The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Eyeball (Please vote, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

Walking down the automatic spiral staircase, ignoring the lonely stone beast at the gate, he walked downstairs quickly. He was going to take the Herbology class, which was held in the greenhouse outside the castle.

When he came to the outside of the greenhouse, Professor Sprout was taking the little wizards to change the pots of the Mandrake. By the end of this semester, they would probably be mature.

The whole greenhouse was filled with their shrill screams. Linde didn't wear earmuffs and didn't dare to walk in directly. He knocked on the door of the greenhouse but no one heard it. Linde simply retreated to a relatively less shrill distance and squatted, and then continued to think about Qiu Zhang's injury.

It was not because he cared about his classmates, but because he was worried that this incident might affect his nightlife.

The death of the blind monk, Qiu Zhang's broken leg, the secret room...

And Lockhart who was related to Linde...

After waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour, the shrill screams in the greenhouse began to gradually quiet down. Seeing this, Linde stood up, patted his knees, and then walked over.

Entering the greenhouse as he wished, Professor Sprout asked him to find a place to stand quickly, and remember to go to Hermione to make up his notes after class, and he could also go to her if he didn't understand anything.

Linde's Herbology has always been good, and this time it was Professor McGonagall who asked for leave for him. So there was no more to say.

After more than ten minutes, this Herbology class ended in a hurry.

What Linde didn't expect was that the secret room incident tonight spread among the young wizards.

"I remember it!" Harry exclaimed, and his sudden shout directly frightened Hermione's quill pen and left a long mark on the parchment.

Ron was also frightened by this, and he stopped flipping the book, "What?"

"I remember where I heard about the secret room!" Harry said.

"I said it! It was written in "Hogwarts: A History of Schools", an ancient legend of Hogwarts." Jane didn't raise her head and continued to look down at the book.

"No, I heard it from outsiders." Harry explained hurriedly, "No! I remember what I told you, it's that..." Harry hesitated, "What's it called?! That's it..."

"Dobby?! Oh, I remember." Hermione continued, and then reacted.

"In Hogwarts, terrible things will happen. It says that Harry Potter can't stay here. History is about to repeat itself, and the Chamber of Secrets will be opened again!" Hermione repeated what Harry told them at that time in a low voice,

"Yes, do you remember? I told you that." Jane made a fist with one hand and clapped her palm with the other hand, "Yes, you did say that."

"Is what he said true?! Will there really be any... danger?" Ron said uncertainly. But then he thought of what happened this morning. Although they didn't see the injured, they did see the two lines of blood writing.

"Harry, if what he said is right, then you..." Jane poked Harry's shoulder, "Then you're in trouble!"

"Maybe you should tell Dumbledore about this?" Ron looked at everyone innocently.

"Forget it! He's busy. A child has been injured today." Jane leaned back on the chair and swayed on the two back legs of the chair, saying affirmatively.

"You're bound to fall!"

The unpleasant voice of the crow suddenly sounded behind Jane, which scared her. She couldn't keep her balance and fell backwards. Her hands frantically tried to grab the table in front of her, but she could only watch the table where she could put her strength was getting farther and farther away from her.


Fortunately, Linde retreated quickly, otherwise she would have been hit by her.

Accompanied by a clang and a scream. Jane, lying on the ground, felt a dull pain in the back of her head and a little dizzy. When she opened her eyes, she saw Linde standing next to him with a half-smile on his face. The stinky bird that scared him just now also looked at him with a smile on its face.

"You are too generous. You fell down when I said you would." Andersen said with a suppressed smile.

"Is it because you scared me that I fell down?" Jane turned over and looked at Linde and Andersen unhappily.

"If you say it is, then it is!" Andersen did not refute.

Linde shrugged his nose, and there was a bloody smell.

"Is the back of your head bleeding?" Linde asked. Jane touched back and felt that her hand was cold. When she took it to her eyes, she saw that it was really bleeding.

"I will tear you apart!" Jane rushed over and grabbed Andersen. Then she grabbed his wings like a chicken. Then she grabbed him like a chicken.

"Oh, boss, save me, save me, boss." Andersen did not expect this woman to be so fierce. She caught her without paying attention.

Linde smiled. Jane did not want to do anything to Andersen at all, and it was not difficult for Andersen to break free with his strength. This is just a fight between a man and a bird.

Jane pinched Andersen's beak, "Hey, go ahead and call! Call another one for me to see."

"Mmmmm--" Andersen's suspended feet fluttered in the air to show his accusation.

Linde took a look and saw that Jane's pinching place avoided the nostrils on Andersen's beak.

So careful...

Does she really not care about her head...

