The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 574

Feisha VS "Walker" Wu Song, with the theme "Roast Duck"; Tian Suohui VS "Two-tailed Scorpion" Raiga, the theme "Tea"Everyone is cooking and finally cooking.

However, the first cooking among the six people was actually Han Yu.

"Okay, my cooking is complete-Liuwei-Magic Mapo Tofu!" Han Yu shouted.

Han Yu sent a large plate of special Mapo tofu to Yanxian, Mila and Han Qing.Because Liu Xingyao has already cooked as a contestant, he naturally cannot serve as a reviewer, so Han Qing can only temporarily replace him.

This is what Yan Xian meant, enough that he was so confident that he was not looking for someone in his dark cooking world, but Han Qing, because two of the people who came to censor were from Liu Xingyao's side.

A large plate of Han Yu's special "magic mapo tofu" was placed in front of him, and then three small plates were sent to Yan Xian and the others.

"Eat while it's hot, this is definitely the delicious tofu dish you have ever eaten!" Han Yu said this way, and it is obvious that he is very confident to say this in front of Yanxian.

Yan Xian couldn't help but glanced at the Mapo tofu in front of him, and saw that the tofu was bright in color, red and white. The red soup and the white and tender tofu were full of appetite.

Then there is the scent of pepper and pepper, which stimulates the taste and appetite, and stimulates the taste buds, which can not help but make the saliva flow.

"Sichuan Mapo Tofu emphasizes the combination of hemp, spicy, color, fragrance, hot, and five flavors. But you call it'Six Flavors-Magic Mapo Tofu' based on the five flavors of hemp, spicy, color, fragrance, and hot. You added another taste, this taste is..."

Yanxian couldn't help but cast his gaze on Han Yu.

"As expected, Master Yanxian, he discovered this before he even tried it."

Han Yu was very proud, and said: "Yes, traditional Sichuan Mapo tofu emphasizes hemp, spicy, color, fragrance, hot, and five flavors! But my Mapo tofu has one more flavor on the basis of the five flavors, that is 'Crispy'!"

After hearing this, other people couldn't help but be surprised: "Is it really crisp?"

"The so-called'crispy' is the crunchy texture. Six flavors are the best tofu. Only this kind of tofu can be called magical mapo tofu!" Han Yu explained.

Yan Xian smiled and used a spoon to scoop up Mapo tofu with rich soup and put it to his mouth, and said: "The more flavored Mapo tofu is'crispy'. I wonder if these six flavors of tofu are better than ordinary Mapo tofu. How will the taste be different when you get up! Maybe it will taste better with wine~~~"

Then Yanxian, Mila and Han Qing picked up the spoons and slowly put a spoonful of Mapo tofu into their mouths.

The moment they ate it, their eyes widened...

It’s really delicious tofu. This smooth, tender and tasteful soft tofu is amazing. It melts in your mouth, and the red pepper that stimulates your tongue gives you a heavenly feeling. .The moment I eat it, I feel warm in my stomach.

The spiciness of this mapo tofu has been highlighted!

(To be continued...)

The Secret of Chapter 304

The magic mapo tofu made by Sheng Shousheng Han Yu fully highlights the hemp, spicy, color, fragrance, and hot of Sichuan Mapo tofu.

Even Yanxian, who is very picky about the taste, has not stopped with his right hand holding the spoon.

Mila was also full of praise, saying, "This tofu has excellent elasticity. The taste is also excellent. This is the top combination of tofu and meat... Especially the taste of tofu itself, which is very good. The best tofu I have ever tasted."

Han Qing also scooped up a spoonful of tofu and the rich hot soup to his mouth again, savoring the deliciousness of the tofu.

"When the tofu enters the mouth with the soup, the tongue feels crackling, like a fire burning.

The hotness of the chili, and the numbness of the wild sansho pepper, which is numb to the taste, combined with the soup and other ingredients and seasonings in it, it vividly brings out several flavors at the same time.

This makes people feel so happy to eat, just like the feeling of the'chili gentleman' holding his arms tightly in his arms and reluctant to leave."

Han Qing thought this way, her face could not help being intoxicated, she was completely attracted by the delicacy of this mapo tofu.

"Ahahaha, a bite of Mapo tofu and a bite of good wine, this kind of taste is really enjoyable!"

Yanxian laughed and drank a sip of wine from time to time while eating tofu. Although the sweat on his face had been falling, the more he ate, the more refreshing he was. There was no way to stop.

Even Yanxian was intoxicated by the supreme delicacy brought by this "Liu Wei-Magic Mapo Tofu" for a while.

But at this moment, Mila who discovered something put out the Mapo Tofu on the plate one by one, and then overlapped them.

Seeing this, Han Yu smiled with a smile on his face: "As expected of Mila, the five-tiger star with'super vision', have you discovered it so soon?"

Everyone was immediately attracted by Mila’s actions, and those who didn’t understand were curious about him

This is what you are preparing to do.

Both Yanxian and Liu Xingyao glanced at Mila, and they clearly knew what he was doing.

Like piles of wood, the tofu was piled up one by one. Soon the tofu was stacked one by one at least half a meter high, but it was surprising that this height did not collapse. It can be seen that the tofu’s "crispy" "How powerful is the degree!"

Moreover, in the process of stacking, one of the tofu accidentally fell to the ground. I thought the tofu would definitely fall apart, but to everyone's surprise, the tofu popped up and did not rot as expected.

Everyone present was not a novice, and they immediately saw that the tofu is unusual...

Mila looked rather serious, and said, "The elasticity and crispness of tofu has reached such a strength unexpectedly. Tofu that is easily damaged and rotten can also be made like this. This sixth flavor of crispness should It means tofu itself!"

The triumphant color on Han Yu's face couldn't help being stronger, and then he explained: "The sixth place of this magical mapo tofu is on the crispy tofu. This is the strongest mapo tofu that brings the supreme taste to people. ."

At the same time, this is also the essence of Han Yu's Mapo tofu. He thinks that if he has worked hard on tofu, it is absolutely easy to beat Liu Xingyao.

Therefore, he was so confident before.

This kind of special "crispy" tofu is the only one in the basement of this dark cooking world, which means that Liu Xingyao can't make tofu with the same taste as him anyway...

Therefore, Jae Han Yu believes that he has won this "dark showdown" victory.

Xiang En looked a little solemn. Seeing that Han Yu's cooking had been tested, he couldn't help but announce: "Then try Liu Xingyao's cooking next."

Later, Liu Xingyao sent the dishes he cooked to Yanxian, Mila, and Han Qing.

"this is……"

I saw Liu Xingyao's cooking, which is surprisingly tofu with fried noodles.

The unshakable tofu with sharp edges and corners, combined with the slippery autumn noodles that seem to pop open the thickening of the upper part, is fully displayed with superb skills and heat, and all the colors, fragrances and flavors are already possessed.

However, from the outside, I really don't see any fame. On the contrary, it feels like thick tofu with thickened noodles!

However, everyone who knew Liu Xingyao's strength knew that this cooking was not as simple as the surface.

"It looks like this tofu fried noodles seems pretty good."

Speaking, Yanxian first put a piece of tofu into his mouth, followed by Mila and Yanxian.

The three of them put pieces of tofu mixed with fried noodles in their mouths, and their complexions changed at the moment when they ate them.

At that moment, the pictures in front of Mila and Han Qing couldn't help changing.

"I can hear that the sound of the three string instruments is different from the three selected melodies, and a deep and sweet tone is played on this tongue. He turns into light snow, and merges into one by snow.

It gradually dissipated in the fog, slowly going deep into the throat...

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