The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Transfiguration

After watching Andersen fly away, Linde and Belliver stepped into the Transfiguration classroom.

Ignoring the brown calico cat on the podium, Lind found a seat in the first row, sat down, opened the book and continued reading.

Isn't it normal for me, an ordinary little wizard, to not even know about Animagus?

Linde flipped through the pages for a while, then closed the book. He has read the book "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" many times.

Its content is just a basic explanation of Gamp's five principles of transformation and techniques for performing transformation. Among them are the way the wand is waved, the inner desire to achieve the transformation goal, and the inner understanding of the envisioned transformation goal.

The five principles of Gamp’s deformation are:

1: Cannot use polymorph to produce food.

2: Permanent conversion between living and dead objects cannot be achieved

3: Cannot transform into magic items

4: The quantity cannot be changed

5: Transfiguration cannot be created out of nothing.

Of course, judging from Linde’s scientific worldview, there are still many doubts.

For example, using "air" as a medium to achieve transformation. How the transformed food will react with the digestive system during the magic maintenance time, etc...

Of course, this book only prints these five principles as the preface of the book to warn young wizards who are new to transfiguration.

Then there is the technical aspect of transfiguration,

If Linde wants to turn a certain watch into a green water ghost, if he does not understand the precise structure inside the green water ghost, it is more likely to turn into a green water turtle.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. When deforming, you need to have a certain understanding of the object you want to deform. It is "to a certain extent", and there is no requirement to learn biology to transform animals.

To a certain extent, the desire to transform is more important.

Just like the entire magic world's spellcasting system, it is a somewhat idealistic thing but not completely idealistic.


Linde breathed a sigh of relief.

The more I learn about this magic, the more curious and eager I become.

In the past, Linde could not understand what others said: "The more you see, the more you want to know."

But now he understands.

Little wizards came in one after another, and Lind also saw Jane and Hermione.

It looked like the two of them hadn't eaten yet.

As expected, most of the little wizards breathed a sigh of relief after entering. The words that come and go are roughly the same: "Fortunately, it seems that Professor McGonagall hasn't come yet!"

Regardless of whether it is class time or not, it is not a good behavior for students to arrive in the classroom later than the teacher.

The old-fashioned wall clock in the classroom dinged.

It's time for class. Linde saw the cat on the podium stretching its body and was about to jump down when he heard a burst of eager footsteps.

Harry and Ron arrived late.

"Fortunately, it looks like Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet!"

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. I think you can arrive earlier next time." The sound of the air being stirred at extremely high speeds echoed in the classroom along with Professor McGonagall's stern words.

The little wizards only saw that the tabby cat that was on the podium just now suddenly turned into a stern witch wearing an emerald green robe and a pointed hat.

This caused a lot of exclamations from the audience, including Linde.

Ron and Harry nodded stiffly and sat in the back row.

"Oh my god, I'm lucky to have you, Lind." Belliver and the others said. They didn't dare to think whether they would be as late as Ron if they didn't go with Lind.

After all, they spent a long time looking for the auditorium before following Linde.

"It's Animagus! My grandmother told me that there are only a few people in the UK who know this magic!" Jane's voice came from behind Lynd, who was explaining science to Hermione.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone who causes mischief in my class will be asked to leave and will never be allowed to do so again." Come in. I warned you."

She then transformed her desk into a pig and back again.

The little wizards exclaimed in surprise, and Lind also looked hot and couldn't wait to try his hand.

"Of course, this is not what you need to do. In this lesson, you only need to turn a match into a needle.

Looking at the disappointed and indifferent expressions of the little wizards, Professor McGonagall continued.

"Don't think this is easy!"

After that, Professor McGonagall began to explain the theory first, and then started practical training after they took down a lot of complicated and difficult notes.

She waved her magic wand, and the matches on the desk flew out, and then separated one by one and landed in front of each little wizard.

Linde himself had tried some transfiguration at home, but to no avail. But now he has some new insights.

He didn't rush to take the wand and start waving it randomly like other little wizards.

He first put his wand aside and thought about the difference between a match and a needle.

First, in appearance, the needle is thinner than a match, and then there is a needle hole at the end of the match.

Then the wood is converted into metal. If the requirements are higher, the lines of the needle tip should be modified to be smoother, and the needle tail should be more rounded.

Take these transformation needs step by step.

Then he picked up the wand and pointed the tip of the wand at the match. A feeling of connectedness came to his heart, and he slowly output magic power to the tip of the wand.

"Desire, need. My current desire is to turn the toothpick in front of me into a match."

The match began to become thinner. Lind tried his best to control his magic power and output it in a stable effect.

It was visible to the naked eye that the match in front of Lind gradually became thinner. Professor McGonagall stood beside Lind at some point and looked at him quietly.

Lind's mind was completely focused on one point, and an irregular hole gradually appeared at the end of the match.

The wood color of the match began to reflect a little light, which was a symbol of the change in texture.

However, Lind only went so far. Later, he felt very clearly that he could no longer continue.

It's like singing a high note. If you don't have enough air, no matter how hard you try, it's useless.

"Very good Transfiguration, Mr. Augustus. It seems that you have learned something from the book!"

Professor McGonagall chuckled and waved her wand, and Lind's half match and half needle flew up and slowly passed by the eyes of a group of little wizards.

"Give Gryffindor three points for Mr. Augustus's excellent Transfiguration."

Hermione and Jane also saw Lind's results, but it has only been a short time since he achieved this effect.

Jane looked at her match, which only had a slight silver light at the tip, which was nothing compared to Lind's.

She also heard what Professor McGonagall said, and he also saw that Lind would hold a book wherever he went, just like this morning outside the common room.

Hermione was not to be outdone, and stared at the match in front of her more vigorously.

But Lind didn't think so much, his own goal was never to compare with these little wizards, and of course there was no need to compare with the so-called seniors.

He just wanted to achieve the goal he set for himself.

And his goal for this class was to be able to conjure a real needle and maintain it for a period of time.

It lasted until the end of the get out of class, and Lind finally managed to conjure a complete needle.

Professor McGonagall didn't expect Lind to be able to turn a needle into a whole class, so she gave him 3 points before, which resulted in Lind only getting 2 points for turning a needle into a needle.

When the get out of class was about to end, except for Lind, only Hermione and Jane's matches had the appearance of needles.

Then Professor McGonagall demonstrated to the whole class how she turned a match into a needle.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Lind slowly put away his things and walked at the back.

Just like when he got off the Hogwarts Express, he didn't want to squeeze in with the crowd.

As he walked out of the classroom door, Andersen also flew over and landed on Lind's shoulder.

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