The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 389

"Takmi-san said this... I really felt like this, I thought it was my illusion at first." Scarlett said.

Liu Xingyao initially estimated that the age of the black-robed man was older than Mansam, Seiichiro and others...It would not be a middle-aged person who would use various secret techniques to cook.

"It's useless to discuss the age of the black-robed man now. Let's prepare well for tomorrow's last halberd. As long as we win tomorrow, all of this can be over!" Liu Xingyao looked out the window with quite general feeling.

Feisha and the other women looked at Liu Xingyao's back, and suddenly felt that he was a little sad... Everyone has been unable to see Liu Xingyao's strength and... what he thought in his heart.The feeling Liu Xingyao gave them is still a bit elusive.

"By the way, Senior Yishi, please tell me that the setting sun will let her prepare for tomorrow's halberd. According to the agreement with igo, tomorrow's halberd will be 130V1. In the end, you can discuss with her who will appear first!" Liu Xingyao turned around to face Isshiki Huidao.

Isshiki nodded and the fox smiled: "Okay, no problem~~"

"Hey... Is Xing Yaojun going to be the last one tomorrow?" Yoshino asked.

"Well... it's almost like that. I want to save all my strength against the black-robed man, and only I know his cooking techniques best!" Liu Xingyao said.

The cook of the ancient secret technique?So let's see who has a deeper grasp of the secretary!Liu Xingyao's expression flashed sharply...

The next day came quickly, and everyone in Ji Xingliao took a rest for the second day to the United team's halberd showdown.

It is still the cooking venue of yesterday. Today, igo and Jixingliao are here to decide the winner.

The auditorium has long been full of people, and there is no empty seat left.The aisles and corridors were also full of people, which was significantly higher than yesterday.These are the people who came to the audience after hearing the news last night or this morning. Of course, among these people are people Liu Xingyao knows...

For example, Eizan Zhijin who has been hiding in the corner without showing up.And Teruki Kuga, who had been sitting in the front position for a long time, watched the game, and even sister Qian Cousin came here!

At the same time, there are many Yuanyue Academy lecturers headed by Ms. Schappel... They are all here today to witness the final confrontation.

Rei Kawashima picked up the microphone at almost the time and went to the center of the restaurant to announce in a loud voice: "Next will be yesterday’s halberd food. After mutual negotiation, the next halberd food will be carried out in 1V1. Then immediately Start the first round of the battle, ask the chefs on both sides to come forward..."

The words came down to Isshiki who was on the side of the Jixingliao team and came to the center of the restaurant, almost at the same time that Xiaolin Gendan also came to the middle with a cat smile on his face.

In the first round of Ji Xing Liao, it was Hui Isshiki, and Gentiana Kobayashi was in Igo.The two finally met!

"Haha... Sister Gentian, I didn't expect that we would have such a day~ Please be merciful!" Old Fox Isshiki smiled at Xiaolin Longdan.

Kobayashi Gentiana also stared at Isshihui with a cat smile, and said, "Yoshihide, others may not know you, but I know your strength very well~ After hiding your strength for so long, it should be revealed today too!?"

Isshiki Hui's squinted fox smiled and said nothing.

Then came the selection of the ingredients for the theme of the duel. Kobayashi Gentiana asked Isshiki to draw... After Ishiki Hui’s draw, he turned the small note with the theme of the duel over and saw that only one word was written on it-[] !

"Huh? So... it's soup!?"

"Uh... this theme ingredient rarely appears in the halberd!"

Isshiki got an unpopular theme ingredient, and everyone around the audience was obviously surprised.

[Soup] The definition in cooking is a cooking that uses a lot of water and various cooked vegetables, meats, and other condiments to be simmered for a long time, so that the taste leaks out and is mixed with water.A lot of water and long cooking time make the soup mix a lot of flavor and aroma ingredients.Different from the seasoning, the soup can have the effects of appetizing, serving dishes, replenishing water, and relieving greasiness.

Most soups are salty in seasoning, a few soups are sweet (sweet soup, such as fruit soup, white fungus and lotus seed soup), and some are not seasoned (for example, rice soup).It is commonly eaten while it is hot. Spanish cold soup and some borscht are eaten after cooling; the ingredients are divided into broth (including animal and poultry), seafood soup, and vegetarian soup.

In terms of taste, there are clear soup, thick soup containing a lot of suspended solids, and milky milk soup.Milk soup in European cuisine mostly uses cow's milk or fresh cream. In Chinese cuisine, milk soup does not use dairy products. Instead, suspended fat particles are extracted from other animal materials to make it milky.

"It seems to be a very unpopular match-up ingredient, then... Alliance Food will start now!" Kawashima Rei's words fell and the audience shouted.

