The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 154: Just “knowing how to use”

"Where are my things!" As soon as he walked out, Lockhart grabbed Lind's collar like crazy and pushed him against the wall.

"What?" Lind tilted his head and looked at Lockhart expressionlessly.

"My manuscript, my holy icon!" Lockhart's face turned red as he almost squeezed the words out of his throat. "Give them back to me and I can act like nothing happened."

"You pretend that nothing has happened? What about those people who were injured because of you? What about me?" Lind squeezed Lockhart's hand, but did not use any force.

"Assume that nothing has happened? Does your dream allow it?" Linde smiled, "You also want to forget about it for me?"

"Shut up, where is my icon?" Lockhart growled, grabbing his collar.

Linde put down his hand and took out the pottery statue from his pocket. "Is this the holy icon you are talking about?"

As soon as Lockhart saw the black figure, he immediately let go of Lind's hand and tried to snatch the pottery statue away.

"Wait!" Linde took several steps to the side, "Don't move. Otherwise, I will smash it!"

Lockhart's body froze. The frenzy on his face also calmed down a little.

"Where is my bird? How did you find me?"

Lockhart looked at Lynd with an impatient look on his face, "I had a lot of spells in my office at that time. And your little crow accidentally triggered the spells I set." As he said that, Lockhart changed. Very excited,

"But it ran away and flew away. Even then, I didn't associate the crow with you, just a little black sparrow."

Linde nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one else has seen Andersen in other states. Andersen's usual state is just that of an ordinary-sized crow.

And Linde asked him to use that sparrow-sized form when he usually monitors people.

"The way I identify you is because you have the smell of a special potion I made.

This potion comes from the Congo and has a pungent smell that can only be smelled under special circumstances. I put this potion on my book. If you touch the book, you will naturally have that smell on your hands. . "

Lockhart was afraid that Linde would smash the icon, so he explained carefully.

Linde nodded, if that's the case, then I'll give it back to you!

Lind threw the pottery statue into the air and was about to draw out his wand to attack, but found that Lockhart flew towards it with a strange speed like a wild beast, with a ferocious look on his face.

"This... doesn't seem like something humans should do!"

Lockhart hugged the pottery statue respectfully with both hands, then dropped it to the ground, tears actually falling. His eyes seemed to be looking at his father, no. The emotion contained in it is even higher than the love for the closest relatives and elders.

The look in Lockhart's eyes now is a kind of extreme, crazy worship, a kind of morbid "love" for his god that is willing to sacrifice everything for it.

If Lockhart were asked to choose between killing his father or throwing away the statue.

He would definitely choose to kill his father.

Lind looked at Lockhart's current enthusiastic appearance and suddenly came to an idea.

The reason why Lockhart is getting more and more crazy at Hogwarts where Dumbledore is sitting is definitely inseparable from this thing. Because he worshiped the gods for a long time, he became more and more irrational and his mind became more and more confused.

Even if he didn't hesitate to expose himself tonight, he would come to find Linde and get the pottery statue back.

Lockhart put away the statue and looked at Lind. His face looked obviously much normal,

"Okay, now give me my book." Lockhart's tone was obviously much gentler now, and he didn't care about Lind's attempt to throw the pottery statue away just now.

He even felt that Linde's behavior of throwing the statue further proved his loyalty to God, because he did not hesitate to catch the holy statue.

"Give them to me and then just cast a little magic spell. That's it for tonight, okay!"

"Not good." Linde smiled. Then he swung his wand suddenly, "Collapse!"

The curse flew out of the tip of Lind's staff in the blink of an eye and shot towards Lockhart.

With a flick of Lockhart's wand, the spell bounced away and flew to the wall on the side, directly causing a crack in a stone statue.

"I didn't expect you to be in your second year." Lockhart shook his trembling hand, "Stop it! I don't want to hurt you, but there are people out there who are still looking forward to your well-being."

"Wish me good? Who?" Linde laughed, "The flames are blazing!" Another spell was cast by him.

Lockhart took a leisurely step sideways to avoid the spell. "I'm really... really not as useless as you think."

Linde twitched the corners of his lips, looking down on him too much.

"Although I don't know who he is to you! But he does care about you every day. At the same time, he is also the leader of my belief in the Supreme God."

"Can't you fucking say the name?" Lind looked at Lockhart. At this time, he had a vague idea of ​​who Lockhart wanted to say.

"Quirrell, he should care about you very much, otherwise why would he want me to keep an eye on you." Lockhart said, and then added in an elder's tone,

"So I hope you can return my things to me honestly. I don't want to hurt you and affect the relationship between me and Quirrell."

"Qui Luo, I know what you are doing with him...forget it, let's talk about it then."

