The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 378

As soon as the purple-haired girl saw Tian Suohui take out this, she immediately realized it and said: "So that's it... I used hops. Just now I accidentally saw you put the gauze wrapped in the ingredients into the Ishikari pot, presumably This is the hops wrapped in gauze!"

Tian Suohui nodded and explained, "Yes, putting hops in the gauze and then putting it in the soup pot can absorb a lot of impurities. In this way, the Ishikari pot that uses wild vegetables in time will not have a lot of impurities, because The impurities are completely absorbed by the hops."

"It seems that you have a special research on Ishikari pot! And I haven't eaten such a delicious and nutritious Ishikari pot for a long time." The purple-haired girl couldn't help but admire.

Tian Suohui's Ishikari pot was praised by three judges, and the situation is getting better.

Then came the judging of Kobayashi Gentiana...

"As expected to be my sister Tiansuo, the Ishikari pot I made makes me want to eat it! So, let's try mine for another taste~~" Gentiana Kobayashi said and put her salmon dishes in front of the judges.

When everyone saw Kobayashi's gentian cuisine, they were all stunned!

Chapter 534: Yanfeng Salmon

When Tian Suohui's salmon Ishikari pot was judged and was consistently praised by the judges, I saw Kobayashi gentian taking out his own cooking from the oven.

[Oven] (salamander) is a general term for cooking machines that heat up from above, not from below.The name comes from medieval Europe. The legendary lizard that survives in flames is named salamander.

"It can change the color of the grilled surface and add the aroma of food..."

I saw that the dishes Kobayashi Gentiana took out of the $Oven are so gorgeous, just the moment they took it out of the oven, it attracted the attention of countless people.It is an exquisite dish that is made into a rectangular cube, and the colorful skin looks very attractive.Compared with Ishikari pot made by Megumi Tian, ​​Kobayashi's gentian dishes are more delicate and beautiful!

"so beautiful!"

The thistle Nakamura in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the representative cuisine of our central food organization, and it is also the cuisine I pursue~"

It can be seen that Nakamura Thistle is very satisfied with Kobayashi's gentian dish.

"This dish is called [Yanfeng Salmon]! Come, come and be satisfied with the art of fire!" Kobayashi Gentiana put the dish in front of the three judges and said with a smile, and matched her aura... At this time, the feeling that Kobayashi Gentiana is so tall and can not beat the average!

Takumi in the contestant's lounge could not help exclaiming: "Compared with Tansho's Ishikari pot, I did not expect that Gentian-senpai would use the delicate technique of low-temperature cooking to heat up salmon... This is my first cooking method. What kind of feeling and shock will it give people when it is used on salmon?"

All three judges are ready to try it with their knives and forks in their hands.

John Yimu took the lead to pick up the fork and cut the cuboid Yanfeng salmon in half!When it was cut, the cuboid Yanfeng salmon was shaking...this softness is really nothing to say!At the same time, the appearance is gorgeous and shining...It exudes the aroma of heated salmon meat.

"So how does it taste?"

John Yimu and other three judges put a small piece of cut salmon meat into their mouths... When it was eaten thoroughly, their expressions changed!

"Um... delicious to dazzling!" John Yimu exclaimed.

It turns out that salmon meat and pork are mixed together... The gravy inside is so thick that it is almost unripe, while the outer skin uses the technique of inflammation... The aroma is overflowing, it is simply the art of fire.

"The overall taste is very good...then next is the side dish!"

Toyoros put his gaze to the side dish like ice cream, dipped it with a fork and put it in his mouth to taste.

"There is no sweetness... So that's it, this is salmon ice cream made with sugar!!!" Takuros said.

Hearing Takuros' words, the surrounding audience suddenly exclaimed.

"Wh...what!? Using salmon to make ice cream? on earth is this made!"

Seeing this, Alice in the auditorium couldn't help but said in a low voice: "That's because of the freeze crusher!"

Frozen the salmon paste with a blender, then put it into the freezing crusher, and use the high-speed rotating blade in the crusher to finely grind the ice cream.

