Linde would not waste too much time on such a small matter. After thinking for a while, he had some inferences in his mind.

It should be because he claimed to be a time traveler who knew the future and whose mental age was much higher than his peers. This idea was normal, but not correct.

After reminding himself in his mind, he picked up the book again and started reading. After a while, he entered the state.

Until the evening, no one came to disturb him again, except for the snack lady who passed by.

Looking out the window, the sky had darkened, and there were countless mountains and forests under the blue-purple sky. Calculating the time, he took out his robe and began to change clothes.

After changing his clothes, he put away the things on the table, and threw the Daily Prophet with the front page printed with "Gringotts Stolen" into the trash can.

He also put away "Magic Theory" and "Elementary Transfiguration Guide" and took out "Thousands of Herbs and Mushrooms" to read.

I don't know how long it will take to arrive, so I read some interest books to pass the time.

After watching for a while, the train began to slow down and slowly stopped.

Linde stood up and tidied his clothes. He didn't rush to squeeze with other little wizards at the door. He walked out of the carriage slowly until the crowd was a little loose. Andersen stood on his shoulder obediently.

"You know, I don't object to you standing on my shoulders. It's really handsome. But if you dare to shit on my clothes, you're done."

Linde turned his head and said gently to Andersen. It seems that he has been taught a lesson.

Andersen looked innocent, and roared in his heart, "I don't have X door. I can't control myself.

And are you really assured that I will wait in the carriage like other poor, helpless little owls and don't know what will take me away?"

"First-year students, first-year students come here! Harry, come here, how are you?"

In the crowd, a deep voice came from a pillar of the station. Oh, it's not a pillar, it's Hagrid. He also carried a small lantern.

Lind hurried over there. Fortunately, because he got off the bus late, it was not crowded. He had already seen several wizards' robes with distinct footprints.

Then Lind took the book and followed Hagrid with the main group, slipping and stumbling, as if walking down a steep and narrow path.


Lind stood at the back and waved his wand. The sudden sound and light seemed to remind some young wizards who already knew this spell.



The path was no longer dark. Except for the sound of feet stepping on the mud, only Neville occasionally sniffed once or twice.

If you look down from above, you can see that this place is like a transparent night sky.

The light emitted by Lind is much brighter than the others, just like the moon, and the others are like stars around him.

"Turn this corner, and you will see Hogwarts for the first time!"

Lind, who was standing at the end of the crowd, could clearly hear Hagrid's voice.

Then, various shouts began to appear in front of the crowd.

After walking two more steps, Linde couldn't help but crow like other little wizards.

At the end of the narrow path, a black lake suddenly opened up. On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a towering castle, with spires and windows flickering under the starry sky.

Seeing it with your own eyes and seeing it through words are completely different things.

It's so beautiful, that's all Linde could think of.

Then, Linde got on a boat with other little wizards.

"Wow, your pet is so beautiful!" A little witch on the same boat exclaimed. Because of the light problem, the black color in Andersen's feathers was hidden, and the blue-purple color and the sparkling water in the lake complemented each other, which really looked much better.

"Oh, indeed, I bought it because it looked like a bird." Linde put one hand in the black lake and answered her as the boat rolled up ripples.

He likes anything as long as it's water, and now he is thinking about whether he can swim in the black lake.

It is said that there seem to be giant octopuses and fishmen in the Black Lake. Thinking of this, Linde pulled his hand up again.

Others didn't know how to respond after hearing Linde's answer.

Bird-like? What is bird-like?

Then there was a long silence, which formed a sharp contrast with the chirping on the other boats.

Then, Linde followed the large group and lowered his head, went ashore, and came to the huge oak door of Hogwarts.

Then he was taken to a small empty house by Professor McGonagall. During this period, Andersen felt that he had something to deal with and flew out to deal with it, and then flew back and landed on his shoulder.

After a round of knocking by Professor McGonagall, the ghosts' little jokes, of course, they deliberately avoided Linde, because Linde's eyes were really a little wrong.

