The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 394

After eating, the face of the purple-haired girl became a little weird, but she still heard her praise: "This sesame cake tastes sweet and fragrant. It is so full as a main dish. It is stuffed into the liver of the lamb. The red bean paste tastes more smoothly and has a profound taste in it."

"Yes, this combination of cooking tastes really superb!" Yimu John also said.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that as the judges continue to eat the food, their complexion changes slightly, and their hair gradually turns white...This is the food poison that has started to show off.

"Next is the third dish, a refreshing and non-greasy special soup dish [horse meat porridge], come on... Have a try!" The black robe man lifted the lid of the third dish.

The three judges all drank the horse meat porridge mechanically, and their eyes were a little dull when they ate it.

"This is a porridge made from horse meat... It's really good. After enjoying the rich taste just now, this is a refreshing appetizer." The purple-haired girl praised.

"Next is the salad [honey snake meat cauliflower]!" The black robe man sent the fourth dish to the judges.

The three of them ate it and praised it.

"The fifth and last dish, dessert, [waste crucian carp and pork]!" Heipao humane...

"Well, under the sweet sauerkraut and wine, gorgeous cinnamon, fragrant pork and light crucian, the match is seamless. It is really a masterpiece of elegance." John Yimu praised.

"Every combination of dishes is something we haven't seen before, but the taste is surprisingly good. The deliciousness of this Western-style whole meal is really unprecedented!" Takuros praised again.

And thistle Nakamura in the distance saw that the three judges had eaten all the five dishes made by the black-robed people, and they had begun to stun in their hearts: Hahaha...I saw the legendary kitchen utensils, my Taoyuan dream It will happen soon!

The black-robed man is naturally very proud, he is quite sure that no one who eats these five dishes can escape his control.

Xi Yangxi in the distance is also one of the few people who knows what the food the three judges eat is. At this time, a few drops of sweat hang on her forehead secretly and secretly said: Devil's eight formations... There are people who can reproduce the secret technique.This evil 1.9 should have disappeared thousands of years ago.Now, it's dangerous!

However, just when the black robe man and Nakamura Thistle were extremely proud, a shining golden light in the cooking venue made everyone unable to open their eyes.

"Wow! What is this, it's so dazzling!"

" it another shiny dish? must be Liu Xingyao!"

The audience was amazed. In the far moon, only Liu Xingyao could make this level of luminous cooking, and everyone could only see such an incredible scene on the halberd of Liu Xingyao's confrontation. Scientific knowledge cannot be explained.

Chapter 563: Mother Sun Ball

The golden light in the field was dazzling and dazzling than the sun in the sky, and even the black-robed people couldn't open their eyes because of the light.

"This... what kind of light is this, ok... so dazzling!" The black-robed man covered his eyes with his hands and dared not look directly at the super luminous food in Liu Xingyao's hand.

It took a long time for the golden light to dissipate, and everyone saw that Liu Xingyao's forehead was holding a huge golden ball.

"What is that... Is that yellow giant ball cooking?"

", it doesn't look like you can eat it. What's the point?

Everyone was surprised for a long time at the huge food Liu Xingyao held.

"Sorry to surprise everyone. This is just the main dish. Let the judges start to eat my 30 Western-style full meal."

After talking coldly, Liu Xingyao sent the first dish he made to the judging station, saying: "First of all, the first appetizer-[Baked snails]!"

Baked snails, this is a classic French dish.The specially raised high-quality snails are boiled in water and the meat is taken. The garlic, spices, and onions are fried in butter and then stuffed into the snail shells, sealed with butter, put in a special baking tray, baked in the oven, together with the original baking tray At the table, there are usually six and a half dozen plates, and special eating utensils are required for eating.

Of course, the snails here have been carefully processed by Liu Xingyao, so the snail meat can be taken out of the shell very simply.

"You... It's actually baked snails, a famous French dish. Looks very good, try... try it!"

The three judges weakly picked up the tableware and put my snail beef in their mouths and ate it. Although it was very delicious, it didn’t taste much in their mouths because they had eaten the black-robed man’s broken monsters before. Words.

He did not comment on Liu Xingyao's baked snails, and asked to start enjoying the next dish.

