The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 553

"What...what beheaded?" Yao Niang and other women were shocked.

When everyone was surprised, both Liu Xingyao and Erina flashed their eyes.

"Why does he know so much about Master Jie's identity?" Liu Xingyao secretly noticed in his heart.

Chapter 267 Strange

The Gangbang solution was taken away by Lord Luo and his men, and everyone who stayed in place seemed a little at a loss.Because according to Lord Luo's intention just now, he will be beheaded before it gets dark tomorrow!

This is definitely not a joke.

"Why... what to do, brother, how should we solve the master?" Erina also asked Liu Xingyao with a worried expression.

"I... let's find a way to save the master, he must have been wronged!" Tian Suohui also said.

Although Gangbang is lustful about drinking, but everyone has been with him for so long, they still know a little bit about him.He must not have done anything like robbing the house, so someone else must have pretended to be a steel baton to solve and rob!

But now the question is how to find this person.And what makes Liu Xingyao very suspicious is what Lord Luo said just now...

The tone of his speech just now was as if 533 knew about the existence of Gangbang a long time ago.Of course, this possibility is not ruled out, but Liu Xingyao's instinct told him that this matter is definitely not as simple as imagined.

"It's really self-inflicted..."

Ji Di’s facial paralyzed face still hasn’t changed much. He stared at the direction where Gangbang Jie was taken away and said: "Think about it carefully. He was stolen because he was drunk in broad daylight and then abandoned us. I went to find a woman again, this kind of bastard is really dead!"

Although Gangbang Jie did too much this time, the crime is not dead, let alone everyone believes that he was framed!

"Chef Jidi, although Master Jie is indeed a little bit...but now it's this time, can we find a way to save him?" Yao Niang looked at and said.

But soon the words of the order changed, and he said: "Not enough, and I can't just watch my companion be wronged to death!"

"Cut, it's better to let that horny bastard just beheaded like this~ Anyway, that's also a wine bag and rice bag person~" Xiang En also spoke at this time, and began to say nothing.

Liu Xingyao, who heard Xiang En's words, turned around immediately, and walked forward a few steps before Xiang En, and said in a flat tone: "Xiang En, don't you know that you are secretly telling people in the dark cooking world to expose us. whereabouts……"

Liu Xingyao's opening made Xiang En's face greatly changed, and he was surprised how he knew about it.Xiang En thought that she had done this very carefully and cautiously. Didn't she expect to be discovered in the end?

Although he was very surprised in his heart, Xiang En didn't show it on the surface, and said: "You...what are you talking about? I will not do such boring things by telling the news, I will really give up the secret after you!"

"Really? If this matter was caused by your whistleblowing, I will definitely give you a taste of poisonous cooking, just like Kaiyou's Devilish Eight Formations..." Liu Xingyao's words completely made Xiang En's face. Changed color.

She had previously been punished by Kayo herself because of a failed mission.And the way to be punished is to eat Kaiyu’s cooking...

If anyone who doesn't know hears that they can still eat the dishes made by the bosses of the dark cooking world, they will be excited.But after eating it, people know that it is a dish that makes people live better than death. It is a dish that Kaiyu calls "the eighth battle of the magic".

Liu Xingyao ignored Xiang En, whose face turned into a pig liver color in horror, and then said to Mila and Han Qing again: "Mila and Han Qing will leave to you Xiang En's actions in these two days, watch. He, can't let her continue to whistle."

Both Mila and Han Qing nodded, indicating to understand.

"Let's go, let's go to the western tavern mentioned by Gangbang Jie, I think I will find some clues somewhere..." Liu Xingyao said to everyone.

However, a large group of people did not follow along. Under Liu Xingyao's arrangement, two groups of people were separated.Liu Xingyao and Erina Feisha and Yao Niang went to the tavern to investigate clues, while Jidi took the rest of the people directly to other places to inquire about some available news, such as whether there was a "Gunbang Solution" long ago. "...

Soon Liu Xingyao and Erinai and others came to the western tavern. As expected, the owner of this place was a beautiful woman, and she looked pretty good, of course, compared with Erinai and others.

And Liu Xingyao also knows that this steel rod solution is interested in this type.

