The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 174 Blind Spot

"Very good! It seems that communication between us will be easy." Moody looked at Lind and said with a sinister smile.

"Do you know where your wand is?"

"I don't know. When I got up here this morning, I found that I was only wearing this hospital gown, and everything else was gone.

Until Professor Dumbledore came in and told me that I was attacked by a dark wizard yesterday and my wand was also stolen."

"Did you see what that person looked like?" Moody's magic eyes kept turning in his eye sockets, trying to catch every micro-expression and every detail of Lind.


"What was the last moment you remembered last night?"

"Lying on the beach!" Lind said freely. Moody also gave Dumbledore an inquiring look,

"We did find him unconscious in the sea. He might have been knocked unconscious by a spell and then swept into the sea by the rising tide." Dumbledore said.

"You are so lucky!" Moody said, "Why don't you have any wounds at all?"

"I don't know, was he a very cruel guy?"

Moody stared at him closely, "It has nothing to do with you." After saying that, he asked again, "Do you think there is anything on you that can attract the covetousness of a powerful dark wizard?"

Linde thought for a while, "No, unless... he is short of money?"

Moody shook his head and sneered. How could such a guy covet a child's money!

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and a dark-skinned man walked in. He was very tall, no worse than Dumbledore, wearing a very exotic purple hat, bald, with a square face, and a golden earring on the right ear.

"Kingsley! Oh, Tonks, haven't you started working yet?" Dumbledore greeted the visitor.

"Oh, Dumbledore, you're here too." The guy called Kingsley was a little surprised to see Dumbledore, and then he also greeted him.

The female wizard behind Kingsley also jumped out. She had thick purple short hair, a slim brown leather jacket under her robe, a wand in her hand, and an indelible immaturity and frivolity on her face.

She first greeted the two big guys, "Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Moody, hello!" Then she explained,

"There's no way! All the seniors from yesterday were still under inspection, so our group of trainees were forced to start work early."

Hearing her explanation, Dumbledore nodded lightly.

Lind also knew these two people. The black-skinned man was Kingsley Shacklebolt, a cadre of the Order of the Phoenix, a high-ranking Auror, and he became the Minister of Magic in the future.

The woman behind him, the one who pulled him out of the water yesterday, was groggy yesterday, but he vaguely heard this voice.

Nymphadora Tonks, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, fell in love with Lupin in the future and gave birth to a son. She seemed to die in the final battle. It seemed that he could not remember clearly.

She was also a Metamorphmagus who could easily change her appearance, which made Lind very envious.

She didn't like people calling her Nymphadora because the pronunciation of Nympha was similar to nympho, which means to admire men and women, which can be understood as sao women, a very disrespectful word.

Kingsley passed the people behind Moody and greeted them. He came to Moody and leaned down, "A new face appeared in Knockturn Alley some time ago. He went to Borgin and Burke to buy something."

"What did he buy?"

"A wand, which belonged to a wizard who died some time ago."

"Do you have a specific appearance?" Moody's eyes were still turning on Lind, and Lind also leaned over at this time, with a serious face, no different from the rest of the people present.

"No, Borgin said he always wore a hat, with only his chin exposed. A mouse had communicated with him, and was subdued with one hand. It can be seen that he is an old hand with strong basic physical fitness."

"From the Soviet Federation?" Moody said puzzledly.

Because of the disintegration incident two years ago, many Russian wizards there left their homes for various reasons, and strong physical fitness is the style of wizards there.

If they broke in, it would not be surprising.

Kingsley shook his head, "I don't know, he only appeared once."

"Are there any others?"

Kingsley shook his head and stood aside. Tonks also came over, holding a piece of paper with many complicated folds in her hand.

Based on the experience of helping stupid roommates fold paper cranes in the previous life until his hands were sore, the folds on the paper in Tonks's hand should be paper cranes.

Paper cranes,

Then they should be from the Ministry of Magic. When Lind went to the Ministry of Magic last time, he saw many paper cranes flying above the crowd to convey messages.

Tonks walked up and nodded to Lind with a smile, and Lind smiled back at her.

Then, she handed the paper to Moody to read.

Through the light, Lind could see that there were a lot of densely written contents on the paper, but Moody just turned his magic eyes and read it all.

