The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 363

However, as Isshiki Hui said, although the investigation can understand that the opponent will have a little help for the next alliance food halberd, the randomness of the theme ingredients is too large, no matter what it is, it is impossible to predict what will happen next.

But only the eighth seat Horio's ability to replicate is so obvious...

"Isshiki Hui-senpai...what would you do if you were you against Kamhorio? Even you can't avoid his copy?" Liu Xingyao continued to ask.

At this time, the bus passed through a dark hole... the entire bus was suddenly darkened.About 2 minutes later, the bus saw the sky again, and at this time the sunlight from the sky also penetrated the clouds.

A fox smile appeared on Isshihui’s face, and it took a long time before she uttered four words: "Stealing the sky and changing the day!"

... (The short memory is over, and I will return to the halberd-eating scene of the Alliance on the Island of Star Wind)

The third group Chuangzhen and Ji Zhiguo Ningning are already on the bar, and both sides are finishing their own production of noodles.Both of them started the next cooking work!

However, most of the eyes of everyone at this time were still on Ji Zhiguo and Chuangzhen, and few people paid attention to the battle between Isshiki Hui and Horio.

The theme of the second group is mutton, and Isshiki directly took out a whole sheep from the ingredient library and began to remove it.Skilled knife skills and techniques quickly dismembered the whole sheep!

But the moment Isshihui dismembered a whole head, he felt a black shadow entangled behind him.After regaining consciousness, I saw... unexpectedly found that Horio had also completed the dismemberment work at some point.At this moment, Horio's eyes turned into a beast-like green...The special ability copy had locked on Isshiki Hui at this moment.

Seeing this, Yishihui's pupils also rose in color: "Are you here...then you have to follow my pace, don't lose more, copy the male classmate."


The theme ingredients of the first group and the second group are determined, then let's take a look at the theme ingredients of the third group-[eel]!

EelFish, also known as eel, is a kind of fish that resembles a long snake-like appearance and has the basic characteristics of a fish.In winter, Japanese people often eat fragrant grilled eel rice to drive away the cold and keep full energy.It can be seen that the edible value of eel is extremely high. It is not only the favorite eel in Japan, but also eel can be seen on the high-end western food table.

After learning about the subject ingredients, Tosuke Megijima began to prepare.On the other hand, the black-robed man on the opposite side was low in front of the counter, not knowing what he was thinking...

Chapter 510 Mikishima Fuyusuke

The third group of ingredients [eel].Although eels have high nutritional value, they are relatively difficult to handle. As we all know, eels are similar to organisms such as loach, and there is a layer of mucus on the body that is not easy to catch.There is a vernacular [slip not slippery autumn], it is said that creatures such as loach and eel are not easy to grasp with your hands.

Auditorium, here is the seat of the Cheerleading Team

"The third group's ingredient is actually eel... this ingredient is not easy to handle." Kuroki Chang Ryo stared at the venue with a serious expression.

In the eel cooking world, there is a saying "Three years of skewers, eight years of scraping, and a lifetime of grilled fish." This indirectly points out that eels are very difficult to handle.

After hearing this, Alice, who was by the cool side of Kurokiba, couldn't help but touch her chin and said: " is true. Although we don't know the original third seat very well until now, he must be very dressed in kimono. He is good at Japanese cuisine, so there shouldn't be any problems for him to deal with eels."

Alice had just finished saying this. Issami pointed to the Tosuke cooking counter of Mekijima and exclaimed, "Quick...look. He's going to deal with eels!"

Under the surprised gaze of a small number of people, Tosuke Mekishima directly grabbed a giant alive eel with his right hand.

"Okay... It's amazing. Just like a 410 eagle claw, I caught the eel with my right hand." Issami exclaimed.

Kurokiba also saw this in his eyes, and secretly said: If you want to firmly grasp the eel, you must never grasp its must use a special technique to hold its head for cooking.Obviously Megijima knows this... his technique is also very skillful, so it can be seen that this is not the first time he has handled eels.

Although there is also a way to sprinkle salt on the eel and then remove the mucus on the body surface, this mucus has the effect of protecting the eel.Because the skin of the eel can also absorb oxygen in the air, after the eel leaves the water, as long as the mucus on the surface of the body does not dry, it can keep it for a period of time without death.On the contrary, if the mucus is removed with salt, the eel will die immediately, which will greatly affect its taste.

