The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 381

"No matter whether it exists or not, you can't fall into the hands of igo! Takumi, get ready for the afternoon battle." Liu Xingyao said to Takumi.

Tacomi nodded.


Two hours passed very quickly, and finally the third group battle of the United Team's halberd was ushered in.After two food halves in the morning, the students in the auditorium who originally supported the food center organization dare not look down on Liu Xingyao's side!

"Everyone, now the third game of the United Team Eats the halberd! This time the manpower of the two sides is..."

Chapter 529 Liu Xingyao vs Si Yingshi

"The third game of the Alliance Food Halberd starts now. Please see the big screen for the list of players from both sides in this round!" After Rei Kawashima finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to the big screen with information about the grouping of the players.

The name that everyone was looking forward to finally appeared...

Igo is Shieishi, Kobayashi Gentiana, and Saito Soaki.The corresponding three opponents are Liu Xingyao, Takmi, and Isshiki Hui!

Group 1: Liu Xingyao VS Si Yingshi

Group 2: Kobayashi Gentiana VS Takumi

The third group: Saito Soaki VS Isshiki Hui

"Finally appeared, the most peak matchup. Finally, I can see the strength of the first seat." Some people in the audience expect this.

Soon someone else spoke like this, and said, "Although Si Yingshi’s strength is recognized as the strongest in Yuanyue Academy, Liu Xingyao’s record is not weak. He was originally a top ten. Absolute strength defeats the opponent. This alliance will be a battle between the dragon and the tiger!"

The eating of the halberd hadn't started yet, everyone in this auditorium was already looking forward to it. They both had their own expectations for Liu Xingyao and Si Yingshi.

It was the same as the morning procedure, after randomly selecting the subject ingredients, the halberd was eaten.

Si Yingshi and Liu Xingyao first came to the selection of the theme ingredients. At this time, the two looked at each other.

"It's been a long time, Senior Secretary!" Liu Xingyao took the lead and said to Si Yingshi.

Si Yingshi nodded faintly, and said, "Xingyao, let's start first, choose the theme ingredients."

"it is good!"

Liu Xingyao didn't talk nonsense and stretched out his hand and took out a piece of paper with the main ingredients written on it. Turning it over, he found two words-tofu.

The first group of Liu Xingyao and Si Yingshi’s main ingredient for the duel was confirmed, and it was actually tofu.

Seeing this, Rei Kawashima picked up the microphone and announced loudly, "The first group of themed ingredients is [tofu]! The ingredients will be provided by the Far Moon Academy."

Tofu is the most common soy product, also known as water tofu.The general production process is pulping, that is, soybean milk is made into soy milk; the second is solidification, that is, soy milk is solidified into a gel with a lot of water under the combined action of heat and coagulant, namely tofu.

Tofu in different countries and regions is different, and tofu in China is divided into southern and northern tofu.The main difference lies in the amount of gypsum (or bittern). Southern tofu uses less gypsum, so the texture is delicate and the moisture content is about 90%; the northern tofu uses more gypsum, the texture is older than the southern tofu, and the moisture content is 85-88 %.

But in any case, tofu is generally made with high-protein beans such as soybeans, black beans, and peanuts.

Of course, in the world where Liu Xingyao lives, tofu is undoubtedly a cuisine invented in China and then introduced to other countries, and Japan is naturally one of them.

"It's actually tofu... This ingredient is really a delicate ingredient." Someone in the audience said.

That's right... Whether it is water tofu or old tofu, a slight mishandling will destroy the tofu, and it is even more like when cooking. A slightly higher or less heat will affect the taste of tofu.

But the more delicate things are, the more they can test a chef's cooking skills.

Somewhere in the auditorium

"Hehe... Here is a good show~~~ Two top chefs cook with such delicate ingredients!" Mansam smiled looking at the direction of the cooking table.

Shiroichiro also touched his chin and smiled: "Um...Speaking of which ingredients are rare in Tomotsu's tofu confrontation theme."

It's not because there is no good tofu...but this ingredient is really difficult to cook. Once eating halberd is an important game, no one wants to take this risk.

