The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 529

And the black unicorn pattern on the back of their hands reveals their identity... Needless to say, these people are people in the dark cooking world. Although they have sneaked into Shanghai long ago, they can only move easily when it is dark.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 227 Gathering in Shanghai

The people in this boat are all from the dark cooking world, and the boater is a man with wrinkled faces and sixties.

Even if the old man was rowing the boat alone, the speed of the boat was extremely fast, and it came to shore in a short while.

A black-robed man in the lead got off the ship first, and the three people who had been waiting on the shore "pushed" and knelt before him.

"Master Yan Xian, we have been waiting here for a long time!"

That's right, the head of the boat is Yan Xian, the prodigal son of Five Tigers.Yan Xian took off the black robe he was wearing on his head, took out a wine gourd from his waist and took a sip before talking.

"How are things going?" Yan Xian still asked in a drunk tone, he always looked drunk no matter what.

Although Yan Xian looked like a drunkard, these people in the dark cooking world did not dare to neglect.

"Enjoy the Lord Yan Xian, the first stage of the plan has been completed, and the current'Great United' is in chaos!" The man kneeling on the ground did not dare to neglect.

Yan first ordered, and then drank half of the gourd's wine, and said, "This time the plan must be successful. Otherwise, it is said that the kitchen utensils have been robbed by them. It is really very difficult... Hiccup~~"

But when it was very serious, Yan Xian hiccuped like this, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird for a while.

"Hey, I said you have to cheer up this time~ The plan failed, but you all have to be punished~" Yan Xiandao.

Although Yan Xian said very plainly, when he heard the word "punishment", the hairs of these people stood up.

"Yes...Yes, Lord Yan Xian, this time I must fulfill my mission without humiliation! But my lord, today we received the news that the group of people surnamed Liu had arrived in Shanghai during the day. What should we do now?" The black-robed man who fell to the ground couldn't make up his mind and asked.

"Huh? It's a bit slow this time~ It's okay, let them enjoy the night view of Shanghai first, anyway, it's not a few days since the final battle!" Yan Xian said carelessly.

At the same time, Liu Xingyao and others are here (Shanghai, Nanjing Road)

Nanjing Road in Shanghai during the Qing Dynasty was also a very lively place, whether it was day or night.Although there are fewer neon flashes than modern Shanghai, it is still busy with numerous pedestrians!

"No... I didn't expect that there are still so many people in Shanghai at night!" Gangbang Jie looked at the crowd around him and exclaimed.

"This may be the charm of Shanghai..." Erina said.

A group of people walk on the street. Even at night, there are small food stalls on both sides of the street. The most popular seafood dishes in Shanghai, such as hairy crabs.

"Even at night, the seafood looks so fresh. It's really Shanghai. You can't see such a scene even in Chongqing." Yao Niang couldn't help.

Because of the excitement around the street, and there are many stalls selling ingredients, there are nine people and six girls, four of whom quickly display the girls' nature-shopping.

That's right, after a while, the women became active on the street. Look here and there. Even Yao Niang, who has only experienced sad things, has temporarily forgotten his worries.

"This... is this deep-fried steamed buns? It looks great!"

"Wow, the oysters here are also very fresh!"

"Is this? Candied haws?"

Several women were excited and talked and laughed in front of them, but Liu Xingyao, Ji Di, Gangbang Jie, the three of them did not dare to relax their vigilance, because the more this kind of time, the more likely they are to encounter dangerous things.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes, Liu Xingyao noticed something very strange.Because there will always be one or two sneaky people behind him, and they will immediately be lurking in the crowd when Liu Xingyao turns around.

Obviously, these people are following them!

Although Gangbang Jie is usually a Ma Daha, he will not lose the chain when it is critical, and he has also noticed something wrong.Pretending to be nonchalant, he came to Liu Xingyao and Ji Di's side.

"Hey, did you find out..."

Ji Di didn't turn his head back and lowered his voice, "Well... I've noticed from just now that someone is following us."

"Could it be that the people in the dark cooking world knew that we were here, so they sent someone to make trouble?" Gangbang replied.

"Is it a person in the dark cooking world? I'll know right away." Liu Xingyao pointed to Ji Di and Gangbang Jie and motioned toward the small alley in front of him.

Both of them ordered a bit, and Liu Xingyao quietly let the six women follow along. As expected, when they entered a place with few people, a group of people finally surrounded them.

The two tall people walking in the front are actually a head taller than the big guy like the steel rod. At the same time, everyone has a weapon in his hand. It's definitely a bad one!

Chapter 228 Misunderstanding

When Liu Xingyao and others entered the small alley in front, they were quickly surrounded by a group of people.This group of people are tall and hideous, and at the same time each of them has weapons in their hands, making it possible to contact them as bad people at first glance.

Seeing this Gangbang could not help but said: "Are these guys from the dark cooking world?"

It's okay that the steel rod can't speak. The faces of the group of people surrounding Liu Xingyao changed, and the crowd suddenly became restless.

"You... are you really from the dark cooking world?"

"Oh my god, they are really from the dark cooking world, and these people are really from the dark cooking world!"

Liu Xingyao and the other two couldn't help but glance at each other, and they realized that this group of people are not people in the dark cooking world, so what they just said meant...

"Quickly...look at that woman's arm..."

Suddenly, a person pointed to Han Qing's left arm in the case of Black Kirin Figure 013 and exclaimed.Everyone's complexion changed suddenly. Doesn't this represent a sign of the dark cooking world?

Although Han Qing joined Liu Xingyao's team, the fact that he used to be a dark cooking world cannot be changed.

"Put them to death, kill them!"

The crowd gathered more and more, until the last group of people waved their weapons and shouted slogans.

"Death penalty, death penalty! Death penalty!"

"Execute these people in the dark cooking world and sentence them to death!"

At this moment, everyone in Liu Xingyao realized that because of the sentence that Gangbang explained just now, they mistakenly believed that their group of people were people in the dark cooking world!In addition to Han Qing's affairs, they concluded that they were from the dark cooking world!

"Death penalty! Death penalty!"

After a group of people discovered the "real" identity of Liu Xingyao and others, they all became extremely weird.Tian Suohui, Feisha, Erina and other women rarely see this kind of battle, and their expressions have not changed, and Hua Rong has paled!

Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately opened his clothes, revealing his super chef badge and said loudly: "We are not in the dark cooking world, I am the super chef of Guangzhou Yangquan Restaurant, and Di!"

Even some people in the inland have heard of the name of Guangzhou Yangquan Restaurant, let alone the coastal city of Shanghai, and the medal of the super chef is placed there, it will never be fake!

"Wh... what Yangquan Restaurant?"

"Special chef? What is going on, aren't these people from the dark cooking world?"

Suddenly a man who was about 30 years old in the crowd squeezed out of the crowd and came to Ji Di.

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