The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 356

When Nakamura said this, his eyes shot a terrifying look, and his eyes locked on Erina and said: "I can't allow you to continue to act arbitrarily!"

This look in Nakamura Thistle... that terrible look is the shadow of Erina since childhood!Even in such a cold place, a drop of sweat could be seen on Erina's forehead.

"Nagiri classmate..."

"Damn-awful... After all, Nakiri was obedient to his father since he was a child. It's hard to do now..."

Just when Chuangzhen, Tian Suohui and others thought that Erina would return to him again for Nakamura Thistle, but Erina lowered her head...

With her head down for a long time, Erina was actually inhaling and exhaling... repeating this action several times.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao's mouth evoked a thick smile.

Erina will listen to you this time?Not necessarily... Erina has already walked out of the darkness. At this time, she may be much worse than the Erina in your impression!Liu Xingyao thought to himself in his heart.

……Short memories (returning to a year ago when Erina was still a junior high school student)

At the appointment ceremony of the New Ten Elite——

"Students from the junior high school were selected as the top ten... It's an unprecedented thing. I remember... that man took the third seat in the first grade of high school, and he was the youngest top ten in history. But I didn't expect that there will be a new history today. !"

"Yes... the man you mentioned is the father of Erina-sama!?"

"Shhh... quietly..."

On the New Ten Judges' panel, many judges were surprised and talked about the Erina Dang Ten Jie, who was only a junior high school student.

Nageki Senzaemon stared at Erina in front of him and said, "In the name of Tomotsuki Commander-in-chief Nageki Senzaemon... appoint you Nakiri Erina as the tenth seat of the ten best!!"


The scene is reminiscing, returning to Erina’s childhood

"Erina...the one who possesses the tongue of God has a duty. This duty is to be king...the apex of the far moon’s food! So you have to walk on the way I... ever walked, and you must pay Keep climbing up!"

When he was young, Thistle Nakamura said to the young Erina... Erina at that time naturally obeyed his words!

"Yes... Father!"

What my father said is correct...Father...I will do what my father said!This is what Erina had thought when she reached high school.

But today...

Erina kept breathing in just now because she made a very important was a decision to change her fate.

The memories of Liu Xingyao and Ji Xingliao kept flashing in his mind.Erina... suddenly spoke!

"I understand what you said, father... Then... I will return the hands of the tenth seat of the top ten. From now on I am only Erina Nakiri!!" After Erina said this, it seemed as if everyone had met her. The look of the tall queen.

Seeing Erina look like this, even Sieishi, Kizhiguo Ningning and others on Nakamura Thistle looked at Erina with surprised eyes.

" could it be possible!? I was... actually abandoning the position of the top ten...!!?"

Needless to say, Shijie’s general importance in Yuanyue... Erina changed the seat of Shijie to Nakamura Thistle in front of so many people.

Nagari Senzaemon, Ikuno, Seiichiro, Mansam and others all showed gratified smiles.On the contrary, Nakamura Thistle has a gloomy face... his face is very bad!

When Erina said these words herself, she actually felt a little weird!The dark mind finally completely walked out of the dark prison...

"Because... If you don't do this... I can't be called their partner, physically or mentally!!" Erina finally said everything from his heart.


Nageri Senzaemon's bearded chin smiles even more-they are the ones who can make Erina come out!

Thistle Nakamura was gloomy for a long time, then lowered his head and said faintly: "Hehe... I didn't expect Erina, you Uranus made self-assertion to refute me openly... Yes, but if you lose, only Erina will have to pay another price... "

Special price!?

"Punishment such as dropping out of school is too pediatric... I want you to dedicate your life to the central food organization, remember and implement every word your father said, there is no rebuttal, you know?" Nakamura said gloomy.


Erina wanted to say that she knew, but was interrupted by Liu Xingyao before she finished.

"Why let Erina promise you this ridiculous condition!? Is it because she is your biological daughter?" Liu Xingyao came directly to Erina's face, blocking her front and staring at Thistle Nakamura.

Thistle Nakamura raised his head and looked at Liu Xingyao with a gloomy look without saying a word!


Regardless of Nakamura Thistle’s gloomy face, Liu Xingyao continued, “Every person has the right to freedom. Even if you are Erina’s biological father, you have not deprived her of her lifelong rights... and most importantly, It is impossible for us to lose in this alliance! Whether it is for the future of Yuanyue or the legendary kitchen must not make you happy, igo!!!"

Liu Xingyao was already the first person to speak to Thistle Nakamura.After a long time, thistle Nakamura turned around and said: "The conditions have been confirmed and will be signed and wait for both parties to sign and confirm...Erina, I will make you regret the consequences of publicly being an enemy of your father!"

Hearing Nakamura Thistle's words, Erina's whole body couldn't help but tremble, as if locked by some beast!

When the fear in Erina's heart rose, Tian Suohui and Scarlett came to her from behind...Partner, this is partner!

When you need help and fear, come to you!

"You don't need to say these threatening words... I said that no one has the right to limit the life of others! This time, I will personally lead everyone in Pole Xingliao to crush your conspiracy... Star Wind Island in 2 weeks, one Fight between male and female!" Liu Xingyao finished speaking with a powerful aura.

Chapter 500 The Creator of Happiness

The conversation between Ji Xing Liao and others and Igo Shijie and others led by Ji Nakamura is over... Everything will take place on the Star Wind Island in half a month!

Seeing the train leaving Nakamura Thistle and others, Erina hasn't recovered for a long time!And everyone in Jixingliao still can't recover from the scene just now...

Most people never thought that Erina would openly attack Nakamura Thistle in front of so many people... and also said that... confident words.It seems that there is the confident high-cold queen that everyone encountered at the beginning of the school-Nagiri Erina-sama!

"Hehe... That's really good, Naginari..." Chuang Zhen came to Erina's side and said with a relieved expression.

Because just now Chuang Zhen saw the gloomy and angry look of Nakamura Thistle...Now when I think back to Nakamura Thistle's unvented look before he left, Chuang Zhen felt so comfortable in his heart!

Liu Xingyao also came to Erina's face, but when she saw her cheeks clearly... she found her cheeks blush with honey!


Liu Xingyao was startled, 500 Urina asked in a daze when her cheeks were hot, "...What's wrong with you, Urina!?"

"Well, you guys will be the decisive battle in the Star Wind Island (speaking very fast)... Let's take up your energy!" Erina turned her head and said to Liu Xingyao, Chuang Zhen and the people of Ji Xing Liao.

The aftermath of plucking up the courage to confront his father has not cleared... Now Erina's mood is obviously very excited... Adrenaline (a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla. When the human body experiences certain stimuli, such as excitement and fear, it can secrete this Hormones, which speed up the heartbeat and respiration) have not retreated.

"Oh...oh-although we know...but..."

Before Chuang Zhen finished speaking, Erina, who still had crimson cheeks on his cheeks, continued to speak loudly and excitedly to everyone, saying: "As long as we have a complete victory in this alliance and defeat the current top ten, then I will To be the number one throne of Li Shijie, this is the battle for me to become a real queen and dominate Yuanyue...So I must win the victory by myself! If you make an analogy, then you are now servants of the queen, you have to Proud (still speaking super fast)..."

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