The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 366

"Good, good!!" Yimu John ate a bird's voice again and again.

This is the strength of the third seat... I never thought that Mekijima Tosuke's eel dish completely conquered three judges physically and mentally!

"It's great. Seeing how intoxicated the judges look, Mekijima-senpai has a great chance!" Tacmi stood up and said.

However, Liu Xingyao didn't say a word, his eyes kept falling on the black robe man over there.Although the advantage of being the first to review in the halberd is great... But the eel that that guy has infiltrated with the secret technique has to be worried.

Chapter 514 The Man in Black Robe

The eel dishes of Tosuke Megijima were reviewed and received unanimous praise from the three reviewers.And among the halberds...the dish that is generally tasted first has a greater chance of winning!

This is because the judges will leave an aftertaste in their mouths after eating Mekishima Tosuke's dishes.The more intense the cooking, the more profound the impact... This is bound to have a strong impact on the taste, which will have a certain impact on the subsequent cooking.

Of course, Tosuke Mekishima herself and the experienced people at the scene were aware of this, so Tacmi will have a great chance of winning at Mekishima.


A series of laughter like withered trees came from behind Mekijima Fusuke.

"Who... who is laughing? Did any unspeakable grandfather run into the venue?" Kawashima Rei turned around and looked around, but at this moment, besides Mekishima Fusuke, there was the black man in front of her. Robe man.

But what makes people feel strange is that the sound just now is clearly a laugh that can only be made by old people of old age.

"Strange... Is it an illusion!?" Kawashima Rei was unsure.

"Hehe... that kind of eel makes you so admired, it seems that the dishes you eat on weekdays are all bait." The hoarse and old voice continued.

This time, Kawashima Rei can finally confirm that the one who made such a sound... is... the black-robed man in front of you!!

"This... the sound is really hairy." With a drop of sweat hung on her forehead, Kawashima Rei looked at the black-robed man in front of her and stepped back involuntarily.

Liu Xingyao's expression in the distance is also slightly sinking...From a person's voice, one can tell how old a person is.And the voice of this black-robed man is so say that he is more than 50 years old.Unsurprisingly, the group of bastards like Igo have mixed into chefs of different ages!

The Alliance Food Halberd is to defeat everyone on one side to win.Even the current ten bests are defeated and mixed in with a chef they think they can't lose, so that they are as stable as Mount Tai.For everyone in Igo, it’s impossible to lose in this alliance... And the black-robed man who is now facing Mekijima Fuyusuke is an Igo elder chef...Even Nakamura Thistle must honor him as elder XX. character.

The specific name and identity of the black-robed man will not be mentioned for the time being, but what he said just now offends the two judges here.

"Hey...what did I mean by what you said just now? are an insult to our famous shop." John Yimu looked at the mysterious guy hidden in the distance with his back in the black robe with cold eyes.

Takuros also said in a cold tone: "In that can come up with more delicious dishes that can conquer the food we have eaten before. Otherwise...I will definitely judge you out!"

"Hey... the young man is very angry. Come on, you will know the taste of heaven after you taste the old man's cooking!" The black-robed man said and sent his cooking to the three judges.

Because it was covered with a lid, the three judges couldn't see the general appearance of the food and couldn't smell it for a while.

"The taste of heaven? Haha... I really know how to say it. I didn't dare to speak until I had eaten all the delicacies of the world, mountains and seas..." When I reached this point, John Yimu gave the lid a rough idea, and in the next instant, several lights came from the plate Illuminated inside.

The "Swish Sweep" light is very eye-catching, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

Not only John Yimu was stunned, but also Takuros and the girl with long purple hair.

"From... the light came out of the plate! This...this is amazing!" Kawashima Rei held the microphone again, covering his eyes with his left hand and said loudly.

After a long time, the light was dissipating...The three judges could see the dish clearly.

When the three judges saw the food in front of them, they were just surprised again.

