The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Skull and Brain (asking for monthly votes)

The first snow of 1992 fell outside the window. The snow fell lightly, just like goose feathers, falling lightly on the castle and on the lawn. It was as if two guys were having a pillow fight high in the sky, and the goose feathers in the pillows were falling down.

Linde walked out of the Transfiguration classroom wearing a black robe with gold threads and holding the Advanced Transfiguration Guide in his arms. In front of him were the bustling classmates. They were rushing to the auditorium, planning to have a good lunch and then run directly to the lawn to play with the snowflakes.


From behind, Professor McGonagall's voice came, calling to Lind who was pacing slowly.

"Are you going to stay at school for Christmas?" Professor McGonagall looked at the expressionless half-year-old child in front of her.

Linde nodded slightly and greeted Professor McGonagall, "Professor, Christmas is spent with my family. I want to go home!"

Professor McGonagall nodded and walked away quickly. With Christmas approaching, she had a lot to deal with.

Andersen flew over, shook the snowflakes off his body, and landed on Linde's shoulders.

Linde took Andersen downstairs, walked out of the corridor, and went directly to the lawn.

The sky was dazzling white, and Lind made a rustling sound as he stepped on the lawn. There were also lots of snowflakes on the deerskin boots.

When he came to the Black Lake, he watched the lake surface rippled by the wind, and his hair was blown back.

He never grew his hair long just to look handsome, he was just too lazy to trim it.

Andersen didn't say a word. It naturally felt that something was wrong with the boss's atmosphere today.

From the moment he walked out of the castle, the atmosphere around him was not so normal.

It's a feeling, an indescribable feeling.

The change is so clear.

So abrupt.

So unsettling.

"Do you know? I have heard a saying before that if a man does not trim his hair for twenty days, he is no different from a tramp." Linde said slowly.

"But I don't really agree!" Then Linde said again.

Another very long silence!

It seems that Linde is thinking about what to say...

Andersen turned his head and looked at Linde. His expression remained the same as usual, with a straight face.

The atmosphere that surrounds a person is indescribable.

Linde's eyebrows seemed to be raised higher than usual today, or perhaps the proportions of the corners of his mouth were wrong.

Or the grass underfoot is slightly bent because it is covered with a small layer of snowflakes. Or maybe it was the ripples that echoed across the lake. Because of the children peeking out of the eighth-floor window of the castle behind me, and because of the rustling of leaves next to me.

But what Andersen is certain of is that

Linde is very irritable now.

When a person is extremely irritable, there will not be any anger or displeasure on his face. Usually expressionless or with a faint smile. It's like a volcano that looks calm but is about to erupt.



"Will you still be loyal to me after the mutation?" Linde asked slowly with a warm smile on his face, looking at the water.

He didn't think Andersen would betray him, but he wanted another affirmative answer.

"I trust you one hundred percent. But now I want to add one percent more, and you give me that one percent!"

This is what Linde is thinking.

Andersen didn't expect that Lind would ask this question. It flew down from Lind's shoulder in fear and landed on a rock beside the black lake in front of him.

After that, using English with an accent similar to Linde's, it said definitely,

"I can tell that you are an informal person, so I will call you boss casually, I will beg you for food, and even sometimes, I will have a little temper.

I can feel that you don't treat me like a pet or a slave, but like your own child!

So I understood something when I was just an ordinary crow. When I meet you, my bird life will be far better than those of the same kind that can only live in cages for food, accommodation, excrement and urine, and better than those stupid birds who are like free labor and like house elves. "

Just like it is difficult for us to face our parents and say "I love you". Andersen had never said anything like this before.

But now, it...he, or rather him, Linde is willing to give him the respect of his peers.

Andersen spread his wings, put his head close to the ground, as if kneeling down, and said these words seriously.

"I still remember that you had read a miscellaneous book about wands and wooden materials. I was reading it at the time, and there was something in it that impressed me deeply.

'When a wizard is defeated by an opponent, his wand will belong to the victor. ’

But there was one surprise: the wand was made of ash wood. It doesn't matter whether its master is defeated or not, it will not change its allegiance. That's what your wand is.

