The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 559

"Song...Song Dutong, you... why are you here?" Luo Quanqi squatted on the ground with a pale face, looking at Song Duxiu who was riding on horseback.

Song Duxiu also looked at Luo Quan on the ground and sneered, and said, "Don't be unharmed, Lord Luo, but I really didn't expect that you would have done this kind of thing in a fair and unfair way, and colluded with robbers to make such a heinous thing. You have lost all the cold noodles of the imperial court. What can you say now?"

With Song Duxiu's words finished, at least a hundred people in the yali San Zhong Wai San Zhong surrounded Luo Quanqi, and now, he can't escape here even with his wings.

Luo Quanqi is still a little bit unwilling to give up, still holding the last fluke: "Song Master, what are you talking about, what are you colluding with the robber? I don't understand what you are talking about..."

"Haha, are you? Come here, take them up!" Song Duxiu waved at the yaman behind, then the crowd stepped aside, and saw that many tied up people were escorted to Luo Quanqi. .

When Luo Quanqi saw these people, his face turned to the color of white paper.

That's right, didn't the person who was arrested in front of Luo Quanqi at this time nearly killed Liu Xingyao and his party on Huangshan, and was also the object of Luo Quanqi's collusion?

"Your accomplice was caught by me, and the loot was also found from them." After Song Duxiu said, an adjutant placed a large bag of loot in front of Luo Quanqi.

Now Luo Quanqi was paralyzed on the ground, and all the strength of his body seemed to have been hollowed out.

Only now is the real certified physical evidence, Luo Quanqi is already a dead dog!

"If you collude with the robbers to do such a thing, you should be prepared to spend your whole life in a cell, and they won't take all the people who come!" Song Duxiu shouted loudly.

Luo Quanqi was sent directly into the prison car. Sister He glanced at Liu Xingyao when she was leaving, and said: "Boy, I have come here because of the big winds and waves. I didn't expect to be planted in your hands today. I believed you. Xie. I really regret that I didn't listen to them and killed you with a knife..."

"That's really a pity. There is no regret medicine for what you have done in this world. Now that you have done something like that, it's time for you to accept punishment..." Liu Xingyao said lightly.

In the end, Luo Quanqi, Sister He and other robbers were arrested by Song Duxiu. This group of people received due punishment, or was directly touched, or stayed in prison all their lives.

The real sinner was said to be brought to justice, and the grievances were naturally eluted by the steel baton solution, but the incident in Huangshan Town is not over...

In the living room on the first floor of the inn, Liu Xingyao and others were having lunch at this time.

But for what happened just now, to be precise, some things in the past few days are very puzzled.

First of all, why Song Duxiu, the capital of Jiangning Prefecture, appeared here this morning, and then Mila and Han Qing have not returned here.

There is one last point of doubt. Why did the gangbang and the perpetrators who pretended to be the gangbang solution dropped the bag early this morning, and it was still in the case that Luo Quanqi and others were not aware of it.

"Hmm? Didn't you find those people last night to save me?" Gangbang Jie looked at everyone in doubt.

Gangbang solved this opening, and directly compared everyone including Liu Xingyao to the question.

"Last night, those who saved you?"

"What's the matter? Although we are indeed trying to save you, but you said that the person who saved you last night? We didn't arrange it?"

The Gangbang solution also touched the back of his head somewhat blindly, saying, "Ah? Who would it be..."

Then Gangbang explained the very strange thing that happened last night, saying: "Last night in the middle of the night, I was carrying it in the cell, and suddenly I heard some noisy noises outside. I thought it was the officers guarding the cell who drank alcohol. It was making trouble, but after a while I heard the sound of someone falling to the ground.

In the end, a few people in night clothes gave me the key to the cell, and then the real murderer was replaced with me.Because time was tight at the time, I didn't ask so much, because it was you who came to save me.After that, the group of people and I changed into the clothes of the servants and we waited until this morning.Then you see this now..."

After listening, Liu Xingyao felt even more suspicious.

First of all, one thing is certain. It is definitely not Mila and Han Qing, or Liu Xingyao, who rescued the Gangbang. Then the question is, who is this group?

