The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 507


Chengdu can be divided into plains, hills and mountains according to the type of landforms, so Liu Xingyao and his party walked over and saw the wonderful scenery near Chengdu.

"Wow, what a big rock pillar!"

After Liu Xingyao and others flipped through a big mountain, a huge rock pillar appeared in front of everyone.There is flat ground all around the rock pillars, but it is so towering as a cloud, it is particularly spectacular.

"It's really a rare rock pillar, it may be three hundred feet (100 meters)!" Gangbang measured it.

In Japan, such tall rock pillars rarely appear, so the three daughters of Hishasha, Erina and Tansuo Ke are also surprised.

"This is the landmark of this place, called'White-faced Beauty Rock Rock'!" And he looked at the rock pillar in front of him...

As soon as he said this, everyone knew that he must have been here again when he was young, and he was heading towards the small town in front of him while listening to him.

"I heard that the top of the rock pillar is completely isolated from the mortal world, and there is some priceless treasure sleeping there." And Didao.

"This legend is too fake? Isn't it true that someone is so stupid to crawl into that place to find the legendary thing?" Gangbang couldn't believe it.

Everyone stopped talking about this legend, and soon the group came to a nearby town.After entering the town, the first thing I saw was a variety of exquisite ceramics bought on both sides of the street.

"Ceramics are sold everywhere, is this a specialty of this place?" Tian Suohui looked around.

Jidi nodded and said, "Well, this town mainly sells ceramics, and many of them are very expensive. Any one may cost more than one million."

"These broken things are so valuable?" Gangbang Jie dismissed it, saying that he didn't like these things.

However, at this moment, there was a noisy voice in front of everyone in Liu Xingyao, and a group of people were gathered together, pointing and pointing.

"Something seems to have happened before? I'll go and see!" Gangbang Jie likes to watch the excitement most. When she squeezed from the crowd, she saw a girl lying on the ground and hitting her feet. A ceramic was broken.

However, standing in front of the girl at this time, an old man with a ferocious expression saw him staring at the little girl underground with ferocious eyes.

Seeing this scene, I use my feet to wonder what happened.

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six

Seeing this scene, Liu Xingyao wanted to know what happened with his feet... It must be the little girl who broke the ceramics of this hideous old man, and then caused the dispute.

"Smelly girl film, I dare to smash the most expensive ceramics in my shop!" The old man reluctantly said viciously at the little girl with a cannibal look.

The little girl looked only about 15 years old, dressed in tatters, hurriedly kowtowed to the old man and apologized: "Yes... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I... I didn't mean it!"

"I'm sorry that you thought it was over. The ceramic that you smashed must be paid to me according to the market price!" The old man reluctantly said.

The little girl raised her head, but still didn't dare to stand up and said, "Then... how much do you have to lose?"

"En... let me think about it in 09." The old man felt for a while thinking about the beard that the profiteer had, and said: "500W will be fine. Give me money right away!"

The old man who was talking fiercely spread his hands and asked the girl for money.As soon as she heard that it was 500W, the little girl's face suddenly became white.

"500W...I...Where do I have so much money..." The little girl hurriedly took out the money all over her body, sent a few crumpled pieces of money to the old man, and said: "I...I only have so much money. ,you……"

Before she could speak, the ferocious old man slapped it over, and the little girl was incited to fly and fell on the broken ceramic debris, stabbed her right hand, and scarlet blood suddenly flowed out.

But at this time she didn't care about what she was holding, but she kept begging the old man for mercy.

"Please, I only have so much money, please...please..."

"What a joke! You smashed one of my finest porcelains. I thought about it before a thousand dollars. Today I can kill you."

Said that the old man really picked up the crutches on the side and knocked on the girl's head. The crutches are very thick. Can it go on?

But after seeing this scene, the people around were unmoved.

"Not good!" Gangbang Jie exclaimed, and when he was about to rush out, he found that Liu Xingyao was already standing in front of the little girl, holding the stick in the palm of the old man's right hand.

"Little...boy, what are you doing? Don't let me go!" The old man said loudly to Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao sneered coldly and said, "Get out of the way? Let you beat the little girl to death with a stick? Although she broke your things first, she wouldn't be dead!"

"She must die if she can't afford my ceramics. This is my Hou Sanye rule!"

The old man looked at Liu Xingyao and said, "Boy, I think you are a foreigner, right? I give you a minute to think about it and let me go, otherwise I will make you look good!"

When Liu Xingyao was arguing with the old man, the three daughters of Feisha and Suohui helped her up, and simply bandaged her with the gauze she carried.

And after seeing the old man being so arrogant, Liu Xingyao did not hesitate to grab his crutches with great effort, making the old man almost unsteady for a while.

"Smelly boy, act on my Hou Sanye on my site. I think you are impatient!" Hou Sanye turned around and yelled, "Get me out!"

With this loud roar, the crowd who had been around to watch the excitement unexpectedly dispersed, the next moment more than two dozen people who weren't a good thing at first glance surrounded Liu Xingyao and others.

Seeing this scene, the little girl next to Hisashiwa Wada Sorui was so frightened that her face was blue and white again, but Gangbang Jihe and the other two did not change their expressions at all.

On the contrary, the steel baton solution put the steel baton in his right hand on the ground and laughed, and said, "Hahaha, it's really funny~ Is it going to use force so soon?"

The old man who claimed to be Hou Sanye hadn’t noticed something was wrong, and said loudly to more than 20 of his underlings, “Here it is, take all the money from these outsiders to me, even if you do it. I am responsible for 610 if I do something!"

When these words fell, a group of people rushed towards Steel Ba and Liu Xingyao and others.

However, before they could get closer, the steel rod lifted up the huge steel rod and blew them all away.Because the whirlwind that the steel baton disliked with the steel baton in his hand not only blew the people around, but also the ceramics on the shelf of Hou Sanye fell to the ground one by one.

"Papa Papa" came the sound of the ceramic ware falling on the ground and being shattered. It seemed to be killing Hou Sanye. He fainted with anger when he saw this scene.

After doing all this, Gangbang Jie burst into laughter again: "Hahaha~ I can't help but hit it, so I fell?"

Gangbang solution didn't seem to realize what was wrong, but was still laughing.

Liu Xingyao didn't expect that Gangbang Jie was so violent, so many porcelains were broken in this way, and things became a bit more complicated now...

Chapter 187: Master Qi

Originally, according to Liu Xingyao's intention, he left here after he taught the old man who had bullied the little girl with no taste, but who knew that the steel baton solution completely recklessly unfolded the steel baton, lifting it over his head for a while, blowing hard.

Everyone has seen the brute force of the steel baton. It is lifted above the head like a helicopter propeller. The strong wind blows even people can blow it. What's more, these lightweight ceramics?

Although the more than 20 people surrounding Liu Xingyao and his party were blown away, the remaining ceramics of Hou Sanye were also broken.The ceramic was shattered all over the place, leaving the others in amazement.

And the little girl beside Tian Suohui and Erina was also pale with fright, her lips trembled and said, "It's over... it's over, everything is over!"

Gangbangxi realized that he was using too much force, and touched the back of his head and said: "Uh, I used too much force accidentally, sorry, sorry!"

Jidi, who was standing next to the steel baton solution, couldn't help cursing, "Sora has brute force, but he doesn't use his brain to do things!"

"Um... I didn't think so much just now."

Hou Sanye stood up tremblingly, looking at the broken pieces of ceramics on the ground, as if blood was dripping in his heart: " ceramics, my highest masterpiece ceramics, all...all are broken. Bastard, you are dead, I want to sue Master Qi and condemn you to death!"

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