The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 373

Akakubo Momo's golden flour drew cheers from the audience, and the kneading technique displayed by her small body was also jaw-dropping!

"This technique of making dough... has similarities with Ji Zhiguo just now, it's all real skills!" Takumi exclaimed.

But looking back at Erina's side, she found that she didn't make the noodles but started to make fillings. He put pork and other ingredients on the cooking table.

Many people in the audience were stunned for a moment when they saw this...Whether it’s making siumai or steamed buns, most people start with skins. This is not only a matter of habit, but also that skins take longer. And it is also a crucial link that naturally needs attention.However, Erina did the opposite, starting from making fillings!

Looking closely, I found that the main ingredients on the Erina table were shrimp, pork, vegetables, and several eggs.

Shrimp 913 and pork... Seeing this scene, many people think it is a little strange, few people use two kinds of meat in siu mai!

However, the process of making fillings by Erina became a bit monotonous, because they were all very common cooking techniques, so many people turned their attention to Akakubo Peach or the other two duels.

Shift the scene, the time before returning to the game-the second group of Kobayashi Gentiana VS Tian Suohui (dialogue theme salmon)

Salmon is also called salmon, etc. It has different names in different countries. Of course, Japan calls it salmon!The size of high-quality salmon is generally more than 12 jin... Such a size is already considered to be quite a small existence among fish, at least it seems a bit difficult for a weak chef like Tian Suohui.

At this time, on the chopping board of Kobayashi's Gentiana Wada Suohui's cooking table, there was a salmon that was only salvaged ashore and knocked out.The salmon is very long and big, and it seems to have exceeded 12 catties.

As a chef, especially as a chef of Tomosuki, it is very clear that you need to pay special attention when using seafood-themed ingredients in cooking confrontations such as halberd, because often the key factor in the victory of the duel lies in the knife handling the see The strength of a chef is often known by whether she is proficient in knife skills [j

Now Kobayashi Gentian and Tian Zuohui have to deal with such a huge salmon under the gaze of many audiences... Kobayashi Gentian is okay, after all, it is not the first time that she is the top ten to show her cooking skills on such an occasion.And Tian Suohui has always been very timid and shy, this time is really a test for her...

"Sister Tiansuo~ don't be nervous! If you don't know how to deal with salmon, let's see how Senpai dealt with it!" Kobayashi Gentiana smiled at Tian Suhui cat.

When Yoshino outside the court saw this scene, he clenched his fists and said, "What's the matter...The appearance of that artifact, Xiaohui will show her your strength immediately!"

However, Tian Suohui's next answer made Yoshino "great disappointment"!

"Okay...Good Gentian-senpai, please show your skills first! Maybe I can really learn something..." Tian Suohui said to Kobayashi with a mentally retarded face.

Seeing this, Yoshino directly covered his forehead and said, "I said Xiaohui...This is the halberd of the Life and Death Alliance, why are you polite with them!"


Gentiana Kobayashi laughed with his arms akimbo in disregard of the image, and then said, "Sister Tiansuo is still so cute, that's might as well see how I deal with salmon!"

It is well known that the treatment of most fish starts by removing the scales, and of course this salmon is no exception.

"It's started!"

After Xiao Lin's gentian finished speaking, he took a small knife prepared for scraping fish scales and quickly scraped off.

"Whhhhhhh" the fish scale knife rubbed back and forth on the fish, the scales were flying constantly under the light, the whole process was smooth and flowing without any muddy water.After a while, Gentiana Kobayashi stopped his hand movement... I saw that the scales of the salmon were shaved clean!

A closer look revealed that there was no fish scale on it. How clean it was.

It is well known that the enthusiasm of the fish scales will directly affect the quality and quality of the fish. The fish scales that are not clean may penetrate into the finished sashimi and contaminate the sashimi. However, if the knife is dropped after the treatment, it will be injured. When it comes to the fish, the knife is light and cannot reach the scales.So this scraping of fish scales can also tell the chef's skill level.

And Kobayashi Gentiana is nothing to say in terms of speed or quality... Such a skilled technique deserves to be the second place in the top ten!

Afterwards, Gentiana Kobayashi used the same method to scrape off the scales on the other side of the salmon. The time it took to remove the scales was only a few minutes.

Chapter 526: Returning to the Other Body

In an instant, Kobayashi Gentiana had already removed the scales of a salmon weighing 15 kilograms, and it took only a few minutes.

"Okay...Senior Gentian-senpai is so proficient in handling fish scales!" Tian Suohui exclaimed with a look on her face that can only be found with mental disabilities.

Seeing this scene, Yoshino and others were speechless... I said that there is a time when I want to marvel at the skill of the opponent, Xiaohui, you are about to start your salmon processing.

