The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 384

"But just this way, can you cook unspeakable deliciousness? It seems that there should be some secret in it..." Takuros touched his chin and looked at the colorful tofu that was eaten in front of him.

The purple-haired girl spoke again: "I'm afraid this is also because of the broth."

Liu Xingyao nodded and said, "Yes, I added [big white sesame oil] in this broth."

Under normal circumstances, sesame oil will give off a strong aroma and mellow taste after high temperature treacherousness... But relatively speaking, Dabai sesame oil is made at low temperature... So it is almost piping hot, like unripe Squeezed juice under the circumstances.Therefore, he has the colorless and odorless and most pure natural sesame fragrance, but it is the best quiet and delicious and mellow. The bones in the broth are deep-fried with large white sesame oil and then boiled in the broth. Then, tofu and broth can be blended smoothly with the flavor of vegetable juice.

"This is the first time I have eaten such delicious tofu... I really want to taste this exquisite delicacy!" John Yimu returned the taste.

This can give the judges the illusion of tofu, so that the victory of the first group is clear.Liu Xingyao defeated the first seat Si Yingshi with absolute strength-3:0.

At the moment when the result was announced, everyone watching around was stunned for a long time, and then everyone in Jixingliao took the lead in roaring celebrations.

"Oh oh oh~~ Too strong, Xing Yaojun won the first seat!" Aoki yelled excitedly.

Yoshino was also excited and jumped up directly: "It's great, isn't Xing Yaojun the first seat since then?"

Mansam also nodded, looking at Liu Xingyao in the court, and said: "Well...I finally reached the apex of Yuanyue."

"Yeah... But having said that, it is only natural that he can beat the first seat," Dojima Gin said.

Nakamura Thistle everyone here

Si Yingshi was returned here after Liu Xingyao finished three to zero, Nakamura Thistle didn't even say anything.

Kizhiguo Ningning, Horio and others also glanced at Shiei Shi, while the black-robed man who defeated Mekijima Fuyusuke kept smiling.

"That little baby is quite strong, she is a good seed." The black robe man murmured to himself.

The corner of Nakamura's mouth also evoked an arc of laughter, and it seemed that he was not worried about the outcome of the next game because of Si Yingshi's defeat.

The United team continued to eat the halberd, and then the second and third group reviews also began.

Tacmi VS Kobayashi's gentian is the main battle of venison. Although Tacmi used all his best to make an Italian-style venison dish, but in the end he lost to Kobayashi's gentian with a special first cooking of venison. Lost 2:1.

Then the beef is the main body Isshiki Hui VS Saito Sooaki duel... Isshiki Hui, the old fox finally showed more than half of his strength and defeated Saito Sooaki!

In the third game of the speech, the people who were eliminated from the United Shijiigo were Shieishi and Sotoaki Saito, and only Kobayashi Gyodan stayed.In this way, the only people left on igo are Kobayashi Gentiana and the black-robed man who defeated Mekishima Fusuke, while Liu Xingyao still has Chuangzhen, Isshiki Hui, Erina and Nishiyang. Xi and Liu Xingyao had five players in total... After three games, it was obvious that Liu Xingyao had the advantage.

Even so, the alliance that eats the halberd must defeat everyone on the side to win, so even if there are still 2 people left on the igo side, the halberd will continue.

At this time, Erina stood up again and discussed with Thistle Nakamura: "It seems that the next battle can only be carried out in the form of 2V2, do you think it is okay, father!"

Nakamura Thistle still had a faint smile on his face, and said, "No problem, everything should be done according to what you said Erina. But... the real victory or defeat is about to begin!"

Erina was startled, obviously not quite understanding what Nakamura Thistle meant.However, Thistle Nakamura laughed secretly in her heart: As long as Ye Lao (the black-robed man who defeated Mekijima Tosuke) is there, it is impossible for this alliance to lose with the halberd... The remaining five of you will be Ye Lao easily defeated.

Who is the sacred person in the black robe called Ye Lao that Nakamura Jidu had to respect?The fourth game of the United Food Halberd is about to begin!

"Xing Yaojun defeated Senior Secretary~~ Hehe is really amazing, so let me play in this fourth game! I have long wanted to have a duel with a ten outstanding person like Kobayashi Gendan!" Chuangzhen Fighting Spirit High-spirited request to go to war.

Tian Suohui, who was standing next to Liu Xingyao, also nodded, and said, "Well...Xing Yaojun and Isshiki Senior have only played in the battle, so let Chuang Zhenjun who have played and rested in the morning go."

