The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 170 Borgin and Burke

"I really don't understand why Dumbledore insisted that I go back to that disgusting place!"

London, in front of Platform 9 and 3/4. Harry said with a depressed look, carrying a large box.

"The professor must have his reasons for doing this!" Hermione said, "Besides, no matter how bad they are to you, they are still your family!"

"Family?! It depends on how you define it. If you just use blood relationship to say whether it is family, it is correct," Jane said, and then pointed to Ron who was talking to his family.

"At least I think it is more accurate to define whether it is family by emotion. For example, Ron's mother must be like family to Harry, and his uncle and aunt..."

"That's right, they are not family, hum!" Harry said, and Hedwig kept nodding in the cage to agree. Suddenly, Harry saw a figure walking out of the platform alone.

"By the way, have you seen Lind's parents?" Harry suddenly asked.

"No. I don't know, he doesn't tell us about these things!" Hermione shook her head.

"Uh, you must not talk about this." Jane said seriously, "He has no parents."

"Hey, what are you doing..." Harry simply wanted to stop her from making such a joke, but suddenly saw her serious expression, "You are not joking!"

"Of course not, would I joke about such a thing?" Jane said in a low voice. "He told me himself when we talked last time."

"What about him?!" Hermione looked at the platform passage where Lind disappeared.

"I don't know, he just smiled and said that although he was an orphan, he had an incomparable happy childhood." Jane spread her hands, "After that, he didn't say anything again!"

As she said that, she saw a short figure walking from the platform in her peripheral vision.

"Oh, Lorick is here."

Lorick is a house elf in Jane's family. It is said that he has been working in her family for nearly 30 years.

The house elf squeezed through the crowd humbly and pulled Jane's box.

Hermione saw its cramped eyes and always felt a little uncomfortable. This was the first time she saw a house elf.

"Miss, shall we go home now?"

"I'll talk to my friends again." Jane said. "You can take your luggage back first."


The next second, Jane's luggage disappeared with Lorick.

"But to be honest, Lind never told us about himself. You know, from what I've observed, he rarely appears in the lounge, and only changes clothes occasionally."

Harry nodded and said...

After walking out of Platform 9 3/4, Lind first went to the public toilet in the station. After a while, when he came out again, he had turned into Michael Miles.

Outside the platform, Lind used the brain block technique to summon the Knight Bus and arrived in Surrey in the afternoon.

Nott Town, Cemetery.

Lind carefully pulled out a bunch of weeds, muttering to himself,

"As for grades, I think there should be no problem. I can apply for a time converter next semester.

If you want to use the time converter to go back two years ago, it is basically impossible, but... He gave me some knowledge."

As he spoke, Lind had already cleared the weeds. He gently placed his hand on the tombstone, "But mom, isn't that the knowledge that guy gave me on purpose?"

"Could it be that He saw through my desires and my needs. Then He deliberately devoured the soul containing this piece of knowledge for me."

As he spoke, Lind's expression flickered,

"Well, whether it is or not, I think it is necessary to try."

"My life doesn't matter, but if Felix can't be found, I will never be at peace for the rest of my life!" Lind whispered.

"The latitude of Britain is too high. If you have to wait for a storm that can raise a height of 20 feet at sea, even waiting for a few years is not enough. So..."

As he spoke, Lind stood up and looked at the moon rising in the dim sky. This was a crescent moon that was about to be full.

Now it is almost mid-June, and it is another full moon.

"I can't wait, and I can't put all my hopes on the time converter..."

After saying that, Lind took Andersen out of the cemetery slowly.

He first came to his former home and entered the house in the dark.

The first step of the plan is to get a new wand.

For this step, Lind learned from Ron that all wands purchased at Ollivanders must be registered.

So he wanted to try and see if he could find some other way.

The need to register to buy a wand just proves the strategic nature of this thing.

Then correspondingly, there must be someone selling wands in another way.

This kind of thing must not be seen in the light, so Lind has a good place.

