The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 119 In the Rain

At night, curfew had already been imposed. Linde was still sitting in the lounge. Recently, he was too lazy to go to the dormitory. Most of the time, he would just wait until there was no one in the lounge and then go out.

But today was a little different. It was almost eleven o'clock, and there were a few people in the lounge besides him.

Ron, Hermione and Jane.

Andersen saw that most people had left, so he flew towards the fireplace with a pile of waste paper in his mouth, and then threw the waste paper he practiced calligraphy on into the fireplace with a parabola.

Harry didn't come back until nearly twelve o'clock. He walked in happily and started shouting, "Hermione, do you know how to cast a waterproof spell?"

"Waterproof spell? What waterproof spell?" Hermione was a little confused. She wanted to ask Harry what was wrong with him today! Why didn't he want to participate in the training suddenly?

"It's waterproof and moisture-proof!" Harry said hurriedly, with expectation on his face.

"Oh, yes." Hermione finally reacted.

"You know the spells for the third grade?" Jane said to Harry with a smile.

"Dumbledore told me." Harry was in a very good mood now, not caring about Jane's teasing at all, and said to Hermione, "How far can you use it?"

"I don't know, what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked doubtfully.

"I'm just afraid of water now, but it will rain in the UK for a long time, so I went to ask Professor Dumbledore, and then he told me this spell." Harry said, these are the words he made up on the road just now.

"Afraid of water? Weird. Are you sure you're not sick?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure I'm not. Come on, try this spell on me first." Harry said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Hermione took out her wand and tapped Harry's forehead, "Waterproof and moisture-proof!"

The invisible magic cover quickly spread from the place where Harry was tapped by the wand, and quickly began to cover his whole body.

"Well, if it covers the whole body, it may not last long!" Hermione said after feeling it. At this time, Harry had already run to the window and stretched out his hand.

It doesn't hurt. It won't change. Hermione succeeded. Harry took his hand back and shouted happily in his heart.

"How long can it last?" Harry turned his head and looked at Hermione with a flushed face.

"Uh, about ten minutes!" Hermione said uncertainly. This time is indeed not enough for a Quidditch game.

"Ah!" Hearing this, Harry was disappointed and the whole person drooped again.

"There is someone who can make you play a whole Quidditch game." Hermione said. Then pointed to Linde in the corner.

Feeling someone was watching him, Linde knew it was them every time he raised his head. He said lightly, "Sorry, I can't do it! The time of Quidditch games is very uncertain."

After this, Harry drooped even more.

"The best time to learn a spell is once, and the second best time is now.

There is about a month before your game! If I remember correctly, it will be in mid-November.

Why don't you learn this spell yourself before then?" Linde said.

"Yes! Harry, I can teach you." Hermione also said.

"How can it be so easy to learn a spell, and it's a third-year course. You know, I'm only in the second year!" Harry said uncomfortably.

"Is it difficult?" ×2

Hermione and Lind asked this question together.

The waterproof spell is just an ordinary spell in the third year.

Hearing this, the other three wanted to refute, but thinking of the level of these two, they couldn't refute a word.

"Okay!" Harry said, he was not the kind of timid character, and he just drooped his face because it was a pity that he still couldn't go to Quidditch training with the team.

But as long as I learn this spell quickly, it will be fine. He cheered himself up in his heart.

The few people talked for a long time, and they went back to rest after making sure that Harry was fine.

After seeing that they all left, Lind packed up and took Andersen out of the lounge and went to the Room of Requirement.

Not long after he left, the portrait of the Fat Lady was pushed open again, but no one came out.

Harry and Ron hid under the invisibility cloak. They tiptoed outside the castle. After a long detour, they came to the first floor and found a small path without a door and ran outside.

Harry whispered to Ron, "I said I would come and tell you."

"What happened to you?" Ron asked puzzledly.

However, Harry did not answer him. He just took off his clothes, rolled them into a ball and bit them in his mouth, and then ran out of the invisibility cloak.

In the weak sight, Ron could only see Harry staggering and falling to the ground as soon as he ran out. Then he let out a low roar like a beast.

"Hey, Harry!"

Ron rushed over, and Harry twitched on the ground and did not respond to him.

After a long time, Harry gradually stopped trembling and roaring. Slowly raised his head.

"Ron, can you see?" Harry said in a trembling voice, but not because of pain, but because of the comfortable and warm feeling brought to him by the dense rain.

"What do you see?" It was pitch black, and Ron could only see Harry's outline.

However, in Harry's eyes, he now had enough vision, and he could even see Hagrid's hut clearly in the dark.

Hagrid was already asleep now, and the lights over there had been turned off long ago, but he could still see it.

Harry looked around and said to Ron, "Hey, use a Lumos!"

"What do you mean by a Lumos?" Ron was a little puzzled.

"Go ahead and use it. Look at what I look like now. But you have to be prepared. Don't be startled." Harry said happily. He was sure that he had fallen in love with this feeling, the comfort after the severe pain and the sense of power in his current appearance.

Ron didn't know what happened, but Harry said so, so he could only draw out his wand hesitantly.


The wand emitted light under the invisibility cloak, and then shone through. Under the dark rain curtain, the light barely allowed Ron to see Harry.

"This..." Ron wanted to say something, but he thought of what Harry said and his words were stuck again.

"Shh! Keep your voice down. Remove the spell when you see it clearly!" Harry reminded Ron hurriedly.

Ron just nodded dully, and then looked around Harry in the fish-man form for several circles.

Pinching Harry's fins and gills, Ron said in disbelief, "Is this true?!"

"Of course it's true, look at my eyes. I can see around here without fluorescent flashing now." Harry nodded happily.

"When did you become like this? No wonder you don't want to train on rainy days! Will you be like this when you encounter water? Can you control it yourself?" Ron asked questions like a string of cannonballs. Harry was almost confused by his questions.

"Hey, you withdraw this spell first. I'll tell you slowly...

Ron stood in the rain with the invisibility cloak on his head, and then talked to Harry in a low voice like this. After a while, he finally understood this series of things.

"Then you don't plan to tell Hermione and the others?" Ron asked.

"Not yet, let's do it this way! I think it's still a little scary." Harry said uncertainly.

"No way, I feel very handsome!" Ron said happily, and Harry was the first to tell him about this, which made him inexplicably happy.

"Okay, then let's go back first! It's so cold. "Ron said.

"You go back first!" Harry hesitated and looked towards the Black Lake. "I want to go and see where it is. I feel like there is something calling me there!"

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