The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 550

The soil on the surface fell off, and at this moment the appearance of the legendary kitchen utensils really appeared in front of everyone. A Chinese dragon revolved around the pottery. This is one of the legendary kitchen utensils... the dragon pot!

"Is this the secret kitchenware'Zuanlong Kettle" handed down by Master Xiuli?" Ji Di held the Zhuanlong Kettle with golden light in front of him, surprised.

"However, what is the power of this legendary kitchen utensil? It feels useless!" Gangbang said, obviously not knowing the use of this dragon pot.

Liu Xingyao took the Zhuanlong Kettle from Jie Di’s hand and explained: “It can gather the gas of the universe in an instant, making it possible to make the impossible super-high-speed mature fermentation possible. This is its special ability...anything that needs to be fermented This can be done in a blink of an eye!"


Chapter 262 Plan

So far, Liu Xingyao and others have obtained five legendary kitchen utensils, namely Yongling Knife, Garuda Knife, Greedy Wolf Pot, and Lingzang Storehouse.And the dragon pot that I got from Shanghai.

Eight legendary kitchen utensils, now they have a total of five in their hands.

According to Liu Xingyao's understanding of the original work and the current situation, the magic bronze sacred artifacts are determined to be in the hands of the dark cooking world, and the remaining pair of jade dragon pots are in the palace of the capital.

The remaining three legendary kitchen utensils, compared with the five in hand, are hidden everywhere, it takes a lot of effort to get them.Not to mention the dark cooking world, the magic bronze holy artifact is definitely in the hands of Kaiyou.

If you want to get the magic bronze holy artifacts, you must go to Liangshanpo, the headquarters of the dark cooking world. That place can be said to be a hell, where all the elite chefs in the dark cooking world are located.

The Yulong pot is in the palace. In the original plot, Liu Maoxing and his party can get it because the 903 Queen Mother held a national culinary battle to celebrate her birthday, and the legendary kitchen utensils were awarded to the winner.

And to wait until Queen Mother West’s birthday, at least it will be several years later, even if it’s that time, the jade dragon pot may not be taken out as a prize.

Because Liu Xingyao knows that because of his appearance, everything has changed a lot now, and it's not the same as the original plot.

At this time, Liu Xingyao and his party were feeling a headache because of this incident. The current situation is not obvious. Either go to the capital and find a way to get into the palace to get two jade dragon pots.

Or go directly to the headquarters of the dark cooking world in Liangshanpo to defeat Kaiyu and others, get the magic bronze holy artifact, and then turn to the capital to find the remaining two jade dragon pots...

But thinking about it carefully, no matter which route is implemented, it seems to be unrealistic.

Going to the headquarters of the dark cooking world to find Kaiyu, let's not say that this is equivalent to the behavior of being sent into the mouth of a tiger, and there are many people in Liangshanpo, even if it is better than cooking, it does not necessarily have an absolute chance of winning.

Come and look for the Jade Dragon Pot at the Imperial Palace in Beijing. This place is not a vegetable market. It is not a place where you can go in and leave if you want to leave.What's more, the jade dragon pot is enshrined as a palace treasure, how can it be given away at will?

This time, even if Liu Xingyao got this thing, it was a headache. What should I do?

"So, is there no way to get the rest of the legendary kitchen utensils anyway? One is in the dark cooking world, the other two are in the capital palace, these two places are places we can't enter..." I get a headache when I encounter something habitually.

Yao Niang glared angrily, and the steel rod said: "Master Jie, can't you just be quiet? Didn't you see Xing Yao thinking of a solution?"

Kedi and others are also meditating on what to do.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Xingyao still didn’t stretch his brows and said, “I’m ready to go to the capital. Although I also want to eradicate everyone in the dark cooking world right now, it’s not feasible with our current strength. If we can The successful acquisition of the two legendary kitchen utensils from the Beijing Imperial Palace also means that they will definitely be supported by the Beijing Imperial Palace. If they were dealing with the dark cooking world at that time..."

When I heard the steel baton solution, he immediately slapped the table and said loudly, "This is a second, yes! Why didn't I expect it? We can use the power of the Imperial Kitchen in the Imperial Palace. I heard that the dragon chef inside is cooking. The cooking skill has reached a state of superb!"

This is also the most rational approach, but how to enter the palace has also become a bigger problem.

