The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Duel Club 4K

Harry did not attend the death anniversary party of Nearly Headless Nick, and Mrs. Norris was not petrified. It can be said that this was the most satisfying Halloween for Lind.

After dinner, in the lounge.

There are still many delicacies here, and the little wizards of Gryffindor are currently having their second dinner party.

"Look here, Harry." Colin's shout came again, shining into Harry's stiff face. Wood was sitting next to him, and Harry was about to tell him that he wanted to resume training.

He felt that he should be able to master the waterproof and moisture-proof charm.

Linde was lying comfortably on the octopus sofa and reading a book. He has basically mastered the content of "Standard Spell III", and has not yet mastered the transformation technique. He can transform the octopus sofa under his butt.

Of course, Lind didn't directly conjure such a large creature. He conjured a small octopus and then enlarged it to serve as a sofa.

Squeeze the real hammer.

After a while, feeling that the octopus sofa under his butt was gradually losing its softness, Lind thought for a while and decided not to continue applying the spell.

Gryffindor is definitely going to be lively tonight, no need to think about it. He didn't plan to stay here anymore, so he might as well go directly to the Room of Requirement.

Avoiding many tryst couples hiding in corners, Linde came to the Room of Requirement.

"I need a room where I can practice my spells!"×3

A doorknob appeared on the smooth wall, and Lind pushed the door open.

The current spell practice room is basically the same as before, except for the two broken puppets. Its fragments and body parts were piled in a corner by Lind.

And on the table, those are his various essays, all scattered on it, like a hill made of scratch paper.

After scanning the room, Lind closed the door and took out his wand. He has endured this for a long time...

A week after Halloween, Harry and their first Quidditch match will begin. In the past few days, Harry had to go to practice every night, come back very late every day, and then he still had a lot of homework...

But he had no complaints. Instead, he always maintained a positive and enthusiastic attitude. After all, the reason why these teammates are training with him every day is so that he can quickly adapt to the team's new tactics.

Fortunately, a character like Harry is the sixth in the team. Even this short time is enough for them to get along well.

Lind looked out from the deserted lounge of the lounge. The Quidditch pitch was bustling with people, and the stands were bustling with people.

Linde glanced at it and continued to do his own business. But what he didn't expect was that an accident would happen.

As soon as the game ended, he heard the people coming in saying, "Oh my God, did you see Potter's hand? It's like the bones have been taken away!"

"Lockhart went too far! I saw the fear on Harry's face when he saw him walking over, but Lockhart still insisted on casting a spell on him!"

"It's really pitiful..."

Linde frowned! In the original book, Dobby knew about Lucius Malfoy's conspiracy, so he went against his nature and snitched for Harry. However, Harry did not believe its nonsense, so Dobby used many methods to make Harry Leave Hogwarts.

For example, it was responsible for blocking the passage of Station Nine and Three-Quarters, so Harry was forced to drive to school in a speed car.

In the original book, during Harry's Quidditch match, Dobby manipulated the Bludger to seriously injure Harry...

Lucius and Dobby didn't know that the notebook he dropped here was given to Dumbledore by Lind. Then Dobby still thought Hogwarts was in danger, and attacked Harry anyway? !

This seems to be the only way to explain it!

But this is just a reasonable explanation, not a fact. The real facts need to be verified. Thinking about it, Linde waved and called Andersen.

"Out the window of the school infirmary on the second floor, keep an eye on Harry, don't let him find you."

Andersen nodded vaguely. Then he flew out.

But what he didn't expect was that there were other things he didn't expect!

Not long after, several people rushed out of the lounge!

"The fight is starting! The fight is starting!"

Many young wizards in the lounge stood up in surprise, and Linde also looked at the entrance to the lounge in surprise.

A third-year wizard was panting. What he had just said was what he shouted, but now he was leaning on the wall and panting, "Oliver was provoked by the Slytherin people, but someone couldn't hold it back and rushed over to call the man. Malfoy's guy punched him and they started fighting!"

