The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 527

In this way, Liu Xingyao took Yao Niang, Mila, Han Qing and the others to rush towards Shanghai, and joined the three women of Ji Di, Gangbang Jie, and Feisha.

However, not long after Liu Xingyao and others left Lujiacun, Pan Yu appeared in Lujiacun again.After confirming that Liu Xingyao and others had completely left Lujiacun, Pan Yu couldn't help but laughed.

"Hahahahaha, hey...hehehe! How can you guys with yellow mouths be my opponents, don't you know that the most dangerous place is the safest place?" Pan Yu laughed proudly.

After a lot of laughter, Pan Yu stopped, his face was full of viciousness, and his face was sullen and muttered: "Damn boy, I will kill you next time I meet you... The poison makes you worse off than death! It’s really irritating to me. Forget it, let’s go back to another basement to continue my experiment. Hehehe, when I succeed, it will be the death of all of you. By then, all the kitchen utensils are said It's all mine!"

However, before Pan Yu was happy, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Hiccup~~Before that, you should care about your safety first~"


Pan Fei turned his head in fright and hurriedly saw a man who was drunk drunk while dragging a large wine tank, drinking from a large bowl.The distance between this man and him is no more than 10 meters. A closer look at this person is not the five tiger star prodigal son Yan, who else?

"Lang...the prodigal son Yanxian? Why are you here!" Pan Wei asked in exclamation, with a hint of horror in his tone.

Yan first calmly drank the wine in the big bowl, then watched Pan Yu slowly said: "En? Are you asking why I am here? Oh, my memory is not good for a while. I forgot it for a while!"

Although Yanxian said so, the sweat on Pan Yu's forehead fell unconsciously.Before, he was anxious to protect Lu Jiacun and the dark cooking world. Of course, he would not expose his identity as a "traitor" in the dark cooking world, and he himself felt that Yan Xian and others should not know his true identity.

However, Yanxian's next sentence made his back cool.

"50 years ago, was Pan Yu, a defector from the dark cooking world?"

Yanxian filled his big bowl with drinks while talking, and continued: "I heard that you killed a lot of people in the dark cooking world at that time to escape the dark cooking world, right?"

After saying this, the surrounding air suddenly cooled down. At this moment, only the sound of Yan Xian pouring wine into the bowl could be heard.

"Pan Yu? I don't know who you are talking about, you have admitted the wrong person! My name is you don't know, it's..."

Pan Yu still wanted to quibble, but before he could speak, Yan Xian interrupted him directly and said, "You don't have to lie to me, my super-aural sense listened to all the previous duel between you and that kid. "

Yan Xian spoofed Pan Yu showing a row of white teeth and said, "Hey, you still lost to that kid. I thought I could kill him with your only hand, oh~ my plan. It's lost!"

Chapter 224 The Magic City Shanghai

Yan Xian showed a row of white front teeth and smiled at Pan Wei like that. It looks a bit spoof. If people who don’t know him see this smile, they think it’s an uncle who likes to spoof~

However... he is not an ordinary spoofed uncle, but the most unpredictable and strongest person of the Five Tigers-the prodigal son Yan Xian!

Every move and smile on his face is fatal!

Even Pan Yu, a man who has lived for decades, saw Yan Xian with a cold sweat on his forehead, especially when Yan Xian recognized his true identity~...

"Since you are a defector from the dark cooking world, you can't beat that kid, and now Lujia Village has been destroyed~ All the goals have been achieved, and you seem to have no use-value..."

After Yan Xian finished saying this, the hippie smiley face disappeared, replaced by a murderous look!

It was now when Yan Xian showed the true nature of a master. Pan Yu, who had not reacted to these words, only felt a cold in his neck, followed by severe pain in his neck.

Pan Yu looked down, and he didn't know when a dart had penetrated deeply into his neck, with intense pain all over his body. At this time, he wanted to shout but realized that it was no longer possible.


Blood quickly flowed out of Pan Yu's throat, and immediately fell to the ground unwillingly, even the boss with staring eyes temporarily.

The invincible Pan Yu, a man who used to call the wind and rain in the dark cooking world, even after many years after defecting, he did not expect that he would die here, and he was still in the hands of Yan Xian.

That's right, Yan Xian... not only has super hearing ability, but is also a master at using hidden weapons!He is very proficient in hidden weapons such as javelins, money darts, darts, arrows, flying forks, and flying darts.

Yan Xian has two hobbies since childhood, one is drinking!The other is to study hidden weapons, even cooking can only be regarded as a hobby.He was born with super hearing ability to become an expert in hidden weapons, killing people invisible.

