The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 181 New Residence

Walking into the house, Linde looked around. On the first floor, there was an open kitchen, living room, dining room, storage room, and bathroom. Generally, a series of rooms for family living are on the second floor. This layout is completely in line with the layout of a normal family.

But... what about the study room with a lot of books? ! Upstairs? Or the basement?

"Mr. Dumbledore told me a few days ago that a little friend wanted to stay here, but he didn't tell me the specific time. It should be you!" Mrs. Figg took Linde to the living room. She addressed Dumbledore with unparalleled respect.

Linde nodded. It seemed that Dumbledore did not tell Mrs. Figg the specific circumstances of his coming here.

"What's your name?" Mrs. Figg asked.

"My name is Pennywise, and I'm in the third grade this year." Linde said.

"Haha, it's a cute name! Do you have any other luggage?"

Linde shook his head, "Just a backpack."

Mrs. Figg was a little confused, "Where are your parents? Didn't they send you here?"

"I'm an orphan. My adopted 'mom' died two years ago. I'm alone." When talking about this topic, Linde's face was filled with indelible depression.

When he usually talked about this matter as Linde, he usually used a blank expression and a flat tone to cover himself up. But now, when he played the vest, he showed his true emotions for the first time.

Mrs. Figg didn't react to what he said. Looking at the child in front of her, her face was full of heartache. "Oh, child!"

She walked to Linde's side tremblingly and touched his smooth head, "You can treat this place as home."

Linde rubbed his eyes and didn't take up the topic. It was difficult for him to casually agree to Mrs. Figg's kind words without blushing or beating his heart as usual.

"Come on, I'll take you to the room you'll be staying in." Mrs. Figg said, "You can live here without worry."

Linde nodded and followed Mrs. Figg's steps upstairs. As they walked upstairs, Mrs. Figg said, "Harry Potter also lives here. Do you know him?"

"Oh, you are all classmates in the same grade. If you have nothing to do here, you can also go to play with him. He doesn't seem to have any friends here."

Linde catered to her while looking for a study room. As for what she said about looking for Harry, he also wanted to get to know Harry, but he didn't plan to find him as Linde, but to get to know Harry as Pennywise.

He wanted to look at the protagonist from a completely new perspective, and by the way, solve the family conflicts that would occur in Harry's house in a while, and ensure that Harry could stay here honestly.

That is to say, Lind has to do four things in the future. The first is to study magic by himself, which cannot be forgotten; the second is to translate and practice the neumes of the sea singer spell; the third is to study the unique collection of books in Mrs. Figg's house that Dumbledore told him; the fourth is to complete the task issued by Dumbledore, so as not to let Harry run away from home again.

These things take a lot of time. In the following days, Lind has prepared to rest for only one hour a day to relieve his physical fatigue.

Of course, things are divided into priorities, and he does not have to divide these four things perfectly every day to make a so-called perfect plan. He never makes a study plan.

All he has to do is to use all his time to do what he should do seriously and efficiently, and then things will naturally come to fruition.

Mrs. Figg pushed open a room, "You can sleep here in the future. I have already cleaned up everything here. You can tell me if you have any questions." She touched Lind's head and said gently.

Lind looked around and saw several bookshelves placed in this spacious room. On one side, there was a solid wood table and chair. The table was very wide and faced a large double-opening window. The window faced Harry's house, which was the street of No. 4 Privet Drive. As long as someone came out of there, Lind could see it while sitting on the chair.

In addition, there was a single bed, which was made of solid wood and looked very old. The old lady would definitely not be able to move this kind of bed, which meant that it was originally here.

I often heard that some people have a bed in their study, so that they have a place to rest when it's too late, which is not too surprising.

However, looking at the thick dust on the bookshelf, it is obvious that Mrs. Figg doesn't read books much. Are those her husband's books? No, wizards look down on squibs, ordinary people? Ordinary people will have wizard books in their study? And among the many photos downstairs, the portraits were basically only of Mrs. Figg, and the others were all cat photos, and...

No, no, what does this have to do with me

Linde shook his head and heard Mrs. Figg say, "Mr. Dumbledore said before that you wanted to read some books, so I will give you the entire study room directly, so that you can read whatever you want!"

"Thank you!" Linde said solemnly. If it was really according to what Dumbledore said, then many of these books here would be treasures that Hogwarts didn't have.

Mrs. Figg believed Linde so much after just meeting him, which was a huge trust. At least Linde asked himself, he couldn't do such a thing.

"Okay kid, take a good look around first. If you need anything, tell me. Just treat this place as your home!" Mrs. Figg patted Lind on the shoulder.

Lind thanked her again and then walked into the house. When Mrs. Figg left, she closed the door, which made him feel very embarrassed.

Contrary to the bottom, there was no strong smell of cat in the whole house. On the contrary, there was a little dust smell, but it was not strong. Mrs. Figg must have ventilated and cleaned the house before.

Putting down the schoolbag and unzipping it, Andersen rushed out of it.

"Woo... cough cough cough, finally out." Andersen kept coughing as soon as he came out, his mouth wide open, spitting out a lot of his skin, and the eyeball almost rolled under the bed.

Linde walked to the bookshelf, scanning the spines of the books, and said, "I'll give you a task during this period."

Andersen picked up the eyeball again and swallowed it back, "Gudu... What task?"

"During this period, you will disguise yourself as an ordinary crow and monitor the entire Privet Drive from the sky."

"Monitor what?!"

"Go find a big black dog in a while. For now, observe Harry Potter first." Linde said.

Andersen nodded, and Linde continued, "If you have nothing to do, you can stay outside by yourself. It's like a holiday for you!"

"...Maybe!" Andersen said in a low voice.