"How is it possible!" Moody threw the paper hard, "As the parties involved, how could they not remember the appearance of that person at all."

Tonks said quickly, "It's like this, sir. When you ask them anything, they answer fluently. But when you ask them to describe the appearance of that guy, they hesitate.

I asked them to draw it, but all they got was a jumbled mess of lines. "

"Did you retrace the scene?"

"It can't be done," Tonks replied. "It's just chaos."

This answer seemed to be expected by Moody. He asked, "What did the ministry say?"

"Huh?!" Tonks, who had just entered work, obviously didn't understand what Moody was talking about.

Kingsley said, "After examination, none of them were harmed. The use of Veritaserum to forcefully search the memory under these circumstances is inconsistent with regulations and may not be effective."

Moody said bitterly, "Just because he wasn't hurt doesn't mean nothing happened. They can't tell what that guy looked like. Doesn't that just mean the seriousness behind this weird thing?"

"I think Fudge's brain has really been corrupted by the position of minister." He scolded him unceremoniously. It doesn't matter how many people are here.

He is already a retired old guy, and Fudge can't control him. They even ask him to come out when something goes wrong, like this time.

Unfortunately, there were too many constraints this time, and it was probably difficult for him to find out anything.

Success is a curse, failure is a curse.

Wizards who use magic spells can indeed detect some things better than ordinary people. But if the magic spell doesn't work, wizards won't be able to do the ingenious reasoning that Sherlock Holmes did.

Even an experienced guy like Moody would find it difficult to do this. The inertial thinking developed by relying on the curse of convenience over the past decades is difficult to change.

Moody looked at Linde, his evil eyes kept rolling, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind.

Suddenly, he stood up and picked up Linde by his collar, "What is your relationship with that guy?"

Lind squeezed Moody's wrist, "What does it have to do with it?"

"I don't believe you really know nothing. There must be some ulterior relationship between you and that guy. Enemy? Friend? Or some other relationship?" Moody's saliva sprayed on Lind's face.

"Do you believe this?" Linde laughed and wiped the saliva from his face. "Nonsense."

After that, the two of them didn't speak anymore. Dumbledore was still sitting on the chair contentedly, but Kingsley hurried over and tried to pull Moody's hand away.

"Moody, he's just a victim."

What he didn't expect was that Moody suddenly let go of Lind's collar and patted his chest, "You are very interesting. Have you ever thought about becoming Aoluo in the future?!"

Linde sat on the bed again and looked at Moody, "I will consider it in the future."

"This is a very noble profession!" Moody patted him on the shoulder, then turned to look at the surrounding wizards behind him, "Go away, why are you still standing here?"

After that, Dumbledore also stood up. Moody went over to pull Dumbledore, and then said in his ear, "I finally know why you came to visit this little guy. He is indeed very interesting, you should Will let him join..."

Dumbledore shook his head and received a surprised look from Moody, but he didn't say anything more and just waved his hand. Then he led the team out.

The crowd dispersed, and then Dumbledore finally closed the door and locked it, "He is a very weird person, isn't he?"

Linde nodded, "Perfectly corresponds to ordinary people's inherent impression of wizards, weird, vicious, and moody."

Dumbledore also nodded, moved the two chairs together, and combined them into one. "Although you were not injured, you are indeed no longer suitable to live there." As he said that, he broke another piece of chocolate and put it in his mouth.

"Remember what I told you? A small commission from my old friend!"

Linde nodded, "Yes, there are many places to collect precious books."

"Yes, it's safe there. And that little commission is also very simple." After that, he took out an envelope from his robe, "This is the address. But before that, your wand..."

Lind took the envelope and reacted after hearing Dumbledore's words. He clapped his hands and said, "Yes, I am a victim. Is there any subsidy from the Ministry of Magic? My wand!"

Dumbledore shook his head, "The Ministry of Magic doesn't have those things. Only Hogwarts does. If you are really short of money, Hogwarts has corresponding policies."

Lind sighed and shook his head, "Forget it if the Ministry of Magic doesn't have that. I still have some pounds, which should be enough."

He didn't take the Hogwarts subsidy, and he was too embarrassed to take it.

"Well, okay. You don't seem to have suffered any injuries. You have been discharged from the hospital to deal with your own affairs in the past few days. Then go there!" Dumbledore pointed to the envelope on the bed, then opened the door and left.