The reaction to the three judges was also within Liu Xingyao's expectation. He was not surprised to put the second dish as the main dish in front of the three judges.

"Next is the second dish and this time the main dish-[Mother Sun Ball]!" Liu Xingyao finally brought the mysterious and god-level dish to the three judges.

"This huge sphere...what is it?" Yimu John asked weakly.

Liu Xingyao took out a small knife in his right hand and said, "This is a dish that can save you. I will cut open this mysterious golden ball now."

With a "swish", I only saw Liu Xingyao and gave it a slight wave. The golden mysterious sphere was cut open in an instant. In just a moment, the golden sphere was neatly cut into eight equal parts.

Like a flower blooming, the inside of the mysterious golden sphere is about to appear in front of everyone, and the inside is finally slowly presented in front of everyone.

"Wow! This, this is?"

"What do I think it is?"

Disappointed voices could not be heard from the audience, because a closer look was nothing more than wrapping the fried rice in egg skins, but the surface was made golden.

"Well, in order to create the shock of the shape, the sacrifice is too great. Because the rice is squeezed into such a big ball, the best soft chewiness of the best fried rice will disappear. Yes!" said a lecturer in the auditorium.

Takuros was also holding his chin and looking at the food in front of him, and said in disappointment: "What... Isn't this some kind of fried rice?"

Liu Xingyao had a serious expression on his face, and said, "No...this is not an ordinary dish. This is a dish that combines all of us in Jixingliao, and only the people in Jixingliao can cook it."

"What do you mean?" The judges and everyone in the audience were puzzled.

"Okay, just eat all your doubts. Come on and start to try...this will be the most unique dish you have ever eaten!" Liu Xingyao said lightly, pointing to the dish in front of him.

Hearing Liu Xingyao's words, the three judges secretly dismissed them and said: What a big tone.

"Then try it 430!"

John Yimu took the lead in putting a piece of golden omelet rice in his mouth and ate it, and tasted it carefully.

At the moment I ate it, John Yimu opened his eyes wide and his expression was incredible: "This... how can this dish be! It is... actually eel rice?"

Eel rice: A dish that is eaten with sliced ​​grilled eel slices on top of rice. Start to taste as it is... Then add green onions and seaweed ingredients for judging, and then pour broth or sencha to make rice for judging.In short, this dish can change the way of tasting to enjoy the fun.

But here, Liu Xingyao wrapped the eel rice in the golden sphere, and the eel slices were covered in the rice, so it is difficult to find the eel in the rice without a bite.

"And it's not ordinary eel rice...just one bite, and I feel warm in my body." The purple-haired girl closed her eyes and said intoxicated.

Chapter 564 The Sun Ball of Evolution

The purple-haired girl took a ball of [omelet rice] and ate it, muttering to herself: "Such a huge omelet rice...not this eel rice, the rice in its taste, the egg flavour and the eel meat are completely complete Emphasize it. Every bite of fried rice has finely chopped onions, plus chopped abalone, sea cucumber, scallops, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, etc. After being fully bathed in the sun, these ingredients have accumulated freshness. Truly top dry goods!"

This is the first meaning of the mother sun ball.

"That's it... Is this the function of the sun-gathering instrument you used just now? Is the golden combination of the sun's ingredients gathered?" Takuros also picked up a omelet and ate it with every bite. The [Yin Qi] that had originally gathered in their bodies was also dispersed by the warm sunlight.

Compared with the [Xiang Ke's Food Combination] of the Heipao people, Ye Yu's cooking includes a golden combination.

Yimu John ate with big mouthfuls, and the more he ate, the more comfortable he became.

"——How do you describe the feeling of eating? The sweet egg has absorbed a lot of air, and it has a soft feeling when biting, and it tastes like cotton. Every grain of rice is so weak and soft. Will not stick together. Then this unstoppable fragrance and the fragrance of the sun make people feel comfortable. I still remember when I was very young, wrapped in the soft quilt my mother had slept with, I smelled it in my nose This is the fragrance of the warm and fragrant sun. This kind of nostalgic memory, everyone must have it. Therefore, only this dish is the dish that nurtures the earth, the mother who inherits the family and the sun-it is indeed [Mother Sun Ball]!" The purple-haired girl closed her eyes and enchanted herself.

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