Lynd looked at Lockhart and waved his wand slowly, but did not say a spell. A large amount of mist gushes out from between his staff and slowly floats upward into the sky.

Lockhart saw that Lind still didn't obey, and was obviously a little impatient. He pulled out his wand,


His spell was much faster than Lind's. In just a moment, Lind flew backwards and hit the wall.

"It's like this again..." Lind crawled on the ground, hunched over, his back ached, and he held the wand tightly. "Quirrell was like this at that time..."

Lockhart looked at Lind who fell on the side of the wall, and slowly walked over. "Don't you know yet? The gap between you and me..."

"How can you say such a thing to a second-year student so openly." Lind, who was crawling on the ground, slowly stood up.

"It seems that there will be another victim in the secret room tonight." Lockhart said with a smile, but the next second, he was suddenly startled.

Looking up, he saw that the large fog that Lind had just released was gathering in the sky.


A drop of water suddenly hit his face.

"This is..."

Then no one answered him, and the next second, continuous rain fell.

He came back to his senses and looked at the wall. There was no one on the side where Lind was just now.

At the same time, the rain was getting heavier. Lockhart's vision became blurred, and there was only the sound of rain in his ears.

"Want to run!" The moment Lockhart had this thought, a sharp pain came from his lower back. He flew forward uncontrollably, and then fell heavily to the ground. When he looked back, he saw only a black shadow disappearing in the rain.

"Armor protection!" Lockhart hurriedly cast a spell on himself, and his body seemed to be molded with a layer of film with flowing light.

Just as he cast the armor spell, he heard the sound of chanting from the front.

"Shattered into pieces!"

The spell hit Lockhart's armor spell, but it did not directly break his armor spell, but only made the halo covering Lockhart's body dim a little.

"At this age, it's great to know such a spell. Unfortunately, the power is too weak."


"Petrify all!"

As he spoke, two more spells were cast from different directions.

Lockhart didn't even look at them. The two spells hit him directly, but he just barely broke them. He raised his wand high, "Stop the spell!"

A thick white beam of light shot out from Lockhart's wand. The power of this termination spell was something Lind had never achieved.

The beam of light poured into the clouds in the sky and broke through the rainy clouds. The clouds melted quickly like ice under the scorching sun.

"Unfortunately, for many spells, you are still only at the level of "usable". "Lockhart laughed.

Indeed, he was right.

The spell that Lind just cast was either too slow or not powerful enough for Lockhart.

This is the difference between him and senior wizards.

Even though Lind practiced day and night, he had to admit that he was far behind Lockhart.

When he and Quirrell fought in the Forbidden Forest last year, Quirrell had Voldemort as a burden, and he had just fought a battle with the unicorn before he fought Lind. Moreover, Lind attacked by surprise at that time and made many preparations.

But he still almost died in the Forbidden Forest.

This is just the gap between him and Quirrell and Lockhart. Not to mention the gap with the old professors of Hogwarts, the gap will only be bigger.

He is still too young.

But the reason why Lind dared to come out is that he had the confidence to dare to come out.

Lockhart was right, he only "knew how to use" most of the spells. But in terms of power, it was indeed the level of a little kid.

He also had an abnormal spell.

This spell was different from all the spells he knew, and Lind felt that he had half of his magic power left.

This spell would drain his remaining magic power in an instant. The consumption of this spell alone is comparable to the consumption of most of the spells he just released.

"It's a pity that since you are unwilling to be honest, there will be one more death in the Chamber of Secrets tonight." Lockhart laughed.

"Do you really dare to kill people in Hogwarts?" Lind asked in surprise. "You don't take Dumbledore seriously!"

"God will protect me." Lockhart laughed, "Did he catch me for what I did the last few times?"

It turns out that worshiping God messed up his brain.

Cthulhu is not a good thing. Do you really pray that He will protect you? You are just an ant in His eyes.

Lind no longer hesitated, as if he had lost his confidence after hearing that Lockhart really dared to commit a crime in Hogwarts.

He put his hand into his waist bag, timidly, his face pale and trembling, and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you. I was wrong. Please don't kill me, Professor Lockhart."

Lockhart seemed extremely satisfied with his current expression. Linde always looked down on him before, which made him very unhappy.

"Why are you not calm? Is it because Dumbledore will no longer protect you?" Lockhart smiled proudly.

Linde took out the manuscript and handed it to Lockhart, "Professor, I'm sorry. I was too stupid before and moved something that shouldn't be moved... Torrent gushing!"

Lockhart, who was enjoying Linde's words of begging for mercy, suddenly heard a slightly unfamiliar spell coming into his ears.

A year and a half ago, Linde used the basic spell of this spell "Clear Water Like a Spring" to beat the troll back step by step.

And today, Linde can barely control this "torrent gushing" called the water gun spell.

As for its power.

