The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 525

There was a drop of sweat hanging on Pan Yu's forehead unknowingly, so he couldn't even notice it?

"This... this kid is really weird!" Pan Sa was stunned for a few seconds before saying so in his heart.

Liu Xingyao wiped the kitchen knife on his hand with a cloth, and smiled: "Old man, did you find that I was handling these things? I can understand that people are old and have poor eyesight."

"Old... old man? Bad eyesight?"

Pan Yu was so angry that his body was trembling slightly. His purpose of studying poison for so many years was to prevent aging and prolong life.His biggest taboo is that others call him "old", "old bones" and other words!

"Huang...Huangkou Xiaoer Xie can't speak wild words! I...I will let you know how good I am!" Pan Yu said with a flush of anger.

The smile of Liu Xingyao's mouth was thicker, because he felt from the tone of Pan Yu's speech that he had gradually begun to lose his composure and peace.Although he was already a few dozen years old and experienced countless years, he gradually lost his calm in Liu Xingyao's few words and special techniques.

Pan Yu seemed to be stimulated and wanted to prove himself!With his vigor, he began to deal with these highly toxic ingredients with his amazing and skilled knives.

Seeing that his eyes didn't blow up, his right hand was a mechanical arm that was invincible, and his left hand was holding a kitchen knife.Both hands moved together, the mechanical arm of the right hand grabbed the poisonous spider to remove some impurities on the surface, and then changed the kitchen knife in the left hand to cut its abdomen.

The effect of incision is obvious, it is to further eliminate toxins from the body, and at the same time prepare for the next cooking!

Then he saw the treated poisonous spider and put it in a basin.I saw that what was placed in the basin was a thick white top that had been reconciled beforehand.

After doing all this, he came to a big pot and began to talk about peeling the poisonous snake, putting the white and tender snake meat into the big pot and starting to stew.

When he got here, Pan Yu finally noticed something wrong, because from just now he felt like he was being stared at by a pair of eyes!That being locked into a prey by a cobra!

Pan Yu suddenly raised his head, he saw a pair of eyes staring at him!

That's right!Liu Xingyao's eyes have locked on him--

Liu Xingyao finally used his own-Super Vision!The ability to instantly copy all the actions and skills of others!

There is no doubt that all the movements of Pan Yu just now have been copied!

"Sure... it really is! This is really super visual!" Mila said in surprise.

From a moment ago, Mila discovered something wrong with Liu Xingyao. At first she hesitated and thought it was an illusion, but when he saw this scene, he realized that it was indeed the case.

I don’t know why Han Qing became extremely happy and excited, and said, "Master Xingyao is also super visual? This...this is amazing! And his knowledge in spices is still higher than that of Master Mila, then this Isn't the game set to be won?"

Moreover, Mila and Han Qing also missed a point, Liu Bi’s super vision is somewhat different from Mila...

In order to train the super vision, Mila was kept in an isolated room since she was a child. Although she has tempered a blank mind like a naked child, she can copy the opponent's movements in an instant when she concentrates on observing the opponent. Reproduce the opponent's stunts without fail.

But this also created a difference in her personality, but Liu Xingyao did not.Because the "super vision" was given by the system, and his personality was not distorted, he was able to "mouse" Pan Yu while copying his opponent's cooking.

The feeling of being stared at by the super vision and unable to get rid of it, only those who have experienced it will know...Although Pan Yu was inadvertently stared at by Liu Xingyao just now, his forehead was already covered with sweat, invisible The pressure between this can be seen!

1.4 Pan Yu’s forehead sweat left a lot of sweat. He finally knew that Liu Xingyao was able to deal with other ingredients without noticing it just now, and the ingredients were all the same reason he chose.

Although he knew that Mila and Han Qing were telling the truth, he was lucky enough to stare at the tremendous pressure and start cooking again.

But he has completely fallen into Liu Xingyao's visual "world net"!No action can escape!

Copy, all copied down!Without any suspense, I copied it all over.

Chapter 221 Sinister!

Every action, every detail, and even every expression of Pan Yu was completely copied by Liu Xingyao.At the end, when he was about to finish, Liu Xingyao began to use his "super olfactory" and his personal understanding of spices to start making mixed spices.