Hearing this, a group of aggressive and reckless little lions seemed to be ignited and rushed out of the lounge door one after another. They've really had enough of playing tricks on Slytherin these days. Because they can't play with the yin. During this period, Gryffindor's house points were already at their lowest. Lower than Hufflepuff.

These little lions have been holding back their anger for a long time, and they want to express it directly, such as using fists and kicks directly.

Linde smiled and had no idea of ​​moving his butt. By the time they run over now, the professor will have already taken care of the matter. If they go now, they should be able to hear the news about two colleges having their points deducted.

Sure enough, in the evening, when Lind passed the auditorium, he saw Gryffindor, the lowest, and Slytherin, the second lowest, on the scoreboard.

Even when eating, the little Gryffindor lions were like eggplants beaten by frost. But they are not simply deducting points.

It was because - they didn't hit many people, but they lost points.

How could they find a reason for this?

Almost all the people in Slytherin were smiling. They were indeed deducted points, but they were happy when they thought that the 50 points Harry had worked so hard to earn on the court were deducted before they could even warm up. Moreover, they still had Professor Snape, so it was not a problem to get the points back.

Linde was not affected by their low pressure at all. He ate something and left.

When he returned to the dormitory, Andersen was already waiting there. Through its retelling, Linde also learned the whole story of what happened.

Sure enough, it was Dobby who was controlling the Bludger to attack Harry. At the same time, through its mouth, Harry also learned about the Chamber of Secrets for the first time.

Andersen repeated the words as much as possible:

Dobby: "...Now, in Hogwarts, terrible things are about to happen, and maybe they have already happened. Dobby can't let Harry Potter stay here, because history is about to repeat itself, and the Chamber of Secrets will be opened again..."

"What the hell is the Chamber of Secrets? It's been more than two months since the start of school. Where is the danger you are talking about?..."

Because no one was petrified, the rumor about the Chamber of Secrets did not spread. This was the first time Harry heard this word.

After confirming the information, Lind didn't care about it anymore.

So far, except for the fact that the two major colleges started fighting because of what he said on the court a month ago, and the fact that they fought because of the court today, which he didn't expect. Everything else was within his imagination.

Because there were no one was injured...the Chamber of Secrets was not opened...Hermione and the others didn't make the Polyjuice Potion, a potion that can turn yourself into someone else.

But Dobby still thought Hogwarts was in danger, so he controlled the Bludger to attack Harry.

The next day, Harry's bones grew back again! Lind was confused!

I wore a cast for so long just because I had a broken bone. I soaked myself in water for so long before I recovered, and then Madam Pomfrey boasted that I recovered faster than I could imagine.

As a result, Harry had no bones left, but new ones grew the next day, and then he was fine.

Later, Lind learned that Harry had used a powerful potion to force the growth of new bones. Lind waited for the bones to recover slowly. The two methods were different.

Harry had no choice but to use potions because there was no other way for him to grow new bones. Although it was efficient, the new bones were very fragile, and there would be potion residue.

It seemed that he had fully recovered, but in fact, the residual potion, the subtle nerve connections, the neck membrane, and the reconnection of the tendons all took a long time.

Harry only seemed to be fine, but it would take a long time to fully recover.

Lind's body healed itself after the fracture, and he added potions to assist recovery. The day the cast was removed meant that his hand was completely restored to its previous state, with no side effects at all.

That night, Lind could still hear Harry whispering to Ron about what he had heard about the Chamber of Secrets.

The next few weeks could be said to be the busiest weeks at Hogwarts, because a large number of students from the two colleges of Gryffindor and Slytherin needed to be punished.

In the last week of November, after Lind finished his spells class and asked Professor Flitwick a few questions, he was about to slowly return to the lounge. As a result, when he passed by the bulletin board in the entrance hall of the auditorium, he saw a group of people gathered there. Harry and Dean Thomas were discussing something happily.