When he came here, Liu Xingyao sat down with a few women. Instead of asking in a hurry, he sat down and ordered some small dishes and then asked the lady boss.

"Lady boss, can I ask you something?" Liu Xingyao asked the lady who delivered a stack of small dishes to him.

The proprietress saw Liu Xingyao dressed well, and he was accompanied by several confidantes. Knowing that he must be no ordinary person, she did not dare to neglect. Know everything."

(To be continued...)

Chapter 268 Clues

The proprietress of the western tavern is named Li Yue. She has been running this tavern in this small town for several years, because the people are good-looking, and the wines and dishes they make are very good. The most important thing is here. The price is real, deeply loved and loved by the local people.

Although the facilities here are not as good as those of famous restaurants, the daily business is very good for the above reasons.

And when the proprietress Li Yue saw Liu Xingyao taking three such beautiful women to eat here, she knew that he was not an ordinary person, and at the same time, there must be something right here.

Sure enough, Liu Xingyao quickly inquired about him, and what he inquired about was naturally about the steel baton solution.

"Boss Li, did you have a big guest here when it was almost evening yesterday afternoon? He looked like he was holding a huge steel rod with scars on his face, and he should have been drunk and drunk. "Liu Xingyao said the more obvious characteristics of the steel rod solution.

After hearing this, Li Yue didn't think much, nodded and said: "Yesterday afternoon there was indeed such a big man who was drunk with a big iron rod and came to me to drink..."

Then Li Yue told Liu Xingyao and the others about the situation of the steel baton unloading here yesterday afternoon.

It turned out that after Gangbang Jie separated from Liu Xingyao and others yesterday afternoon, he came here directly to drink again.Gangbang Jie didn't feel like drinking it, so I came here again.

At that time, Gangbang ordered several small dishes and a few pots of wine and then started to eat and drink, but when he was full of food and drink and was about to check out, he realized that he had no money at all. His money was on the way here. Has been stolen.

Just when Gangbang had no money to pay, and Li Yue was about to report to the official, several people helped him pay.

"Those people seem to be members of the acrobatic troupe. I see they are holding props from the acrobatic troupe, and there is also a monkey performing juggling. They paid for the big man and then invited him to continue drinking..." Li Yue recalled the time yesterday.

People from the Acrobatic Troupe?

Liu Xingyao frowned slightly, and then asked, "Are they the local acrobatics group?"

Li Yue shook her head and said, "It should not be the local acrobatic group, because I have never seen them."

"Later, what happened? And did Master Jie's wine gourd be taken away by those people?" Yao Niang asked.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Yue said: "This is not clear... Then the group of people told the Master Jie you told me that they ate the wine and food for a long time. They didn’t pick up the things until Master Jie was drunk. Leaving. I saw him lying on the table and fell asleep. The acrobatic team also gave money, but didn't wake him up. Then they left when I was about to make a sample."

After Liu Xingyao listened, he was almost certain that the Gangbang Jie was framed must have a great relationship with the people of these acrobatic troupes.

"Boss, do you know what direction these acrobatic troupe people are heading after leaving?" Liu Xingyao continued to ask.

Li Yue shook her head again, and suddenly she remembered something: "By the way, please wait a moment!"

After a while, Li Yue took out a small baggage from the tavern and placed it in front of Liu Xingyao and the others, and said: "This...this baggage seems to be left by the group of acrobatic team members yesterday."


With doubts, Liu Xingyao opened the baggage and saw that it was actually an ingredient similar to fungus.

Then Liu Xingyao picked up one of them and put it in front of his nose, sniffed, and said, "There is nothing wrong with it. This should be Huangshan Shier, also known as the'Iwamori' ingredient."

Huangshan Shier is named after its shape like ears and growing in the damp crevices of cliffs.The stone ears of Huangshan are known as one of the "Three Stones of Huangshan".Stone ear contains high protein and a variety of trace elements, and is a nourishing food with high nutritional value.

When he saw this ingredient, Liu Xingyao already knew where the group of people should go.

Half an hour later, Liu Xingyaozhi took Mila, Han Qing, and Xiang En towards Huangshan.

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