The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 540

There are many side dishes that are often used as noodle dishes, the common ones are a combination of chicken legs, eggs, and vegetables.There are also combinations of all-vegetarian dishes, and with the development and evolution of noodle dishes, various novel side dishes are also emerging in endlessly.

Deep-fried bread slices, sliced ​​green onions cooked in butter, etc.

"So Master Jie is planning to use tender and juicy bacon as the main side dish?" Erina seemed to see something.

Gangbang Jie cuts the bacon meat, the so-called smoked meat in the world, into slices, and then starts to stir-fry with butter, no matter what his cooking method is, it is as accurate and skilled as always.

But with the frying process, the aroma of this bacon is even more attractive!

"No... But, after all, this scent is too attractive, right? It clearly exudes a smoky smell, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated!"

"Yes, it seems that the title of the mainland's first pastry chef is more than just casual talk. What kind of ingredients are used to have such a taste?"

Gangbang smiled without saying a word, did not explain the doubts of the people eating melons around, and continued his cooking with a smile.

However, at this time Logan turned around and looked at the steel baton and said: "Boy, the reason why your meat is so fragrant is because you used that thing... it's called a pastry chef. The "Fragrant Wood" of the "Scent of Food"!"

"Fragrant... Fragrant wood? Then... what is that?"

Although everyone present was not a novice at cooking, they still looked confused when they heard this ingredient, saying that they had never heard of this ingredient.

Seeing everyone’s doubts, Logan put aside his work and explained with a smile: “Hey, a bunch of ignorant guys, let me explain to you. It’s a kind of thing that hardly anyone uses in mainland China. Spices, this is only known to cooks in the north, and the reason is because it is an ingredient imported from northern countries..."

"The country... the ingredients imported from abroad?" Everyone was surprised again.

Gangbang finally spoke at this time and smiled: "To be precise, this is something that the northern nomadic country has only..."

"What do you mean?" Everyone was taken aback.

"The birthplace of fragrant wood is Mongolia. The local people like to use it to put it into flour and put it into flour dough, or use it to smoke meat. Because this plant has a strong fragrance, it can be used in fishy smells. Heavy meat. In addition, it will put a beautiful golden coat on the meat..." Gangbang Jie explained.

Logan turned around, holding the crutch symbolized by his Bai Luo family in his right hand, and placed it on the ground, saying: "Of course I know the function of this thing, but as far as I know, this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can get. But things that can only be used by the nobles of the northern Mongolian country are extremely rare even in the local area, and you kid..."

Hearing the Gangbang solution, he couldn’t help but laughed and said, "Hey, sorry old man. Because my father saved a Mongolian nobleman when he was young, and in return he gave us a lot of gadgets, this thing It's one of them. Do you understand now, you bad old man!"

"Boy, you are still so rude. I will let you know how good I am!" Logan said with an angry expression.

After speaking, the two people sprayed each other like children again. The combined ages of the two were already over a hundred years old, and it was so.This made Erina wait to see sweat on his forehead!

Soon this game entered the final stage, and the noodle dishes of the two were entering the final stage.

"My cooking is complete. This is the No. 1'Wu Shuang Fried Noodle' in the mainland!" Gang Gun Jie shouted.

The first thing to complete was the steel baton solution. He quickly delivered the five-person fried noodles to the five leading bosses.

Stir-fried fried noodles with a little bit of crystal light, and then combined with thick smoked meat and other vegetables, the strong aroma continues to rise, stimulating the taste buds of 500 judges!

"Although this seems to be just ordinary ramen, but the fragrance is really nothing to say... Is this because of the addition of the northern country's ingredient'Fragrant Wood' you just mentioned?"

"No, I'm afraid it's not just the addition of fragrant wood, but also the scent of bacon smoked, as well as the scent of fresh mushrooms and butter and green onions, which is really appetizing!"

"Then, come and eat!"

The five leaders began to eat as they said, and when they added the fried noodles, they couldn't help but be surprised: "Oh, what's the heavy feeling of this ramen? It feels a lot heavier than other ramen?"

"What is this..."

With a "chipping", several people inhaled the ramen, their complexion changed the moment they inhaled, and when one bite down, the pupils of the five couldn't help but dilate!

"This... this smell!"


Chapter 246 Review Stage

"This fried noodle is powerful and capricious, and full of flavor. Inhaled in the mouth, a little sauce and mixed with seasonings are delicious! And... and the tongue seems to be melted away!"

"Not only that, because the fragrant wood mentioned just now has been added to maximize the fragrance! The sharp contrast of flavor makes tears flow out quickly, this is unparalleled deliciousness!"

The fact that these judges can react in this way shows the incomparability of this cuisine!You must know that these are Shanghai's leading bosses. They usually eat delicacies from the mountains and the sea. They are particularly picky about the food, but now they can't help but be so surprised!

"This... these leading bosses are all deeply attracted by the delicious fried noodles made by Master Jie, it's great!" Yao Niang said excitedly.

The melon-eating people in the dark culinary world all around are also surprised. The seemingly ordinary fried noodles can be so delicious!

"This...Is it because of the rare ingredient, fragrant wood?"

"Damn, you actually took out this rare ingredient to deal with Master Logan?"

But Liu Xingyao knows very well that being able to have such a taste is not only related to fragrant wood, it is related to the craftsmanship of the steel baton solution itself, and that bacon...

The leading leader is fairly calm, and compared to the other reviewers, he tasted calmly: "Not only that, it's also delicious as a side dish, so it's hard to calm down. It's warm, soft and spicey. The sweetness of sharing and fat is a perfect match! It's like..."

It's just like a fiery fight, and waves of shocks are simply unstoppable!

After the fried interview of Gangbang Jie was finished, the judges all showed satisfied smiles, and the ramen on each judge’s plate was eaten. It was obvious that Gangbang Jie was very successful!

"Hey, I didn't expect this steel rod solution to have some strength, but it's a bit interesting! Because defeating you like this makes you feel more fulfilled!"

After thinking about this, Xiang En raised his right hand and said loudly: "The food of the steel stick solution has been tried, and the next thing I will taste is the food of the noodle Wang Luogen!"

"Hey, let's try the noodles I made, soothing and calming!" Logan said as he walked toward the judging table with a few bowls of steaming noodle soup on a plate.

"Soothing food? Old man, shouldn't it be the kind of unpalatable noodles just now?" Gangbang Jie said mockingly.

Logan was also angry after hearing this, and laughed a few times and said: "Hey, you stinky boy, just wait and see, the difference between what I do and yours. You are number one in the mainland, then I am number one in the world. what!"


Under the gaze of everyone, Logan sent five large bowls of ramen to the front of the five leading judges.The noodles and the bottom soup were good, but when they saw the side dishes of the ramen that night, everyone was stunned!

"Wait...wait, what is that?"

"That's really a side dish? Isn't that a steamed bun? Actually put a steamed bun as a side dish in the noodle soup? It's really unheard of!"

"Bun soaked in noodle soup, will this be delicious? Impossible!"

At this moment, even a few Shanghai's leading bosses are slightly lost, and I don't know how many noodles I have eaten, but this is the first time I have seen this side dish with buns.

At this time, even the steel baton solution frowned.

"What the hell is this old guy doing?"

And Liu Xingyao secretly shouted badly in his heart, eight casseroles, and now put them in the noodles as a side dish.

"This is troublesome, Master Jie is afraid that he will lose..." Liu Xingyao couldn't help but say.

Erina was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, what do you mean... Is there something wrong with the bun as a side dish?"

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