Why did they take such a big risk to save the steel baton solution.

With many doubts, Liu Xingyao immediately realized that this matter was not so simple.

Chapter 278 The Incident

Now it can be said that there are many doubts. Liu Xingyao believes that the incident in Huangshan Town has not ended.

The mysterious man who rescued Gangbang Solve and the Dutong from Jiangning Mansion would appear in the small town one day early, killing Luo Quanqi and his party all at once...

These have become doubts and things that Liu Xingyao is worried about. More importantly, neither Mila nor Han Qing have returned here.

"The normal journey from Jiangning Mansion to here is 3 days. If you speed up, you can go back and forth in 2 days, so I guess Mila and the others will come back tomorrow at the earliest." And the first calculated the distance again.

"I hope they don't do anything..." Yao Niang said with some worry.

Although Liu Xingyao didn't speak, his frowned brows did not stretch out.I also had a bad feeling in my heart, but I didn't say it.

"Now we can only wait here for them to come back, but in the two days of waiting, it's best not to walk alone in the town..." Liu Xingyao said it stopped here, but everyone present was all Signaled to understand and nodded.

Because... people in the dark cooking world have probably already arrived in the small town.

At the same time, it is a small town about 60 kilometers away from Huangshan Town, where Liu Xingyao and others are located.

Somewhere in the town, in a hidden and guarded underground stone house, an oil lamp was lit on the wide basement wall.Standing side by side on both sides of the house were people in all black robes. Through the dim light, they could see the black unicorn-lin pattern on their right arm.

Obviously here are people from the dark cooking world, and this is also a branch of the dark cooking world.

At this time, the person sitting on the upper stone bench was not the prodigal son Yan of the Five Tigers. He put one foot on the stone bench, and beside his feet was his large wine jar.

"Mila, do you remember what I said to you last time?"

Yanxian slowly filled the large bowl with wine, while asking Mila who was standing below.Next to Mila is Han Qing, both of whom were "invited" here yesterday.

Mila naturally remembered what Yan Xian said to her last time when she left, "I will definitely kill you next time I meet."

"Yanxian, if you want to kill or kill you, I have nothing to say now." Mila said indifferently without any fear at all.

Yan didn't rush, and after drinking the wine in the big bowl, he said, "But it really surprised me that in order to save a steel baton solution, you would rather use your own life in exchange. Hey, I see you It's not that the teacher who rescued the mistress, but the real reason is because that guy is Liu Xingyao's companion... You don't want to see him sad because of the loss of his companion, it really touches me..."

Mila's face changed slightly, but she didn't say much.

"I want to speak first, I want to count, but I won't kill you now, because your two lives can be exchanged for at least three legendary kitchen utensils! Hiccup~~~" Yanxian also hiccuped after finishing talking.

Although I was talking about a very serious matter, because of Yanxian’s alcoholic hiccups, the words changed. However, no one in the audience dared to question his words, because they all knew that Yanxian must do what he said. man of!

"Well, you two will stay here for now, don't even think about running away, I also believe you will not run away, because as people in the dark cooking world you should know better than anyone else, the layout here!"

Yan Xian's drunk face had a profound smile on his face, and then waved his hand to the following: "Okay, take the former Five Tiger Stars and his apprentices to the secret room to rest." Winged Tiger and Middle Arrow Tiger, you will be responsible for their safety in these two days."

After saying this, two of the chefs Lin, who were originally side by side, stood up and took Mila to the secret room.Although it sounds good to protect "safety", it actually plays a surveillance role to prevent Mila and Han Qing from escaping.

After Mila and Han Qing were taken away, Yanxian asked again: "How long has Luotai'Jinbaozi' left?"

"Master Hui Yanxian, it's been a long time." A chef Lin answered.

"Has a long time? I arrived at the town where Liu Xingyao and the others are located at Luo Tai's speed, right? Hey, that means I can have a few drinks before they come here, which is great!"

With that said, Yan first sat back on the stone bench, then picked up the big wine jar and started drinking.

As for what happened here, Liu Xingyao and others had no idea. They didn't expect that Mila and Han Qing had been imprisoned by Yan Xian.


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