The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 369

The steaming shepherd's purse noodles are complemented by the soup with beef, greens, cucumbers and half of an egg, which greatly increases the appetite!

"Oh oh... it makes people drool just looking at it~ this exquisite carving is also perfect!" John Yimu praised.

It is better to say that this is a bowl of water chestnut noodles as a work of art.

"But no matter how beautiful the artwork is, it needs to be reviewed...then try it!" Yimu John and other judges said that they took the lead in picking up the soup spoon and preparing to taste the soup.

Slowly placed the spoon that was used to scoop up the soup and looked at it. The rich aroma seemed to wrap the whole body...Unconsciously, the three judges had smiles on their faces.The spoon in their hands almost fell off when they drank the soup!

"Haaaaaah...this soup actually uses seafood soup!! Mixing all kinds of seafood into one 893 body, what a beautiful taste."

As Imu John said, he quickly put a pinch of mustard wheat noodles into his mouth, and the expressions on his face merged as soon as he inhaled.

No... the taste is too soft and soft... the ingredients are actually apples.The sweetness and sourness of apples neutralizes the strong taste of seafood.There is a bright and strong sound, and the umami is constantly expanding. What is going on!?

This's not ordinary beef, it's braised beef.I didn't expect the braised beef and seafood soup to have such a perfect match!

"I understand... the fresh essence of the shellfish comes from the sweet amino acid and other ingredients, which can be more flavorful when paired with the mustard noodles. And the egg has such a flavor because it is soaked in the soup. Because it is For the hand-beaten water chestnut noodles, the aroma of the flour is still very strong, delicious...really delicious!" At the end, Takuros sucked the noodles regardless of his image.

Chapter 519 Fried Mustard Noodles?No shepherd's purse noodles!

The noodles made by Ji Zhiguo Ningning naturally received unanimous praise from the judges, and all three judges showed satisfactory smiles after eating.

"Oh... it's been a long time since I have eaten such exquisite handmade mustard wheat noodles. Even in my shop, such dishes are rare." John Yimu ate all his face while lying on the chair. Said the enjoyment after delicious food.

Takuluos also agreed with his point of view, and nodded: "Well...Yuanyue students' strengths are not worthless, so what about the next piece of mustard wheat noodles?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Chuang Zhen put the water chestnut noodles he made on the judging table.

It was a bowl of mustard wheat noodles with noodles and nothing else.The mustard wheat noodles made by Ningning, Jizhiguo, have a lot of side dishes in addition to the broth mixed with the bottom.This kind of shepherd's purse noodles is not only nutritious, but also allows consumers not to feel bored after eating imported.

But the mustard wheat noodles served by Chuang Zhen not only didn't see any side dishes, but even the soup.And... the mustard noodles are very thick, about 5 times the size of the thin noodles in Ningning, Jizhiguo.

Seeing this, Kawashima Rei couldn't help but say loudly: "The mustard wheat noodles served by the rebel is actually a bowl of fried mustard wheat noodles with no side dishes and only seasonings. It's really surprising!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"Isn't it... That guy named Xingping Chuangzhen actually took out this kind of mustard wheat noodles!? Hahaha, are you going to break the can?"

"Yes, yeah, I didn't expect the noodles made with a noodle press to be so thick, does this guy know how to use a noodle press?"

At this moment, these sounds were all around the auditorium. Seeing this scene, Ryoko, Yoshino and others were also taken aback for a while and then became worried.

"Xingping this guy... actually came up with this kind of dish, can this beat Ji Zhiguo?"

"And... and there is no garnished super water chestnut noodles, is there a chance of winning!?"

The players rest area

Liu Xingyao saw a deep smile on the corner of his mouth at the restaurant, and murmured: "Chuang seems that our first and second confrontation-themed cooking competition has a great influence on you. Otherwise, I won't cook like this. Then...this group of games is also set!

But Ji Zhiguo would rather not believe that this is a plate of mustard wheat noodles and no other dishes.Because she had just seen that Chuang Zhen was handling the side dishes, and there were a lot of side dishes.

But... where did these side dishes go!?