My loyalty is like an ash wand. But the difference is:

I'm not like Ashwood or House Elf. Their loyalty comes from their innate nature. If you use your words, "loyalty" is something engraved in their genes.

And my loyalty comes from the voluntary and unconditional surrender of my body and mind.

My life and soul are devoted only to you, the great... nay, greatness itself - Lind Green Augustus! "

After saying that, Andersen still knelt on the stone, and the falling snow had already accumulated a thin layer on his body.

Linde smiled. Ever since he brought Andersen back this semester, Linde knew that Andersen's brain was different. In other words, Andersen was much smarter than before.

But he still didn't expect Andersen to say such a thing.

"Come back!" Linde said lightly.

Andersen jumped up, shook the snow off his body, and shouted affectionately, "Boss!" as he flew.

Linde smiled and said nothing, just dusted some snowflakes from Andersen's wings, and then looked at the lake again.

"You said...where is Quirrell now?"

Linde squatted down, picked up a stone, and threw it to the lake.



"Actually, when Snape told me that Felix disappeared because of Quirrell, I very much hoped that Dumbledore and the others could help me catch Quirrell, no matter what they asked me to pay, even if I was Harry's stepping stone, I would also like to be a suicide squad.

As long as I can remember, they have always given me warmth and treated me like family. "

As he spoke, Linde spoke quite standard Chinese.

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

Linde continued speaking regardless of whether Andersen could understand,

"It's the same whether it's Evelyn or Felix. At that time, I wished that an owl would appear in my sight and fly with a letter in the next second, flying to tell me good news, such as catching Quirrell. or found Felix.

No matter what, I look forward to it every moment.

But in the end I was disappointed. Dumbledore and the others couldn't find Quirrell either!

Then I can only do it myself.

The past cannot be undone, but the future can be changed.

What if I want to use the future to change the past! "

After saying this, Linde let out a long sigh of relief, as if telling this matter made him feel much more comfortable.

"Maybe you only have a partial understanding of it now. But you will know it in the future.

I have held these words back for too long.

I felt like I had a mental problem after holding it back.

Humans are inherently social animals. If they do not communicate with others for a long time, their thinking ability will slowly stagnate and they will fall into the utopia they have built for themselves.

This is especially true after practicing Occlumency.

I felt like I was about to get sick from holding it back.

Did you know? Last night, Flint volunteered to be my duel partner. I really had an irrepressible desire to have a good fight with him.

Maybe he doesn't have enough for me.

Then have a fight with Snape.

At that time, my mind was filled with this desire to fight for catharsis. "

Linde's voice became heavier and heavier.

Andersen also recalled the scene in the Room of Requirement last night. At that time, Linde asked for an empty room and did not let him in. When he came out, the empty room had become full of big pits, gravel, burned by fire, or covered with water stains.

At this time, a few people began to come out of the castle and roll around on the lawn playground.

Lind slowly circled the Black Lake, wandering aimlessly on the lawn, and accidentally kicked another goblin.

Lind ignored it and walked over.

“I’ve actually been terrified.

What do Dumbledore and the others want? I, or rather my seniors, what did they do to make Dumbledore help me so much.

And I have always been afraid of him peeking into my heart. I can only hope that he is a decent white wizard and will not do that kind of thing to a child..."

With that said, Lin Dexu shook his palms.

"It's all because of insufficient strength!

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon.

Be it Quirrell, Dumbledore, or Voldemort...

All my problems are that I have not grasped the "truth"! "

Andersen was on Linde's shoulder, listening to him quietly. No interruption.

Linde kept talking while walking, and when he was emotional, he would show it with his hands.

He has no other audience.

There is only one bird that will not betray him.

With that said, Linde looked quietly at the lawn again. On the left, a couple who looked like they were in sixth or seventh grade walked out arm in arm.

On the right, a boy pushes his friend down, then grabs a goblin and mashes it in his face.