"Did Sister Tian Suo learn that just now? So, the next step is to dismember the whole salmon! Are you ready?" Kobayashi Gentiana said again to Tian Suohui behind him.

Tian Suohui nodded: "Come on... I'll learn it seriously!"

At this moment, not only was the Ji Xingliao group confused, but even the audience in the auditorium was also confused.

These two... Are they enemies or friends?I actually taught how to dismember salmon on the spot!?"

Kobayashi Gentiana smiled and held another kitchen knife in his hand... The common way to dismember salmon or other fish is to start with the head of the fish.

I saw that Kobayashi Gentiana held the gill with his left hand, and took the kitchen knife with his right hand to insert the knife from the gill position and cut into the shape of the fish head.When the knife reaches the position of the fish bone, cut off the fish bone vigorously.Kobayashi Gentiana is still very skilled at cutting off the fish head, and it didn't hurt the fish body at all.

Seeing this, Chuang Zhen in the player lounge couldn't help but touch his chin and said: "The technique is very skilled... There is no confusion about the hand-posture."

Just now, when Kobayashi gentian was cutting the fish head, his left hand was placed on top of the knife. If it was placed under the kitchen knife, not only would it be possible to cut the fish bones, but also the fish bones must be squeezed vigorously to break the fish bones.

Cutting fish is not only about knives, but also a process that tests whether people are careful!

After getting the head of the fish, Kobayashi Gentiana began to process the fish body.The fish body is more complicated than the fish head.There is a sequence of where the knife starts.

The first step in handling the fish body is to locate the fish belly and insert the knife along the top of the fish bone. This position is actually just above the tail fin of the fish.After inserting the knife, hold onto the fish bone position and drag it until the tail of the knife is closed, and then insert the knife from the fish skull position and pull it down along the fish bone position.

Place the knife diagonally and just hit the fishbone position. The knife will feel the resistance caused by the fishbone. If you feel the resistance of the fishbone is too large, you must change the direction of the knife, from diagonally downward. To slightly upwards, so the salmon is cut open.

Do the same and start from the other side, and finally you're done after removing the fish bones.

Although the method is very simple, and at the same time, the people next to him watched Kobayashi's gentian making very simple...but there are so many small skills to master!

For example, you must pull down the fish maw in one go. For example, you need to locate the Yu Ge's shot (find the position of the fish bone), and when you cut the fish maw, the hand holding the kitchen knife should be tilted.All of these need to go through hundreds or even thousands of times to be handy.

In a blink of an eye, Kobayashi Gentiana had already processed the huge salmon, and patted his hands after doing all this.

"Sister Tian Suo see it clearly?" Xiaolin Gentiana smiled at Tian Suohui cat.

Tian Suohui came back to his senses in a brief absence, and said: "That's amazing, you deserve to be Gentian-senpai! If it were me, I might not be able to handle the salmon so delicately, the head and the fish. The body...even the flesh of the various parts of the fish body are so neatly separated."

"Oh... Listen to what you mean, is this going to give up?" Xiaolin Gentiana laughed.

"Senior sister may have misunderstood my meaning..." Tian Suohui closed her eyes and said.

Gentiana Kobayashi was startled when he heard this...

Tian Suohui had already taken out a Tsunade in his hands for some time, and it gleamed under the light.

"I mean...I have a better way to deal with this salmon!" After Tian Suohui finished speaking, holding a steel wire kitchen knife in both hands against the salmon body was a violent scratch.

The seemingly mindless approach, but the scales do not fall, and the scales on the salmon side have been removed in a blink of an eye!And this speed was obviously faster than that of Kobayashi's Gentian.

The withered voice of the black-robed man who had defeated Mekishima Fuyusuke before said, "That's... a wire kitchen knife!"

Wire chopper... Isn't this the chopper that Liu Xingyao appeared before in the matchup with the former ninth Xi Rui Shan Zhijin?The appearance is just an ordinary steel wire, but it can scrape off any hard scales.

It's not just a wire kitchen knife... Soon Tian Suohui took out the hundred-hole kitchen knife with countless holes from under the cooking table!

The appearance of the Hundred Hole Kitchen Knife has attracted the surprise of countless people, especially the members of the original igo have been surprised for a long time. The kitchen knife technology that originally belonged to their organization... unexpectedly appeared in the hands of opponents!

"It's this kind of kitchen knife again... I remember that when Liu Xingyao and Eizan Zhijin were also eating halberd... I clearly remember that the theme of the game was sea bream, and Eizan used a wire kitchen knife and a hundred hole kitchen knife to relax. The sea bream has been processed!"

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