The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 513

I don't know when two people whose looks are enough to scare people appeared behind Gangbang Jie, and one of them had a black face.

These are not important. What made Gangbang uncomfortable was that he saw the black unicorn icon on his arm that represented the identity of the dark cooking world.

"Black...the dark cooking world! are people in the dark cooking world!" Gangbang Jie took out the steel baton and became vigilant.

Then the dark-skinned, big-eyed girl who had lured Gangbang Jie just now also came to Gangbang Jie.

"But... damn, you lied to me?" Gangbang replied.

The girl also revealed herself at this moment, looking at the steel stick with a gloomy air all over her body and said: "The first pastry chef in the mainland, the steel stick solution master, please take the legendary kitchenware greedy pot behind you, And hand in the legendary drawings on your body!"

Gangbang yelled at himself for being confused, and would fall into the trap of the dark cooking world because of the female sex, and at the same time, he was also scolding himself for disobedience and persuasion.

Although I was surprised and a little angry, the Gangbang solution quickly calmed down, took out the steel stick and watched the 2 men and 2 women behind him, and said: "But the four of you want to take the legendary kitchenware from me, that's really naive. Up!"

Hearing Gangbang's answer, the two tattooed men behind him couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah Hey hey hey, master bakers solution, you now actually have this momentum and had to admire How about you! Although I 'green face beast" Yang Shizhong want a showdown with you, but now I do not round Up!"

"Yeah, me too!"

The woman with a rosary hanging on her neck and smiling at the steel rod suddenly said: "Master Jie, right...Please use the legendary kitchen utensils to fight me. I bet on my life, but you are a bet. Upload said Kitchenware 383——"

As these words fell, the woman's aura also changed tremendously, and an aura that made Gangbang Frighten was overwhelmed towards him.

Gangbang couldn't help taking a step back: "Difficult...Are you?"

"Yes, I am one of the'Five Tiger Stars' in the dark cooking world, Myla the Blue Eyed Tiger!" The woman finally said her identity.

"Unexpectedly, one of the five tiger stars is actually a female stream, but since you have said so, come on! Hey, it's worth it to be able to hold you, the beautiful woman of the five tiger stars, back!"

The steel rod commentator took out the dark steel rod, and said: "But I am sorry that the drawing of the kitchen utensils is not on my body. This wolf pot is also kept under the trust of others, so sorry, I can only use it. My life is up against you..."

The battle between the five tiger star Mila and the steel baton solution is about to begin!

Chapter 197 Crisis

"Haha... It's an ironclad thing that the steel baton solution is defeated. The two of them head-to-head, Master Mila's chance of failing is less than one in ten thousand, which means that the wolf pot is ready! Now you only need to observe Liu Xingyao and the others at any time Just like his whereabouts!"

Standing on the Dunhuang Stone Pagoda, Xiang En spied on Liu Xingyao and his group with a telescope. After confirming their whereabouts, she put away the telescope and continued to mutter to herself: "Sure enough, the five tiger stars will not take much effort. Gangbang Jie separated Liu Xingyao and the others because of their beauty, and they fell into the hands of Lord Mila, the five tiger star!"

"Solved a steel baton solution, the next one only needs to monitor and control Liu Xingyao and Liu Xingyao, and everything is done. The remaining three girls are not enough! Haha..."

Xiang En said this and sat down, then took out a piece of bread and ate it. His leisurely look didn't even notice that Ji Di had come behind him.


Xiang En was so frightened that the bread in his hand was scared, he didn't even notice when the first appeared behind her.Before she could react, he took out a dagger and clamped it around her neck.

"You'd better not move!" And the first cold voice said.

The icy dagger was clamped around Xiang En's neck, and she felt a hint of coolness.And the right hand took out the rope again to bind Xiang En's upper body.

At this time, Liu Xingyao also appeared on the stone tower with his three daughters, smiling and saying: "I have already realized that you will show up in Dunhuang, and we will meet again!"

Even if Xiang En was caught, he was not afraid of Liu Xingyao and others, coldly snorted: "Smelly kid, don't be proud of you! You won't get out of Dunhuang this time, you will always be buried here!"