"The thickness of this side is really amazing! Difficult...Could it be the side dishes!" Ji Zhiguo Ningning suddenly thought of a possibility, but the next moment her forehead was covered with sweat.

Here at the judging platform

As the master of ceremonies, Rei Kawashima was brainwashed by thistle Nakamura, naturally, he was heading towards igo... Therefore, seeing Chuang Zhen serving such unbearable dishes, he laughed directly: "The three judges, I think I can do this casual The stir-fried mustard noodles that came out don’t have any I can announce the result of the third group...then the third group..."


John Yimu glared at Kawashima Rei with a sullen look: "Who made you good at home? We haven't tried it yet, so you can settle down with me a little bit!"

Kawashima Rei was frightened by John Yimu's terrifying eyes and couldn't help but back up a few steps.

"But... but is it really necessary to try this kind of cuisine?" Kawashima Rei said tremblingly, obviously frightened by John Imu's terrifying eyes.

Takuo Ross directly picked up the chopsticks and picked up a thick mustard wheat noodle.

This mustard noodle... is so heavy, this weight is really amazing!Sure enough, is this secret really in the face?Takuros is worthy of being a five-star chef, and he immediately saw the mystery of this thick water chestnut noodles.

Takulus put a water chestnut noodles in his mouth with some excitement, and the moment he bit it down, his mouth erupted like a volcanic eruption.It was a thick soup slowly spreading in his mouth.

"Um... so hot, so hot!"

The two ends of the bitten water chestnut noodles continuously flowed out delicious soup, which stimulated the taste buds of Takuros with an unprecedented feeling!

"Ah! This water chestnut noodles... sure enough, just like I thought! The bottom soup... the bottom soup is actually wrapped in the water chestnut noodles!!!" Takuros shouted.

"What!!" The crowd in the audience also exploded!

"Ah!? The soup is in the noodles!? What a joke!!"

"In other words... Does that guy named Xingping Chuangzhen also make soup with noodles?"

In the corner of the auditorium

I don’t know when Dojima Gin, Man Sam, and Seiichiro also came here to watch the game.

"Even I was taken aback. I was able to put the broth and ingredients into the wasabi noodles. I have to say that this is a great innovation of wasabi and ramen." Dojima Gin's right hand lowered his chin and looked at it. The direction of the judging table.

The corner of Seiichiro's mouth also smiled, and said: "It seems... the two failed face-to-face cooking duels with Xing Yaojun allowed Chuang Zhen to find his own way of cooking."

Here at the judging platform

After Yimu John ate a huge piece of mustard noodles, he broke several pieces of shepherd's purse noodles from the middle, and then an unbelievable scene appeared to him.I saw the rich and pleasantly fragrant soup flowing continuously from the inside of the shepherd's purse noodles, and soon it was all that attractive soup on the bottom of the plate.

"Soup, unexpectedly flowed out of the noodles, Oumaga!" Yimu John said excitedly.

The purple-haired girl directly put the thick noodles in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully. In the noodles it was actually...

It was so terrible that the noodles were rolled into a spiral and then fried into hollow and thick noodles.And there is leaching material in it that rolls like magma.This shepherd's purse noodles is mixed with chopped flounder, crucian carp, bamboo shoots, cabbage, fungus, vermicelli and other auxiliary materials, and these ingredients are mixed together in a clever way.

The whole mouth is filled with a refreshing and high-quality taste, coupled with the strong tenacity of the noodles, and everything is cleverly integrated. This can match the noodles and the bottom soup so well. What secrets are there? ?

The purple-haired girl couldn't help taking another bite. She couldn't help but said, "The thick taste in the noodles is that it should be beef. So that's it... the beef is also chopped and mixed with other ingredients. Domineering strength and toughness!"

Chapter 520 Judgment

Now everyone understood that the reason why Chuang Zhen chose such thick mustard wheat noodles was to wrap the soup in the mustard wheat noodles.So if you don't take a bite, you will never find that this mustard wheat noodle has such a great world.

"Put... the base soup and the ingredients into the mustard wheat noodles. This... this is an unprecedented technique."

"It turns out that this kid named Xingping... actually hid such a hand, it's really damning!"

Here at the judging platform

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