After a while, Madam Hooch came back. Looking at the messy lawn and the bruised little wizards, and thinking about the grievances between the two colleges, she immediately understood what happened.

"Gathering to fight. Gryffindor and Slytherin will each be deducted 40 points. And I will report it to the dean of your college. You wait for the punishment!"

What happened at the beginning was something she had to bear. Who knew that these little wizards would teach her a good lesson just when she sent Neville and Harry to the infirmary.

The group led by Malfoy didn't care much. Everyone knew that their dean, Professor Snape, was most partial to his own students, not to mention that the one who was beaten was Gryffindor.

Ron and Seamus were completely different. Professor McGonagall's furious face suddenly appeared in front of them. Even Lind's roommate David thought about what would happen if he was expelled.

Hogwarts doesn't need such disobedient little guys who fight not long after school starts.

His face turned pale, and he trembled as he finished the next flying class.

Once the flying class was over, there were no more classes for the day. On his way back to the common room, Lind saw Harry and Professor McGonagall.

Harry had an indelible smile on his face, and even with Professor McGonagall next to him, he still felt like he couldn't hold back his laughter.

Others might think that Harry didn't have to be expelled, or that he was laughing because he didn't receive any serious punishment.

But Lind thought that he was so happy because he had shown off his skills in the flying class before, and then Professor McGonagall took a fancy to him and made him into the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Lind nodded to Harry and was about to say hello to Professor McGonagall, but he didn't expect Professor McGonagall to speak before him.

Her usual serious expression in class was gone, on the contrary, she looked very happy now.

"Linde, I've heard about the flying class. It was a great performance, very Gryffindor-like."

"Professor McGonagall, I just did what I should do." Linde smiled at Professor McGonagall, and then his expression became the same as Jane's in the magical animal store that day. There was a kind of pride that was tried hard to hide.

Professor McGonagall saw Linde's expression and couldn't help but laughed with her mouth covered. Then, as if she remembered something, she said to Linde.

"By the way, Professor Flitwick was looking for you just now. I wonder if there are other little wizards who have notified you. If you don't know yet, go quickly."

Linde really didn't know about this, and hurriedly thanked Professor McGonagall, then turned and walked in another direction.

On the way to Professor Flitwick's office, he also met Jane. She told Linde that Professor Flitwick was looking for him.

After thanking Jane, Linde came to a room on the seventh floor of the castle, which was Professor Flitwick's office.

Just as Linde was about to knock on the door, the door opened by itself, as if it already knew who was coming.

Once inside, most of the furnishings in the room are relatively short, which should be convenient for the professor's daily life.

The reception chairs are of normal size. There are many medals and trophies on the right side of the room. Linde looked carefully and found that they were basically medals of wizard duels of varying sizes. The golden belt in the middle was the most eye-catching.

There was another photo frame next to the medals. The photos on it were either Flitwick dodging spells or casting some unknown powerful spells with a fierce look on his face.

Professor Flitwick was writing something at the table. He seemed to have known who was coming. When Linde stepped in, he had just finished writing the last stroke.

Putting the feather pen into the ink bottle, Professor Flitwick looked up at Linde with a satisfied look on his face.

"Mr. Augustus, you did a great job!"

"Excuse me, professor, what are you talking about..." Lind looked puzzled.

"Oh, I was just taking a spell class, and a little wizard happened to be slightly injured. You know, improper spell casting can easily cause serious consequences to yourself." Professor Flitwick said.

Lind also nodded. He has changed his schedule in the past few days. Every night, he would go to the Room of Requirement to practice spells after his roommates fell asleep. He would usually make himself covered with wounds, and then he would dive into the water in the middle of the night.

When he is in the water, his injuries will heal much faster. But there are also serious mistakes. If Lind takes off his clothes, you can see his bruised chest and back.

That was the accident when he tried to practice the spell in "Practical Spells: III" - Wind Whirl.

The Wind Whirl spell will send out a strong wind that only affects an individual.

The person attacked by this spell will only feel a very violent wind blowing in a certain direction, but the person next to him will not be affected at all. He can't even feel any wind.

After repeated attempts with wooden sticks, he decided to use a magic wand to try to release this magic.

After many attempts, he successfully released this spell, but after success, he could not control the power of this spell at all.

The power of the wind whirlwind acting on the puppet was beyond his imagination.

The violent wind blew towards the puppet, blowing it directly against the wall behind it, and then the whole puppet suddenly exploded. Fragments splashed out.

Even though he used armor to protect himself as quickly as possible, he was still seriously injured.

After that, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​practicing such advanced magic spells. It was not something he should be exposed to now. Some spells are so powerful that they can easily cause immeasurable harm to yourself and others.

At least not until second grade.

Professor Flitwick continued. "Then I met Mrs. Hooch, Neville, and Potter there. They told me the ins and outs of the incident."

"Mr. Augustus, no, Linde, it's okay for me to call you that!"

"Of course, it's my honor." Although Linde doesn't know what will happen yet, looking at the current situation. is a good thing.

"Lind, I met Professor McGonagall. We have been teachers at Hogwarts for decades. I know her very well, and their house is currently short of a talented Quidditch player. But you know, First-year students are not allowed to join Quidditch."

Flitwick paused for a moment before continuing.

“I have a club of my own, called the Charms Club. The basic requirement for joining this club is to get an O in Charms in the OWLs exam.

These children will learn from each other and exchange a lot of magic knowledge.

Now I'm thinking, maybe be a rule-breaker if you want. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, otherwise the senior guys will not recognize you.

So, I don’t know if you have any ideas. "

Flitwick looked at Lind with a smile on his face.

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