"Say, what are you trying to do this time!" Ji Di questioned Xiang Endao.

Jidi was originally a face with a paralyzed face. After questioning, the enemy really made Xiang En feel terrified.But Xiang En was also a person who refused to admit defeat, with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead, and sneered: "It's too late, this time you are finished!"

Seeing Xiang En smiling so weird in this situation, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and Liu Xingyao's brows were also slightly frowned.

"Say it!" Ji Di felt anxious and asked.

Xiang En just opened his mouth and said, "The woman who was chased by the steel baton, did you know about it just now?"

"Difficult...Is that alien woman also from the dark cooking world?" And the first stunned.

"That's right, she is a disciple of the five tiger star in the dark cooking world, Blue Eyed Tiger, Mila. She has led the steel baton to Master Mila. Now she is afraid that she has lost to him and is imprisoned. Come on, hahaha!" Xiang En laughed.

It was only then that sweat permeated his forehead, and said, "It''s bad, it's actually Five Tigers who are dispatched this time?"

"Hahaha, as long as Master Mila’s'mirror' has been photographed, no one has beaten him. This time you are dead! At the same time, the prodigal son Yan Xian and the Flying Sage Zhu Qi also came to Dunhuang. Do you think there is a chance of winning this time?" Xiang En laughed wildly and proudly.

Hearing this, Liu Xingyao, who was so calm, couldn't calm down. At this moment, three five tiger stars came directly?

Although the three daughters of Scarlett, Tansuo, and Erina are not in this world, they have experienced so many things and have a certain understanding of the dark cooking world, and they also know how terrifying these five tiger stars are.What's more, the last time they were on Mount Tai, they witnessed the strength of the Five Tigers.

"Three...three five tiger stars, no...not good!" Tian Suohui couldn't help covering her mouth.

After a brief surprise, Liu Xingyao returned to normal color and snorted coldly: "Huh...Kay You really can count on us, so send three five tiger stars at once."

"Of course, after all, you have several legendary kitchen utensils. At the same time, in order to completely wipe you out in Dunhuang this time, so make your enlightenment!" Xiang En said proudly again.

"Really? I don't think so, this time you sacrificed three five tiger stars and a few chef Lin, your dark cooking world is almost over, right?" Liu Xingyao snorted and laughed.


Xiang En's expression sank and said, "Do you mean you want to defeat three five tiger stars? Ha ha, this is the funniest joke of the year!"

"Really? I'm going to know if I'm a joke right away! Go, take me to find Mila!" Liu Xingyao snorted coldly at the order of Xiang En.


Xiang En had to lead the way with them, but she would definitely not lead the crowd to find Yan Xian or Mila.

She deliberately took Liu Xingyao and his party around the city of Dunhuang to delay time, but waited for news of her being caught in other dark cooking circles.

Chapter 198 Take the Initiative to Go

Liu Xingyao quickly discovered Xiang En, who was deliberately taking them around the city of Dunhuang to delay time.Pulled hard, the rope that was set on her body suddenly made her stagger and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Xiang En stared at Liu Bi fiercely, trying to eat him like that.

"Are you deliberately pulling us around in a circle? Xiang En, are you afraid that we will find Mila and defeat them?" Liu Xingyao hummed coldly at Xiang En.

Xiang En sneered: "Liu Xingyao, the stimulus method is useless for me, so just give up!"

Liu Xingyao frowned, and then turned to face Ji Di, Tian Suohui, Erina and Feisha. "Che Di Ji, you four should not leave in Dunhuang City. I will take Xiang En and go. Come."

Before the three women such as Fei Shasha could speak, they said, "No, now the three Five Tiger Stars and the people in the dark cooking world are nearby. You take her (Xiang En) around rashly. This is too dangerous. !"

Liu Xingyao shook his head: "No, if you stay in a crowded place, they will not take you to the dark cooking world. On the contrary, if we gather together, so many people Xiang En will definitely not take me to find Mila or Yan. First!"

Speaking of Liu Xingyao, he turned his head and looked at Xiang En behind him, and said, "Am I right, Xiang En?"

"Huh!" Xiang En said coldly, without saying anything.

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