On the Quidditch field, the captain of Ravenclaw was conducting passionately. His spit mixed with snowflakes fell to the ground, and his face was red. A rather muscular batsman, with a face full of heat, took off his clothes and threw them off the broom.

"Look, how happy they are smiling!" Linde pointed them out to Andersen one by one.

The next second, he slowly put away his hand.

The pace quickened and he walked towards the castle.

The expressionless emotion returned to his face.

"But why do I think these things are so boring!"

Linde sighed.

Today I said a lot of things that I had stored up, and my thoughts became clearer.

Thinking about this, Lind was startled for a moment, and stopped as he was about to step into the castle.



That's not all!

Lind suddenly accelerated into the castle and without saying a word, went straight to the Room of Requirement.

After entering the magic spell practice room, he closed the door and eagerly reached into his pocket and took out a large, soft, blood-colored gel ball.

The blood-colored ball stopped beating,

but the unicorn's head slowly opened and closed its mouth inside.

Originally, it was the blood-colored gel ball that resonated with his heart, but now it was the skull inside.

Linde carefully placed it on the table.

Just now at the castle gate, he sensed the changes in the skull, just like an old hen hatching eggs feeling that the child under its buttocks was about to break out of the shell.

He knew that the skull he had been refining for a long time was finally going to "break out of the shell".

The skull continued to be beating, and the mouth opened and closed naturally, as if it was breathing.

The blood-colored gel gradually shrank, and the bone-white unicorn skull, at the horn that Linde sawed off, the blood-colored gel began to form a new horn there like a fluid.

This horn was unnaturally curved, like an octopus's tentacles, or the bones of some strange creature.

About a quarter of an hour later, the blood gel had disappeared, and in its place, there was a unicorn skull on the table. However, the difference was that it had an extremely twisted and uncoordinated blood horn.

Lind grabbed the horn and lifted it up like the handle of a guitar, feeling the vibration from it.

At the same time, he touched his left chest with his right hand and felt it carefully.

"My heartbeat and skull have reached synchronization." Lind laughed.

This kind of thing can make him feel a little interesting!

Although the book did not record Lind's situation, it is certain that this is a good situation.

Thinking of this, Lind no longer hesitated and took out the entire scalp of the unicorn directly from his waist bag.


The unicorn's head has shrunk several sizes, and this scalp can no longer perfectly wrap this head as Lind planned at the beginning.

"Fortunately, I chose to go out on Christmas!" Lind put away the scalp and skull. Diagon Alley has professionals in leather modification.

After that, Lind just sat on the chair and closed his eyes.

Now he was going to try the brain occlusion technique!

The consciousness entered the depths of Lind's brain extremely smoothly, which was a feeling he had never experienced before.

Just like the time tunnel of Doraemon, Lind seemed to have passed through a beautiful and radiant space tunnel.

The next moment.

Lind seemed to have come to a study.

Several reddish-brown bookshelves were filled with huge books.

Lind stood in front of the bookshelf and read again and again.

Every book here was his past!

Among them were books by Lind the Earth, Lind the Wizard, Green the Fishman, and Bashir Elton the White Ship.

Lind picked up a book and opened it casually. There was nothing recorded in the book, but there was a silver stream of light swirling in it.

Just like a meditation basin.

Lind sank his consciousness into it.

It was a long-fuzzy memory.

That was when Lind was very young. He often wet the bed, and then his parents would call him to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

Every time Lind was called, he could see his parents getting dressed.

"Mom and Dad like to sleep with clothes on!"

The young mother touched little Lind's head...

Lind exited this memory, sighed deeply, and then slowly put the book back on the bookshelf.

"To be honest, I was so stupid at the time. Who would sleep with shoes on!

They were worried that I would be scared at home alone, so they told me that they liked to sleep with clothes on.

They just wanted to start running for life after I fell asleep again..."

Lind remembered the last thing he felt when he died in his previous life, the crisp sound of the apple and the fruit knife falling to the ground.

It was like the sound of a mirror breaking.

The reflection on the other side of the mirror was his greatest desire...

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