The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 105 Still updating, no tj

"Ah?!" Linde looked at the center of the auditorium with a puzzled look. At the same time, the entire hall's eyes wandered back and forth between him and the center of the auditorium.

At this time, in the center of the auditorium, a little girl fell to the ground and looked at him with a look of horror on her face, a look of unconcealable fear on her face.

"Hey, kid. What's wrong?" Professor McGonagall hurried to the girl's side, her eyes full of concern.

This little girl has messy, somewhat dirty, long golden hair that reaches her waist. She has a carrot hairpin on her head and a string of shell necklaces that are completely inconsistent in style.

Her skin is very fair and her eyes are big. However, Professor McGonagall couldn't tell for the time being whether he was like this because he was scared or whether he was like this in the first place.

She looked stunned and speechless, but luckily a girl at the back of the line said, "Luna, she said her name was Luna Lovegood."

"Okay, Luna, right? Can you tell me what happened?" Professor McGonagall asked with concern.

Lind also vaguely heard what Professor McGonagall said and looked at the girl.

"Crazy girl Luna?"

Then he saw Luna pointing her trembling hand in his direction.

"Child, don't be afraid, what's wrong?" Professor McGonagall continued to comfort her.

"I...he just now!" Luna said tremblingly.

Professor McGonagall looked over and saw the almost headless Nick floating behind Lind.

"Sir Nicholas?! Don't worry, he is the ghost of Gryffindor House!"

Hearing this, Nick, who was almost headless, was a little confused, but he still floated over. At the same time, Lind looked at Luna. She was very sure that Luna's eyes were on her, not the ghost who was behind her just now. .

Lind looked over, and Luna kicked back in fear. This scene was also seen by Nick. He gently raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions. At this moment, everyone thought that Nick had scared the little girl.

"Oh, Nick must have scared the little girl when he performed his stunt just now!" Lind heard someone next to him say.

"It's normal. I was also shocked at the time. But fortunately, the sorting had been completed by that time. We were having a dinner and it was very noisy. Otherwise, she would have been seen by everyone like she is today."

Nick looked a little troubled, and Mag only helped her up. "Sorry, I didn't mean any harm." Nick said softly.

"Okay, kid, don't worry. This isn't the first time you've met, is it? The ghosts in the school are easy to get along with. You were just frightened suddenly." Professor McGonagall hugged her and comforted her.

After seeing that Luna's mood seemed to have stabilized, Professor McGonagall walked away. At the same time, Nick slowly retreated back to the Gryffindor table. Before leaving, he kept apologizing.

After watching it for a while, Linde felt puzzled but also felt a little bored. Then he withdrew his gaze and continued to flip through the book.

"Hey, she was looking at you just now!" Jane changed seats with the person next to him at some point and sat next to him, asking curiously.

"How is that possible!" Linde chuckled. He has now begun to make himself expressive on the outside, while suppressing emotions and calming down on the inside.

"Do you think I look scary?"

"Who knows! Sometimes it's not the face but the temperament that matters. What if your temperament is too terrifying and scares people!" Jane laughed.

"Temperament? I am a very elegant and easy-going person! This is my temperament!"

"Maybe!" Jane looked disbelieving.

The sorting ceremony ended quickly. Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and just sat on the chair. Then Dumbledore came over and didn't know what he said. She suddenly became very angry and strode out.

Then there was the routine of talking, eating, and going to bed.

During this period, Lind looked up many times and could see Luna lowering her head. It was obvious that she was looking at him.

"The password is 'Little Night Rat'. I don't know what the fat lady means by using this password, but I hope you can be alert!" Jane told him.

Linde was a little embarrassed, probably because of him. Then, he said goodbye to Jane and walked to the third floor. He had no intention of going back to the lounge with the peloton, and now he had some small things to do.

Arriving at the gargoyle stone beast, Linde softly called to the sleeping stone beast.


"Sizzling honey candies, piles of cockroaches, chocolate frogs, candy canes..."


The stone beast didn't react at once and looked at Linde angrily.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't you know the password at all?"

"Uh, sorry, I just have something I want to talk to Professor Dumbledore about!"

"The professor is indeed up there, and I recognize you. But the rules are the rules. This is what I do..."

Linde inexplicably thought of the sketch he had watched on TV before: the new security guard would not let the boss without a work badge enter the company, and then blah blah blah. In the end, the boss felt that the security guard was doing a good job and decided to promote him to the position of security captain.

The stone beast was still scratching and scratching. Linde had given up all hope and was about to say goodbye to it when he heard it say, "You have to know that every walk of life has its own rules, and different rules are intertwined. Just... wait, the professor wants you to come up."

"Ah, oh okay, thanks."

Linde looked at the stone beast that did not move out of the way, feeling a little confused.

"Lemon Snow"

"Lemon Snow?!" Linde repeated it, and after speaking, the stone beast slowly opened it.

It turns out that he has to give the password to open the door.

Isn't this just taking off pants to fart?

The stone beast saw Lind's eyes and felt helpless. He understood what Lind wanted to say, "I have to abide by this rule myself. There's nothing I can do about it."

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand."

"It means that 'the visitor must give the correct password to open the door' is a rule that even I have to abide by."

I understand, it's just a procedure.

The procedure must be followed.

This must involve some unknown high-level spell. Similar to the 'rules' that I read in the novels of my previous life, Lind thought, thanked him and walked up.

The stone beast said from behind, "Come and play often when you have time! I am a beast and I am usually very bored."

I know how bored you are when you keep talking.

The spiral staircase took Lind to the principal's office in a short while. Lind stepped in and did not see Dumbledore at first glance. I wonder if he is in the living room deep in the office.

However, Lind found that the principals on the wall did not pretend to sleep this time, but looked at him with a smile, and there was a teasing look on their faces.

Lind was a little confused, but he still greeted the principals. Then he looked at the bird's nest next to the office. This was the purpose of his coming here. Andersen had no news during this vacation. After all, he was his good assistant, so he might as well take a look.

As a result, he was dumbfounded when he looked over.

He also understood what the principals on the wall were laughing at.

Andersen! You really... make yourself look good.

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