The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 547

The five judges gave a thumbs up to Qi Qi, and Di Qi clasped his fists in return, and did not say much.

When Xiang En saw this, his face turned into pig liver, and all the plans were disrupted, and the results of these three games did not need to wait for her to announce how obvious they were.

"But... Damn it, this group of bastards!" Xiang En clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

All plans fell through. Not only did Xiang En fail to win, but he also lost face in front of everyone in the dark cooking world. He, the "Super Lin Chef" who had just taken office, had no face to face the BOSS sub-magazine who "trusted" him.

Chapter 257 Yan Xian who suddenly changed his mind

Xiang En's trickery failed, and he lost to Tier in the third cooking game.In this way, the victory of the two sides is now 2:1, and Liu Xingyao and others who represent the bright cooking world are leading here.

There is still the last unplayed game. If Liu Xingyao and others can continue to win this game, they will naturally win the final victory, but if the dark cooking world wins the final victory, the victory will evolve. It becomes 2:2, if it is a tie, there will be an "overtime game"...

When the third game was over, Yan Xian, who was heading to Lou Qijian, was in the boat.

"Master Yan Xian, there is news from the front that Xiang En lost to the Super Chef and No. 3 in the third match." The black robe man rowing reported in this way.

Yan Xian lay on his side on the boat, with his left hand propped on his head, and his right hand holding the tavern and pouring drinks towards the large bowl on the deck. He didn't seem to be surprised by the result.

"I said, that woman is useless at all, except for playing a little 397 scheming, she is useless. I really don't know why the guy Kaiyu wants to reuse her. Now that she has failed, let me wipe her butt. ??" Yan Xian complained like this and drank the full drink.

After drinking a glass of wine very boldly, Yan Xian stood up and sat on the boat looking at the upcoming Lou Qi ship, and said, "Then that also means that we can only tie with those guys when we do more? "

"Yes, Master Yan Xian, this is the case now," the black-robed man rowing the boat replied.

"That way, even if I beat Liu Xingyao, the kid can only make a tie. Although I won him, it doesn't sound good to pass the tie. No way, it's still a big loss for me. This fourth game is no match!" Yan Xian said something that surprised the old man in black robe rowing.

Hearing this, the rowing man in black robes suddenly exclaimed: "Yan...sir Yan Xian, if this is the case, we just flee without a fight, should we hand over the legendary kitchen utensils to them? If this is the case, Master Kaiyou will fall short. That's it!"

"Oh, you are so long-winded!"

Yan Xian scratched his ears impatiently, and said, "How come you don’t know how to work like Kayoo? Did I say that I want to give them the legendary kitchenware? All this revolves around the legendary kitchenware. , As long as this thing is destroyed, won't everything be gone?"

The black-robed man rowing the boat was surprised again: "Yan...sir Yan Xian, what do you mean?"


Yan Xian hiccups again, his expression is rather unsound, and he puts his fingers up and said: "It's very simple, let the legendary kitchen utensils and Liu Xingyao all fall into the sea. Isn't it all over?"

"Wha...what! Master Yan Xian, this can't be done!" The black robe man said in shock.

Yan Xian's meaning is very clear, that is, to destroy Lou Qi ship, and that's it.But Lou Qijian was built by the dark cooking world with the hard work of several generations, and it cost countless manpower and material resources.

More importantly, there are countless compatriots in the dark cooking world on the Lou Qi ship. If it is directly blown up, everyone will not want to survive.

"Why can't it be used? Xiang En and the others disappeared in this world without loss to us." Yan Xiandao.

"But... But, Master Yan Xian."

Yan Xian's face suddenly changed, and the hell-like aura made the black-robed man almost breathless: "Did you not hear me clearly? Send my order and blow up the Lou Qi ship!"

The sweat on the face of the black robe man in the boat was like rain. He knew that if he was talking nonsense, he would be wiped off by Yan Xian.