After a short fight between a man and a bird, Jane put Andersen back. Then he looked at Linde's outfit and asked in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"Take a walk! I just finished dinner."

Jane glanced at the time, it was past dinner time.

Forget it, if he doesn't want to talk, then don't talk.

"Let's go, I'll go to the infirmary!" Jane said as she lifted up the chair. It seemed that she had not forgotten the fact that she had hit her head.

"I'll go with you!" Hermione also stood up.

"No, it's just a minor injury. Just go get some divaricate. Maybe it will heal if you go too late." Jane waved her hand indifferently, indicating that Hermione would be back soon.

Hermione thought about it and felt that what she said was not wrong, and then sat down again, "Okay, come back soon!"

Jane nodded and took the lead to walk outside. Linde also walked out.

"Where are you going?" Jane turned her head to look at Linde.

"Just walk around." Linde felt that Andersen was shaking a little, and responded to Jane casually.

She was about to say something when she saw Andersen slip off Linde's shoulder.

Linde quickly caught him, feeling his uncontrollable shaking body.

Jane came forward, "What's wrong? I just..."

"It shouldn't be!" Linde slowly put Andersen on the ground, a little confused about what was going on with him now. But it shouldn't be that Jane hurt him just now.

Jane's movements were actually very light compared to Andersen. When Linde first bought Andersen, he was more ruthless than this when Andersen called him stupid.

"Then what's going on with it?" Jane squatted beside Andersen with some worry.

Andersen stood up tremblingly, his throat squirmed, constantly contracting and popping out.

"Ugh... Ugh..."

Linde squatted beside him and patted Andersen on the back. The wand had been pulled out. If Andersen had a more serious condition, he would take him to Dumbledore or the infirmary immediately.

"Ugh... Ah!"

Andersen opened his mouth as wide as possible, and the corners of his mouth were torn.

"Ugh!" With the last vomiting sound, a spherical object was vomited out by Andersen. After vomiting it out, Andersen seemed relieved and lay on the ground.

"Fluorescent flash!" Linde shook his wand, and a faint light suddenly rang on the wand. He moved the wand closer.

What Andersen had just vomited out was

an eyeball.

As if sensing the light from Linde's wand, the eyeball rolled on the ground, twisted the lens surface, avoided Linde's wand, and also revealed the dense nerve bundles behind it.

These nerve bundles are like some kind of red worms. Although many of them are still stuck together by Andersen's gastric juice, they can be seen trying their best to wriggle. Some of them have already broken away and are swinging vigorously in the air.

Linde glanced at Andersen again and found that his breath was stable, nothing serious, but he seemed to have fainted.

Then the other big thing now is...

Linde turned his head and looked at Jane.

If this was the second dimension, Jane should be a petrified scene now, staring blankly at the living eyeball rolling on the ground.

Feeling Lind looking at him, Jane also looked at Lind stiffly. Lind even felt that he heard the clicking sound of her neck twisting.

"Why did you spit out" Her words sounded like those spoken by a corpse, without any emotional fluctuations at all.

Or, her brain had crashed.

"This...this is normal!" Lind said seriously, trying to make her feel that the scene in front of her was nothing more than that.

Jane slowly raised her hand and pointed at the eyeball that was still rolling on the ground, "Is this normal?"

Lind nodded firmly, "Well, this is a very normal phenomenon, just like giving birth to a child!"

As he said that, Lind pointed to the eyeball that was constantly rolling on the ground. The tentacles formed by the nerve bundles behind it had now shaken off Andersen's gastric juice and were squirming in disorder.

"Look at Piccolo, he gave birth to a child in this way, just spitting it out.

So what you see now is also very normal! Believe me, this is just normal reproduction of life!"

Although she didn't know who Piccolo was, it didn't prevent her from understanding Lind's words.

So, is this normal like giving birth to a baby? !

Thinking about it, Jane nodded stiffly and admitted Lind's statement. Or, she was actively deceiving herself to believe what Lind said.

Because if she didn't believe Lind's statement, the truth would only be more terrible and more difficult to accept.

Andersen opened his eyes again and stood up tremblingly. Looking around, he immediately understood what happened.

This little golden retriever was scared by what he had just done, it's over. Will the boss reveal his identity?

Thinking about it, Andersen became anxious.

Just when Jane had just calmed down a little, she saw Andersen standing up.

"It seems to be really fine..."

Then she saw Andersen shaking and running to the eyeball with his little paws.

Then he swallowed the eyeball in one gulp.

Then Andersen raised his head, flapped his wings on his chest and said with a satisfied look on his face, "It's okay, I just ate too much last night, and just regurgitated it and ate it again."

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