Subsequently, the theme ingredients of the second and third groups were quickly determined.The theme ingredient for the confrontation between Takumi and Kobayashi gentian is-[venison], and the theme ingredient for the confrontation between Saito Soaki and Isshiki Hui is [beef]!

Then the three cooking stations quickly delivered the ingredients they needed. The ingredients have been determined, so next--

"The three groups of ingredients have been determined, so the joint team will start now!" Kawashima Rei gave an order.

After the announcement of the Alliance Food Halberd, Si Yingshi has slowly arrived at the cooking table.Under the gaze of everyone, Si Yingshi put a cooking box on it. After opening it, I saw a variety of exquisite cooking utensils.Processing tools of various shapes and sizes are here.

"This...this is the first time I have seen Senior Secretary show his strength. I have also seen his kitchen utensils for the first time!" The audience stared at this side.

Facing the attention of everyone, Si Yingshi picked up an ordinary-sized kitchen knife and wiped it with a delicate white cloth. Even the action of wiping the kitchen knife is so elegant, worthy of the white knight on the table!

The tofu prepared by Yuanyue this time is not just one kind, but also brine tofu, water tofu, peanut tofu and so on.This is a variety of choices for cooking!

After thinking for a while, Si Yingshi directly picked up a piece of brine tofu and put it on the chopping board.

"En? Senior Secretary Si actually chose brine tofu!"

Bittern, commonly known as brine and tampa, is a by-product of the production of sea salt. Bittern is also called bittern and bittern. It is the mother liquor remaining in the salt pond after salt is made from sea water or salt lake water. The main components are magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate, calcium chloride and Sodium chloride, etc., taste bitter and toxic.After evaporation and cooling, magnesium chloride crystals are precipitated, which is called halogen block.Brine is dissolved in water and called brine. It is a commonly used coagulant in the production of tofu in our country, which can condense the protein solution into a gel.Tofu made with bittern as a coagulant has strong hardness, elasticity and toughness, so it is called brine tofu.

"What kind of tofu dishes are you making with this tofu!?"

Under the suspicion of everyone, Si Yingshi picked up two kitchen knives and directly chopped the brine tofu!

"Ah? I actually chopped up tofu directly and made it into bean dregs? This...what is this going to do?" Many people are confused when they see this.

The people who didn't know much about tofu cooking were all confused when they saw this scene. What is this going to do?

After the tofu was chopped into bean dregs, Si Yingshi washed the green vegetables under the doubts of the crowd, and then chopped them.Then on the other side, I started to boil the stock in a big pot. After a few minutes, all the vegetables were put into the stock.

The broth exuded a tantalizing fragrance without boiling for a while.

Someone closer to the judging platform asked about the rich fragrance of the broth: "Okay... so fragrant!"

Chapter 540 Tofu

Si Yingshi chopped up the green vegetables and put them in the stewed stock. The audience who was very close to the judging platform was attracted by the fragrance.

"It's so fragrant... Now, the scent of this kind of broth is really hard to resist!" a student in the audience exclaimed.

Kawashima Rei was standing next to Si Yingshi's cooking table at this time, and she could clearly see the ingredients in Si Yingshi's pot.

"The ingredients put into the stewing pot of the senior director may include pork bones, beef bones, and green vegetables, etc., but I didn't expect the taste to be so rich. Is there any secret in this?" Kawashima Rena Said into the microphone.

But I didn't expect Si Yingshi to return to Kawashima Rei's words, saying: "Not only these, but also the pig skin and my special spices."

"So that's why there are pig skins and spices in the pot of Mr. Si? But it makes people wonder what kind of tofu dishes he will make next!" Someone in the audience commented.

The broth 830 turned green after being simmered for a while, after all, the chopped green vegetables were put in it.After the broth was green, Si Yingshi used a colander to filter out all the impurities in the broth, leaving only the rich broth in it.Afterwards, Si Yingshi put the tofu residue into the broth and simmered it.

During the time the broth and tofu dregs were simmering, Si Yingshi took out another thing that everyone could not understand and understand.I saw him take out a cube shaped ice cube from the cooking table!

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