Liu Xingyao didn't have much opinion on this, but his gaze fell on the black-robed man in the distance and nodded and reminded him: "But you must be careful...Sister Gentian and the black-robed man are not so easy to deal with."

After the final decision, Liu Xingyao's team played with Chuang Zhen and Erina.So Shin VS Kobayashi Gentiana, and Erina VS Black Robe Man.

Kawashima Rei also picked up the microphone and stood in the middle of the cooking venue and announced loudly: "The fourth 2V2 game of the United team's halberd is now starting. The first group of Kohei Sakuma VS Cautious Gentian; the second group Ye VS Erina-sama If the next game fails to be determined, the next fifth game will start tomorrow morning, then the Alliance will start now!!"

After the announcement, the two groups began to choose the theme ingredients for the duel.

The theme of the confrontation between Sozhen and Kobayashi Gendan is only one word-[egg]!

The theme of the duel between Erina and the black robe man is-[Sushi]!

In particular, the theme of the first set of Souzhen and Kobayashi Gentian duel is very interesting...egg!

There are many kinds of eggs, which can be eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, etc. In a broad sense, they are the eggs of birds, reptiles, and mammals of platypus and echidna.

Eggs are rich in nutrition and low in price, and they can be made into various dishes such as stewed eggs, tea eggs, cakes, etc., so they have been regarded as the best source of nutritional supplements since ancient times.

The theme ingredients often seem very simple, but they are the most test of the chef's cooking skills.

"Hehe...Finally, I can face off against Gentian-senpai on this stage. Gentian-senpai, please give me some advice!" Chuang Zhen smiled at Xiaolin Gendan.

Chapter 545 Mysterious Cuisine

The confrontation between Sozhen and Kobayashi Gentiana... the theme of the confrontation is actually egg-themed cuisine.

Soon after the competition was announced, Chuang Zhen had already come to his cooking table and selected the ingredients he wanted to use.I saw eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs and many other kinds of eggs on the cooking table.

Seeing this scene, many people in the audience were confused, and they didn't understand where Chuangzhen was singing.

"Hey...Even if you want to make egg dishes, you don't need so many kinds of eggs, right?"

"That's right, and you have to figure out what to do so soon?"

In the face of everyone's doubts, Chuang Zhen showed a confident smile on his face: "Hey... what I want to do next is my Xingpingliu's unique cooking..."

After Chuang Zhen finished speaking, he took the lead in picking up several eggs, breaking them up and putting them in a huge container, and then used a mixer to mix them evenly.

After doing all this, Chuangzhen began to process duck eggs and goose eggs.

After cooking the duck eggs and goose eggs, Chuangzhen slaughtered a duck in public, washed it and cut it into 240 pieces of meat.

After handling the above, Chuang Zhen took out a huge iron plate and placed it on the cooking table under the surprise of everyone.

Seeing this... everyone was even more confused.

"Ah? So many iron plates, what are you going to do?"

Chuang Zhen began to heat the huge iron plate, and soon the iron plate was burnt.Chuangzhen first sprinkled a layer of peanut oil on the iron plate, and then put the chopped green onions into the iron pot first.

The green onions were sautéed shortly after they were put down, and then Chuangzhen put the boiled goose eggs, duck eggs and cut duck meat on the iron plate.

"Huh? Actually put the duck meat on the iron plate together with goose eggs, duck eggs, and quail eggs? Is this...will it be delicious?"

"No... isn't it, isn't this a mess?"

Everyone said that it was the first time they had seen duck eggs and other eggs stir-fried with duck meat... a practice that had never been heard appeared on such an important food.However, judging from the previous Chuangzhen Shiji, they would not think that this is a mess... because Chuangzhen's cooking style is like this, and it is taking an unusual route.

For a while, the eyes of everyone in the audience continued to fall on the Chuangzhen cooking table, and most of them were very curious about how he would cook next time.

Later, Jian Chuangzhen poured a little soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger juice, sugar, and sesame oil on the duck meat and... various eggs.Chuangzhen's hands with the cooking spatula have never must constantly stir the dishes on the huge iron plate to ensure such a delicious taste.

Stirring duck meat and many eggs in front of the iron plate, the sweat on Chuangzhen's forehead has slowly dropped.But as time passed by, the alluring fragrance from the iron plate amazed everyone in the surrounding audience!

"Okay... amazing fragrance! It's just a few flavoring dishes, but there is such a fragrance?"

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