However, there are few people who know that he will be a hidden weapon, even Kaiyu and others don't know.And until he knows how to use hidden weapons, like Pan Yu in front of him, they have become-dead!

Yan Xian carried the wine jar in his right hand and slowly came to Pan Yu's corpse. The wine bowl he held in his right hand tilted slowly, and the wine poured down on the corpse.

"It's better to ask you to drink a bowl of bar, thinking that you used to be a person in the dark cooking world... and only against people like you, will you use hidden weapons. Because you are not worthy of being called a chef!" Yan Xian muttered to himself as he watched Pan Yu's corpse.

"Well, the matter here is solved~ I should go to Shanghai too!"

Yan Xian seemed to have returned to his usual drunk and drunken manner. He touched his nose and smiled: "Hey, those guys have gone to Shanghai. This time Shanghai is quite lively~ However, the situation now seems to be right. Our dark cooking world is not so good?"

--------Time dividing line--------

A week later

Shanghai, a port city located on the banks of the Huangpu River upstream of the Yangtze River estuary, used to be a remote fishing village in the countryside. Since the opening of the Nanjing Treaty, all overseas funds have flowed out.

Here is part of the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta. There are remnant hills such as Tianma Mountain in the west, and rock islands such as Dajin Mountain, Xiaojin Mountain, Fushan, Sheshan Island and Xiaoyangshan Island in the sea.

Because of its unique geographical location, it quickly turned into a new city for international trade.

This is a large city with a large population, and it is also the most prosperous metropolis, and people in the culinary industry have also given Shanghai a more interesting name-"Madu".

After almost a week, Liu Xingyao and others finally arrived in Shanghai.It is worth mentioning that Liu Xingyao, Yao Niang and others happened to meet Ji Di, Gangbang Jie, and others on the way to Shanghai.

The two groups of people finally turned in Shanghai, especially the joy of the girls after seeing Yao Niang.

And when everyone officially entered the prosperous place of Shanghai, everyone was not only attracted by the lively atmosphere here.The places Liu Xingyao visited here in Guangzhou and Fujian are completely different.

"Hahaha, Shanghai is the same as it is, it's still so lively!" Gangbang Jie seemed to have recovered completely. He stood tall in the crowd and said loudly, making the pedestrians on the side gloating.

Tian Suohui's little old problem seems to never be able to be corrected. Seeing such a lively place, she not only exclaimed: "Okay... It's amazing. Not only is this place crowded with people, but also... there are so many foreigners. !"

There are some obvious differences between the architecture of Shanghai and Guangzhou and other places. First of all, the architecture...

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but look at it all the way, and said: "By the way, there are so many new-style foreign houses. It is really rare. It is indeed the Shanghai that is called the city of rice magic!"

Jidi also seems to know about Shanghai, and said: "The biggest development that Shanghai has made as a trading port is also the most recent thing. He is still a new city, and new is like a newborn baby. Like Guangzhou and others. Compared with other metropolises, they are inferior to other cities in terms of tradition and style. However, in terms of the most vigorous and dynamic, it belongs to this city!"

"So I can only say that Shanghai and other places have their own merits!" Liu Xingyao said.

But at this point, Feisha suddenly pointed to the distance and exclaimed: "Wow, hurry... look, there is a fight at that port!"

Liu Xingyao and the others followed the sound, and as expected, only the first two sailors with naked upper bodies were fighting.With his upper body naked, you punched me, and there were wounds of varying degrees on my body.

Seeing this gangbang solution, he grinned again and said, "Hey, for this reason. This is a young and unknown city, so there are a lot of bloody guys. Fighting like this is already considered gentle, besides There are a lot of people who come here from abroad to make the "Shanghai Dream" and make a fortune, and there are also strange guys with unknown origins here who are nostalgic..."

Chapter 225 Shanghai Cuisine

After Liu Xingyao was wandering around in the metropolis of Shanghai for a while, they saw the "customs and customs" here.During the Qing Dynasty, Shanghai was full of people and dragons, and the buildings were all Western-style.

There is a lot of traffic here and the flow of people is complicated. Although I know that the Zhuanlong Kettle is in Shanghai, I don't know where it is. So it takes a lot of effort to find out here.

Gangbang turned his head and looked at these western-style buildings in front of him, and couldn't help saying: "But, we have to find the legendary kitchen utensils in this blurred metropolis. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is no information at all?"

Liu Xingyao knows the original work, knowing that if you want to find the whereabouts of the legendary kitchenware, you should go to those talents.

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