The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 581

When Liu Xingyao heard Li Ke say this, he roughly guessed what was going on, but he helped Li Ke up and asked: "Li Ke, don't get excited, get up and talk to me slowly, what's the matter?"

Then Li Ke told Liu Xingyao and everyone present about what happened in Liang Shanbo. After listening to them, they were all extremely surprised, especially the old members of the dark cooking world such as Xiang En, Han Yu, and Ruda. The incredible color.

"How... such a thing happened?"

"Also... That is to say, Kayyou and Yakan-sama have turned against each other?"

Ruda can still use the honorific word "adult" to Asia Magazine, which shows that they still respect Asia Magazine very much.

Indeed, Yakan’s integrity is well-known even in the dark cooking world. In fact, everyone in the dark cooking world admires Yakan more than Kaiyu.

Yakan is impressive with its momentum and integrity, but Kaiyou is convincing with his cruel methods.

"So... so I beg you Liu Xingyao, I beg you to save Lord Asia, now only you can save him." Li Ke almost begged Liu Xingyao, crying.

Liu Xingyao did not speak, but frowned in thought.Everyone knew that he was making a choice.

When Feisha saw this, he said, "I am opposed to saving Asia."

"Hey..." Li Ke looked at Feisha with doubt and worry.

Feisha confided his reason and said, "Asia magazine is now in Liangshanbo, where there are not only Kaiyu, but also a large number of other chefs left. If we go, we will be sent to the enemy's den. Moreover, Before the publication, it was our enemy. Let us go deep into the enemy’s nest and save an enemy? This kind of thing is ridiculous just thinking about it."

Upon hearing Feisha's words, Gangbang Jie, Yao Niang and others felt that there was some truth.

Later, Gangbang Jie also stood up and seconded, saying: "I think what Scarlett said is reasonable. We shouldn't do this kind of thankless thing. I think we should proceed according to the original plan and lead Kaiyu out of the nest. Then take him down!"

Hearing this, Li Ke was a little desperate. She thought that only Liu Xingyao would be able to save Asia, so she pleaded again and said: "Please...please don't die, if you save Asia Magazine , He...he really is dead."

Seeing this, Feisha couldn't bear it, turned his head and said, "If you don't save Asia, he will die. Can we go and die like this?"

"But...but..." Li Ke couldn't speak at all because of Scarlett's words.

Then Li Ke lowered his head, teardrops not only fell down and said: "I...I know, I'm sorry, 097 disturbed you."

Talking about Li Ke, he walked out of the inn, his dejected look really hurts.

However, at this moment, Liu Xingyao suddenly said: "Li Ke, I promise you to save Asia."

Liu Xingyao's sudden speech made Li Ke seem to see hope, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: " this true? you really agree?"

And thinking of what Feisha said just now, Li Kebu said: "What the little sister said just now is right... I am indeed a bit selfish, and I didn't consider your comfort."

However, Feisha looked at Liu Xingyao with some incomprehension, and said: "Xing...Xing Yaojun, why should we save him? Our plan has been arranged and it is tomorrow. Such a sudden change will benefit us a little. nothing."

"No... Yakan has now become enemies with Kaiyou. They are enemies. The enemy's enemy is our friend..."

(To be continued...).

Chapter 316 Go to Liangshanpo

"The enemy's enemy is our friend. And...Asia is upright. Compared with Kaiyou's turn against each other this time, we can see Kaiyou's true face clearly. If we don't save him, we will definitely lose another...friend."

Liu Xingyao's words made Li Ke, Feisha Sha and others stay in place for a long time.

After a long time, Ruda, the honest big man, couldn't help but say loudly: "Oh, I said Brother Liu, you won't be so ruthless. According to your chivalrous courage, you will not die. In fact, I really want to save Asia. grown ups……"

Han Yu couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, the one that we admire the most among the Five Tigers is Master Yakan."

"In that case, let's turn to Liang Shanbo. Where are we going to make the final break with Kai You? It's time to draw an end to this battle that has lasted for many years!" Liu Xingyao raised his head and looked up, with a firm look on his face. Tao.

