sashimi blindfolded? This...this is very dangerous. what!"

Mansamu looked quite upright, closed his eyes and slowly said: "This three lobster battle-the red and white team's halberd battle was actually proposed by Yixiu. Last night, he and the three of us (Seiichiro, Dojima Gin, Mansamu) We were also taken aback when we said it. Blindfolded lobster sashimi may be an impossible task for others, but I must be after you have practiced food righteousness Can do it!"

After listening to Mansamu, everyone looks at me and I see you are silent again...

"If you close your eyes, you won't be able to see anything...Can you still cook in the darkness?" Tian Suohui whispered.

Chuangzhen didn't think so much, and said impatiently: "Oh, is it okay? Let's try it and it will be over, right?"

When Chuangzhen's words just fell, Yi Xiunuo said seriously: "It's not just a try. If you don't do it must drink the punishment tea I made!"

Speaking of Yixunuo, he took out a large glass, a blue liquid that resembled a drink... Just seeing the color and smelling the smell made everyone feel sick, let alone drink it!


Seeing a punishment tea from Xiunuo, even Liu Xingyao's forehead was covered with a few drops of sweat. This cup has a capacity of at least 1,000 ml. If you go on this cup, it is estimated that you will be uncomfortable.

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