"Moreover, you can visit whatever you want if you go to the capital..." Liu Xingyao's eyes fell on Yao Niang and did not finish.

Yao Niang didn't understand what Liu Xingyao meant, and she lowered her head sadly.

Lujiacun, that is a place where Liu Xingyao is guilty and Yao Niang is distraught...

At the same time, the headquarters of the dark cuisine world, Liangshanbo, within the cave of Hubaoyi

"Yan Xian!"

Yakan’s angry voice echoed in Hubaoyi Cave, and his angry voice could be heard even at the entrance of the cave.

"I can't forgive you this time, you actually bombed Lou Qi ship! Do you know, that is what the ancestors left behind? How can it be something you can decide by yourself?" Yakan said angrily One blow of the fire fist swung towards Yan Xian.

Although Yan Xian was carrying the big wine jar, he looked a bit drunk and he was very agile!At the moment Yakan attacked him, he avoided the iron fist.

"Oh, don't be angry at Yakan, drink a glass of wine to calm down!" Yan Xian said, sending a bowl of wine to Yakan.

"Humph!" Yakan snorted and knocked the wine bowl that Yan Xian had passed over.

With a "bang" the wine bowl fell on the ground, making a cracking sound.

The upper chef Li Ke and others on the side were all silent, afraid to take a breath.

Although Kaiyu in the seat above did not speak, his face was still green.

Chapter 263 Going to Beijing again

It is not surprising that Yan Xianjian doesn't appreciate the Asian Journal.Sitting on the ground unfettered, took out a wine bowl and filled himself with a glass.

"Yakan, Kayyou, why are you all stern, although Lou Qijian was indeed blown up, but didn't all the people who got in the way have disappeared?"

After Yan Xian finished speaking, he picked up the full wine bowl on the ground and slowly sent it to his mouth.

However, before his lips touched the wine bowl, Kaiyu, who had not spoken in the audience, finally said, "Really? Then you know that Liu Xingyao and the others are not dead. They escaped from the Lou Qi ship~ did they survive? "

"What?" Yan Xian was shocked-his face changed drastically.

This time Yan Xian also put down the wine bowl in his hand, and said with a serious face: "You mean...they are not dead? How is this possible, Lou Qi ship exploded a kilometer around the river and filled with fire..."

"Extremely stupid!"

Kaiyou slapped the stone stool with a slap and stood up and said loudly, "Not only did they not die, but they also took the drawings of the legendary kitchen utensils from Xiang En's body and found the legendary kitchen utensils hidden in Shanghai. You know they are now How many kitchen utensils do you have?"

"..." Even Yan Xian was speechless when asked.

"Five legendary kitchen utensils! Do you know what this means?" Kai You's expression was gloomy and scary.

For a long time, Yan Xian stood up and said: "This matter has arisen because of me, and I will solve it too, so don't worry about it. Now you only need to tell me Liu Xingyao's whereabouts at this time. This time, I I must have a break with them..."

Kaiyou stared at Yan Xian for a while and thought for a while, then said: "Now they are going to the capital. If I guess it is correct, they plan to get 2 legendary kitchen utensils placed in the palace of the capital..."

"Beijing City? It's really a memorable place!"

Yan Xian said, stood up and walked out with the big wine jar, without looking back, "I don't need you to interfere with Asia this time. I'm all alone, Liu Xingyao? Huh... "

It wasn't until Yan Xian left Hubaoyi Cave that Kaiyu couldn't help sighing and sat back on the stone chair.

"Kay, I'll go with you this time. I'm afraid that the bastard Yan Xian will be messing up again." Yakan said to Kaiyu who was sitting here.

Kai You nodded, and said, "It can only be done like this... But this time it seems that this terrible guy was completely angered. Last time he killed the wealthy Lu family alone, this time it may not be unsuccessful. His dark forces are all in Beijing. This time Liu Xingyao and the others have entered a dark hell..."

After that, Kaiyou made careful arrangements for this trip to Beijing.Of course, with Kaiyu’s wisdom, Liu Xingyao’s and his party’s purpose for going to Beijing has long been seen, and even the way to enter the palace has been predicted...

"You first support Yan Xian secretly, and at the same time, just to prevent him from coming here recklessly, I will meet with you after I handle the affairs of Liang Shanbo." Kaiyou arranged.

Yakan was slightly startled, and then recovered and nodded.

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