The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Parseltongue

"Are you paying attention in class? Classmate!" Flint sneered, completely unaware that he was a senior.

"Yes, I am impressed, you are very strong!" Linde walked over slowly and picked up the wand turned from a branch.

Lind's indifference made Flint feel like he was punched in cotton. He wanted to say something, but then Lockhart on the stage started shouting, "Stop! Stop!"

Lind looked around. The competition between the same houses was relatively peaceful, but the sparring between different houses like Harry and Malfoy was chaotic. Malfoy was lying on the ground, laughing uncontrollably. , Harry's legs were dancing uncontrollably.

Snape glanced at Lind with some disappointment, then frowned and looked around the field. No one cared about what Lockhart said. They either continued to fight with each other or continued to fight.

Many children in lower grades have already thrown away their magic wands and simply started to use their bodies to conquer each other. The few juniors who use magic spells, such as Neville and Seamus, might as well just use their fists.

Lind took a look and saw that some fourth- and fifth-grade wizards' hands were shaking when they cast spells. Whether they were excited or a little scared, there was no doubt that they had never seriously pointed their wands at them before. Passed by classmates. You ask them to cast some joke spells on people, but if you actually cast some practical spells, their hearts will beat out of their chests and their hands will be shaking uncontrollably.

They have not yet received systematic combat training. Among all the courses at Hogwarts, only Defense Against the Dark Arts is specifically designed to teach young wizards how to fight against enemies.

But they haven't taken any serious Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in recent years.

Even in the future, when Harry and his friends are in fourth grade, most people will not know what the Unforgivable Curses are!

Snape put his wand against his throat and said, "Quiet!" A low and gloomy voice instantly echoed through the entire auditorium, like a dull thunder.

"The curse stops immediately——"

Snape cast the spell lightly, Harry's feet stopped dancing, Malfoy stopped laughing wildly, and they both finally raised their heads.

A spell split and eliminated the different spells on the two people! Lind was behind Snape, watching this scene in amazement!

What kind of high-end operation is this!

"Oh my God, my God," Lockhart ran off the stage and jumped up and down in the crowd, watching the aftermath of the duel. "You stand up, Ernie... look out, Miss Fawcett... pinch hard, blood." It'll stop right away, Butt..."

After a while, the auditorium finally calmed down again. Lockhart stood on the stage again in a panic and said, "I think it's best for me to teach you how to stop unfriendly magic."

After saying that, he glanced at Snape and saw a cold light shining in Snape's black eyes, so he immediately looked away. "Please volunteer to come up as a couple - Longbottom and Finch-Fletchley, what do you think?"

"This is a bad idea, Professor Lockhart." Snape re-entered the stage and glided across the stage like a large, vicious bat. "Longbottom is capable of wreaking havoc even with the simplest of spells. We will place Fin-Reilly's remains in a matchbox and bring them to the hospital ward."

What he said made Neville's round pink face blush even more. But no one cared about this at this time, they were still looking at Snape on the stage.

"Just let..." As he said that, Snape's eyes began to scan below, but he did not see Lind. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and "invite" Harry and Malfoy to the stage to show everyone.

High in the auditorium, a crow watched what was happening below. As Linde's record officer, the most it did now was help Linde keep an eye on Harry every day.

Although it didn't know why the boss paid so much attention to Harry, it could hear the fact that every time the boss told him something relevant, he would always whisper, "It's just as I thought!", "According to inference, this happened. This kind of thing makes sense!”

"This is just an anonymous club. It's no problem for me to leave early!" Lind thought indifferently. He thanked Cedric Wood and the others after Snape walked towards the stage, and then ran away.

It won't be long before this gathering of the Duel Club is over! Andersen flew back before most of the others. Linde also knew what happened next.

Malfoy used an own trick, and then Harry was exposed as a Parselmouth!

When everyone came back, he saw Harry and the others sitting in the lounge with no interest.

Linde is still very interested in Parseltongue. So he walked over there. Before he walked over, he heard Harry squirming and saying, "How could he think I wanted to drive the snake to attack him! It was obviously Lockhart who beat the snake to him!" "

"It's okay. He might just be scared by you, not the snake. Just wait until he calms down a bit and you can explain." Ron comforted in a low voice.

Linde came directly to them and sat down.

"What's wrong? I heard something happened again at the Duel Club!" Lind asked naturally as he sat down.

"Stop it, Harry is actually a Parselmouth!" Ron said angrily. Harry shouted softly, "I don't know either! I don't even know what Parseltongue is unless you tell me!"

"Parseltongue? Really?" Linde asked with great interest, "I'm quite interested!"

"Interested? Are you kidding me?" Jane said.

Linde glanced at him, "What's wrong with Parseltongue?"

"Parseltongue is simply the symbol of Slytherin! Generally speaking, few people like it. It should be said that except for the people in Slytherin, people from other colleges find it difficult to accept it. This is why Harry is so troubled!

Now many people stay away from him, because the last Parseltongue left a deep impression on everyone!"

"The last one? Voldemort?" Linde said nonchalantly, "I heard that he seems to have Slytherin blood!"

"Hey! Don't say that name, I get cold all over when I say it." Ron couldn't help but increase his voice.

Linde spread his hands and smiled helplessly. He just spoke too fast.

"That's right, it's Voldemort. It is said that there are always countless poisonous snakes around him, and they will kill everyone who dares to approach him!" Jane deliberately said it in the tone of a horror story. Ron was so scared that he lay on the table and didn't dare to raise his head.

"If the venomous snakes here refer to those Death Eaters who are mostly from Slytherin, then this description is acceptable."

In this case, Jane is from Germany. Lind, Harry, and Hermione are all Muggle-born. Only he has been educated by Voldemort since childhood that his name cannot be mentioned.

Except for him, no one else cares about this title. "It would be nice if I could shout this name as coolly as you, but I tremble all over when I think about it!" Ron said softly with his head buried in his arms.

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