"Go and take a look!" Lind said lightly.

Since the plot was changed, his attention to school affairs has undoubtedly increased a lot, especially those that may involve the savior Harry Potter.

His attitude is still the same: I can not participate, but I can't be ignorant. Of course, he is not so sick, but this attitude is only for some larger things.

Thinking of this, Lind walked over, and he heard what happened before he saw the content on the bulletin board in person.

"Dueling Club, first meeting tonight!"

He could still hear Seamus saying, "First meeting tonight. I don't mind taking some dueling courses, it might come in handy one day..."

"To be honest, Seamus, the little wizard, doesn't need to go to this club at all, or he can go to this club as a teacher. Teach others how to cast some powerful spells!" Andersen whispered in Lind's ear.

Lind looked at Seamus' serious face and agreed with what Andersen said.

Jane maintained a high enthusiasm for this club, which was not surprising. After all, this club was about "dueling", which means fighting. "Are you going? I definitely want to go. This is so interesting. If there is actual combat, I can beat those guys in Slytherin."

Ron was also very interested. He looked at Hermione and Harry, "Are we going?"

Both Harry and Hermione nodded. After Lind confirmed the time, he also planned to go and take a look.

If there is nothing substantial, he would just run away.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lind walked slowly into the auditorium.

At this time, the long dining table in the auditorium disappeared, and a gilded stage appeared along one wall, illuminated by hundreds of candles floating in the air. The ceiling became as dark as velvet again.

Almost all the students from the school came, crowded together, everyone holding their own wands, their faces full of excitement. Basically, when the auditorium is full of people, there is only the opening party. Linde stood behind, looked at the time, and assessed his patience.

Harry and the others were pulled here in a hurry by Jane and stood behind Lind. He also looked at the front of the auditorium expectantly.

"I wonder who will teach us," Jane looked forward to it.

Hermione said, "Someone told me that Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young. Maybe he will teach us."

Jane looked excited when she heard this. "It would be great if that were the case. My grandmother said that Professor Flitwick was an invincible fighter in Britain! Of course, except for Dumbledore and the previous generation of Dark Lords!"

"The previous generation of Dark Lord?" Ron asked doubtfully.

"That's right, the previous generation of Dark Lord, Guy..." Before Jane could finish her words, she heard Linde click his tongue twice in front of her.

She stood on tiptoes and looked over, but she heard Harry moan again, and then she understood why they were talking like this.

Gilderoy Lockhart walked onto the stage, resplendent in a fuchsia robe.

And beside him was Snape, who was dressed in black robes.

Lockhart waved everyone for silence, then shouted: "Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!"

"He doesn't even know how to amplify the spell?" Jane said in disgust.

Hermione explained at the side, "This is the only way you can feel like talking to us, isn't it? The Amplification Charm is only a third-year course, how could Professor Lockhart not do it?"

After hearing this, Jane did not continue speaking. Hermione still had some fantasies about Lockhart at this time. Then she looked at the peacock on the stage,

Lockhart saw the little wizards gathered around and said happily, "That's right, some little wizards hope that I can teach them some more skills. Of course there is no problem! I know a lot of things."

So after Professor Dumbledore applied, he allowed me to open this small dueling club as a supplement to the Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

Let you little chicks in the basket learn to protect yourselves in the same way that I have used countless times - for details on this, please see my published works! "

After speaking, he waved his hand. Motioning the children to look at Snape, "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape,"

He grinned widely, "He told me that he himself knew a little bit about dueling, and he graciously agreed that before class...

Lind had no intention of listening to what he was saying. Just as he was about to step back, he saw Snape looking towards him.

Linde pointed at himself in confusion. Then he saw Snape smile darkly, confirming Lind's thoughts.

Snape seemed to be saying: "You're here now, so I'll give you some good treatment!"

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