"This...this is!"

"Using this method...what a bold method!"

Generally speaking, most eel dishes are cut into pieces and then cooked, but this is not the case with the eels made by the people in Heipao.He cooked a whole piece.The whole eel was cut into two pieces and placed on a plate, with clearly visible criss-cross cutting marks on its body.

"Hmm... The criss-crossing knife marks are quite similar to the knife used when making grilled eggplants. Is this for the taste? And the color of the eel's body surface is blue and green. This is the first time I have seen it. This color eel, is this a new species?" John Yimu asked in surprise.

The long-purple-haired girl also looked at the dishes in front of her and said, "Well...then the ingredients are more green onions, red cabbage, onions, cabbage, etc....the whole dish is delicious. Say. Looks very appetizing, but..."

Since the three judges had eaten most of the eel meat made by Tosuke Mekishima just now, they have no appetite for the eel meat in front of them.

Chapter 515 Baicao Soup

Although the three judges drank water and rinsed their mouths after eating Mekishima Tosuke's food, the taste of Mekijima's food still remained in their mouths.The smell is lingering... at least it can't dissipate in the mouth before eating the black-robed man's cuisine.

"You just said the taste of heaven, right? Then I will have a taste..."

John Yimu took the spoon and gently scooped down the bright colored eel meat.Just taking a bite, Yimu John's pupils widened instantly!

What did I see... what was that?The feet are full of white clouds... There is actually a magnificent palace in front of you.This...this I have come to heaven!?

Delicious... This is really heavenly.

Just taking a bite, John Yimu seemed to be in heaven.Takuluos and the purple-haired girl hadn't tasted them yet, and they were slightly startled when they saw Yimu John who was in a daze.

"Imu...what's wrong with you!?" Takuros asked.

John Yimu stared at the food in front of him, and then he spit out a few words: "The taste of heaven... enjoy it."


Hearing John Yimu's words, 497 Takuros and the purple-haired girl hurriedly picked up the spoon and took a bite. When they both ate it...there seemed to be bursts of white light under their feet.In a blink of an eye, the two of them also came to the clouds under their feet, and in front of them was the heaven of the beautiful palace.

Delicious in heaven!

"Angelica, Chuanxiong, Paeonia, Rehmannia glutinosa. This is a dish made by combining the [Chinese medicine] basis of four plants-Siwu Tang!" The purple-haired woman was surprised.

Feisha in the auditorium was naturally surprised when he heard this.Because she is also quite good at Chinese medicine, she is familiar with these Siwu Tang.I still remember that Feisha used the [Lamb Siwu Soup Curry] in the autumn trials and scored 92 points.I didn't expect to appear here again today...

"Siwu Tang? I seem to have heard it somewhere... I can't remember where it is!"

After thinking for a while, Yoshino didn't want to think about it. He turned around and asked Scarlett beside him, "What is that, Nito?"

Feisha said with a serious face: "The kind of dish that the legend records that a dying traveler can wake up after drinking it..."

"Is this... so amazing?" Everyone was surprised after listening.

But when did he put it like Siwu soup? Is it the sauce!?Unexpectedly, this black-robed person is also an expert in medicinal diet!

[Medicated diet] is a dish based on Dongyang medicine that integrates gourmet medicine and pharmacy. It is a dietary field where boiled raw medicinal materials or full amount of Chinese medicine is used for systematization.

"The chef who knows how to use medicated food...has been rare." Takuros stared at the black-robed man admiringly.

After hearing this, the black-robed man dismissed it: "How can you laymen understand the breadth and depth of medicated diet... Mine is not Siwu soup. Don't confuse Chinese cuisine with those of Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine."

"What did you say?" The three judges were taken aback again.

"..." Liu Xingyao stared thoughtfully at the direction of the cooking table.

Heipianren finally stretched out his withered hands and said, "This is the most profound and profound medicinal food in Chinese cuisine [Baicaotang]."

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