The same was true for the previous Mila. After the super-vision completely copied the opponent's cooking, with his proficiency in spices and stoves, he reprocessed the cooking and finally made a more perfect cooking than his opponent.

Mila's inequality, Liu Xingyao's inequality!

But ten obviously, Liu Xingyao's inequality is obviously above Mila, because both "super vision" and "super olfactory" are stronger than Mila.

Therefore, the result of this is very obvious. Pan Yu and Liu Xingyao finished the cooking almost at the same time, and the finished cooking was exactly the same, but everyone including Pan Yu knew the difference...

Both of them cooked dishes similar to 09 stewed rice.After the extremely poisonous poisonous spiders, poisonous scorpions, and centipedes are detoxified by special methods, they are then fried in a coat.

Finally, the soup cooked with a poisonous snake is poured on the stewed rice, so that the delicious and delicious "poison stewed rice" has been completed.

In accordance with the rules of the "Poisonous Food Showdown", both parties must each eat one portion before giving it to the judges.

Pan Yu, who had already predicted something, was covered with sweat on his forehead and looked at Liu Xingyao with a gloomy expression. He had never expected Liu Xingyao to possess so many "stunning skills."And the cooking competition, which is proud of poisonous cooking, turned out to be like this.

Looking at Pan Yu with a constipated look, Liu Xingyao smiled faintly: "Oh, it seems that Senior Pan Yu is not very confident in his cooking? Then I will try my own cooking and prove that it can be eaten!"

Speaking of Liu Xingyao, he personally tried his own cooking, and while eating, he stared at Pan Yu from time to time...

After the tasting, after confirming that it was not poisonous, Liu Xingyao looked at Pan Yu, who had not moved, and smiled: "Why, senior Pan Yu? Can't you try your own cooking? Or, you are afraid of eating your own cooking and eating me. The cooking will immediately feel the gap..."


The sweat on Pan Wei's forehead condensed more, and he gritted his teeth and watched Liu Xingyao speechless.

Finally, Liu Xingyao's expression also changed abruptly, and he shouted at Pan Yu: "Pan Yu, you lost this poisonous cooking matchup. Give me up! You didn't add the spice-mixed cooking, it's not at all. My opponent!"

"Hey Hey!"

Pan Yu finally raised his head and smiled gloomily: "Yes, I admit... your kid is really amazing. You can copy my cooking and technology and then evolve it. Even in the dark cooking world and the whole of China, I have not seen this. Wait for the technology, but it's a pity..."

While talking about Pan Wei while retreating back, Liu Xingyao immediately rushed towards him when he saw that something was wrong.

"Don't think about it!"

"Oh ha ha ha, it's too late, you all go to death for me!"

When Pan Yu finished speaking, he pressed the mechanism on the wall.The organs were touched, and the entire underground darkroom roared. The huge vibration made Liu Xingyao, Mila and Han Qing almost unable to stand firm.

But Pan Yu, who rushed towards Pan Yu, hadn’t made it yet. The moment Pan Yu pressed the mechanism, he escaped from a hole like a loach, and pressed the hole again to close it. Liu Xingyao wanted to catch him. Too late.

"Haha, ahhahaha! What if you win me? You will bury me here forever, ahhahaha~" Pan Yu's wicked laughter came from outside the cave.

Liu Xingyao clenched his fists and scolded himself carelessly for knowing that there was a mechanism here, but he still let the bastard take advantage of the loopholes and was yawned.

Because Pan Ji touched the mechanism, the secret room exit with only one exit was completely caught by fans, and Liu Xingyao and others did not know about the other exit mechanisms. It seemed impossible to find the mechanism before it collapsed.

"There is no way...I can only ask the system for help!" Liu Xingyao 883 secretly said in his heart.

However, at this moment, the stone wall on the right of Liu Xingyao's trio turned over.

The three of them were taken aback for a moment. Could it be that this Pan Ji went and returned, and what has fallen here?But this thought was eliminated after only a moment in his mind, and that insidious guy could not be so stupid to come back again.

Who is that...

When Shibi completely turned around, Liu Xingyao saw a familiar face.

The cheeks are still all over the country and the city is charming, and the red-dressed hand holds the beautiful red pipe.Who else is Yao Niang in front of Liu Xingyao?

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