The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 502

Thinking of what those people said just now, Liu Xingyao's strong curiosity was immediately hooked.

Quietly, he gestured to Ji Di and nodded.

Later, Liu Xingyao came to the black-clothed short-haired girl and said, "Girl, it's getting late, we want to spend the night with you, do you think you can?"

The girl with short hair didn't think much, and nodded and opened the door of the restaurant behind him: "If you don't dislike it, just stay here. There are many spare rooms."

"Then bother!" Liu Xingyao said and took the lead into the restaurant.

But Gangbang explained that this was standing still, puzzled, and said in doubt: "Strange...I was in a hurry just now, but now I am not in a hurry? Really..."

Although Gangbang Jie didn't know what was going on, the clever Erina and other three women discovered Liu Xingyao's mind.

So they silently entered the restaurant without speaking.The restaurant is even better than expected, although it is dilapidated, it is very clean.

The food problem Liu Xingyao and others can be resolved with confidence as the initial stage, and the girl with short hair in black told Liu Xingyao and others where the kitchen is.

"My rice and many other ingredients were only bought yesterday, so please use it."

The short-haired girl standing at the door of the kitchen said to Liu Xingyao and the others in the kitchen: "My name is Tia, please give me some advice. If you need anything, just tell me."

After speaking, Tia closed the kitchen door and went out.

It wasn't until Tia left that Gangbang felt his chin and became confused again, and said, "Such a polite and beautiful girl shouldn't be hated by others... What happened to those people just now? ? And what do they say will invite'unfortunate'?"

This is the doubt of Gangbang, and it is also the doubt of Liu Xingyao and others.


Until dinner, Liu Xingyao and others stayed in the room to rest for a long time under Tia's arrangement.At 5 o'clock the next day, Liu Xingyao's super hearing finally heard something...

Quietly following the voice, Liu Xingyao saw the chicken that had been completely dark all the time. That alone was enough to scare people.

However, Liu Xingyao quickly became relieved, isn't this a silky chicken?

And according to Liu Xingyao's experience, this is still a "mountain silkie".

In Liu Xingyao’s original world, the mountain silky fowls generally grow in the junction of southern Sichuan and the northern Yunnan plateau, mainly distributed in Xingwen, Muchuan, Sichuan and Yanjin, Yunnan. They are formed by natural selection.

This kind of chicken is very different from the others. It is a local breed that uses medicine, meat and eggs.The chicken's crown, beak, beard, tongue, skin, bone, meat, and internal organs (including fat) are all black.The feathers are mostly purple-blue and black, followed by spotted and white feathers.

If these silky chickens are put into modern times, they are definitely the premium edible chickens that chefs are vying for. Its nutritional value is much higher than other chickens.

But if it was at this time in the Qing Dynasty, many people did not know that there was such a chicken.

Liu Xingyao quickly thought of what those people who wanted to smash Tia's shop said yesterday afternoon: "Black faces, long combs, that kind of chickens seem to be terrible creatures..."

Are these silky chickens that they said will bring "unfortunate"?

After knowing the real cause of the matter, Liu Bi shook his head and couldn't help but laughed. It was really terrifying to have no experience. He regarded the top silky chicken as a chicken that would bring misfortune.

Chapter 178 The Story of Tia

Liu Xingyao is also very aware that the silky chicken in front of him is a very rare existence in this Qing Dynasty. It can be seen from the residents of Jiwo Town who regard it as an "unfortunate chicken".

And just when Liu Xingyao wanted to take a closer look at the silky chicken, Tia didn't know where he came out and said loudly to him: "Don't touch that chicken!"

"En?" Liu Xingyao looked at her suspiciously.

Tia's expression sank slightly and said, "Don't touch those chickens...or you will suffer misfortune!"

"This is..."

Before Liu Xingyao finished speaking, Tia said excitedly: "These are the'unfortunate chickens' that killed my brother, so please stay away from it!"

At this time, Hishasa, Erina, Tiansuo Hui, Ji Di, Gangbang Jie and others were awakened and came here because of the movement in the courtyard.

Scarlett, Erina, and Tian Suohui are all people who have traveled from the previous world, and they must have known and seen silkies.

In particular, Feisha, as an expert in medicinal diets, had too much exposure to the finest medicinal ingredients like silky chicken, so when 283 saw the silky chicken in the yard, she recognized it at once.

"this is……"

But before Feisha could say it, Liu Xingyao shook his head to tell her not to speak.Feisha and the other three women were not stupid, nodded slightly and did not speak.

And, looking at the silkie in front of him for a long time, he didn't dare to be sure, his brows frowned slightly.

Gangbang Jie is a big horse, and he doesn't know chicken very well, so when he saw the black chicken, he was slightly surprised.

"This chicken is so's the first time I have seen this kind of chicken. Miss Tia, what's the matter with this chicken?" Gangbang answered his doubts.

Tia's expression told everyone that the "black chicken" was coming again, and she sighed for the weather before she spoke.

"My brother is very different from my age. Over the years, he has taken care of me like a dad..."

Then in Tia's mouth, Liu Xingyao and others heard her talk about her and his brother's past.

"Three years ago, after he returned to his hometown to study art in a large restaurant in Chengdu, he took me to Jiwo Town and opened a small chicken restaurant called "Heiyulou"." Tiya said.

Hearing this, Gangbang Jie couldn't help but ask: "Why do you want to live in such an intense place... You can find a quiet environment to live in, right?"

Tia shook his head helplessly, and said, "I can only say that it is the simplest place for my brother... One day my brother was very excited to bring back a pair of black chickens from Jiangxi Province. He told me 'This pair of chickens may be able to change the history of Jicoo Town'.

Soon my brother opened a small chicken farm in the store, and raised these black chickens with all his heart, but these black chickens were unfortunately started.Not only are they not easy to survive, but the number of eggs laid each time is very small.

Every time his elder brother died, he would buy a chicken from Jiangxi immediately, and at the same time he would look for better feed everywhere.Needless to say, the time it takes to get to Jiangxi from here, plus the exhaustion of the journey, my brother often skipped meals and left the money for chicken wings.

The result of this is that our debts not only accumulate more and more, and I spare no effort to help my brother's friends see that my brother is unable to repay the debts and stop them one after another. In the end, my brother finally fell ill with exhaustion.

But at the moment he fell ill, he did not forget to tell me how to improve the quality of those black chickens. He said that he wanted to surprise everyone...

From then on, the people in the town believed that those black chickens were unfortunate chickens that would bring disasters to the breeding and the people around them, and no one had a good impression of them.

All the way to the end-brother he still believes that the dream that others can't understand will be realized, leaving only those chickens and a butt debt to me..."

After all, Tia was originally a weak woman, so tears couldn't stop when she said this.

Tian Suohui and Scarlett were already emotional, and tears couldn't stop after hearing Tia's words.Come and bring Tia to comfort her constantly.

Gangbang Jie is also the kind of woman who can't see a woman crying. Seeing Tia like this, he touched the back of his head and comforted: "Maybe this chicken is a rare breed, it's just because the hair is a bit dark."

Tia shook his head and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "No... When I pulled the black feathers clean, I found that even the skin was black. After cutting it down, I saw that the internal organs and bones were also black. , I felt very sick and lost the whole chicken!"

"Lost...Lost!" Scarlett's pitiful look made Tia very puzzled.

"Is there any problem with this?"

" problem."

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