"Soup and cooking vs. 240, the ingredients and kitchen utensils are not subject to any restrictions, and you can also accept the support of your teammates. Then, the cooking time is one and a half hours...start now!"

This sound ordered the first stop of the Hou Lian to officially start.

Kobayashi Gentiana took the lead in taking a few high-quality chickens from the ingredient library in the center of the restaurant and placed them on the cooking table. Everyone in the audience was surprised to see this.

"Oh, Gentian-senpai, are you going to make chicken soup?"

"And the chicken I chose is actually three yellow chickens!"

Sanhuang chicken is tender, delicious and nutritious, and has a high reputation all over the world.The name "three yellows" (feather yellow, claw yellow, beak yellow) with a small size and appearance comes from this.The chicken is tender and smooth, the skin is crispy and the bones are soft, the fat is plump and the taste is delicious.So it is recognized by the whole world, this is the best choice for stewing soup.

"I chose chicken soup... The handling of this chicken requires special attention!" said a student in the auditorium, touching his chin.

It is well known that when stewing the soup, the chicken must be handled properly so that there is no peculiar smell, and at the same time, it must be handled with care not to destroy the nutrition of the chicken.The soup may seem simple, but it is not. It is more careful than other dishes.

Chapter 544 Isshiki Hui vs Kobayashi Gentian

Kobayashi Gentiana puts the three three-yellow chickens on the cooking table in a unified manner and then processes them. In the process of processing, her unique and rapid technique has attracted the amazement of countless people.

"Dragon... Gentian-senpai's strength is not so strong, it only takes a few minutes to remove five chickens? And the feathers of the five chickens are completely plucked, really... really amazing! "

"The strength of Gentian-senpai should be the strongest among the top ten. So far, she hasn't lost the halberd in the United team. And this halberd's opponent is Isshiki again. This is also a hidden strength so far. The person!"

Someone in the audience commented on Kobayashi Gentiana and Isshiki Hui.

Under the gaze of everyone, Kobayashi Gentiana picked up a special cooking knife and slashed the belly of the three yellow chicken. The speed of his hand was dazzling.

"I... This is the first time I have seen such a swordsman!"

Takumi in the player’s lounge looked at the player Kobayashi’s Gentian and exclaimed: “Removing chicken feathers, picking bones, and cutting meat. No matter which step is done, it’s perfect, and it doesn’t hurt the chicken. Obviously this is not It's the first time to process chicken. Obviously, it is only after thousands of times!"

"It’s no wonder... after all, it’s the second seat today. There have been rumors among our top ten that the strength of Gentian-senpai is actually higher than that of senior Si. At first, I thought it was a rumor. Now it seems to be somewhat credible. Now." Erina said the same way.

Liu Xingyao didn't say a word, and stared at Kobayashi's Gentian's cooking table with tight brows...

Although there is no problem with the handling method, it can be said to be perfect.But why choose chicken to stew the soup?Depending on your strength, it’s impossible not to know the drawback... Or is it the way you deal with it?Liu Xingyao secretly said.

"Too... amazing! Gentian-senpai has processed all the chicken and started to cook it! So, what kind of delicious soup is cooked with the delicious three-yellow chicken?" Kawashima Rei couldn't help but get close. Here is the cooking table of Kobayashi Gentiana.

Kobayashi Gentiana smiled faintly, and put all three chickens into a big pot.

Seeing this scene, even John Yimu on the judging platform couldn't help but speak: "Impossible knifemanship... this technique is not inferior to ours."

Takuros also nodded, and said, "Furthermore, she has cooked chicken and pork bone soup in her big pot. Now she has put the whole chicken in again. This method is also very bold. The soup cooked right now must be delicious, and this must not be wrong!" "Wow, as expected to be Gentian-senpai is really amazing!" Everyone around the audience was surprised.

Because it was a 1V1 halberd matchup, the audience focused on Kobayashi's Gentian.

Kobayashi's gentian has begun to enter the stage of stewing soup, but Isshihui hasn't started yet.Seeing this, Yoshino couldn't help but anxious.

"Oh, I said, Senior Isshiki, why are you in a daze? Your opponent has almost finished cooking but you didn't do anything. Senior Isshiki, don't think about it and start!" Yoshino urged to the court. .

However, Isshiki was still in a daze at the cooking table, and the squinted fox smiled.

Seeing this, Sakura Ryoko couldn't help but worry: "I... Is Senior Isshihui really okay?"

"Uh... I don't know, he seems to be different from yesterday!" Dago Aoki touched the back of his head and didn't understand.

After a few minutes, Isshihui raised her head and looked at the player lounge not far from him, and said: "Xing Yaojun remember why I chose to stay in Jixing Liao?"

Liu Xingyao and others were all startled, they didn't understand why Isshihui asked this suddenly.

"I know I know!"

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