The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Eater's Halberd Chapter 499

Liu Xingyao held a small bowl in his right hand, and saw that it was filled with a viscous liquid that stimulated the taste buds.

"This is the real source of the fragrance. This is the pepper made by Master Bao... and it is also the best refreshing scented pepper in China, which is only available in my hometown of Sichuan-rattan pepper!" Liu Xingyao said the key flavor of this Dandan noodles .

Gangbang Jie also touched his chin and said, "I think Master Bao got this seed by accident in the traffic market in Chongqing!"

Liu Xingyao nodded and then the steel baton unraveled, saying: "It should be like this... Ordinary pepper must be used after the skin is removed and dried until it is mature. The rattan pepper is used when it is not mature, and the rattan pepper is obtained by pressing the rattan pepper. The strong scent of pepper oil can eliminate the tingling sensation of Dahongpao!

Pour this stimulating and mild oil on the dandan noodles... and add the noodles pulled by the master of the mainland's first pastry chef to make the dandan noodles effective."

“Actually, it’s not that troublesome to think of vine pepper oil at first..." Erina said in a low voice. Of course, the vine pepper oil in Erina’s mouth and the vine pepper oil that Liu Xingyao simply made...

Erina means the bottled green pepper oil in the last world.

"This kind of hemp is not choking. People want to eat as much as they want... and the most important thing is the nutritious value of this Dandan noodles. Stomach, intestines, analgesia, cold, blood circulation, muscle strengthening, etc. Use value! Right, Feisha!" Liu Xingyao turned around and looked at Feisha with a smile.

Feisha nodded, and said, "Yes, rattan pepper is often used in medicinal food!"

Magnolia finally shed tears after eating this familiar taste. It took a long time before she looked at Liu Xingyao and said, "Why... do you know there is one in Bao's house?"

"Is it necessary to talk?" Liu Xingyao took it for granted, "Because cooking will put the most important secret recipe in the place closest to him."

After hearing this, everyone nodded...

The boatmen finally gained strength after eating dandan noodles, and Liu Xingyao and his party finally got on the boat from Chongqing to Chengdu.

The boat dragged by the boss and the boatmen slowly moved towards Chengdu...

"Although it's a long time late, but I finally caught up while it was dark." Gangbang said while standing on the bow of the boat.

"It's just a little late, let's watch us!" The regained boatmen were very confident to Liu Xingyao and others on the boat, and said, "We will soon pull you to your destination!"

Chapter 173 The Sword Gate Pass

At the beginning, Liu Xingyao did not choose to go from Sichuan to Chongqing by water, but by land.The route taken this time back is the waterway from Chongqing.

If you follow the normal route, you can reach the capital directly from the tributaries along the Yangtze River, but when you go forward, you encounter some small accidents. In the last resort, everyone can only change the route and bypass the one called Hezhou. The place, along the Jialing River and towards a place called Jiannanguan.


At this time on a ship on the Jialing River

"Although it was indeed a lot of spare time to reach Chengdu, this trip did not come in vain. I didn't expect the scenery in these places to be so good. Sichuan is indeed a treasured land of geomantic omen!" Gangbang Jie stood on the boat and looked at the scenery on both sides of the strait. Exclaimed.

Liu Xingyao also enjoys the rare scenery along the way with the three girls, which is a different sight than the seascape along the coast.

The source of the Jialing River comes from the Jialing Valley in the Qinling Mountains, Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province, so it is named after Jialing Valley, so that people can remember the source, just like people who open a well without forgetting to drink water.

However, most of this river flows through Sichuan, enters from Guangyuan, the first city in northern Sichuan, and then runs north-south to Chongqing and merges into the Yangtze River.As a result, it has a unique Sichuan style, so some people call it Chuanjiang.

Looking at it from a distance, it is not as quiet and elegant as the Li River; nor as the Yangtze River; nor as turbulent as the Wujiang River.Rather, it is like a large docile stream, gurgling northward from the valley, and the river bed in many places is wider than the water surface.The clear river water was shimmering in the setting sun, it was like a river full of golden armor.

It is autumn, and it is time to watch the beautiful scenery of Jialing River.