The originally opposed Feisha and Gangbang solutions, seeing Liu Xingyao have said so, they naturally did not want to continue talking.Moreover, the core of this team has always been Liu Xingyao, and his final decision will be respected and recognized by everyone, and it is precisely because of this that has come to today.


Li Ke revealed that Kayyo had poisoned the Asian Journal with a vicious and violent poison. If he couldn't take the antidote within seven days, he would definitely die. At that time, even if he had the universal antidote from the system, he would not be able to recover.

Now that they have decided to save the Asian Journal, Liu Xingyao and his party will definitely not procrastinate anymore, so they rushed to Liangshanpo, the ultimate base camp of the dark cooking world.

But when I came to the village at the foot of Liangshanpo, it was already four days later.

The village near Liangshanpo-

Just like the Lujia Village at that time, the village was full of graves, and the whole village was desolate. No one could be seen at a glance. Apart from the air at the grave, the rancid smell of the corpse permeated.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Feisha, Yao Niang, and Tian Suohui could not help covering their mouths.Because of the similarity of times, Yao Niang's tears couldn't help falling from her cheeks.

Liu Xingyao's expression also became low, and said, "Are these all made by Kaiyu?"

Both Han Yu and Li Ke nodded.

Han Yu couldn't help but said, "Last year there was a great famine in this village. Countless villagers suffered from starvation, and some even starved to death... Then one day... Kaiyou brought a lot of rice and grain from Liangshanpo."

"Ah...why did the food supply become like this?" Gangbang didn't ask so much about it.

Han Yu shook his head: "Where is Kaiyou so kind? Although Kaiyou asks his subordinates to bring down the mountain ingredients to cook for the people in this village every day, the people in the village are free from hunger and escape from death. But this is just the beginning of the horror. .

When Kaiyu felt that it was almost the case, he shut all the people in the village in a dungeon, implemented his plan, and took the babies away.He wants to take those babies away in order to nurture them into his own hands.Become a chef in the dark cooking world.And the others are not spared...

He pulled one of the villagers out of the dungeon every day, and then forced the tube to drink the strange soup he and his fellow men made.There is something in it that I don’t know may be poison, maybe something else... Kaiyou will record the symptoms of the person who drank it, and all people will become the victims of Kaiyou human experiment before death..."

When I heard that Scarlett and others were crying here, they became furious.

"This animal inferior thing, actually did such a thing!"

"Not even a newborn baby, what a bastard!"

"I said, why didn't you stop that bastard in the first place, Ruda!" Gangbang Jie said to Ruda angrily.

Ruda couldn't help but sighed, and said: "At that time, many of us had persuaded Kaiyou, we can't do such a damaging thing...but he listened to our advice."

At this time, Li Ke also spoke to the side: "Eight Demon Breaking Formation...Kay You used so many people to do experiments in order to complete his cooking called the Eight Formation Breaking Demon Formation."

Except for Liu Xingyao, everyone else is puzzled about this "Eight Demon Breaking Formation". What kind of cuisine is this "Eight Demon Breaking Formation"?

"The law of heaven is hard to tolerate, and there is no way to get rid of it. It is difficult for mainland China to have a peaceful day...Everyone, this is the last battle..." Liu Xingyao said to everyone with his fists clenched.

On the other side, Liangshanpo (in Hubaoyi Cave)

In Kaiyu's secret experiment, there are various ingredients, kitchen utensils and... torture instruments.On the other side, there are many books spread out!

At this moment, Kaiyu was stirring something with a large spoon in front of several boiling pots.There are a total of four pots, all exuding a very human fragrance, which makes people have an urge to try.

However, this is not a tempting and delicious dish, but a poisonous soup dish carefully prepared by Kay.

"Haha, yes, yes, this kind of soup will lose consciousness after ten days after drinking it..."

Chapter 317 Entering the Clouds and Long Kaiyu (1)

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