"Knockturn Alley"

It is adjacent to Diagon Alley, and it is mixed with good and bad people, and is despised by most wizards. This alley is full of dark magic shops, the largest of which is "Borgin and Burke's Magic Shop", and the Malfoy family is often a distinguished guest there.

One of them was Harry who went in when he used Floo Powder for the first time. Fortunately, he met Hagrid at that time, otherwise he might not be able to come out healthy.

When Snape took Lynde to Diagon Alley for the first time, he pointed out Knockturn Alley to Lynde because he was worried that they would accidentally enter it.

Linde hasn't been anywhere yet, but he just glanced at it a few times while passing by. He didn't have that need at the time, so he didn't go in.

As for the reason why he didn't go there right away, it was because he wanted to see Mrs. Evelin first when he came back.

What is it like for a child not to visit his parents as soon as possible after school?

That's what he thinks.

Early the next morning, Linde packed up. He didn't bring a suitcase, but just a pocket bag and traveled lightly.

Stan, the conductor, saw Lind, "Mr. Miles? I didn't expect it was you again!"

Linde smiled and said, "Ah, yes, it's still Diagon Alley. It's really troublesome."

"It's just work!" Stan said. Seeing that Lind had no luggage, he hurriedly brought him up. "Earn, do you hear that? Mr. Miles."

"Got it! Hahaha, let's go to Diagon Alley." A burst of laughter broke out in front of the car.

As soon as the car started, Lind held on to the pillar of the bed next to him to maintain his balance. He took out the change he had prepared from his pocket and handed it to Stan.

"It seems you haven't gotten used to the style of our Knight Bus yet!"

Linde quickly found an empty bed and sat down, looking sad, "I guess I will never be able to get used to your style."

"Hahaha, just do it a few more times." Stan laughed.

Linde didn't speak any more and pretended to have a sad expression. He himself rides in the sea every day, and the shaking of the Knight Bus is incomparable to those undercurrents on the seabed.

His current discomfort was just an act. After all, he is not Lind now, but a respectable wizard from out of town. It's normal to not get used to the Knight Bus.

As for Apparition, not every wizard can do it. In the magic world, there are many wizards who don't understand Apparition. Some wizards may have forgotten how to use it.

Some people may have made a mistake during a certain Apparition, leaving an indelible shadow in their hearts and never daring to use it again.

Some people never learn it at all.

Various situations may arise. Disapparation is an extremely high-end spell. Even if Hogwarts organizes unified learning, there are no hard requirements. There is no way that everyone can know it.

Otherwise, the wizarding world would not have derived so many methods of movement.

After that, Lin Deqiang made a sad expression and finally came to the Leaky Cauldron near noon.

"Mr. Miles, are you going home today?" Stan suddenly asked.

"If there are no accidents, I will still bother you later today!" Linde smiled, and then saw Stan's expression as expected.

Without even thinking about it, he probably made some kind of bet with Ern who was driving.

Afterwards, Linde walked into the Leaky Cauldron.

Go to the back and enter Diagon Alley.

Half a year has passed, and there is still no change in Diagon Alley. Time has still not left any trace on this medieval-style wizarding commercial street.

Linde kept walking and walked directly into the depths of the alley. Arriving in front of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

The path leading to Knockturn Alley is directly to the right of the Gringotts gate.

Andersen flew to stand above Gringotts at this time. The moment Linde entered here, he was allowed to move freely. Because his appearance is still very recognizable, especially the claws that don't look like a crow at all.

Swelling up his muscles and covering his hood, Lind slowly stepped inside.

Different from the outside, when he stepped into the alley, Linde smelled a vague smell. The ground was full of sewage, black and green moss grew on the corners of the walls, and the walls of many walls had fallen off.

There are disorderly bluestone steps under your feet. They may be long or short, protruding or retracted, which always makes it difficult for first timers to step down. They can only watch the steps go down step by step.