Like a pervert.

"Now, follow me in a single line." Professor McGonagall returned to the hut again, and the ghosts disappeared through the wall.

Follow the large group through a large double door to the bustling auditorium.

Most of the four long wooden tables were occupied by wizards. Thousands of candles floated above the hall, and the fire points they emitted shone with the stars on the ceiling.

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to the center of the hall, and then placed a square stool, and on top of the stool was a dirty, patched pointed wizard hat.

Then, the hall fell silent, and the wizard hat spun for a while, split a mouth, and then sang hoarsely:

You may think I'm not pretty,

Make Gryffindor outstanding;

Because I am a thinking magic hat!

After singing the song, everyone clapped their hands and bowed to everyone around them.

Then Professor McGonagall also took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in her hand.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting," she said.

"Hannah Abbott!"

The protagonist of "Liu Shui", the iron-clad Hannah, Linde poked his head, he wanted to see what this girl looked like!

A little girl with a rosy complexion and two golden braids stumbled out of the queue and put on a hat that just covered her eyes. She sat down. A moment's pause——

"Hufflepuff!" the Hat yelled loudly enough to be heard throughout the Great Hall.

The Hufflepuff table also cheered, and the fat monk raised his ghostly goblet to Hannah.

Coupled with the ghost's silver-white body, it looks like a fatter version of "Gatsby".

"Lynde Augustus."

Because the initial letter of Linde's surname is also A, he is a member of the second branch.

He walked out of the queue and walked up, facing the looks of the people around him and the inexplicable looks of expectation from Jane, Hermione and others.

"One more section! One more section!" A hoarse and unclear voice suddenly sounded in the quiet auditorium.

This sentence was shouted by the two little wizards at the Gryffindor table just now, and now it was shouted out by Andersen.

A burst of laughter broke out around him, and he could hear Jane's voice behind him laughing the loudest and most unabashedly. Linde quickly pinched Andersen's mouth and looked threateningly.

"Another one? Of course..." The Sorting Hat seemed very happy.

Ahem! Professor McGonagall, whose mouth twitched, coughed twice and looked like she wanted to laugh too.

Linde also noticed that many teachers on the teacher's bench, including Dumbledore, laughed quietly. Although Hagrid tried his best to laugh quietly, he still made a louder noise than anyone else.

"Okay, let's get down to business first and wait until next year. I'll give you a! Full! Ear! Blessing!" the Sorting Hat said with a smile.

Linde hurriedly sat on the chair, and the hall gradually became quiet again.

"Well, he is a very good little wizard. Very courageous..."

"Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff!"

"Well, I am also very thirsty for knowledge..."

"Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff!"

"Well, don't worry, I won't take your advice at all!"


"I'm very selfish, but I also have a bottom line in my heart. I don't like to be too ostentatious. Well, he is a very contradictory little wizard!"

The Sorting Hat thought again for a long time.

"Then the decision is yours, go ahead -"

"Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat shouted loudly.

After hearing the answer given by the Sorting Hat, Snape looked at Dumbledore in confusion. Dumbledore also smiled and nodded, which meant clearly, "Only in Gryffindor is the best choice."

Black box operation——

However, Lind didn't know this. He took off his hat and walked to the Gryffindor table amidst the excitement with a look of despair on his face. Two red-haired boys with very similar looks gathered around him.

Fred and George.

The good work that Lind and his little pet did in the Great Hall just now has completely made the two Weasleys regard them as "one of their own".

"Hey friend, what's up? What just happened will not make you a joke." One of them said

"We also like to make some jokes. To put it humbly, we-" another one said

"We are quite popular." The two said in unison.

The classmates around also laughed softly.

However, they didn't know that Lind didn't care about this at all now. What he was thinking about was why this branch didn't follow the script at all!

What does "Don't worry, I won't take your advice at all."

It is clear that Hufflepuff will be safer in the future!

The plan was messed up.

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