"It's just monitoring, not busy." Linde said unhappily, and then Linde's tone became serious again, "But I have one more thing to remind you."

"What?" Andersen calmed down.

"Don't leave seeds outside." Linde said lightly, "You should know that you are no longer a normal crow, but I am not sure whether you have reproductive isolation, so absolutely, absolutely, absolutely do not lay eggs for me outside."

"...I don't lay eggs, I am a boy..."

"I mean, don't make some eggs related to you!"

Andersen was stunned. He didn't expect his boss to say such a thing, but it seemed... quite reasonable.

So he could only nod helplessly and repeatedly promised that he would suppress his instincts and never mess around.

Seeing his attitude, Linde was relieved and nodded, "Go now!"

Andersen looked at the dim sky outside and didn't understand why he hurriedly called him to leave now. "Did you forget to bring me food?!"

"...Uh, would I make such a low-level mistake? I just want to cultivate your ability to live independently!"

"You must have forgotten." Andersen said.


After seeing Andersen off, Lind began to explore the study room, but he found that many of the books here were either from the ordinary world and not related to magic, or were available in the Hogwarts library.

He looked at two bookshelves and found only more than ten books related to magic that Hogwarts did not have. Among them, excluding some things that were not related to magic spells, such as biographies, historical materials, etc., there were only four books that he had never seen in Hogwarts.

He picked up a book at random, "Bohemian Primitive Witchcraft"


Perhaps many people don't know what ethnic group this Bohemian is, because Bohemians is the name for them in France, but if you mention their name in the UK - Gypsies, then it is estimated that many people will understand.

This ethnic group is one of the most famous cross-border ethnic groups, and they can be found in Eurasia. This ethnic group has a paranoid and crazy romantic plot for "wandering", so their biggest feature is that they have no fixed place to live.

In many parts of Europe, many gypsies live in shanty towns with extremely poor living conditions, and they often clash with residents of other ethnic groups.

And because of their ethnic customs, non-gypsies generally have a bad impression of gypsies, believing that gypsies cannot integrate into the mainstream of society, and often understand them as beggars, thieves, or human traffickers - this is extremely obvious in many European and American films and TV shows.

Also often mentioned about this ethnic group in film and television culture is their witchcraft.

Among them, divination is the main one, such as crystal ball divination and tarot divination, which are very classic and common gypsy divination methods.

Of course, Lind did not read this book to learn the mysterious divination. He did not deny that there is such a thing as divination in this world, but he felt that his destiny should be determined and controlled by himself.

A priest once said, "Those who are awakened are always happy." It means that if everyone can understand their future, then they will have the awareness to face and change the future, that is - "heaven".

But Lind doesn't think so. The future should be something illusory. If the future is seen, his expectations for the future will be infinitely reduced, and he will easily lack the expectation and desire to strive for life. This is the most tragic thing.

He opened the book and started reading from the preface, and then began to introduce the history of gypsy witchcraft. Lind was not in a hurry. He sat down at the table and began to read slowly page by page.

During this time, Mrs. Figg asked him to go downstairs for dinner. At the same time, Lind stroked the cats. In addition to the litter of ragdolls, there were three Maine Coons and a British shorthair, which dazzled Lind.

After stroking them casually, he returned to the study and started reading.

During this time, he also kept looking at Harry's house, opening his fin ears and square pupils, but he didn't find any interesting information.

At the same time, Linde carefully used his magic wand to draw a circular magic array on the table. This magic array was recorded in the book, and it was a floating array.

This was also the first time Linde came into contact with a magic array in this world. He only knew about alchemy arrays before, and this was the first time he saw a magic array.

After drawing the array, Linde carefully injected magic power into the array.

However, the magic power just overflowed into the air, just like wanting to blow up a balloon, but the balloon was leaking and couldn't be blown up no matter how hard you blow it.

"Well... I'll buy some materials tomorrow to try." Linde didn't have any expression. He didn't have enough materials himself. He just drew casually and tried some of these spells.

Moreover, the materials written in the book were not difficult to collect. They could all be bought in the ordinary world. Basically, he could collect them all in one trip to the mall.

He looked at the time, 1:30 in the morning. He looked at the number of pages in the book in his hand again, and then put the book away.

There was a desk lamp in the room, but he didn't turn it on. Instead, he used his powerful vision to read. If he turned on the light every night, it would be too conspicuous, and... the electricity bill would be high.

He came to the small bed, where his suitcase was placed. After twisting the button and adjusting the room number, Lind opened the box and jumped in.

This was the room he used to make medicine before, but now the bottles and jars that were originally piled in the corner have been moved to another room by him. At this time, this room is empty.

There is only a chair in the middle of the room, and next to the chair is the ordinary piano he bought before, and in front of the chair is a small table.

There are many parchments on the table, with five-line scores drawn on them, as well as a comparison table of neumes and commonly used notes now.

Taking out "The Revelation of Tide Calling", Lind sat on the chair and began to translate the "Music Spell" of the Ocean Singer.

Because of the differences in the cognition of the times, this translation is not as simple as a simple translation. In the translation, the meanings of many neumes have no counterparts in the current music score system.

This also led to the fact that the music scores Lind compiled himself were also very strange. Sometimes there would be strange overlaps, overwriting, etc., and outsiders could not understand it at all.

Taking out the feather pen, he began to continue translating a score called "Impulse Impulse". He had been working on this score for three days and had only finished about half of it.

As for playing directly by looking at the neumes? ! He couldn't do it. He didn't know much about these symbols. He translated while trying to play. If he played directly according to the neumes, he didn't know where it would go wrong.

It's not that he hadn't tried it before. He played directly according to the neumes, but the result was not rhythmic at all.

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