After walking no more than ten meters, the walls on both sides began to have dark and dirty windows, and the field of view was no longer a path, but became wider. Two wizards in ragged clothes watched him walk in and were stealing. Whispering, she cast a malicious sneer at him without hesitation.

The alley is relatively wide, and there are many people like this on the trail. No matter whether the clothes are dirty or neat; no matter whether the appearance is obscene or elegant; no matter whether it is on the trail, in front of the store or in the window.

Their eyes were constantly looking at the new guy Linde.

An old witch with messy hair was standing on the roadside wearing a tattered robe and carrying a greasy barrel. When she saw Lind approaching, she suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Young man, how about taking a look at my new arrival?" Her throat was like a rotten toad, her teeth were black, and she was emitting a foul odor. She wanted to drag Lind over without any explanation.

Linde stood still, but his body was not affected by the strength of her hand at all, as if she didn't exist.

Looking down, there were many shriveled human organs inside, with traces of soil on them. It looked like they had just been dug out of the grave not long ago.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in corpses." Linde said lightly.

"You've seen it all. If you don't buy it, who can I sell it to?" The witch looked at Linde with a sinister expression, and scratched at Linde's hand with her sharp, yellowed and thickened nails.

"Maybe we can get some fresh goods and sell them." Linde's right hand slowly squeezed the hand she held on to him.


"For example, there should be many people who want fresh manpower." Linde slowly exerted his strength.

The woman suddenly realized something was wrong and hurriedly wanted to take her hand out.

"Ah!" A heartbreaking voice came from her throat. Because of the severe pain, she knelt on the ground weakly.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you were"

"You think I'm a stupid kid who broke in by mistake?" Linde smiled, shook her hand away, and then walked in without looking at her.

At this time, the old witch touched her already purple wrist fiercely and kept howling.

"Haha, I have been stuck here every day to collect tolls, I finally got my comeuppance!"

"Unfamiliar face? Are you so vicious?"

"A tough guy, it's just my first time here. I've probably been around in other places, so just keep your caution in mind."

Linde felt the eyes of the people around him gradually turning away from him, and listened to what they said, and couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

"Sure enough, after living a lawful life for too long, the chaotic way of doing things in this place makes me feel comfortable, hehehe..."

Linde kept looking up, not shying away from the fact that he was a newcomer. The British wizarding world is not big, and the circle that belongs to Knockturn Alley is even smaller. Whether he is a newbie can be seen at a glance, and there is no need to avoid it.

"What are you looking for?" asked a wizard squatting on the roadside. His pupils were yellow and cloudy, and his right hand was missing. Looking at him with a smile on his face.

"I'm looking for Borgin Burke's store."

"Ha, as expected." The guy sneered, then pointed to Linde,

"Most of the new faces come to his house. It's just a little ahead. His house sign is very small. It's blocked from this angle. You can see it if you walk a little further."

Linde nodded, "Thank you!"

Then pops a Gold Galleon at him.

"You are very generous!" the guy laughed, and then jumped up. He was completely different from the decadent beggar squatting on the roadside just now. "If you are destined, see you at the bar!"

Linde watched him running away speechlessly, then shook his head and walked towards the person he pointed at.

In his memory, Borkin \u0026 Burke's store was an illegal department store, and as the largest store in Fango Alley, Lind believed that even if Borgin didn't have a wand, he would definitely have a way.

Anyway, it would definitely be much better than searching like a headless fly by himself.

I took two steps forward, and as expected I saw a wooden sign across the top of the store, which said "Bojin·Bocker"

In the opposite window of this store, there are several human heads eerily displayed. These heads are obviously processed, with shriveled skin and protruding eyeballs. Their hair is hung up, and their eyes are constantly scanning Lind's body.

This is not a formal decoration, but it has a certain intelligence. It is probably similar to the magic painting and the stone beast at the door of Dumbledore's office.

There is also such a decorative head on the front of the Knight Bus, which is often used as a source of admiration between Stan and Ern.

Linde glanced at it, and then pushed open the wooden door of Borgin Bock's store.

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