Linde estimated that killing one person would be enough.

Lockhart understood immediately that he had been tricked, and that Lynd's timidity just now was just an act.

He naturally wanted to avoid it, but two big snakes suddenly shot out and bit him. He reacted extremely quickly. He waved his wand and cast two silent spells in succession. One big snake was broken into several pieces, and the other turned into a puff of black smoke.

But enough! Lynd had no hope that they could actually harm Lockhart.

Now Lockhart looked at the ferocious water hitting his eyes, but he did not panic, but smiled disdainfully. He knew he had no time to dodge, so he lit the wand on himself "Armor Protection!"

"That's enough armor charm!"


The water hit him at a very fast speed, and the armor charm on Lockhart that had been able to withstand several spells was shattered in an instant. With Lockhart's horrified eyes, he flew into the wall.

"This is..." Lockhart cracked his voice, looking at the low figure in front of him in disbelief.

Linde walked over tremblingly. This spell was too heavy on his body.

"That's it?" Lind frowned as he looked at Lockhart's out-of-breath appearance. He didn't expect that his spell hadn't even hurt Lockhart before, but now he was just hit like this. He was half dead in an instant.

"Am I too fierce?"

Lind looked at Lockhart's appearance and felt a little embarrassed. If he died, it would be difficult to obtain the information he wanted.

Moreover, one has to ask Lockhart what situation Andersen is in now. Linde has a premonition that Andersen is not so prone to misfortune, and he is not that stupid.

At this moment, a cry sounded in the corridor, and a fiery red figure flew over.

It's Fox.

Behind it, Dumbledore hurried over. And several small figures followed him closely.

Fox flew over first,

"Fox, use your tears to save him, don't let him die." Linde hurriedly looked at the flying phoenix.

Fox was unwilling to listen to him, but looked at his tears. Thinking again that he was Andersen's good big brother, he reluctantly flew to Lockhart's side.

Lynde walked over and knocked down Lockhart who was leaning against the wall. He wanted to kick Lockhart's chest, but Lockhart's chest was completely deflated.

"Sure enough, I'm too fierce!"

After knocking him down, Lockhart could only make a whooshing sound in front of him, and thick plasma kept coming out of his nose and mouth.

It wasn't that kind of bland blood. The outpouring of plasma meant that his internal organs were severely damaged.

Fawkes stood on Lockhart's forehead, looked at Lockhart with disgust, reluctantly squeezed out a tear and dropped it into his mouth.

Seeing tears fall into Lockhart's mouth, but Lockhart showed no change, Lind couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The sound of tapping figures kept coming, which was the sound of heavy footsteps stepping on the stagnant water.

At this time, Dumbledore had already arrived, with Harry and the others behind him, who were panting.

Dumbledore had a dark face. Lynde had never seen him with such an expression before. Even when Hogwarts was shrouded in the haze of Lockhart's Chamber of Secrets some time ago, he was still smiling. At best, he only looks serious occasionally.

But never this...angry.

Yes, that was the emotion he felt from Dumbledore's face. However, part of this emotion turned into surprise when he saw Lockhart's miserable condition.

"Linde, what's the matter with you? What happened?" Dumbledore looked at Linde. There were no wounds on Linde's body now, he just looked pale. This is a sign of running out of magic power.

"There's nothing wrong with me. Lockhart didn't pay attention to me. So he didn't use any dangerous spells on me." Lind calmly shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"On the contrary, he didn't take me seriously, so I used some dangerous spells that were beyond his imagination."

As he said that, everyone present saw Lockhart's current miserable state.


Dumbledore said hesitantly. Behind him, several little wizards couldn't help but open their mouths and their faces turned red. They really wanted to say something, but because of Dumbledore's presence and Lockhart's current sad and slightly bloody appearance, they couldn't say anything.

"Professor, please see if you can treat him. I found that he and Quirrell have some connections." Linde said quickly, "He can't just die like this."

Dumbledore nodded, took out the Elder Wand and squatted down.

"Healed as before!"

The Water Gun Spell itself is a physical attack spell, coupled with factors such as the Elder Wand, the first person in the magic world to cast spells...

Lockhart's wounds were visibly healed, and his chest slowly expanded again.

But Linde seemed to see two ribs growing crookedly...

This is the troublesome point of using spells directly to treat problems. It would be okay if it was a simple superficial skin injury, but if it was a bone injury, internal organ wound, or a deep stab wound with a foreign body, no one could guarantee that there would be any accidents.

After all, the function of this spell is very simple.


Healing is enough, other things are beyond the scope of this spell that requires attention. Perhaps Dumbledore could control the direction of healing, but judging from his appearance, he had no intention of properly healing Lockhart.

Looking at Lockhart gradually recovering, Lind clenched his fists...

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