Therefore, professional chefs have mastered the skills of killing live eels... Killing the eels while they are alive is the only way to preserve the most deliciousness.

Of course, the chefs who can stand here to eat halberds are no longer the general ones, and they naturally understand this.

Mekijima seems to be a person who doesn't like to have a lot of BB, so he held the eel's head with three fingers of her right hand and put it on the chopping board.Although the eel's body was still twisting, but the next moment he took out a sharp long-stabed knife from his cooking box!

With a "swish", Mekijima quickly and accurately fixed the eel's tail with a long-stab knife, and then stretched the eel's head with her right hand.In this way, the eel is pulled very straight, because the head and body are fixed, so it can't move at all.

After all this was done, Mekishima Fusuke took out an ordinary kitchen knife to cut the center part under the eel's head quickly and accurately, and scraped the eel's body into two in an instant.

Seeing this technique, even Kurokiba Ryo was astonished and said: "...I'm so skilled in dissecting eels. I didn't expect that without a professional kitchen knife for eel, he could handle other chefs so easily. An eel that is difficult to handle. And the head and body are so well connected."

In some restaurants, you generally don’t see the eel's head. You can only eat the part below the head.This is not because the store can hide the head...but because the head of the eel was cut off in order to make it less troublesome when handling the eel.I cut my head with one cut, and it's much easier to handle the eel next.

However, Tosuke Megijima perfectly managed to preserve the eel head and cut the eel without damaging the meat.Ryo Kurokiba grew up by the sea and has many contacts with seafood and fish, and he has handled eels many times... But even so, he could not handle eels as proficiently as Onegijima Fusuke. .

"Is this the strength of the original third seat? It really is a reliable teammate!" Issami said slightly.

However, Yoshino said suspiciously at this time: "Weird...Mekijima has dealt with the eels. His opponent has been slow to do it? What's the situation...Did the guy in the black robe capture and deal with the eels?"

The players rest area

Liu Xingyao has also been watching the situation of the third group from just now...Mekishima Fusuke's proficient technique has also been exchanged for the amazement of Erina and others.

However, at this time, Liu Xingyao set his sights on the guys opposite Mekishima Fusuke.

From the start of the game, the guy was bowing his head and fiddled with something... and the dark aura on that person made people feel very disturbed.Liu Xingyao secretly said.

"It's really strange... Half an hour has passed since the time of the Halberd Food Alliance, but the strange person did nothing. Is it too late to go on like this?" Tian Suohui also looked at the black-robed man's cooking table in doubt.

"And...he hasn't taken out the eel until now. Where did he put the eel?" Takumi also wondered.

Liu Xingyao did not speak, frowned and stared at the black robe man.

After the eel was finally processed by Tosuke Mekishima, the black-robed man was moving.I saw him put a mud-colored stall from under the cooking table to the cooking table.

"Jar? What's in it?" Tian Suohui was startled slightly.

Erina thought for a while and said, "The jar... should be the ingredients, right? For example, dry goods..."

"Hmm..." Everyone nodded and felt that Erina said it was very likely.

But the next scene left everyone stunned for a while...wrapped Liu Xingyao.I saw the black-robed man actually took out an eel from the jar.And the color of the eel is actually green but blue...this eel!!

"Wh...what's going on!? Put the eel in the jar?"

"And that color...just like the color of blue glass flooding!"

For a while, everyone focused on the third group showdown.The green-blue eel immediately attracted the attention of countless people!

But from beginning to end... the [copy] battle between Horio and Kei Isshiki did not hesitate... Not only the people watching the battle, but most of the people on igo are like that.

Chapter 511 Secret Technique

The black robe man unexpectedly found a very special eel from the mud-colored stall.The eel was shining all over, and it actually reflected blue-green under the light.

For a while, all eyes on the scene were attracted to the first group of Mekijima Tosuke vs. Black Robe.

"Wha...what! What's the color of that eel!?"

"Green and blue eels, I have never seen them before. What the hell is going on~?"

Even Mekishima Fuyusuke stopped her hand movement and turned around to look at the eel in the black robe man's hand.

Is it a colored eel?

The players rest area

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