The sound of closing the door sounded, and Linde's expression remained unchanged, but he felt relieved.

His deception is not that outstanding. He has always relied on his extremely certain words and his identity as a child.

No one would believe that the incident was related to him, and Linde's background was considered clean. He naturally has a filter.

But this incident is not without flaws.

They had tracked down Knockturn Alley, and if they tracked down the Knight Bus, they could figure out Michael Myers' identity.

Michael Myers is who he became after taking age-enhancing drugs. Combined with the fact that Michael Myers often travels between Knott Town and Diagon Alley, it is possible to trace Lind's head.

Of course, this possibility is very small. And Lind is not very scared.

Because his background is clean enough, and the Ministry of Magic must abide by the law, plus Dumbledore's visit to Lind.

As long as there is no absolutely certain evidence, the Ministry of Magic cannot touch him.

As for his wand, it is still under the water! He plans to take it out after a while. Then hide it as a spare wand.

After that, Lind lay down on the bed again. He didn't know how long he could lie there, but he could definitely stay here now.

Then he picked up the envelope Dumbledore gave him.

The envelope was made of yellowed parchment, and there was nothing written on it. Lind unfolded it, took out the only piece of parchment inside and read it.

A quarter of an hour later, Lind was awakened by the banging on the door.

A nurse came in with the clothes Lind wore yesterday.

"Little friend, you will only stay until today. Here are your clothes. You can leave directly after you put on your clothes."

Linde nodded, "Okay, thank you."

Then the nurse went out again.

Linde took a look and saw that they were the clothes he wore yesterday. At this time, they were lying upright on the chair next to him. They were obviously well packed.

Yes, including his underwear.

After that, Linde stood up, picked up his clothes and ran to the bathroom to put them on. However, he was still thinking about the contents on the parchment.

It detailed how Harry escaped from the Dursleys last year, and then asked Linde to help Harry and teach him some tricks so that he would not want to escape from the Dursleys so much.

Dumbledore did not explain the reason in the parchment, but Linde knew it. The underage Harry could only get the best protection at the Dursleys' house.

The reward was Mrs. Figg's collection of books. He would live in Mrs. Figg's house as a distant relative of Mrs. Figg.

Lind also had an impression of this Mrs. Figg, a Squib sent by Dumbledore to monitor and protect Harry. When Harry went to the Ministry of Magic for trial after the Dementors attacked Harry, she also came forward as Harry's witness.

She was a Squib.

I didn't expect that her family actually had quite a few magic books.

"Live in Mrs. Figg's house, take him to supervise and guide Harry, and ensure that he will not escape from the Dursleys this year?!"

Thinking of this, Lind had already put on his clothes, and then turned around to tidy up the sheets he slept on.

After putting away the letter and saying goodbye to Principal Devonte, Lind pushed open the door and walked out.

"Hello, these are all I have, right? Do you have a waist bag or something?" Lind found the witch who had brought him clothes before and deliberately asked this question.

"No, these are all you had when you came."

"Okay," Lind was a little disappointed, "Then I can just leave directly? There are no other procedures."

"Yes, you can leave directly." The nurse said.

After thanking him, Lind walked out of St. Mungo's and came to the chaotic streets of London outside.

Turning his head, he saw that the original hospital had become an old-fashioned red brick department store. There was a sign on the top of the small building that read "Tao Tao Co., Ltd.".

There was a mannequin in the window behind him. After explaining his purpose to it, he could enter St. Mungo's Hospital.

"Huh! So, how can I return to Nott Town with nothing!" Linde breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, the situation was urgent, and he directly hid his waist bag and wand in a reef on the seabed, pretending that everything on his body was robbed.

As a result, he didn't expect this to happen. Because he had no money, he fell into the matter of going home.

And he couldn't rule out the possibility that he was still being monitored, so he didn't dare to go directly by water. This is also the reason why he deliberately asked the nurse if he had anything left in the hospital just now.

"No money!"

Linde scratched his head and squatted outside St. Mungo's.

"Who to look for..."

Now he found the trouble of having a small social circle.

Ah! In any case, let's go to Diagon Alley first, maybe we can meet someone we know.

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