Because of the beautiful scenery along the way, even Zhidi surprisingly did not urge everyone to reach Chengdu soon.It's rare for everyone to enjoy the scenery...

"But we can only enter from the'Sword Gate' side?" Gangbang Jie said suddenly.

"Jianmen? What is that place?" Tian Suohui blinked and asked curiously.

Liu Xingyao smiled and explained: "The small town called Jianmenguan referred to by'Jianmen' is a very interesting place. The local delicacy'Jianmen Tofu' is also very famous."

"Jianmen tofu?"

The three daughters of Scarlett, Erina, and Tansuo, who are not very familiar with Chinese cuisine, obviously don't know what this is.

Hearing this, the one who didn’t speak very much and explained, “'Jianmen Tofu' refers to the tofu made in Jianmenguan Town, which uses soybeans produced from the conglomerate oil sands of Jianmen Mountain as raw materials. The "Jianquan" water of Men's Seventy One Peak is produced through multiple processes.

Jianmen tofu is white in color, tender and delicious, not astringent, and has a light fragrance, and is extremely tough.More than 200 varieties of dishes can be made with cooking methods such as stir-fry, deep-fried, braised, braised, stewed, steamed, boiled, cold salad, etc.!"

"Haha... I didn't expect Chef Ji Di to know more than I know, yes it is what Chef Ji said..." Liu Xingyao explained.

Jidi closed his eyes and hugged his hands, and said, "In order to sharpen my cooking skills, I was fortunate enough to go to this place and eat local tofu. Speaking of which, the last time I came to Jianmenguan was 10 years ago, right? ..."

The crowd followed Ji Di's gaze and couldn't help but looked towards Jianmenguan, which was already visible.


Jianmen Pass-is a checkpoint built on a steep valley in northwestern Sichuan Province. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, China was only committed to the Western powers. Some people were very angry and launched reactionary activities in various places. Therefore, in order to catch the rebels, Jianmen Pass entered the pass. Inventory and investigation have also become stricter.

However, Liu Xingyao and the others must also pass through Jianmen Pass and turn overland into Chengdu from here.

But now the official guarding at Jianmen Pass is an official with a long beard and a crescent on his forehead. The local people call him Lord Luo.

"Why entered Shu?"

At this time Lord Luo sat in the public hall and asked the next flat-headed citizen who was going to pass the checkpoint.

Lord Luo was born with a face that would make ordinary people look scared. The people who were asked this question immediately became a little scared, saying: "Big...sir, Caomin go home."

"Where is your name?" Lord Luo continued to ask with wide-eyed eyes.

"Ah...Caomin farms, untouchable Li Laosi..." Li Laosi hurriedly replied.

Lord Luo's eyes immediately fell on the hoe and other farm tools beside Li Laosi, and said, "These are?"

"This is a farm tool that the grassroots bought in another place. I want to take it home to farm..."

Before Li Sishui finished speaking, Lord Luo directly interrupted him, saying: "No matter which generation of farm tools are the main weapons of the rebellion, they are all confiscated!"

"Ah... wait, wait, sir... how can I work without farm tools? Big... sir..." Li Laosi gave out the farm tools all the time.

Seeing this, Lord Luo stood up with a "cock" and said: "This untouchable has been holding on to the kitchen utensils and there must be a problem, so he will be detained for strict interrogation!"


Because of this incident, many people who bought farm tools were so scared that they dared not enter the customs, and the entanglement was too harsh.

Chapter 174 Review

The menstrual interrogation period when entering Jianmenguan was very severe, but Liu Xingyao and the others didn't know it.When they came to the checkpoint for "security check", they were also scrutinized by Lord Luo in this eye.


When Liu Xingyao and the group appeared in front of Lord Luo, his gaze first fell to the baggage behind Liu Xingyao, and then there was a huge steel bar in his hands.

At the same time, Ji Di also carried a kitchen knife on his body. After seeing it for a while, Lord Luo immediately determined that these people must be "bad people", and suddenly said sharply: "Who is the one!?"

"Shanxi-Province Pastry Master Solution Master!"

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