The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 522

Because he died not long ago, the body was not completely decomposed, but because of this, it exuded a foul smell.

Liu Xingyao, Mila, Han Qing and others hurriedly held their breath, only feeling overwhelming in their stomachs.

Obviously, I was afraid that it was a masterpiece in the dark cooking world. I thought that there would be some information in it, but what I saw was a scene that made him even more angry.

"Damn dark cooking world, I will never let you go! Yan Xian..." Liu Xingyao clenched his fists, his teeth clenched and made a "creak" sound.

However, at this time, Mila said, "No... it was not made by Yan Xian and the dark cooking world."

Liu Xingyao immediately turned around to look at Mila when he heard this, and said, "What do you mean by this? Isn't it Yan Xianzuo, is there someone else?"

"...Master Xingyao, the purpose of the dark cooking world is to control people's hearts with cooking, but the color of this corpse will have deep roots. Mingxiu is trapped here and starved to death!" Han Qing endured the stench and squatted before a corpse.

Chapter 214 The Person Who Appeared Suddenly

Han Qing seems to know this very well. He looked at the corpses that had recently decayed and said, "These corpses will be very dark in color and they are obviously trapped and starved to death."

Liu Xingyao frowned again after hearing this: "Hung to death? So that means..."

"Yes, Master Xingyao, this is not like the style of the dark cooking world. So I think it should have been done with someone else." Han Qing said with no certainty.

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed not the style of the dark cooking world. In the original plot, the dark cooking world had hardly killed anyone, and of course they did not rule out that they wanted to kill.Although this group of people in the dark cooking world do all bad things, they are still chefs anyway, so they will never use this cruel method to starve others...

The most vicious Kaiyu in the dark cooking world, even he is like this, although he wants to kill, he will never starve-to-dead others like this.

If it's not the dark cooking world, then what is it...

Liu Xingyao frowned and thought about it, but at this moment, a "rumbling" sound came from the passage into the underground cell.This voice immediately cut off Liu Xingyao who was thinking...

"Someone has come in!" Han Qing exclaimed.

Liu Xingyao and Mila also immediately increased their vigilance, and soon a man in a black robe appeared in front of the three of them.

This black-robed man is different from the group of people in the dark cooking world. Although he was wearing a black robe, he exposed his bones and heads. He was crouched and his eyes flashed with calculations. Apparently, he was about forty years old, even though he was so far away, he could still feel the gloomy breath from him.

Liu Xingyao, Mila and Han Qing all know that this person is very dangerous!

"Hey hey, you can find this place because of you..."

The skinny man hiding in the black robe let out a sinister laugh as he walked down the stairs: "I thought that no one should be here, but I didn't expect you to come here."

Liu Xingyao looked at the person in front of him, frowned while being vigilant, and said, "Did you do everything here?"

"Hehehe, what do you think?" The skinny man asked back, but did not answer Liu Xingyao's words directly.

"Answer me!" Liu Xingyao said angrily.

"Hehehe..." The skinny man let out a series of ugly laughs before saying: "It can also be said to be my masterpiece. It finally succeeded. The former prosperous Lujia Village finally turned into a grave pile..."

Liu Xingyao clenched his fists and made a "creak" sound: "Asshole!"

"The young man seems to be very angry? Calm down. Why don't I tell you a story~" The black-robed man said, sitting on the steps behind him, slowly speaking, and said: "There was a downfall in the past. Although he had great ambitions, he had no one to help him. Later, with the help of one person, he finally had a chance. That year, with the help of another person, the businessman had no one on the business side. If he could, although he was intrigued and intrigued in business, with the help of that person, he still embarked on the principle of prosperity and became a famous local businessman in one fell swoop.

But he was not satisfied. This little success was not enough to satisfy him, so he asked the people who helped him to help him, to become the most famous rich businessman in Beijing and even in China.After three years of this, he finally did it.

There are countless fertile fields, inexhaustible rice, precious stones and medicinal materials.He directly built a large mansion in Beijing and accepted some local villagers who were in trouble. He was very good to everyone... but he only avenged his benefactor who helped him in times of difficulty..."

When it comes to talking about the gloomy and terrifying face of the Kaheipao Man, he continues to say: "The sly rabbit, the running dog, the flying bird, the good bow. The bastard businessman has a very long neck and a mouth like an eagle. People can only share adversity and not share happiness. After becoming a businessman of the rich side, he attacked his benefactor, not only annexed his property, but also locked him in a dark cage. Hahaha, revenge for revenge, En will revenge!"

After hearing his story, Liu Xingyao and others naturally heard that he was telling his own story.The businessman in that story is probably the head of the Lu family, and the benefactor who helped the businessman is him...

"So you killed everyone in this village for this reason, right?" Liu Xingyao said solemnly.

