The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 149 Conversation

"By the way, why did you come here?" Lind suddenly thought of this, and Harry hadn't answered him just now.

"I found it in an underground classroom..." As he said, he looked at Linde, "Don't be afraid if I tell you."

Lind looked at his serious look and felt a little strange, "I won't be afraid."

"In the underground classroom, another person discovered the victim of the secret room!" Harry said slowly. The principals hanging on the wall looked sideways when they heard his words, and exchanged glances with each other, but did not speak.

Lind looked at Harry's expression that didn't look like he was joking and asked in detail, "Come out again? What does that have to do with you? Are you the first witness?"

"Yes, I was the first to see it!" Harry said sadly,

At this moment, the office door opened, and Dumbledore walked in with a very solemn expression.

As soon as he walked in, he walked to the chair behind the desk and sat down, "Harry, fortunately you were here and we were able to treat Miss Lovegood in time. Otherwise, it would have become a big deal."

"Lovegood?" Lynde and Harry repeated in a low voice, with questions in their voices.

"Hmm, that's right. The name of the girl you found." Dumbledore answered Harry first, and then looked at Lind with his blue eyes, "Lind. Do you know her?"

"It's not acquaintance, I just know this person. I heard that he is not welcome in Ravenclaw because of his unusual thinking." Linde smiled. Now that Luna has been enrolled in school for more than half a year, Linde has already heard that Some people started calling her a crazy girl.

"Broad thinking is a good thing. It allows us to see things that others cannot see." Dumbledore smiled and said gently, "This is not something everyone can do."

"I think so too. I like characters who are not willing to be buried among the general public." Linde also smiled, indicating that he did not have any malice in his previous evaluation of Luna. "Like teaching you."

"Thank you for your compliment. But let's solve the matter at hand first! Do you want to stay and listen?"

"Well... forget it! I won't interrupt your conversation!" Linde waved his hand to refuse.

Hearing his words, Harry felt as if a huge wave had stirred up in his heart, "How dare he refuse Dumbledore?? Why is he in this office..."

But Dumbledore didn't want to say in a low voice, "But in this case... the night at Hogwarts... maybe, of course, I mean maybe, there may be a lot of dangers."

Lind heard the previous words and was about to say goodbye before turning around and leaving, "Professor, I..." Suddenly he realized the meaning of Dumbledore's next words.

That’s not right! You won’t stop me from going out at night, right? But my potion is still boiling!

"What are you?" Dumbledore looked at Lind and asked, pretending not to understand.

"I...I think I still really want to observe this matter. I hope the professor will let me stay here." Linde said decisively, with determination on his face.

Dumbledore didn't say anything else. He put his ten slender fingers together, his face regained its solemn look, and looked at Harry. "Harry, can you tell me everything you know in detail?"

"Oh, okay." When he heard Dumbledore calling him, he came back to his senses from the conversation between Lind and Dumbledore. He was just thinking about why Lind suddenly changed his mind.

Harry had memories on his face, "I went back to the lounge to play for a while after dinner in the evening, and then I wanted to do my homework, but I found that I left my book in the Potions classroom.

Then I ran to the classroom to get the books. I met many people on the way, and also met Hagrid on the first floor. Professor, he can vouch for me. "Harry became a little excited.

"Harry, go on! I believe you." Dumbledore quickly motioned for him to calm down.

"After chatting with Hagrid for a few words, I went to the underground classroom and found the girl lying on the ground in the classroom. The half-written blood letter next to her read, 'No need for Hogwarts'."

"Halfway through writing? Then the blood hadn't solidified when you went there, right?" Lind also looked at Harry. From the expression on Harry's face just now, he was sure that Harry had something to hide. But what he said was not lying.

He could tell, Dumbledore even less so. He could definitely tell that Harry was hiding something.

"Yes, I only saw half of it when I arrived."

"Didn't you find anyone else?"

"No!" Harry said firmly. "When I saw it, I screamed and tried to call for help. Then Professor Lockhart came."

After that, more professors and students came to the scene. Professor McGonagall also rushed to the scene, straightened out the discipline, and immediately notified Professor Dumbledore.

" seems that's it. Linde, do you have any doubts?" Dumbledore looked at Linde,

"The one you mentioned can do it for you..."


The office door was suddenly pushed open. Hagrid rushed in with anger in his eyes, a helmet on his dark and unkempt head, and a handful of fodder in his hand. It seemed that he was about to feed some kind of small animal, and then Hearing the news, he rushed over.

"Not Harry, Professor Dumbledore!" Hagrid said urgently. "I was talking to the kid just seconds before he was found. He never had time, sir..."

Dumbledore tried to say something, but Hagrid just yelled and waved his fodder anxiously.

"...It can't be him. If necessary, I can swear in front of the Ministry of Magic..."

"Hagrid, I-"

"…You have arrested the wrong person, sir. I know that Harry has never—"

"Hagrid!" Dumbledore raised his voice, "I don't think it was Harry who attacked the girl."

"Oh," Hagrid was a little depressed because of his reckless behavior, but he was also happy because of Harry. "Okay, I'll wait for orders outside, principal."

He stomped out and looked embarrassed. And he was indeed so excited that he never noticed Linde being here.

Of course, it could also be because he is too tall.

"It seems that many people have misunderstood you! Why?" Linde couldn't hide the smile on his face. This thing is so interesting.

"It's just a misunderstanding." Harry smiled awkwardly and did not answer Lind.

Linde nodded. After that, they walked out of the office. Once on the third floor, the two of them saw Hagrid standing next to the stone beast, looking at the door with a worried look on his face.

When he saw Harry coming out, he was overjoyed. He didn't look as irritable as he had in the office just now. "Are you okay?" He walked over and patted Harry's shoulder hard, as if he was going to knock him to the ground. .

At the same time, he also saw Linde, "Hey, Linde. Why are you here too?"

"I was in the office just now!" Linde smiled.

"Huh?!" Hagrid screamed, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even see you. How are you doing? I haven't seen you for a long time. It's been the Bowtruckle's breeding season recently, do you want to go and have a look?" Hagrid also patted him on the shoulder. That strength was even greater than when he turned into a fish-man.

However, considering his size, Lind should cause higher damage to people and objects, but his destructiveness is definitely not comparable to Hagrid.

"I haven't had time recently and have been studying. I'm really too busy. I can come and play with you later, okay?" Linde replied.

"Of course, no problem." Hagrid laughed, and then hugged Harry, "I knew that Lockhart was unreliable, why did he directly say that this matter must have something to do with you. This is not what a teacher should do Things to do!”

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