"Yes...yes!" The black robe man had to do it.

Soon the black-robed man began to make arrangements, and notified the surrounding area and the personnel on the Louqi ship to prepare for the bombing work as quickly as possible.

In fact, blowing up Lou Qi ship is very simple, because Lou Qi ship is equipped with a self-detonation device.That was the original setting of Lou Qijian to prevent it from falling into the hands of others one day.And until this device was destroyed by very few people, of course Yan Xian, a leading cadre of the Five Tigers, knew this.

However, Liu Xingyao and others had no idea about Yan Xian's sudden change of plan.

Above Lou Qijian

"What's the matter, why haven't the contestants of the fourth game come yet? It's been so long!"

The fourth game was very clear about Liu Xingyao's duel against Yan Xian, but at this time Yan Xian did not come. It was more than ten minutes that had not seen him.

Liu Xingyao stood in the cooking area and closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Xiang En and others are also puzzled. Although Yan Xian is usually silly, but it is impossible for this important game to last so long.

"Master Yan Xian, did you encounter something on the way here?" Xiang En frowned. At this time, all her hopes were pinned on the invincible Yan Xian.

As long as Yan Xian can turn the tide in the last game, although it is a tie, it is still more advantageous for the dark cooking world. After all, this building is their place.

(To be continued...)

Chapter 258: Yan Xian's Scheming

Even Xiang En couldn't figure out why Yan Xian was late because of what happened. This is an important matter related to the legendary kitchen utensils, Liu Xingyao and others who are still the most hated.

Waiting for another five minutes anxiously like this, the Gangbang solution itself is impatient, holding the steel stick and looking at the center of the field and letting it go, loudly said: "Assholes in the dark cooking world, should you compare? After 20 minutes, you will be present if you want to admit defeat. Don't delay our time here."

Being able to speak so openly in the dark cooking world is also in line with Gangbangxi's style.

"Gangbang solution, don't be too proud! Our Lord Yan Xian must have encountered something on the road, so we are not here!"

"Yes, yes! When the five tiger star Yan Xian comes here, he will definitely defeat all of you guys here."

"Master Yan Xian is invincible!"

The young people in the dark cooking world around them were so loud, as they said, Yan Xian was the highest being in the dark cooking world.

There is also such a saying in the dark cooking world, the leader of the dark cooking world Kaiyu, the person most feared is Yan Xian.

Of course, if you just look at the surface, many people will think that Kaiyu is afraid of Yan Xian in cooking, in other words, it is not Yan Xian's opponent in cooking.

But is the thing like this -?Definitely not so!

Or is it that Yan Xian's greatest strength is his super hearing ability?No, everything is wrong.

It was not his super-acoustic sense or cooking skills that made Kaiyu and others fear, but his unpredictable thoughts.

A long time ago, the deceased had said: "Technology is worse than mind."

In the original work, Yan Xian voluntarily surrendered to Lang Feihong in the final battle, because A Fei was indeed too strong, holding a Jialou Luo sword, and the most young master holding a Yongling sword can fight against one.

On the other hand, Yan Xian had already fallen back on his own, and he did not want Kaiyu to continue to make mistakes. For Kaiyu to drown everyone in Hubaoyidong, after that crazy plan, he was very intelligent. I had anticipated this ending earlier.

Although he was drunk all day, Yan Xian knew better than anyone in his heart...

So the same is true for today's things. He was on the way here... No, it should have been a long time ago that he discovered that he was not Liu Xingyao’s opponent, so he made such an order to his men halfway through. ——Blow up Lou Qi ship!

The scariest thing about Yan Xian is not his cooking skills and super-acoustic sense, but his unpredictable thoughts.

However, even Liu Xingyao didn't know about these or his current plan, but under Yan Xian's personal arrangements, the "Lou Qi Ship Destruction" plan was almost implemented.

On the river surface about one kilometer away from Louqi Ship.

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