"It turns out that it was for the whole purpose... This ice cream has a mild taste, which is in sharp contrast with the temperature of the heated salmon. The salmon at different temperatures suddenly appears on the tongue, which emphasizes its presence!" This is the meaning of enjoyment.

And not only during cooking, the temperature and calories of Kobayashi's gentian are also perfectly controlled after serving. Even the three judges who have eaten countless delicious dishes can be broken.

Alice is also very proficient in this technique... This is a cooking technique considered from the perspective of temperature... But it is only a consideration of temperature. Few people dare to do this bold method of sealing up salmon meat inflammation, even I didn't even think about it.

The second Kobayashi gentian cuisine is completely different from the previous dishes of Kizhikuni Ningi and Horio!

Kobayashi Gentiana still looked at the three judges with a cat smile, as if all this was in her expectation.

John Yimu looked at the food in front of him, and he was a little bit unable to return to his senses: it was so...Various kinds of temperature can fully arouse the deliciousness of the ingredients to the extreme.Even in a icy river, the life of salmon heating will go upstream, and sparks burst out in the icy river water. Such a salmon is constantly agitating my body with dexterous ice and heat... avoiding the inside Waves of room to the sea continue to attack!

This is really delicious of ice and fire!

The intoxicating colors of Yimu John and others showed everyone once again briefly experienced the strength of this second seat.

"I didn't expect the salmon cooked at a low temperature to be so dazzling, so the outcome will be announced, right?"

"This second game seems to be won by the heatstroke okay agency here!"

After the tasting on both sides was finished, the voting stage was finally entered.

In terms of taste, the fired salmon of Kobayashi's gentian gave the judges a double feeling of ice and fire... and although Tian Suohui's cuisine gave the judges a slightly warm feeling, it was not strong enough.Therefore, Kobayashi gentian is even more popular!

Then there is the beauty and exquisiteness of the dishes. Needless to say, Kobayashi Gentiana is more popular!

After the review, the score was 3 to 0, and Tian Suohui still lost.

But Tian Suohui's defeat was within Liu Xingyao's expectation... and after Tian Suohui lost the game, there was no negative emotion at all, as if... he knew the result!

Tian Suohui today is a bit strange!

The second group scored the winner, followed by the first group of Erina VS Akakubo Momo with the theme of shomai.

Akakubo Momo took the lead in serving out her own dishes, and soon three steaming steamers were placed in front of the three judges.After putting it down for a while, the aroma came out from the steamer.

"What a strong wheat aroma... This siu mai made from golden flour is so pure and fragrant!"

John Yimu couldn't wait to open the steamer cover cautiously. At the moment it opened, another light came out from inside.It's not the first time everyone has seen this situation, they are only briefly surprised and calm down.

The light quickly dissipated, and then I saw a few exquisitely shaped roasted wheat in the steamer, with golden leather on the surface.

Chapter 535: Golden Ratio Siu Mai

After the three judges opened the steamer, what appeared in front of them were several very delicate siu-mai with golden skins.And this siu mai is very special, it is actually divided into four grids of different sizes.Exquisite fillings of different colors are placed in each grid!

Seeing this, John Yimu couldn't help but exclaimed: "This...this actually divides the siumai into four small pieces, with four different types of fillings inside!"

After a while, there was an exclamation in the audience.But a few students close to the judging platform couldn’t help but say: "Oh... logically, even if it is divided into quarters, it should be divided equally, right? This division into four shapes of different sizes is not beautiful at all. !"

That's right... The shape of the siumai made by Akakubo Momo is indeed a little unsightly.But everyone understands that Akakubo must have his reasons for doing this!

Takubo Ross and the other three judges didn't understand siu mai very well, so for a while, no one would know why Akakubo Momo did so.

Then John Yimu asked: "You deliberately divided this shaomai into four different sizes. Why is this?"

Akakubo Tao's expression was very plain, and said: "It is not necessary to divide equally to be the most perfect state...because this is the perfect golden ratio!"

"Golden ratio!!?" The three judges seemed to understand something, but most of the students in the auditorium looked confused.

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