"Yes, that's right! Everyone here has accepted Lu An's favor, so they must die too~ Lu An was tortured to death by me using poisonous foods. I still remember his dying appearance. It's really exciting...hehehe, I finally got my revenge, and I finally got my revenge, Pan Wei!" The black robe man laughed wildly.

Chapter 215 The defector of the dark cooking world

"Pan Yu!?"

Han Qing couldn't help but change after hearing this name!

"You... are you... the defector from the dark cooking world!" Han Qing said with a shocked expression on his face.

The skinny man who claimed to be Pan Yu stood up and crouched and smiled gloomily: "Hey, young man didn't expect you to know my name? But the defector is too ugly to say, my It's going out of the dark cooking world with an open mind!"

"A defector in the dark cooking world?"

Liu Xingyao turned around and asked Han Qing, "What is going on? This guy was also from the dark cooking world before?"

At this time, Mila finally spoke and explained: "In the dark cooking world, he has withstood various trials and tribulations. Generally speaking, he is an excellent chef with superb skills. There are very few people who can live under the harsh conditions of the dark cooking world. There are few, once they have withstood various tests, they will become the'top chef' who is second only to the five tiger stars in the dark cooking world, and the one who benefits these top chefs is Pan Yu!"

Liu Xingyao was slightly startled, which means that this guy in front of him has the strength close to the five tiger stars?

"That was when I had not yet become the Five Tiger Stars, but this person who was most likely to become the Five Tiger Stars suddenly defected. At that time, it caused quite a stir in the dark cooking world, even the forces in the dark cooking world. The Internet can't do Pan Yu... This person is like the world has evaporated. There are rumors that he has left China for a foreign country, and some people think that he has passed away. But they did not expect to appear here today!" Ra also said with a look of surprise.

After Liu Xingyao listened, he had to stand up solemnly. The defector who stood above all Lin chefs, Pan Yu?

"Hey, I didn't expect my story to spread in the dark cooking world. I am really happy to be looked up to by you juniors."

Pan Yu smiled wickedly again.Said: "But you are wrong. I am not superior to all chefs in Lin, but the strongest chef in the dark cooking world and in mainland China!"

The strongest chef?Liu Xingyao sneered. Five tiger stars are hailed as the strongest five in the dark cooking world. Naturally, there is a reason for him. Not to mention whether the Pan Wei in front of them is their opponent, even the high "light world" also has the existence of top chefs.

Even Liu Xingyao dare not say that he is the strongest, because he always firmly believes in the saying, "There are people outside the world, there are people outside the sky", of course this is not a system...

"But I heard that Pan Yu defected more than 50 years ago, and he is at least 80 years old now, but now this person..." Han Qing looked at him with some suspicion, at most not older than Pan Yu, 40 years old.

When Pan Yu heard this, he smiled gloomily again: "Boys, how do you know the greatness of poison cooking! Toxin cooking can also kill and save people. It can really prolong life and stay youthful. . But to accomplish this goal, I still need to catch the power of a few legendary kitchen utensils. As long as I get the legendary kitchen utensils, it’s not a problem to stay young! Hey hey, how are you also very excited?"

"Heart? Don't you think it would be boring to get too long? Pan Yu now I just want to make sure that you did all of this in Lujiacun?" Liu Xingyao's momentum continued to rise, toward Pan Slowly pressured the past...

Pan Yu was fearless, and the gloomy aura on his body was also released, and he said in a deep voice, "How is it, not how? Believe it or not, let you become like those corpses!"

Speaking, Pan Wei waved green smoke with his right hand and covered Liu Xingyao and the others.Liu Xingyao's keen sense of smell immediately realized that this green thing must be some kind of toxin!

He didn't hesitate to put a white pill in his mouth, and gave the other two to Mila and Han Qing, and asked them to put it in his mouth.

This is the universal detoxification pill that Liu Xingyao just exchanged. He was best prepared when he saw the corpses on the ground and the air in the underground warehouse with a trace of poisonous gas.But as he expected, this Pan Yu is really good at using poison.

It took a while for the green poisonous fog to dissipate, but seeing Liu Xingyao and the other three standing in place unharmed, a hint of surprise flashed in Pan Ji's expression: "I didn't expect you to survive my poison 1.0 smoke? Just now. Was it an antidote? So that's it..."

But just after a moment of surprise, he laughed wildly: "Hahaha~ It seems that you kid also knows poison. You should be a chef, right? So, let's have a lot of fun. How is the fun game?"


"Hey, that's right. Don't you really want to know what happened here in Lujia Village, and the whereabouts of other people? Then, come to a poisonous cooking showdown with me, and if you win, I will tell you everything you want to know! Pan Wei smiled at Liu Xing Yaoyin.

Chapter 216 Poison Cooking Showdown

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